00-916� / ����� r L2�,� /� Council Fi1e # � �: . � D t � p Green S6eet # � `� � 7 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �q t Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 Creation of the Saint Paul Airport Relations Council 2 3 WHEREAS, theMinneapolis Saint Paul International Airport and the Saint Paul Downtown /Holman Field Airport 4 are necessary components in the mix of transportation and economic activity for the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREA5, the operation of these airports involve negative impacts in the form of noise pollution, traffic congestion, properiy depreciation etc; and WHEREAS, several neighborhoods within Saint Paul abut these airports and are therefore subjected to the brunt of these negative impacts; and a WE3EREAS,thecurrentDowntownAirportAdvisoryCouncilwasformedbytheMetropolitanAirportsCommission 10 (MAC) to address airport issues emerging from the Saint Paul Downtown / Holman Field Airport; and 11 WF3EREA5, this advisory council has no mandate to address issues emerging from the Minneapolis Saint Paul 12 International Airport the expansion of which is negatively afFecting several neighborhoods in Saint Paul; and 73 WHEREAS, there eacists a need to have a Saint Paul Airport Relations Council to listen to the concerns of the 14 citizens of Saint Paul and to advise the Mayor and the City Council on issues pertaining to both The Minneapolis 15 5aint Paul International Airport and the Saint Paul Downtown / Holman Field Airport that may have an impact on 16 the City; now therefore be it 17 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul create the Saint Paul Airport Relations Council with its members appointed 18 by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. This appointed body of citizens, business people, government 19 official and airport industry specialists will incorporate input from citizens, neighborhood organizations and 20 businesses, present findings, and make recommendations to the Mayor and the City Council to deternune the best 21 course of action the City should take in order to have its concerns addressed by airport officials, the state legislature 22 or other governmental and non-governmental bodies prior to the development and implementation ofairport policies 23 that affect the City of Saint Paul. Special attention shall be paid to, but not limited to issues dealing with: 24 25 • flight patterns responsible for airport noise 1 airport safety / pollution; 26 • runway expansion; 27 • noise abatement programs; 28 • land use / rental car lots. 29 Be it further 30 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Airport Relations Council be comprised of twenty-three members. Appointments 31 shall be for three, two and one years or until their successors are appointed. Members shall be selected as follows: 32 1 representative from the business community; 1 1 representative from the airport industry; 2 1 representative from the Metropolitan Airports Commission; 3 8 representatives from District Councils 3, 4, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 which represents one member from each 4 district; 5 4 at-large representatives from the City of Saint Paul; 6 3 representatives from the Highland / Macalester Groveland azeas; and ? 3 representative from the Dayton's Bluffarea; 8 2 representatives from the environmental advocacy community. 9 The Commission shall be staffed by an employee chosen by the Administration. Meetings shall be held on the third 10 Monday of each month, unless otherwise deternvned by the Commission. All meetings shall be open to the public 11 and at least every other meeting shall be during evening hours. The Commission shall be established for a term of 12 three yeazs, before the end of which time the Councfl will consider an e�ctension of its term. Requested by Deparunent of: � Form Approved by City Attorney By: Adopfion Certified by Council Secre[ary By: `� _ _ a- . �--�c By: Approved by Mayor: Date � `� �'� � by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adopted by Council: Date ��_ _��o r 2 c, o-o DEPARTMENAOFFICHCOUNCIL CTPY COUNCII. � P�a1n�Hairis�Councilmember ?b6.%3 MUST 6E ON COIRJCIL AGENQ4 BY (DAT� 'September 28 2000 � xu RO OX TOTAL � OF SlGNATURE PAGES ���� �p�'''��� GREEN SHEET oo-�qtt� No t O�'v'�J� ■ u �..R,�,.� u �„� — � ❑ alrAnaeEV ❑ arcClillR ❑ wnxcr�mixersoa ❑ ww�auaan�ccta ❑ I�ilYall�lqAfTlWi� ❑ (CI.IP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Appxovat of iesolurion to disband Downwwn Airport Advisory Council and replace it with Saint Paul Aitport Relations Council. PIANNiNG CAMMISSION CIB COMMRTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMIS: Has this persoNfinn ererwror�tl uMer a conmact ro.this departnenn VES NO Flasthis oe�saJfirm aer been a a1Y emaiovae? YES No Goes Mis P�� W� a sk71 nol nortreNYG� M�Y currerit tilY �dof'ee? YES IVO IsMispe�oNfirmatarge[ed�endaYT , YES NO G�nentDowntownAirportAdvisory Council dces not address the issues comingfromtheMinneapolis SaintPaulInternationalAiiport. Citizens, businesses and neigLborhood groups'will Lave a velucle to voice their concerns about, airport issues to elected officials.. none unoue�r oF taarisacr� s $0.00 FUNDING SOURCE � FlNqNC1AL MFORMATON (EXPWN) caEtAtEVENUe BUO66TED (cIRC�E oNE) ACTNITY NIAM1BER �� �,�3rc4� G�r?er .N : h ✓ oR��tNA� Presentea Referr� To CouncilFile# ce�•qlf� GreenSheet# � 043�.