275740 WHITE - CITY CLERK � PINK - FINANCE COIIIICll ����4 CANARY�- DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L � BLUE - MAYOR File N O. • � Or ZIZGIIZCP. Ordinance NO. � ���a Presented By Referre To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 15742, as amended, entitled: "An ordinance granting to Northern States Power Company, the corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, a franchise to ttse the stre ets and other public property located in the City of Saint Paul for the purpose of conveying and supplying steam for all purposes for a term extending from January l, 1975 to December 31, 1984, prescribing rates which the Company may charge for such service, and determining the amount which the Company shall pay to the City for the use and occupancy of its streets and other public property. " THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 5ection l. That Appendix "A" of Section 502.06 of the Saint Paul Legisla- tive Code, as amended, is deleted in full and said Section 502.06 is further amended to read as follows : 502.06. The rates contained in amended Appendix "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof are duly constituted interim rates pending a final determination by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul of the application for rate increase filed by Company with City COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt �evine In FBVOi Maddox McMahon Showalter Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Appro ed by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ��� °j/�7Q Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � � /� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By WMITE - GTY CLERK . �^��� PINK - FINANCE CO1111C11 V CANARY�- DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I N T PA iT L BLUE . - MAYOR File N O. � . � l Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. /�7�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. on August 22, 1980, under Section 502.07 of the Legislative Code and are effective on all bills based on meter readings on and after October 15, 1980, subject to refund of any excess amount with interest at 8.25 percent per annum over the rates as finally established by the determination of the City Council. Section 2. The Company shall, within thirty (30) days after the passage, approval, and publication of this ordinance, file with the City Clerk of said City its written acceptance thereof in form to be approved by the City Attorney, and therein shall agree to abide by, keep and perform all of the terms, limitations, conditions and provisions of this ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force after the public hearing prescribed by law and thirty (30) days after its passage, approval, and publication, and upon its acceptance, as provided in Section 502.02 hereof. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt � Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon snowaite� d Against By Tedesco wi QCi� 2' � 1980 Form Appro ed by City Attorney Ado ed by Counci • Date -.. ertified P ed b Co ecretar B � Y Ap by Mayor: D 4 198Q Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �i�sHEfl N J V �. 19�0 . , r . {TANDARD RATE BHEET vo�uME -13th Revised SHEET rvo. 66 _� ' FORM 17•6t09 ` (substitutc) NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY RATE rvo. �.. �"����U II�PERIM STEAM SERVICE Stcarn Effective In: City of St Paul Availability: Available t�o oomnercial and industrial customers for general use of Steam Service. Steam Service furnished from low pressure mains is available from September 1 to May 31, inclusive; and Steam Service furnished from high pressure mains is available the entire year. Rate: � • First 200 000 lbs of v�ndensate per mpnth @ $10.00 per 1 000 lbs Next 300 000 lbs of o�ndensate per mc�nth @ $ 9.14 per 1 000 lbs Next 500 000 lbs of oondensate per m�nth @ $ 8.15 per 1 000 lbs Next 2 000 000 lbs of wndensate per m�nth @ $ 7.48 per 1 000 lbs Excess lbs of wndensate per mr�nth @ $ 6.75 per 1 000 lbs Monthly Minim�nn Charge: $20.00 per meter Fuel Clause: There shall be added tr� or deducted from the net rmnthly bill, 2.2� per thousand pounds of steam for the first whole one-half oent increase above or decrease below $1.361 per million Btu and for each whole cent change thereafter in the average o�st of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the steam production plant of I�brthern States Power Co�any supplying steam to its St Paul distribution system and shall include the o�sts in FERC Account 501 - Fuel for Such Steam Production Plant. , Pro�t Payment Provision: A charge of 5� will be added tr� net bill, wrr�uted at the rate shown above, which charge shall c�nstitue a diso�unt from gross bill for payment within the disv�unt period. Surcharge: A surcharge of 8.7$ will be included in the gross and net m�nthly bills oo�rQuted under this rate schedule. ISSUED EFp'ECTIVE AUTHORIZED BY EXHIBIT ��A�� DATE . • BT�NDARD RATE 6HEET VOLUME Sth Revised SHEET r,o. 66.1 x ., " FORM ��•eio� (substitute) �}�`����A o NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY RATE NO. �-� `$ INrERIM II�ERRUPTIBLE STEAM SERVICE Steam Effective In: City of St Paul Availability: Available on an interruptible basis tr� oommercial and industrial customers that are located on portions of the Company's steam distribution system having adequate capacity t�o serve customer's interrup- tible load without irr�airing service tA other customers. Extensions or enlargement of the Conpany's distribution facilities required tA serve an interruptible load will be made in accordance with the Corr�any's General Rules and Regulations. The total capacity of all interruptible customers shall be limited� tA the excess capacity of Co�any's steam production plant after service requirements to its firm customers are met. Customer will agree tA (1) curtail his use of steam whenever requested tA do so by the Conpany; and (2) provide necessary enerqy requirements durinq curtailment from another source. This rate will be in effect oomnencing with the meter reading of October and ending with meter reading of May of tYie following year. During the meter reading mQnths of June through September, steam service will be available under the steam service rate in effect at that time. Character of Service: The delivery of steam hereunder shall be curtailed upon request of Conpany. Such requests shall be made as far in advance as possible. . Rate: Per 1 000 lbs $5.59 Monthly Minimum Charge: The minimum bill for service rendered hereunder shall be $20.00 per meter, the amount prorated for curtailment periods. Fuel Clause: There shall be added t�o or deducted from the net m�nthly bill, 2.2j� per thousand pounds of steam for the first whole one-half oent increase above or decrease below $1.361 per million Btu and for each whole cent change thereafter in the average oost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the steam production plant of Northern States Power Coin�any supplying steam t�o its St Paul distribution system and shall include the oosts in FERC Account 501 - Fuel for Such Steam Production Plant. (Continued on following sheet) ISSUED EFFECTIVE AUTHORIZED BY DATE . � ,• i � BT�NDARD RATE 6HEET VOLUME 5th Revised SHEET rvo. 66.2 R + FO RM 1 7•6 I 09 . . r'd r `LJ i �� NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY RATE NO. �'' � II�Tl'ERIM I[�TrERRUPTIBLE STEAM SERVICE (Continued) Steam Additional Charge for Use of Steam During CurtaiLnent: Tf customer fails tr� curtail his use of steam when requested tr� do so by C�mpany, he shall �y in addition t� the above rate an amount of $13.00 per thousand pounds of steam used in excess of the wlume tA which customer was requested tA curtail. Such payment, however, shall rr�t preclude Co�any from shutting off customer's supply of steam in the event of customers' failure t�o curtail his use thereof when requested t�o cb so. Emergency Steam Service for Interruptible Steam Customers: flnergency steam service for interruptible steam customers during periods of curtailment may be available if Corr�any's ability tA furnish such emergency service wi1T not, in Cor�any's judgment, oompromise Com�any's ability tr� provide firm steam service t�o its firm steam customers. flnergency steam service to curtailed interruptible steam customers will be approved by Coripany provided: 1. F�nergency steam service is requested by customer and such request is confircned in writing no later than 48 hours after the initial request. If the initial request is in writing, the 48 hour provision is fulfilled. 