275741 WHITE - CITY CLERK { A PINK - FINANCE COUtICll ���Li� CANARY^- DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L BL.UE �� - MAYOR File N O. d �� � ! uncil Resolution � � LPresented B Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHERF�,.S, A public hearing for a petition to vacate Midway Stadium is anticipated to be scheduled during the first part of Novea�r, 1980, and WHEREAS, City Council will require conceptual proposals for relocating Midway Stadium with prelinunary cost estirrtiates before any public hearing is scheduled so that public hearing testi�any and decision making can be made on factual data, and : WHEREAS, Any action related to the sale of the Midway Stadium site to the Part Authority for redevelopment purposes �uast be contingent upon the feasibility of financing a replaceme�zt facility of adequate size in a suitable location fram the proceeds frosn the sale of Midway Stadium, and W'HEREAS, The Parks arid Recreation Divi.sion of the Department of Camr�eanity Services has been requested to w�rk with the Planning Division of PED and the Public Works engineering staff to obtain the foll�aing information re- lating to the praposed Stadium relocatian site w�st of the Fire Training Center in an ex�ditious maYUZer so that th City Council will have reasonable data on which to base reco�unendations and decisian: 1) Site borings (if not available from the Amtrak study) 2) Conceptual facility scope, site layout and access layout 3) Preliminary construction cost estimates Page (1) of (2) COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt COmT�lulity SPxViCes Levi�e In FavOr Maddox McMahon B Showalter __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by :Nayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY WMITE - CITY CLERK s����� PINK ti FINANCE BL�ERY - MAYORMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL F1eci1N0. ouncil Resolution Presented Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Now Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, That the Mayor's Office request the Port Authority Co�nissioners to approve at their October 7 , 1980, meeting, the imnediate transfer of $35,000.00 to the Divison of Parks and Recreation to f�nance the costs associated with obtaining the basic information needed for decision making, with the understanding that if the City Council decides to sell Midway Stadium to the Port Authority, the $35,000 would be considered an advance of the sale proceeds. If the City Council decides not to se�t the site, the $35,000 would be returned to the Port Authority through future City Council action. Page (2) of (2) COUNCILMEN Requestgd Department of: Yeas Nays � �«s. �c lty S S Levine In Favor . Maddox � McMahon B snowaiter _ Against Y — �,c� _1 Wilson i OC'r �Q�� For pprove Ci y �e AdopCed by Council;" ate .��o.y ,�ertified N`as ed by C � Secr t�ry ` _By� � �--E?_ �' - Approved 'Navor: D te o4T 3 �� App ved by Mayor for bmi s' n to uncil B l` `�'G�/�"'�-- � BY � Y Y -�- ��.rsMEO 0 CT 1 i 1984 , . '� o:- � � . . :������. CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPAf:TM[NTAL MEMORANUUM October l, 1980 �: C�eorg� Mcl�iahon, Chairman Finance and Personnel Comnittee FRChti7: Greg Blees ��— � SLTBJECT: City Council's a�.,,�roval to incur up to $35,000 in costs for Midway Stadium Relocation Studies Based on City Council's actions oF SeptembFx 30, 1980, in erder to obtain information necr�ssary for City Council to make a decision on selling Midway Stadium early this Noveanbex, it will be necessary for the Division of Parks and Recreation to incur not more than $35,000 in costs for conceptual design, access engineering, and soil borings. Mr. Robert Sprafka has expressed a willingness to have the Port Authority consider at their October 6, 1980, m�ting the front end financing of these studies. ., _ .