275743 WNITE - CI7V CLERK ���r� S� PINK - FINANCE COUIICII �" A CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. v L$ BLUE - MAVOR ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, there exists a substantial demand for short term shopper parking in Downtown St. Paul which is expected to increase dramatically during the Christmas shopping season; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to participate in #'inding solutions to meet this demand; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to attract shoppers back to Downtown St. Paul by encouraging free parking weeknights and consistent low cost daytime rates; and WHEREAS, a three month promotion program to begin October (, 198Q, has been designed which involves City participation through reimbursement to participating private operator's operation and maintenance costs; and WHEREAS, participating private operators will provide free parking during the hours of 6:00 to 9:00 p,m, weeknights Monday through k'riday and 25� per 1/2 hour for up to not less than three hours during their other open hours; and WHEREAS, the City's cost for participating in this promotion program will not exceed $60,000 for the three month period for approximately 3,OQQ parking spaces; the source of these funds being the "Parking Fund"; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to negotiate and execute on behalf of the City and in a form and manner approved by the City Attorney's Office, an Agreement with. the individual parking operators willing to participate in this program. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays B tler ,��, � H za [n Favor Levine � • M��+aox __ Against BY — ,� M d M��Aar�on owalt_ Sho�:���!�e; � ^ � T"'�� Form d b C' Adopted by Counci`����,�., Date �CT .� aggn Y Certified P•:se b C cil Secreta ' '� �"� � � i�-•-�^ ' t�p v by 1Navor: Date_ D�T � �Q�� Approved ayot for Submis ' Councill C� n � BY - - — BY �—c� D 0 CT 1 1 1984