2. The emergency is in the nature of a breakdown of standby equipment which o�uld not reasonably have been foreseen by customer. The rate for emergency steam service shall be $9.00 per 1 000 pounds of steam used during the emergency period. The emergency period shall end when customer's standy equipment is repaired and customer has notified Co�any or the end of the curtailment during which the emergency steam ser- vice was requested. Pror�t Paym�nt Provision: A charge of 5� will be added t,� net bill, oomputed at the rates shown above, which shall wnstitue a discount from gross bill for payment within the disoount period. Surcharge: A surcharge of 8.7� wi11 be included in the gross and net monthly bills oo�uted under this rate schedule. Term of Agreement: Interruptible Steam Service agreement shall be for a term of not less than one year. Upon expiration of the term, agreement remains in effect until terminated by at least thirty days' notice by either �rty. ISSUED EFFECTIVE AUTHORIZED BY DATE • BT�NDkRD RATE 9HEET � VOLUME 13th Revised SHEET No. 66 FO RM 1 7•b 1 Q9 � (substitute) ���,r��-�.; NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY RATE NO. �;;, ,� � ��� II�frERIM STEAM SERVICE Steam Effective In. City of St Paul Availability: Available tA vonmercial and industrial customers for general use of Steam Service. Steam Service furnished from low pressure mains is available from September 1 to May 31, inclusive; and Steam Service furnished from high pressure mains is available the entire year. Rate: First 200 000 lbs of �ndensate per m�nth @ $10.00 per 1 000 lbs Next 300 000 lbs of oondensate per mpnth @ $ 9.14 per 1 000 lbs - Next 500 OOO lbs of o�ndensate per mr�nth @ $ 8.15 per 1 000 lbs Next 2 000 000 lbs of v�ndensate per m�nth @ $ 7.48 per 1 000 lbs Excess lbs of oondensate per m�nth @ $ 6.75 per 1 000 lbs Monthly Minimum Charge: $20.00 per meter Fuel Clause: There shall be added tr� or deducted from the net m�nthly bill, 2.2� per thousand pounds of steam for the first whole one-half eent increase above or decrease below $1.361 per million Btu and for each whole cent change thereafter in the average wst of fuel used during the preceding twelve mpnths by the steam production plant of Northern States Power Co�any supplying steam to its St Paul distribution system and shall include the �sts in FERC Account 501 - Fuel for Such Steam Production Plant. Prom�t Payment Provision: A charge of 5� will be added tr� net bill, oomputed at the rate shown above, which charge shall oonstitue a disoount from gross bill for payment within the disoount period. Surcharge: A surcharge of 8.7� will be included in the gross and net rronthly bills w�uted under this rate schedule. ISSUED EF1=ECTIVE AUTHORIZED BY DATE EXHIBIT "A" � BTANDARD RATE 6HEET � VOLUME 5th I�vised SHEET r,o. 66.1 FORM 17-610A � NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY (substitute) ����r-��b RATE NO. Er INrERIM I1�TPERRUPTIBLE STEAM SERVICE Steam Effective In: City of St Paul Availability: Available on an interruptible basis tr� oomnercial and industrial customers that are located on portions of the Com�any's steam distribution system having adequate capacity t,� serve customer's interrup- tible load without impairing service t�o other customers. Extensions or enlargement of the Conpany's distribution facilities required t,o serve an interruptible load will be made in accordance with the Cor�any's General Rules and Regulations. The botal capacity of all interruptible customers shall be limitgd tr� the excess capacity of Com�any's steam production plant after service requirements t�o its firm customers are met. Customer will agree t�o (1) curtail his use of steam whenever requested tA do so by the Co�any; and (2) provide necessary energy requirements during curtailment from another source. This rate will be in effect oonmencing with the meter reading of October and ending with meter reading of May of the following year. During the meter reading mpnths of June through September, steam service will be available under the steam service rate in effect at that time. Character of Service: The delivery of steam hereunder shall be curtailed upon request of Conpany. Such requests shall be made as far in advance as possible. Rate: Per 1 000 lbs $5.59 Monthly Minimum Charge: The minimum bill for service rendered hereunder shall be $20.00 per meter, the amount prorated for curtailment periods. Fuel Clause: There shall be added t�o or deducted from the net mc�nthly bill, 2.2j� per thousand pounds of steam for the first whole one-half oent increase above or decrease below $1.361 per million Btu and for each whole cent change thereafter in the average oost af fuel used during the preceding twelve mr�nths by the steam production plant of Northern States Power Corr�any supplying steam to its St Paul distribution system and shall include the wsts in FERC Account 501 - Fuel for Such Steam Production Plant. (Continued on following sheet) ISSUED EFFECTIVE AUTHORIZED BY pATE . � Y BT�NDARD RATE BHEET VOLUME 5th Revised SHEET rvo. 66.2 i'O RM 17.f1 I00 � NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY RATE NO. � �V`�� � �'� �40 II�Tl'�RIM I[�TrERRUPTIBLE STEAM SERVICE (Continued) Steam Additional Charge for Use of Steam During Curtailment: If customer fails tA curtail his use of steam when requested .t�o cb so by Co�any, he shall p�y in addition to the above rate an amount of $13.00 per thousand pounds of steam used in excess of the wlume tr� which customer was rnquested tr� curtail. Such payment, however, shall not preclude Company from shutting off customer's supply of steam in the event of customers' failure t�o curtail his use thereof when requested tA do so. flnergency Steam Service for Interruptible Steam Customers: F]nergency steam service for interruptible steam customers during periods of curtailment may be available if Co�any's ability to furnish such emergency service will r�ot, in Cor�any's judgment, wmpromise Com�aany's ability tr� provide firm steam service tA its firm steam customers. Emergency steam service to curtailed interruptible steam customers will be approved by Corr�any provided: l. �nergency steam service is requested by customer and such request is confirmed in writing no later than 48 hours af ter the initial request. If the initial request is in writing, the 48 hour provision is fulfilled. 2. The emergency is in the nature of a breakdown of standby equipment which oould not reasonably have been foreseen by customer. The rate for emergency steam service shall be $9.00 per 1 000 pounds of steam used during the emergency period. The emergency period shall end when customer's standy equipment is repaired and customer has notified Company or the end of the curtailmen�t during which the emergency steam ser- vice was requested. Prom�t Payment Provision: A charge of 5� will be added t�o net bi:ll, oomputed at the rates shown above, which shall o�nstitue a diswunt from gross bill for p�yment within the disaount period. Surcharge: A surcharge of 8.7$ will be included in the gross and net mpnthly bills oomputed under this rate schedule. Term of Agreement: Interruptible Steam Service agreement shall be for a term of not less than one year. Upon expiration of the term, agreement remains in effect until terminated by at least thirty days' notice by either party. ISSUE� EFI=ECTIVE AUTHORIZED BY DATE . � � BT�NDARD RATH BHEET vo�uME � 13th Fdevised SHEET n,o. 66 FO RM 1'7.E 1 09 (substitute) NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY RA7E rvo. � �•� :�� � II�PERIM STEAM SERVICE Steam Effective In: City of St Paul Availability: Available t,o o�mnercial and industrial customers for general use of Steam Service. Steam Service furnished from low pressure mains is available from September 1 to May 31, inclusive; and Steam Service furnished from high pressure mains is available the entire year. Rate: First 200 000 lbs of oondensate per m�nth @ $10.00 per 1 000 lbs Next 300 000 lbs of oondensate per nnnth @ $ 9.14 per 1 000 lbs Next 500 000 lbs of o�ndensate per month @ $ 8.15 per 1 000 lbs Next 2 000 000 lbs of �ndensate per m�nth @ $ 7.48 per 1 000 lbs Excess lbs of oondensate per m�nth @ $ 6.75 per 1 000 lbs Monthly Minimam Charge: $20.00 per meter Fuel Clause: There shall be added t�o or deducted from the net m�nthly bill, 2.2� per thousand pounds of steam for the first whole one-half oent increase above or decrease below $1.361 per million Btu and for each whole cent change thereafter in the average oost of fuei used during the preceding twelve m�nths by the steam production plant of Northern States Power Co�any supplying steam bo its St Paul distribution system and shall include the aosts in FERC Account 501 - Fuel for Such Steam Production Plant. Pro�t Payment Provision: A charge of 5� will be added tr� net bill, oo�uted at the rate shown above, which charge shall oonstitue a disoount from gross bill for payment within the dis�unt period. Surcharge: A surcharge of 8.7� will be included in the gross and net m�nthly bills oo�uted under this rate schedule. ISSUED EFI=ECTIVE AUTHORIZED BY F�HIBIT ��A�� DATE BT�NDARD RATE 6HEET VOLUME 5th Revised SHEET No.� 66•1 FOHM 17•etn�� (substitute) NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY RATE NO.�•T>��� �y� ��� It�fl'ERIM II�TrERRUPTIBLE STEAM SERVICE Steam Effective In: City of St Paul Availability: Available on an interruptible basis t�o oocmiercial and industrial customers that are located vn portions of the Com�aany's steam distribution system having adequate capacity tA serve customer's interrup- tible load without impairing service t�o other customers. Extensions or enlargement of the ConQany's distribution facilities required tr� serve an interruptible load will be made in accordance with the Co�any's General Rules and Regulations. �he t�otal capacity of all interruptible customers shall be limited t,o the excess capacity of Go�any's steam production plant after service requirements t�o its firm customers are met. Customer will agree to (1) curtail his use of steam whenever requested tA do so by the Co�any; and (2) provide necessary energy requirements during curtailment from another source. This rate will be in effect v�mnencing with the meter reading of October and ending with meter reading of May of the following year. During the meter reading mQnths of June throuqh September, steam service will be available under the steam service rate in effect at that time. Character of Service: The delivery of steam hereunder shall be curtailed upon request of Go�rQany. Such requests shall be made as far in advance as possible. Rate: Per 1 000 lbs $5.59 Monthly Minimum Charge: The minimum bill for service rendered hereunder shall be $20.00 per meter, the amount prorated for curtailment periods. Fuel Clause: There shall be added to or deducted from the net mQnthly bill, 2.2� per thousand pounds of steam for the first whole one-half oent increase above or decrease below $1.361 per million Btu and for each whole cent change thereafter in the average wst of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the steam production plant of Northern States Power Com�any supplying steam to its St Paul distribution system and shall include the wsts in FERC Account 501 - Fuel for Such Steam Production Plant. (Continued on following sheet) ISSUED EFI=ECTIVE AUTHORIZED BY DATE - , r � BT�NDARD RATf BMEET VOLUME S�YI �V1SeC� SHEET rvo. 66.2 FORM t�•eioa ,_ „�. NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY RATE No. �� ���y��� � IIJrERIM II�TrERRUPTIBLE STEAM SERVICE (Continued) Steam Additional Charge for Use of Steam During CurtaiLnent: If customer fails tr� curtail his use of steam when requested t,o do so by Com�any, he shall pay in addition to the above rate an amount of $13.00 per thousand pounds of steam used in excess of the volume t,o which customer was requested t� curtail. Such payment, however, shall not preclude Com�any from shutting off customer's supply of steam i.n the event of customers' failure tA curtail his use thereof when requested t�o do so. F�nergency Steam Service for Interruptible Steam Customers: �nergency steam service for interruptible steam customers during periods of curtailment m�y be available if Corr�any's ability t� furnish such emergency service will not, in Co�any's judgment, vom�romise Com�any's ability tr� provide firm steam service to its firm steam customers. E�mergency steam service t,� curtailed interruptible steam customers will be approved by Co�any provided: 1. F�nergency steam service is requested by customer and such request is confirmed in writing no later than 48 hours after the initial request. If the initial request is in writing, the 48 hour provision is fulfilled. 