>, • _ ���'dt�uce'tT�re'.`at��he8"'�'�Y��"`�,t'°'`�]�'�i^it�'�+ds�� . .. ,.. � C7 , , , . . �"��' F�`^'�1�.'r �"��.,�z.�+ui��=''���'��''��1� I�osed 'I':�.?nk you for yo�.�.r ca�peration. G.N.E. cc: City Council P•��m]�rs Mayor Latimer Riochard Schsoed�r. B4rnard Carlson Thomas J. Kelley Robert Piram Roger Goski John Wirka Robert Spraika ���r�.: .� WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE CANARY - �EPARTMENT y�' �=y; BLUE - MAYOR C I Ty p F Council �.��� ���� SAINT PAUL � �� Council Resoluti File No. Presented By On Referred To Commi ttee: Date Out of Committee By Date is antic�' � b�e s�r..hedu�le�d du�r.na �titi.an tro vacate Midway Stadium J the first part of Novem�er� 1980, and WI�RF',�.5, City CounCil will require con�p�al Midway Stadium with prel.iminar�, cost estimates }�efore�sals for relocatinq is scheduled so that public heari.ng testi� y �1� hea�'ir�q made an factual data, and y � �ision making can be �REAS, Any action related to the sale of the M.i, to the Port Authority for redevelopment Stadium site the feasibility of finaricinq a replacem�nn�f�acili�st � � g�t upon suitable location from the �' °f ��a -,size in a Proceeds fran the sale of Midway Stadium, and ��5� The Par'ks and Recreation Division of the De Services has beEn requested to work with the Planning Divipsian of PID �ity the Public Works engineer,i.nq St�f � obtai.n the follawing �o�ti� r� lating t.o the proposed Stadium relocaticro site west of the Fire Traininq Center iri an ex�ditiaus m�ru1er so that th �ity Co��il will have reasonable data on which to b�ase rec�ations and decisi�: 1) Site borings (if not available fram the Amtrak Study) 2) Conceptual facility scope, site layout and access layout 3) Preliminary construction cost estimates Page (1) of (2) COUNC[LMEN Y�S Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt C031111UI1j„t�7 S�'V1CeS Levine In Favor Maddox --'- McMahon snowaite► �_ Against By Tedesco Wilson �dupted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney ertiGed Yassed by Council Secretary B Y B� pproved b} 1lavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Bti• _ . __._ ^ . . ���:�,�� YV�rfITE - GTY CLERK . PINK - FINANCE � . 1 � CANARY - I]EPARTMENT � T ■ ` �s� I) T COU[IC11 � HLUE - MAYOR �A.`1�`. CJ 1 �A,� C/��' SA I Joi T 1 t�j.I l..i � l,� File ���. _�� ;;,,,- ,%;� , ������� �es���st��� . � `� � 1�� ,�, i� �.._,�- Presented B�,._ - _- . -_.,'-- - �,, -- — '�..�__ � � �F— - ------ ---- - -- Referred To __—______ —_.__ — .___ Committee: Date — _._. 0 u t o f Com m i t t ee By -- ------ --- — Da te — —�-_.----- Now Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, That the A�ayor's Office rec�uest -the Port Authority Coi�iissioners to approve at their October 6, 1980, meeting, the immediate transfer of $35,000.QO to the Divison of Parks and Recreation to fin��nce the costs associated with ob-�ai.ning the basic information neec�� for decision making, with the understanding that if the City Council decides to sell Midway Stadium -to -t��e Port Authority, the $35,000 would be considerecl an advance of the sale proceeds. If the City Council decides not to seTt the site, the $35,000 would be returned to the Port Authority through future City Council ac�ion. ' Page (2) of (2) COUNC(L';41EN Requestgd Department of: Yeas N�+}�s Hunt � 1t�7 S V� -S Levine _ In FavoC ----- -- -- . — Maddox McMahon Showalter - -- Against BY ------- ------ ---- Tedesco Wilson For Approve y Ciky tt ne� � Adopted by Council: Date —___ ____—_____ �' � Certified F'assed by Council Secretary �-- �-.�.�-` �--- -�-� rt �� ----- l, Approved by :�lavor: Date ___ ____ T Approved by Mayoi for Submission to Cauncil