�}, Committee Date Creation of the Saint Panl Airport Relations 2 WFTEREAS, thelVTinneapolis SaintPaui Tntemational Airport and the : 3 are necessary components in the miY of transportation and economic 4 WHEREAS, the operation of these airports involve negarive 5 congestion, property depreciation etc; and , WFIEREAS, several neighborhoods within Saint Paul abut these negative impacts; and , 8 WF�REAS, the current Downtown Airport Advis 9 the Saint Paul Downtown / Holman Field Airport; �1Downtown/HolmanField Aitport for the City of Saint Paul; and in the form of noise pollurion, traffic airports and aze therefore subjected to the brunt of was formed to address airport issues emerging from 10 WI�REAS, this advisory council has no m ate to address issues emerging from the Minneapolis Saint Paul i l Internationai Airport the �pansion of which ' negatively affecting several neighborhoods in Saint Paul; and 12 Wf�REAS, there eacists a need to have Saint Paul Airport Relations Council to listen to the concerns of the 13 citizens of Saint Paul and to advise the yor and the City Councii on issues pertaining to both The Minneapolis 14 Saint Paul International Airport and t Saint Paul Downtown! Holman Field Airport that may have an impact on 15 the City; now therefore be it 16 RESOLVED, that the current D wntown Airport Advisory Councii be disbanded and replaced by the Saint Paul 17 Airport Relations Council. This ppointed body of citizens, business people, government official and airport industry 18 specialists will incorporate ' ut from citizens, neighborhood organizations and businesses, present findings, and 19 make recommendations to e Mayor and the City Council to determine the best course of action the City should 20 take in order to haue its co cerns addressed by airport officials, the state legislature or other governmental and non- 21 governmental bodies pri r to the development and implementation of airport policies that affect the City of Saint 22 Paul. Special attentio hall be paid to, but not Iimited to issues dealing with: 23 24 • fligh atterns responsible for airport noise / airport safety / pollution; 25 • run ay e�ansion; 26 • n se abatement programs; 27 • d use / rental caz lots. 2& Be it further RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �9 RESOLV,FCf�, that the Saint Paul Airport Relations CouncIl be comprised of nineteen members appointed by the 30 Mayor and approved by the City Council. Appointments shall be for three, two and one yeazs or until their i 1 successors are appointed. Members shall be selected as follows: �ORIGINAL 1 1 representative &om the business community; 2 1 representative from the airport industry; 3 1 representative from the Metropolitan Airports Commission; 4 5 representatives from District Councils 3, 4, 14, 15, 17 which represents one member from 5 7 at-lazge regresentatives from the Gity of Saint Paul; 6 3 representatives from the H'ighland / Macalester Groveland azeas; and 7 1 representative from the Dayton's Bluff area. � 8 The Commission shall be staffed by an employee of the Department ofPlanning and Ec� 9 Meetings shall be held on the third Monday of each month. All meetings shall be open 10 evening hours. Proper notification shall include meeting notices, minutes of ineeting; Requested by Dep�a{ment of: oo-Q�b district; �Developmern (PED). public and held during ncies and reports. Adoption Certified by Cwncii Secretary � Approved by Mayor: Date Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor foz Submission to Council � :?'� Adopted by Council: Date / DEC-13-00 WED 02:54 PM DRYTONS BLUFF CENTER 7743510 P.02 Oo \,�� � � � %�,\ �� Dayton's Bluff District 4 Communi Council 798 E. �th Street, Saint Paul, MN 55106 • Phone 651-772-2075 • Faac 651-774-3510 Visit our web site at www.daytonsbluff.org December 13, 2000 Mr. Pat Harris Wazd 3 City Councilmemeber Room 320C, City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Pat: Thank you for visiting our monthly Community issues meeting this last Monday. Airport noise is an important issue in our community. Our board of directors passed a resolution in support of the Saint Paui Airport Relations Council with Dayton's Bluff having 4 members on that council. Thank you again for sharing your time with us. If you need more information please call me at 651,772.2075. Sincerely, i Jo}�n Vaughn Community Organizer i�����i������t�� •/ • / ' I / / / / / / / / �r����e������i��