2. The em�rgency is in the rlature of a breakdown of standby equipment which oould not reasonably have been foreseen by customer. The rate for emergency steam service shall be $9.00 per l 000 pounds of steam used during the emergency period. The emergency period shall end when customer's standy equipment is repaired and customer has notified Corrg�any or the end of the curtailment during which the emergency steam ser- vice was requested. Pro�t Payment Provision: A charge of 5� will be added t,o net bill, oo�uted at the rates shown above, which shall vonstitue a disoount from gross bill for gayment within the diswunt period. Surcharge: A surcharge of 8.7$ will be included in the gross and net mQnthly bills o�mputed under this rate schedule, Term of Agreement: Interruptible Steam Service agreement shall be for a term of not less than one year. Upon expiration of the term, agreement remains in effect until terminated by at least thirty days' notice by either party. ISSUED EFI=ECTIVE AUTHORIZED BY DATE � � BTANDAqD RATE BHEET VOLUME 13�Y1 I�V1SeC3 SHEET No. 66 FO RM 1�7.6 1 09 (substitute) NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY RATE NO... t:�a:';e t� �,� � � � �� INrERIM STEAM SERVICE Steam Effective In: �ity of St Paul Availability: Avai�able t�o ooimlercial and industrial customers for genera}. use of Steam Service. Steam Service furnished from low pressure mains is available from September I to May 31, inclusive; and Steam Service furnished from high pressure mains is available the entire year. Rate: First 200 000 lbs of o�ndensate per month @ $10.00 per l 000 lbs Next 300 000 lbs of o�ndensate per mcmth @ $ 9.14 per 1 000 lbs Next 500 000 lbs of oondensate per m�nth @ $ 8.15 per 1 000 lbs Next 2 000 000 lbs of oondensate per m�nth @ $ 7.48 per 1 000 lbs Excess lbs of wndensate per month @ $ 6.75 per 1 OOO lbs Monthly Minimum Charge: $20.00 per meter Fuel Clause: There shall be added t�o or deducted from the net m�nthly bill, 2.2� per thousand pounds of steam for the first whole one-half oent increase above or decrease below $1.361 per million Btu and for each whole cent change thereafter in the average o�st of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the steam production plant of I�brthern States Power Co�any supplying steam t�o its St Paul distribution system and shall include the oosts in FERC Account 501 - Fuel for Such Steam Production Plant. Pro�t Payment Provision: A charge of 5$ will be added tr� net bill, oom�uted at the rate shown above, which charge shall wnstitue a disoount from gross bill for payment within the disoount period. Surcharge: A surcharge of 8.7� will be included in the gross and net mc�nthly bills oo�uted under this rate schedule. ISSUED EFFECTIVE AUTHORIZED BY EXHIBIT ��A�� DATE � BT�NDARO RATE BHEET - VOLUME 5th Revised SHEET No.� 66.1 FO RM 1 7•6 1 Oo (substitute) NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY RATE NO.j ,,���,.� ��� ��� IIJrERIM II�TrERRUPTIBLE STEAM SERVICE Steam Effective In: City of St Paul Availability: Available on an interruptible basis t,� o�mnercial and industrial custo►ners that are located on portions of the Cort�any's steam distribution system having adequate capacity tr� serve customer's interrup- tible load without impairing service t�o other customers. Extensions or enlargement of the Co�any's distribution facilities required tA serve an interri�ptible load will be made in accordance with the Com�any's General Rules and Regulations. The total capacity of all interruptible customers shall be limited tA the excess capacity of CA�any's steam production plant after service requirements t,o its firm customers are met. Customer will agree to (1) curtail his use of steam whenever requested tA do so by the Co�any; and {2) provide necessary energy requirements during curtai]ment from another source. This rate will be in effect oomnencing with the meter reading of October and ending with meter reading of May of the following year. During the meter reading mpnths of June through September, steam service will be available under the steam service rate in effect at that time. Character of Service: The delivery of steam hereunder shall be curtailed upon request of Co�any. Such requests shall be made as far in advance as possible. Rate: Per 1 000 lbs $5.59 Monthly Minimum Charge: The minimum bill for service rendered hereunder shall be $20.00 per meter, the amount prorated for curtailment periods. Fuel Clause: There shall be added tr� or deducted from the net mcmthly bill, 2.2� per thousand pounds of steam for the first whole one-half oent increase above or decrease below $1.361 per million Btu and for each whole cent change thereafter in the average o�st of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the steam production plant of Northern States Power Coir�any supplying steam to its St Paul distribution system and shall include the vosts in FERC Account 501 - Fuel for Such Steam Production Plant. (Continued on following sheet) ISSUED EFFECTIVE AUTHORIZED BY DATE - `� � BT�NDARD RATE BHEET VOLUME 5th Revised SHEET rvo. 66.2 FO RM 1 7•6 1 09 RATE NO. �,�`� 1;`�°t,Y���1 NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY �k. i V II�TrERIM II�TPERR[JPTIBLE STEAM SERVICE (Continued) Steam Additional Charge for Use of Steam During CurtaiLnent: If customer fails tA � curtail his use of steam when requested t�o do so by Co�any, he shall p�y in addition to the above rate an amount of $13.00 per thousand pounds of steam used in excess of the wlume tr� which customer was requested t�o curtail. Such payment, hawever, shall not preclude Com�any from shutting off customer's supply of steam in the event of customers' failure t�o curtail his use thereof when requested tA cb so. E�►ergency Steam Service for Interruptible Steam Customers: Elnergency steam service for interruptible steam customers during periods of curtai]ment m�y be available if Co�any's ability tr� furnish such emergency service will r�ot, in Cor�any's judgment, w�romise Co�any's abilit� tr� provide firm steam service tA its firni steam customers. Emergency steam service to curtailed interruptible steam customers will be approved by Co�any provided: 1. �nergency steam service is requested by customer and such request is confirn�ed in writing rp later than 48 hours after the initial request. If the initial request is in writing, the 48 hour provision is fulfilled. 2. The emergency is in the nature of a breakdown of standby equipment which o�uld not reasonably have been foreseen by customer. The rate for emergency steam service shall be $9.00 per 1 000 pounds of steam used during the emergency period. The emergency period shall end when customer's standy equipment is repaired and customer has notified Com�any or the end of the curtailment during which the emergency steam ser- vice was requested. Prom�t Payment Provision: A charge of 5$ will be added t� net bill, oo�uted at the rates shown above, which shall wnstitue a disoount from gross bill for payment within the diswunt period. Surcharge: A surcharge of 8.7� will be included in the gross and net imnthly bills oom�uted under this rate schedule. Term of Agreement: Interruptible Steam Service agreement shall be for a term of not less than one year. Upon expiration of the term, agreement remains in effect until terminated by at least thirty days' notice by either p�rty. ISSUED EFFECTIVE AUTHORIZED BY DATE _ - - - _ _- - -- - . - -- - - _ _ _ -- - -- - _. _-- - --- _ __ _-- -___ .- -- __. _ _. __.__ a�' t� � WHITE - CITYCLERK � ��_. �� �/'��� PINK - FINANCE C011I1C11 C.ANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L BLUE - MAYOR File N O. OY��LZIZGL7ZCP. Ordinance N O. Presented By Referre To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 15742, as amended, entitled: "An ordinance granting to Northern States Power Company, the corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors arid assigns, a franchise to use the stre ets and other pubZic property located in the City of Saint Paul for the purpose of conveying and supplying steam for all purposes for a term extending front January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1984, prescribing rates which the Company may charge for such service, and determining the amount which. the Company shall pay to the City for the use and occupancy of its streets and other public property. " THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That Appendix "A" of Section 502.06 of the Saint Paul Leg.isla- tive Code, as amended, is deleted in full and said Section 502.06 is further amended to read as follows: 502.06. The rates contained in amended Appendix "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof are duly constituted interim rates pending a final determination by the City Council of the City of Sain:t Paul of the application for rate increase filed by Company with City COU[�1CILh4EN Requested by Department of: . Yeas Nays Hunt �evine In Favor — Maddox � McMahon Showalter Against BY Tedesco Wilso� Form Appro ed by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date � + �/�`'j/�"`'�/ � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By Aonroved bv Mavor: Date — Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � WHITE� - CITY CLERK �� �,;'�+�� ���,�7� � PINK - FINANCE � CANARV - DEPRRTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT �PAIT L� Council ����J����i�� BLUE - MAYOR File N O. • Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. Presented By . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. on August 22, 1980, under Section 50�.07 of the Legislative Code and are effective on all bills based on meter readings on and after October 15, 1980, subject to refund of any excess amount with interest at 8.25 percent per annum over the rates as finally established by the determination of the City Council. 5ection 2. The Company shall, withirr thirty (30) days after the passage, approval, and publication of this ordinance, file with the City Clerk of said City its written acceptance thereof in form to be - approved by the City Attorney, and therein shall agree to abide by, keep and perform all of the terms, limitations, conditions and provisions of this ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force after the public hearing prescribed by law and thirty (30) days after its passage, approval, and publication, and upon its acceptance, as provided in Section 502.02 hereof. � COUNC[LMEN - . . Yeas Nays Requested'by Departmetit of: . Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon snowatte� Against BY Tedesco Wison Adopted by Council: Date Form Appro ed by City Attorney ` � Certified Passed by Council Secretary B �� � `� ' By Aooroved bv Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Su6mission to Council � . � ST�NDARD RATE SH-EET VOLUME 13th Fdevised SHEET n,o. 66 . t � FORM n.n�oo � . � (SUhSL'1tUtiC� NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY RATE �'�;,*'-d ,LL.� .� ��.� ��� INI'EkIM SrE�^1 SERVICE Stearn Effective In: City of St Paul Availability: Available to o�mmercial and industrial customers for general use of Steam Service. Steam Service furnished from low pressure mains is available from September 1 to May 31, inclusive; and Steam Service furnished from high pressure mains is available the entire year. Rate: � • First 200 000 lbs of oondensate per mpnth @ $10.00 per 1 000 lbs Next 300 000 lbs of oondensate per mpnth @ $ 9.14 per 1 000 lbs Next 500 000 lbs of oondensate per m�nth @ $ 8.15 per 1 000 1.bs Next 2 000 000 lbs of v�ndensate per rranth @ $ 7.48 per 1 000 Ibs Excess lbs of oondensate per m�nth @ $ 6.75 per 1 000 lbs Monthly MinimLUn Charge: $20.00 per meter Fuel Clause: There shall be added tr� or deducted from the net mcmthly bill, 2.2� per thousand pounds of steam for the first whole one-half aent � increase above or decrease beiow $1.361 per million Btu and for each whole cent change thereafter in the average mst of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the steam production pZant of Northern States Power Co�any supplying steam to its St Paul distribution system and shall include the oosts in FERC Account 501 - Fuel for Such Steam Production Plant. . Pro�t Payment Provision: A charge of 5� will be added tr� net bill, oorrg�uted at the rate shown above, which charge shall oonstitue a disoount from gross bill for payment within the disoount period. Surcharge: A surcharge of 8.7� will be inc.luded in the gross and i�t mpnthly bills o��uted under this rate schedule. ISSUED EFFECTIVE At1THORiZED BY EXHIBIT ��A�� DATE . _ ._ _ .._. .._. ._. ..... , ... _.....M�..::, .... ,.: ....,,-,,. ...,,__..._� . ,_. . „_� ...._.. .__._ .,_............,. .. , ... ..rr.nR��e-"�,4H".^B�M+z1!�^•- „ � _ 6T�NDARD RATE SHEET � VOLUME , rj� �V1Sed SHEET rvo. 66•Z -. . FORM 17•6Ip� - (substitutej NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY RAT�°` �:,�� ���..: £` `.>� IN.PERIM Il�TERRUPTIBLE STEAM �SERVICE Steam Effective In: City of St Paul Availability: Available on an interruptible basis t�o oommercial and industrial customers that are located on portions oF the Coc�any's steam distribution system having adequate capacity tA serve customer's interrup- tible load without impairing service tr� other customers. Extensions or enlargement of the Corrg�any's distribution facilities required t� serve an interruptible. load will be made in accordance with the Corr�any's General Rules and Regulations. The t�tal capacity of all interruptible customers shall be limited tA the excess capacity of Corr�any's steam production plant after service requirements t�o its firm customers are met. Customer will agree t�o (1) curtail his use of steam whenever requested t�a do so by the Co�any; and (2) provide necessary energy requirements during curtailment from another source. � This rate will be in effect c�mmencing with the meter reading of October and ending with meter reading of May of the following year. During the meter reading months of June through September, steam service will be available under the steam service rate in effect at that time. Character of Service: T'he delivery of steam hereunder shall be curtailed upon request of Cor�any. Such requests shall }ae made as far in advance as possible. . Rate: Per 1 000 lbs $5.59 � Monthly Minimum Charge: The minimum bill for service rendered hereunder shall be $20.00 per meter, the amount prorat�d for curtailment periods. Fuel Clause: There shall be added t�o or deducted_£rom the riet rmnthly bill, 2.2� per thousand pounds of steam �or the first whole one-half oent increase above or decrease below $1.361 per million Btu and for each whole cent change thereafter in the average �st of fuel used during the preceding twelve m�nths by the steam production- plant of Northern States Power Company supplying steam to its St Paul distrib�rtion system and �shail include the oosts in FERC Account 501 - Fuel for Such Steam Production Plant. (Continued on following sheet) ISSUED EFFEGTIVE AUTHORIZED BY DATE . ... <.. ..__.._.. ...__ ,,.__ .. .....,.. . ....... . .. ..__..._:...._.,��.._..:.�._.. <.,.....: .,_.,....�_ . . ...._.. .. ............m._ .... . . ...-.. _, o �»,,, ,...,�.ca+s.'�y�qR�” � 6TANOARD RATE SHEET � • . _ VOLUME ' �j� �V1SC'C� SHEET rvo. 66.2 . FO RM 1 7•6 I 49 � NORTHERN STA7ES POWER COMPANY RaTE t�,p,�._..��.��� �1��� � II11'ERIM INTERRUPTIf3LE SPEAM SERVICE (Gontinued) Steam Additional Charge for Use of Steam During Curtailment: If customer fails to curtail his use of steam when requested tr� do so by Company, he shall g�y in addition to the above rate an atnount of $13.00 per thousand pounds o� steam used in excess of the volume tr� which custorr�er was requested tr� curtail. Such payment, however, shall not preclude Company from shutti.ng off customer's supply of steam in the event of customers' failure to curtail his use thereof when requested t�o cb so. Dnergency Steam Service for Interruptible Steam Customers: F�nergency steam service for interruptible steam customers during periods of curtailment rn�y be available if Co�any's ability tA furnish such emergency 5ervice will not, in Co�any's judgment, oompromise Company's ability to provide firm steam service tA its firm steam customers. Emergency steam service to curtailed interruptible steam customers will be approved by Corr�any provided: 1. IInergency steam service is requested by customer and such request is confirmed in writing no later than 48 hours af ter the initial request. If the initial request is in writing, the 48 hour provision is fulfilled. 2. The emergency i.s in the nature of a breakdown of standby equipment which o�uld not reasonably have been foreseen by customer. The rate for emergency steam service shall be $9.00 per 1 000 pounds of steam used during the emergency period. The emergency period shall .end when customer's standy equipment is repaired and customer }�s notified Co�any or the end of the curtailment during which the err►�rgency steam s�er- vice was requested. Prompt Payment Provision: A charge of 5$ will be added to net bill, co�uted at the rates shown above, which shall oonstitue a disoount from gross bill for p�yment within the disoount period. Surcharge: A surcharge of 8.7� will be included in the gross and net m�nthly bills o�mputed under this rate schedule. Term of Agreement: Interruptible Steam Service agreement shall be for a term of not less than one year. Upon expiration of the term, agreement remains in effect until terminated by at least thirty days' notice by either g�rty. � {SSUED EF�ECTIVE AUTHORIZED BY DATE ..�,._. ,_. _ _:......_ ..,�,,._.�.... . ,. , .,,. . .. .:. .._._. „.n .�_...:..., ,.__...,.. .._ .._.F �. ..._ __ .....:.,� • .__. ,..:..,.. ,�....... _..,. .,.�:,._...v.. ....,.::. _ ,m..�+�o,<arsw�.e�rr�,�c•.. i ..__ _'_. ._.. .. _.. .__.'___ '- ...__' ."___.'_"__ _. __.. .... . . ' ' '__' _ __' ..'_.'_.'___"_" .._-. ._ .._.-' _ _ _ .__..-'____. __'_� __. ..._ _ ....... _..... ..__._....._ _._._ . . �` �•��� WHITE - C17Y CL.ERK - �,���� � PINK - FINANCE C011I1C21 CANARY - DEPARTMENT � G I TY O F SA I NT ��U L BLUE - � MAYOR � F116 N O. O�GLZ1ZG�IZCP. Ordinance N O. Presented By Referre To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 15742, as amended, entitled: "An ordinance granting to Northern States Power Company, the corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, a franchise to use the stre ets and other public property located in the City of Saint Paul for the purpose of conveying and supplying steam for all purposes for a term extending from January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1984, prescribing rates which the Company may charge for such service, and determining the amount which the Company shall pay to the City for the ,use and occupancy of its streets and other public property. ° , THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That Appendix "A" of Section 502.06 af the Saint Pau1 Legisla— - tive Code, as amended, is deleted in fu11 and said Section 502.06 is further amended to read as followsr 502.06. The rates contained in amended Appendix "A° attached hereto and made a part T�ereof are duly constituted interim rates pending a final determination by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul of the applicatiom for rate increase filed by Company with-City COU[�CILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: . Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox • McMahon - Showalter Against BY -- Tedesco �Ison Form Appro ed by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date G/�`��_,�.___�� Certified Passed by Council Secretary By v� By Annrnved 6v Mavor_ Date Approved by Mayor for Submiss:ion to Council _ _ _ - -- -- -_ __ _ __ - -- _----- _ ___ __ __ -- ____-- --._ _-- -- _ _ --- -- - - --- ---------_ _.._ ---_ .-- _ ��.w.. ��.z� � WHITE - CITY CIERK �,�,t, � � � � PINK - FINANCE TT C011i1C11 � CA�NARY - D�PARTM£NT GITY OF SAINT P� l1L BLUE - MAYOR File N O. • O� in�nce Ordinance N�. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. on August 22, 1980, under Section 502.07 of the Legislative Code and are effective on all bi.11s based on meter readings on and after October� l5, 1980, subject to refund of any excess amount with interest at 8.25 percent per annum over the rates as finally established by the determination of the City Council. � Section 2. The Company shall, within thirty (3Oy days after the passage, approval, and publication of this ordinan.ce, file with the City Clerk of said City its written acceptance thereof in form to be approved by the City Attorney, and therein shall agree to abide by, keep and perform all of the terms, limitations, conditions and provisions of this ordinance. � Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force after the public hearing prescribed by law and thirty E30) days after its passage, approval, and publication, and upon its _acceptance, as provided in Section 502.02 hereof. - COUKCILMEN � Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: . Hunt Levine Itl F'avor Maddox McMahon • � Showalter AgaiRSt BY Tedesco Wilson Form Appro ed by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �� , ..--�---- Certified Passed by Council Secretary B t By Annmved hv Mavor_ Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cauncil � BTANDARD RATE 6HEET - , VOLUME 13�Y1 RE?VIS2CT SHEET n►o. 66 ,7 � FORM ��.e�o� , � (�ubstitutC) NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY RaTE N �- ':'"-� ^� -� � �, �� r � II�rERIM SPEAM SERVICE Stearn Effective In: City of St Paul Availability: Available t�o oommercial and industrial customers for general use of Steam Service. Steam Service furnished from low pressure mains is available from September 1 to May 31, inclusive; and Steam Service furnished from high pressure mains is available the entire year. Rate: . • First 200 000 lbs of o�ndensate per mr�nth @ $10.00 per 1 Q00 Ibs Next 300 000 lbs of o�ndensate per rronth @ $ 9.14 per l OOO lbs Next 500 000 lbs of oondensate per mcmth @ $ 8.15 per 1 000 Ibs Next 2 000 000 lbs of oondensate per m�nth @ $ 7.48 per 1 000 Ibs Excess lbs of oondensate per month @ $ 6.75 per 1 040 Ibs Monthly Minimum Charge: $20.00 per meter Fuel Clause: There shall be added tr� or deducted from the net r�nthly bill, 2.2� per thousand pounds of steam for the first whole one-half oent increase above or decrease below $1.361 per million 13tu and for each whole cent change thereafter in the average oost �of fuel used during t-he preceding twelve rr►�nths by the steam production plant of I�brthern States Power Corr�any supplying steam bo its St Paul distribution system and shall include the o�sts in FERC Account 501 - Fuel for Such Steam Production _ Plant. . Pror�t Payment Provision: A charge of 5$ will be added tr� net bill, oortputed at the rate shown above, which chdrge shall oonstitue a disoount from gross bill for payment within the disoount period. Surcharge: A surcharge of 8.7$ will be included in the grass and net mrmthly . _ bills oo�uted under th is rate schedule. ISSUEO EFFECTFVE AUTHORIZED BY EXHIBIT ��A�� DATE _ _ . :. .. _,,.. ., ., . .. .. . _„ ._ —. _ ....�. ,.._... .,_,.__: ...-_.. _ � __ . �,ra�.+�+x ..... .,,. ..,... ...._�,,, ,�,.,,.. �� _...._ �__•+a-,--�--*-�^'�� - ^.. _ 6T�tNDARD RATE 6HEET VOLUME 5th I�vised SHEET rvo. 66•1 � � ., FORM 17•61f1� tsu�s�tl�ut�, . • NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY rtATE No�. `'�' �� i��� .3 INrERIM INrERRUPTIBLE 3rEAM SERVICE Stea�tt Effective In: City of St Paul Availability: Available on an interruptible basis tr� wmmercial and industrial customers that are located on portions of the Cor�any's steam distribution system having adequate capacity tp serve customer's interrup- tible load without impairing service to other customers. Extensions or enlargement of the Co�any's distribution facilities required t�o serve an interruptible load will be made i.n accordance with the Cor�any's General Rules and Regulations. 'IYie tr�tal capacity of alI interruptible eustomers shall be limited� to the excess capacity of Company's steam production plant after service requirements to its firm customers are met. Customer will agree to (1) curtail his use of steam whenever requested tA do so by the Co�any; and (2) provide necessary energy requirements during curtailment from another source. - This rate will be in effect oomnencing with the meter reading of October and ending with meter reading of May of the fo2lowing year. During the meter reading r�nths of June through September, steam service will be available under the steam service rate in effect at that tin�. Character of Service: The delivery of steam hereunder shall be curtailed upon request of Corrpany. Such requests shall be made as far- in advance as possible. . Rate: Per 1 000 lbs $5.59 � Monthly Minimum Charge: The minimum bill for service rendered hereunder shall be $20.00 per meter, the amount prorated for .curtailment periods. Fuel Clause: There shall be added tr� or deducted from the r�t m�nthly bill, 2.2y� per thousand pounds of steam for the first whole one-half oent increase above or decrease below $1.361 per million Btu and for each whole cent change thereafter in the average c�st of fuel used during the preceding twelve m�nths by the steam production plant of Northern States Power Coir�any supplying steam to its St Paul distribution system and shall include the oosts in FERC A�ccount SO1 - Fuel for Such Steam Production Plant. (Continued on following sheetj ISSUED EFFECTIVE AUTHORIZED BY DATE • _ ...,w,,. . , ,� , , .. .,, ,.___. M . _. ..._<,,. .:_,.. ,.„. , . ._ : . _ ,,- - . _ � , __ _.. _. ,...� . . _. ,.._... ,,.�.._ . �,,,:.,.. .��,:Q�+;�. , 'a!�"��°- I , « 6T�NDARD RATE 6HEET . VO�.UME 5th Revised SHEET NO. 66.2 - � �O RM f 7•6 1 09 NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY RnrE No. :�����.�,t";�� ,�. 9 i,� ?! �. II11'ERIM I[�TrERRUPTIBLE STEAM SERVICE (Continued) Steam Additional Charge for Use of Steam During Curtailment: If customer f�ils tp curtail his use of steam when requested tr� do s�o by Company, he shall pay in addition to the above rate an amount of $13.00 per thousand pounds of steam used in excess of the volume tr� which customer was requested t,� curtail. Such payment, however, shall not preclude �Corr�any from shutting off customer's supply of steam in the event of customers' failure tA curtail his use thereof when requested to do so. F.�nergency Steam Service for Interruptible Steam Customers: Ilnergency steam service for interruptible steam customers during periods of curtailment m�y be available if Corr�any's ability tr� furnish such emergency service will r�ot, in Go�any's judgment, o�mpromise Corrq�any's ability t� provide firm steam service t�o its firm steam customers. Emergency steam service to curtailed interruptible �team customers will be approved by Co�any provided: 1. �]nergency steam service is requested by customer and such request is confirmed in writing no later than 48 hours after the initial request. If the initial request is in writing, the 48 hour provision is fulfilled. 2. The emergency is in the nature of a breakdown of standby equipment which o�uld not reasonably have been foreseen by customer. _ The rate for emergency steam service shall be $9.00 per 1 000 pounds of steam used during the emergency period. The emergency period shall .end when customer's standy equipment is repaired and customer has notified Corr�any or the end of the curtailment during which the erriergency steam ser- vice was requested. Prompt Paymcnt Provision: A charge of S� will be added tA net bill, oo�uted at the rates shown above, which shall oonstitue a disoount f_rom gross bill for payment within the disoount period. _ Surcharge: A surcharge of 8.7� will be inGluded in the gross and net rmnthly bills vomputed under this rate schedule. : Term of Pgreement: Interruptible Steam Service agreen�ent shall be f_or a term of not less than one year. Upon expiration of the term, agreement remains in effect until terminated by at least thirty days' notice by either �rty. ISSUED EFFECTIVE AUTHORIZED BY DATE _ .. . . .._ ..,....,., .�..;__,r.._� .:_,_�...r._ . . __ �. ..... _.. .._._. .,.,,..:... .. ��.,, _ , .... . . . ...... .� -,_-..> z «�.,„�+�.; � � BTANDARD RATE 6HEET VOLUME SHEET NO. ,� " FORM �,.s,�� �13th Revised � 66 � � ��uh�7tLtl.�l_C� NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY RATE �+�S.R,',�'�'��{ '�,, ��..� � .. . INTERIM SrEAM SERVICE Steam Effective In: City of St Paul Availability: Available tA �mnercial and industrial customers for general use of Steam Service. Steam Service furnished from low pressure mains is available from September 1 to May 31, inclusive; and Steam Service furnished from high pressure mains is available the entire year. Rate: • • First 200 000 lbs of �ndensate per month @ $10.00 per l 000 lbs Next 300 000 lbs of oandensate per mr�nth @ $ 9.14 per I 000 lbs Next 500 000 lbs of vondensate per m�nth @ $ 8.15 per 1 000 lbs Next 2 000 000 lbs of v�ndensate per m�nth @ $ 7.48 per 1 000 lbs Excess lbs of o�ndensate per mr�nth @ $ 6.75 per 1 000 lbs Monthly Minimum Charge: $20.00 per meter Fuel Clause: There shall be added tA or deducted from the net mr�nthly bill, 2.2� per thousand pounds of steam for the first whole one-half oent increase above or decrease below $1.361 per million Btu and for each whole cent change thereafter in the average oost of fuel used during the preceding twelve mpnths by the steam production plant of Northern States Power Corr�any supplying steam tr� its St Paul distribution system and sha�l. include the oosts in FERC Account 501 - Fuel for Such Steam Production Plant. . Pro�t Payment Provision: A charge of 5� will be added tr� r�t bill, oa�uted at the rate shown above, which charge shall oonstitue a disoount from gross bill for gayment within the disoount period. Surcharge: A surcharge of 8.7o will be included in the gross and net m�nthly bills oor�uted under this rate schedule. ISSUED EFFECTIVE AUTHORIZED BY EXHIBIT °A�� DATE : , . ..�.�.,.... ...._...._,.. -......-. ._... �M......w..,._ _. . ., _,r � .ry ,...-. . .., .. , ............. .,:,........ .....,�... . ..."'..._..q,t�.1^. , .. .-.....p;.,n,..s� ... .swa�.��-:u..u.,,�.;+�oenr�sm�i+x+.w:f'*11Ri"'yfil�7�l�."" . . . . ... . .. . . . . .. ....:. .•. �.,t'.�. ^ , `� 6TANDARD ItA7E SHEET VOLUME SUI �VZSeU SHEET n►o. 66.1 � ' • � . FO RM 1 7•6 I 09 (substitute) � � NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY RATE tvdy���3���;���(� »i R. II�TrERIM INPERRUPTIBLE STEAM SERVICE Steam Effective In: City of St Paul Availability: Available on an interruptible basis tr� oorrmercial and industrial customers that are located on portions oF the Co�any's steam distribution system having adequate capacity tA serve customer's interrup- tible load without impairing service tA other customers. Extensions or enlargement of the CArr�any's distribution facilities required tr� serve an interruptible load will be made in accordance with the CoJr�any's General Rules and Regulations. The tAtal capac�ty of all interruptible customers shall be limited� to the excess capacity of Company's stear�t productian plant after service requirements to its firm customers are met. Customer will agree t�o (1) curtail his use of steam whenever requested t� do so by the Corr�any;`and (2) provide necessary energy requirements during curtailment from another source. - This rate will be in effect oommencing with the meter reading of October and ending with meter reading of May of the following year. During the meter reading mpnths of June through September, steam service will be available under the steam service rate in effect at that time. Character of Service: The deiivery of steam hereunder shall be curtailed upon request of Coripany. Such requests shall be made as far in advance as possible. . Rate: Per 1 000 lbs $5.59 � Monthly Minimum Charge: The minimum bill for service rendered hereunder shall be $20.00 per meter, the amount prorated for _curtailment periods. Fuel Clause: There shall be added t�o or deducted from the net m�nthly bill� 2.2� per thousand pounds of steam for the first whole one-half oent increase above or decrease below $1.361 per million Btu and for each whole cent change thereafter in the average flost of fuel used during the preceding twelve m�nths by the steam production- plant of i�brthern States Power Coir�any supplying steam to its St Paul distribution system and shall include the o�sts in FERC A�ccount 501 - Fuel for Such Steam Production Plant. (Continued on following sheet) ISSUED EFFEGTIVE AUTNORiZED BY ' DATE _ . _�.,,. .,.r.._c.-,T ,. ..,_. ., ._ _.,._,... . . .. . ,.__.,�-�...-.�.., _ _..,� ..... _.. . . . _: , ..-..�._ . .. . . .. „ . „-�.. _ . , __,.„�_. __ ___... .�.,..... ,.�....�«-,�,t.-a..�.. ,.. . . _. . , _� 6TANDARD RATE�6HEET P � VOLUME 5U1 F�V1S� SHEET NO. �6�2 , � • �O RM 1 7•6 109 � NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY RaTE No:-�'�`'>'.""'�'`; �� d � P�� II�TTERIM I[�TrERI2UPTIBLE STEAM SERVICE (Continued) Steam Additional Charge for Use of Steam During Curtailment: If cusL-omer f�ils t� curtail his use of steam when requested tA do so by C:�mpany, he shall p�y in add it ion to the above rate an arnount of $13.00 per thousand pounds of steam used in excess of the volume tr� which customer was requested tr� curtail. Such payment, howe�er, shall not preclude Company from shutting off customer's supply af steam in the event of customers' failure t�o curtail his use thereof when requested tr� do so. Emergency Steam Service for Interruptible Steam Customers: Dnergency steam service for interruptible steam customers during periods of curtailrnent rn�y be available if Gor�any's ability t,o furnish such ern�rgency service wili not, in Gor�any's judgment, oompromise Company's ability tr� provide firm steam service tr� its firm steam customers. E�nergency steam service t�o curtailed interruptible steam customers will be approved by Corrg�any provided: 1. E�nergency steam service is requested by customer and such request is confinned in writing .no later than 48 hours after the initial request. It the initial request is in writing, the 48 hour provision is fulfilled. 2. The emergency is in the nature of a breakdawn of standby equipment . which o�uld not reasonably have been foreseen by customer. The rate for emergency steam service shall be $9.00 per 1 000 pounds of � steam used during the emergency period. The emergency period shall end when customer's standy equipment is repaired and customer has notified Co�any or the end of the curtailment during which the emergency steam ser- vice was requested. Prompt Payment Provision: A charye of 5$ will be added tA net bill, aorr�uted at the rates shown above, which shall oanstitue a diswunt from gross bill for �yment within the disoount period. Surcharge: A surcharge of 8.7$ will be included in the gross and net m�nthly bills �mputed under th is rate schedule. Term of Agreement: Interruptible Steam Service agreement shall be for a term of not less than one year. Upon expiration of the term, agreement remains in effect until terminated by at least thirty days' notice by eiti�er party. � ISSUED EF�ECTIVE AUTHORIZED BY DATE .._.. ... ..._..�.,..»..:... . .. ...:....,...a..: �.,-.,.. _....._.,,...-�,—......._.. -v.-._.�:,:. .._.,.- :,�:;x.r.M�...._.,. . ..,. �, . . ._ _......�. _._.. . ..- ,. . -R . -...e-�v*.+�,.�•wnnnr!�e::� . ._. .._- . _-_ -_ ___ ___._""..__. ___.__...-_._.. _ _ ._. . ..._._ .-A�-} ......._ _. ._._._ . ..._. -.--._. _._..____..._ __.... _ .._ N� ♦#���`j_"__._..____..".. WHITE - CITY CLERK � - � �'"� �`t�`� �'�;V P7NK - FINANCE COUflCl� CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL � . FiLUE - MAYOR - F11C NO�. • o I Z/G`L/l�CG Ordinance N O. Presented By Referre To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 15742, as amended, entitled; "An ordinance granting to Northern States Power Company, the corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, a franchise to use the stre ets and other public property located in the City of Saint Paul for the purpose of conveying and supplying steam for all purposes for a term extending from �7'anuar�r l, 1975 to December 31, 1984, prescribing rates which the Company may charge for such service, and determining the amount which the Company shall. pay to the City for the use and occupancy of its streets and other public property. " : THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That Appendix "A" of Section 502.06 of the Saint Paul Legisla— tive Code, as amended, is deleted in full and said Section 502.06 is further amended to read as follows: 502.06. The rates contained in amended Appendix "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof are duly constituted interim rates pending a final determination by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul of the application for rate increase filed by Company with City COUNCILMF,N Requested by Department of: . Yeas Nays Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox McMaho� sno,+�ite. A gai nst BY Tedesco Wilson . Form Appro ed by City Attarney Adopted by Council: Date , �//f�`�� Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �� � By Aooroved bv Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � WHITE - CITY CLERK w ,r!�^� � PINK - FINANCE � � CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ��`� ,���� �, , . BLUE - MAYOR File N O. Or�'in�nce Ordinance N0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. on August 22, 1980, under Section 502.07 of the Legislative Code and are effective on aIl bills based on meter readings on and after October l�, 1980, subject to refund of any excess amount with intsrest at 8.25 percent per annum over the rates as finally established by the determination of the City Council. Section 2. The Company shall, within thirty (30} days after -the passaqe, approval, and publication of this ordinance, file with the City Clerk of said City its written acceptance thereof in form to be approved by the City Attorney, and therein shall agree to abide by, keep and perform all of the terms, limitations, conditions and provisions of this ordinance. Secti.on 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force after the public hearing prescribed by law and thirty (3Q) days after its passage, approval, and publication, and upon its acceptance, as provided in Section 502.02 hereof. � COUNCILMEK Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: . Hunt Levi�e In Favor — Maddox McMahon snowa�cer A gai n s t BY . Tedesco �Ison Form Appro ed by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date .� � -- Certified Passed by Council Secretary B � Py n.,...,,..o,� �.., w►�..��- narP Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . : , - � _ ,. � �.�, �7.��'�r� _` , , , . : _ , � . ; . � � � , , r _ . , , , _ � � , . . , . < � , . , � ' � october z4,, 19so � r � . : , , - , , � • , - , • I , � R.L. Vasmalii '' : , Adainis�rstor' Qcnrerament Affairs , , . , Northern Sts�SS PoMer Conpan�y , , 421 Wabasha St,, 3�d Plao* � - - , St. Paul, M3nnsaota 551�2 ' , D�ar �31r: : ' , , I aia transai�tiag a copy of� C.P. No. 275740 �hicb Mi}s adoptsd by Lhe � St: Pae�l Cfty CouaCil on October. Zl,, �19�Q.` �leas� note �tiat �sldr • Sectic� 2 a writtsn acc�Ptaa�e is �requir.�d. � . �• " , � e;�► tru�`' ure, : "� � % ' . . ' I � . � . . � . ) . G���...,� � .�.. � . ' .� �. �. . . � . ' . � ' � . � � . '� .. . . , .. . .� ./. � /l .. ., � . . . . . ' ' ' , . " � . . . . _ - . ( � . � . . . - . � , �OS!! �i7C • , �itq Clerk _ .� .: ' � Attach. • , , ,,'' ' ach - • N • � � � - . . , ,; � , : . , � f , , � ' � , � y. x.' . � � � ' ' � , i , , , , � . i • '� . : . , � �I .� � . . � � � : � . .� � . _ � . � . ! _ ;� . . . . .. . . � �. . . . . . . . � � � � . � . t � � � �� • . � . . � . . . . '1 . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - .�� � .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . � . . . �.I., _ .. .. � . � . � � • � � . . � � � . . . . . . � .. ,. . . . � . . � - � I� - ... . .. � --? ��-� � � Nsp N O R T H E R N S TA T E S P O W E R C O M P A N Y 825 RICE STREET ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 58117 October 28, 1980 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The undersigned, Northern States Power Company, does hereby accept and agree to abide by, keep and perform all of the terms, limitations, conditions and provisions of Council File No. 275740, being Ordinance No. 16722, adopted by the Council on September 21, 1980, and approved by the Mayor on September 24, 1980. NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY B �y ! y _.:t� �. General Manager Saint Paul Division And/� � Assistant S etary APPROVES AS TO FORM: �''O �G�'�/ 1 --- c�ty to ey . , . . . . � "=J_� 1 . . - �..� . - � �.. . , 'q . . . ' .. .. . ,. .'. .... ... . . . . . .. ' . _ � ' / .� � � � . •. . ' ' � { � .. , ` .. .. . . , . , I ( '� .{._i��. � � - .. ..�'. • .. � . � . � . . ' . � - ./ � � � � . ' ' . �� ' �. � ' . . .� � � �..i� . . ... . . .. . . ., . . .. �... ,',� ' . . . . .. .. . .. _ . .. . . ' . .i . 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Our efforts to control expenses have been offset by the increasing costs of fuel, labor, materials and supplies , interest and other operating expenses resulting in a loss on our steam heating investment . NSP, pursuant to Section 7 of Ordinance No. 15742, petitions the Council of the City of St . Paul to review the Company' s stea.m utility operation and to prescribe new and reasonable rates which the Company may charge for service for bills based on meter readings on or after September 16, 1980. Attached is our proposed schedule of rates which increases our revenues about $778,000 per year or about 25. 5i� based on 1980 sales. Also attached are schedules which support the operating revenues and expenses and the investment in plant in service for the steam heating utility in 1980. Al1 schedules enclosed herein reflect a 1980 test year based on six months ' actual data and six months ' budget data. If the Council is unable to review the filing and grant the requested increase by September 16, 1980, NSP requests that an interim rate adjustment be granted subject to refund with interest upon final determination of the rates . The Company requests interim rates which yield additional annual revenues of $628,000, or about a 20. 5� increase , which would provide NSP an opportunity to earn the rate of return allowed in the most recent case. Schedules showing the requested interim rates and effects on customers bills are also attached . The Honorable Mayor and Council of the City of St . Paul August 22, 1g80 Page Two Although the interim rate would not provide for a rate of return consistent with today' s cost of capital, it would provide some relief on a temporary basis pending final out- come of this matter. In the event that only interim rates are implemented on September 16, 1g80, the Company requests that a final determination of rates be made by the Council as soon as possible within the 150 day limitation. Your early consideration of this application will assist NSP to continue providing high quality steam heating service to our customers. Very tr yours , Ralph 0. Duncanson Senior Vice President , Division Operations Enclosure(s) _ , , ..� �, •�,, Northern States Pawer Company (r2innesota) Schedule 1 5team Heating UtiTity - City of St. Paul OPERATING REVEN[JES, OPERATING EXf'II1SES, TOTAL AVAILABLE FOR RETURN, RETU_�1 OP1 NET OPERATING INVESZT�TT WITH PRESENT, IN'I`ERIP2 AND PROPOSED RATES (Dollars in Thousands) 1980 with 1980 with 1980 with Present Rates Interim Rates Proposed Rates Revenues $ 3 333 $ 4 015 $ 4 178 Expenses 3 537 3 760 3 851 Total Available for Return . (204) 255 327 Average Net Operating Investznent 3 088 3 088 3 088 Rate of Return on Average Net Operating Invesi�nent Loss 8.25� 10.59 0 . , , Northern States Pawer Ccgnpany (Minnesota) 5chedule 2 Steam Heating Utility - City of St. Paul INCONIE STATEM�V'I' (Dollars in Thousands) 1980 at Interim 1980 at Present Rates Increase Interim Rates Operating Revenues Metered Sales Firm $ 2 774 $ 537 $ 3 311 Interruptible 283 91 374 Forfeited Discounts g g Gross Earnings T� 267 54 321 Total 3 333 682 4 015 Operating Expenses Production �l 1 581 1 581 Other than Fuel 921 921 Distribution 145 145 Custcaner Accounts 11 11 Ac�hninistrative & General 200 200 Taxes Real Estate 127 127 Gross Earnings 267 54 321 Social Security & Other 21 21 Federal & State Inccarie 0 169 169 Deferred Inccgre 37 37 Provision for Depreciation 227 227 Total Operating Expenses 3 537 223 3 760 Net Operating Incca� (204) 255 Percent Increase 20.540 Northern States Pawer Canpany (Minnesota) Schedule 3 Steam Heating Utility - City of St. Paul INCOME STATEN�]T (Dollars in Thousands) 1980 at Proposed 1980 at Present Rates Increase Proposed Rates Operating Revenues Nl�tered Sales Fizm $ 2 774 $ 673 $ 3 447 Intern�tible 283 105 388 Forfeited Discotmts 9 9 Gross Earnings Tax 267 67 334 Total 3 333 845 4 178 Operating Expenses Production �1 1 581 1 581 Other than Fuel 921 921 Distribution 145 145 Customer Accounts 11 11 Administrative & General � 200 200 Taxes Real Estate 127 127 Gross Earnings 267 67 334 Social Security & Other 21 21 Federal & State Incca�ue 0 247 247 Deferred Inccxne 37 37 Provision for Depreciation 227 227 Total Operating Expenses 3 537 314 3 851 Net Operating Inccane (204) 327 Percent Increase 25.45% Northern States Power Ccc�tpany (Minnesota) Schedule 4 Steam Heating Utility - City of 5t. Paul NET OPERATING INVFSTMENT (Dollars in Thousands) Averac�e Year 1980 Plant in Service Production $ 5 752 Distribution 1 188 General 12 Ccannon 4 Total 6 956 Reserve for Depreciation Production 2 805 Distribution 540 General 4 Corrmon 1 Total 3 350 Net Plant in Service 3 606 Add: Fuel Stocks 256 _ Deduct: AccLm►ulated Deferred Income Taxes 774 Net Operating Investrnent 3 088 . • � ' ; ,��v Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) Schedule 5 Steam Heating Utility - City of St. Paul COMPARISON OF PRESENT AND INTERIM RATES Test Year 1g80 Increase FIRM SERVICE Present Interim Amount Percent Monthly Minimum Charge $20.00 $20.00 $ None None First 200 M Lbs., Per M Lb. Per Month 8.782 10.48 1 .698 19.34� Next 300 " " " " " 8.032 9•59 1 .558 19•40� Next 500 " " " " " 7.162 8.55 1 .388 19•3� Next 2000 " " " " " 6.572 7.84 1 .268 19.2� Excess Over 3000 " " " " 5,932 7,09 1 .158 19.52� INTERRUPTIBI,E SERVICE Monthly Minimum Charge $20.00 $20.00 $ None $ None All Use, Per M Lb. Per Month 4•422 5.83 1 .4�8 31 .8q.;� Fuel Adjustment Included $0.682 $ 0.000 In Above Rates : $/M Lb. Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) Schedule 6 Steam Heating Utility - City of St. Paul COMPARISON OF MONTHLY BIIILS ON PRESENT AND INTERIM RATES Test Year 1980 Monthly . Use Present Interim Increase Firm Steam Service M Lbs Rates Rates Amount Percent 10 $ 87.82 $ 104•80 $ 16.98 19•34/ 50 439•10 524•OO 84•90 19•34� 100 878.20 1 ,048•00 169•�0 19•34/ 200 1 ,756.40 2,096.00 339.60 19•34� 300 2,559•60 3,055•00 495•40 19•35/ 5� 4,166.00 4,973•� �7.00 19•37/ 1 ,000 7,747•00 g,24S.00 1 ,501 .00 19•38� 2,000 14,319.00 17,088.00 2,76g.00 19•34� 3,000 20,891 .00 24,928.00 4,�37.00 19.32� 4,000 26,823.00 32,018.00 5,195•00 19•37/ 5,000 32,755•00 39,108.00 6,353•00 19•40� 7,500 47,585•00 56,833•DO 9,248.00 1g.43o Fuel Adjustment Included In Above Rates: $/M Lb. $ 0.682 $ 0.000 . . ', � Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) Schedule 7 Steam Heating Utility — City of St. Paul COMPARISON OF PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATES Test Year 1980 Increase FIRM SERVICE Present Proposed Amount Percent Monthly Minimum Charge $20.00 $20.00 $ None None First 200 M Zbs., Per M Zb. Per Month 8.782 10.91 2.128 24•23� Next 300 " " " " " 8.032 9.g8 1 .948 24•25� Next 500 " " " " " 7.162 8.90 1 .738 24.27� Next 2000 " " „ „ " 6.572 8.17 1 .598 24.32� �cess Over 3000 " " " " 5•932 7•37 1 .438 24•24� INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE Monthly Minimum Charge $20.00 $20.00 $ None None All Use, Per M Lb. Per Month 4.422 6.05 1 .628 36.82� F`uel Adjustment Included $0.682 $ 0.000 In Above Rates: $� �, Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) Schedule 8 Steam Heating Utility — City of St. Paul COMPARISON OF MONTHLY BILLS ON PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATES Test Yeax 1980 Monthly Use Present P'roposed Increase Firm Steam Service M Lbs Rates Rates Amount Percent 10 $ 87.82 $ 109.10 $ 21 .28 24.23,� 50 439•10 545.50 106.40 24.23� 100 878.20 1 ,091 .00 212.80 24.23� 200 1 ,756.40 2,182.00 425.60 24.23� 3� 2,559•60 3,1�.00 620.40 24.24� 500 4,166.00 5,176.00 1 ,010.00 24•24� 1 ,000 7,747•00 9,626.00 1 ,879•00 24•25/ 2,000 14,319.00 17,796.00 3,477•00 24.281 3,000 20,891 .00 25,966.00 5,075•00 24.29� 4,000 26,823.00 33,336.00 6,513.00 24.28� 5,0�0 32,755•00 40,706.00 7,951 .� 24•27� 7,500 47,585•00 59,131 .00 11 ,546.00 24.26� Fuel Adjustment Included In Above Ra,tes: $/M I,b. $ 0.682 $ 0.000 BTANDARD RATE 6MEET VOLUME 2 13th Revised SHEET No. 66 FO RM 17-6109 NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY RATE rvo. St Paul Division INTERIM STEZ�M SEKVIC� Effective In: City of St Paul Availability: Available to commercial and industrial customers for general use of Steam Service. Steam Service furnished from low pressure mains is available from September 1 to May 31 , inclu�ive; and Steam Service furnished from high pressure mains is available the entire year. Ra,te: First 200 000 lbs of condensate per month @ $10.q-8 per 1 000 lbs Next 300 000 lbs of condensate per month @ $ 9•59 per 1 000 Ibs Next 500 000 lbs of condensate per month @ $ 8.55 per 1 000 lbs Next 2 000 000 lbs of condensate per month @ $ 7.84. per 1 000 lbs Excess lbs of condensate per month @ $ 7.Og per 1 000 lbs Monthly Minimum Charge: $20.00 per meter Fuel Clause: There shall be added to or deducted from the net monthly bill, 2.2� per thousand pounds of steam for the first whole one-half cent increase above or decrease below $1 .361 per million Btu and for each whole cent change thereafter in the auerage cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the steam production plant of Northern States Power Company supplying st�am to its St Paul distribution system and shall include the costs in FERC Account 501 - Fuel for Such Steam Production Plant. Prompt Payment Provision: A charge of 5� will be added to net bill, computed at the rate shown above, which charge sha11 constitue a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Surcha,rge: A surcha,rge of 8.7� will be included in the gross and net monthly bills computed under this rate schedule. ISSUED EFFECTIVE � AUTHORIZED BY DATE . . � I� - ' ���f U ` � BTANDARO RATE SHEET VOLUME 2 5th Revised SHEET No. 66. I . FORM 17-6109 . NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY RATE NO. St Paul Division INrl�RIM INTERRUPTIBLE S'I'EA.M SERVIC� Steam Effective In: City of S`t Paul Availability: Available on an interruptible basis to commercial and industrial customers that are located on portions of the Company's steam distribution system having ar3equate capacity to serve customer's interrup- tible load without impairing service to other customers. �tensions or enlargement of the Company's distribution facilities required to serve an interruptible load will be made in accordance with the Company's General Rules and Regulations. The total capacity of a11 interruptible customers shall be li.mited to the excess capacity of Company's steam production plant after service requirements to its firm customers are met. Customer will agree to (1 ) curtail his use of steam whenever requested to do so by the Company; and (2) provide necessary ener�r requirements during curtailment from another source. This rate will be in effect commencin� with the meter reading of October and ending with meter reading of May of the following year. During the meter reading months of June through September, steam service will be available under the steam service rate in effect at that time. Chara.cter of Service: The delivery of steam hereunder shall be curtailed upon request of Company. Stiich requests shall be made as far in advance as possible. Ra,te: Per 1 000 lbs $5.83 Monthly Minimum Charge: The minimum bill for service rendered hereunder sha11 be $20.00 per meter, the amount prorated for curtailment periods. Fuel Clause: There shall be added to or deducted from the net monthly bill, 2.2� per thousand pounds of steam for the first whole one-half cent increase above or decrea.se below $1 .361 per million Btu and for each whole cent change thereafter in the average cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the steam production plant of Northern States Power Company supplying steam to its St Paul distribution system and sha11 include the costs in F.�RC Account 501 - Fuel for S1zch Steam Production Plant. (Continued on following sheet) ISSUED EFFECTIVE AUTHORIZED BY DATE BT�NDARD RATE SHEET VOLUME 2 66.2 FORM 17-B10o 5th Revised SHEET No: NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY RATE rvo. St Paul Division INTE,TtIM INI'ERRUPTIBLE STEAM SERVICE (Continued) Steam Additional Charge for Use of Steam During Curtailment: If customer fails to curtail his use of steam when requested to do so by Company, he sha11 �,y in addition to the above rate an amount of $13.00 per thousand pounds of steam used in excess of the volume to which customer was requested to curtail. Such payment, however, sha11 not preclude Company from shutting off customer's supply of steam in the event of customers' failure to curtail his use thereof when requested to do so. F�nergency Steam Service for Interruptible Steam Customers: F�nergency steam service for interruptible steam customers during periods of curtailment may be a�ailable if Company's ability to furnish such emergency service will not, in Company's judgment, compromise Company's ability to provide firm steam service to its firm steam customers. Emergency steam service to curtailed interruptible steam customers will be approved by Company provided: 1 . �nergency steam service is requested by customer and such request is confirmed in writing no later than 48 hours after the initial request. If the initial request is in writing, the 48 hour provision is fulfilled. 2. The emergency is in the nature of a breakdown of standby equipment which could not reasonably have been foreseen by customer. The rate for emergency steam service shall be $g.00 per 1 000 pounds of steam used during the emergency period.. The emergency period shall end when customer's standy equipment is repaired and customer has notified Company or the end of the curtailment during which the emergency steam ser- vice was requested. Prompt Payment Provision: A chaxge of 5� will be added to net bill, computed at the rates shown above, which shall constitue a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Surcha,rge: A surcharge of 8.7� will be included in the gross and net monthly bills computed under this rate schedule. Term of Agreement: Interruptible Steam Service agreement sha11 be for a term of not less than one year. Upon expiration of the term, agreement remains in effect until terminated by at least thirty days' notice by either �,rty. ISSUED EFF'ECTIVE AUTHORIZED BY DATE - � . .�. �/� `� �/ BTANDARD RATE SHEET VOLUME 2 14th Revised SHEET ►vo. 66 FORM 17•6109 � NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY RATE No. St Paul Division PROPOSED STEAM SERVICE Steam Effective In: City of St Paul Availability: Available to commercial and industrial customers for general use of S`team Service. Steam Service furnished from low pressure ma.ins is available from September 1 to May 31 , inclusive; and Steam Service furnished from high pressure mains is a�ailable the entire year. Rate: First 200 000 lbs of condensate per month @ $10.g1 per 1 000 lbs Next 300 000 lbs of condensate per month @ $ g.g8 per 1 000 lbs Next 500 000 lbs of condensate per month @ $ 8.90 per 1 000 lbs Next 2 000 000 lbs of condensate per month @ $ 8.17 per 1. 000 lbs Excess lbs of condensate per month @ $ 7.37 per 1 000 lbs Monthly Minimum Charge: �20.00 per meter Fuel Clause: There shall be added. to or deducted from the net monthly bill, 2.2� per thousand pounds of steam for the first whole one-half cent increase above or decrease below $1 .361 per million Btu and for each whole cent change thereafter in the auerage cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the steam production plant of Northern States Power Company supplying steam to its St Paul distribution system and shall include the costs in FERC Account 501 - Fuel for Such Steam Production Plant. Prompt Payment Provision: A cha,rge of 5� will be aclded to net bill, computed at the rate shown above, which charge shall constitue a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Surcha.rge: A surcha,rge of 8.7� will be included in the gross and net monthly bills computed under this rate schedule. � ISSUED EFFECTIVE AUTHORIZED BY DATE � BT�NDARD RATE 6HEET VOLUME 2 6th Revised SHEET No. 66.� FORM 17-gipg NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY RATE rvo. St Paul Division PROPOSED INTERRUPTIBLE STEAM SERVICE Steam Effective In: City of St Paul Availability: Available on an interruptible basis to commercial and industrial customers that are located on portions of the Company's steam distribution system having adequa.te capacity to serve customer's interrup- tible load without impairing service to other customers. E�ctensions or enlargement of the Company's distribution facilities required to serve an interruptible load will be ma�ie in a�cordance with the Company's General Rules and Regulations. The total capacity of a11 interruptible customers sha11 be limited to the excess capacity of Company's steam production plant after service requirements to its firm customers are met. Customer will agree to (1 ) curtail his use of steam whenever requested to do so by the Company; and (2) provide necessary energy requirements during curtailment from another source. This rate will be in effect commencing with the meter reading of October and ending with meter rearling of May of the following year. During the meter reading months of June through September, steam service will be available under the steam service rate in effect at that time. Chara,cter of Service: The delivery of steam hereunder sha11 be curtailed upon request of Company. S1ich requests sha11 be made as far in advance as possible. Rate: Per 1 000 lbs $6.05 Monthly Minimum Charge: The minimum bill for service rendered hereunder shall be $20.00 per meter, the amount prorated for curtailment periods. Fuel Clause: There shall be aclded to or deducted from the net monthly bill, 2.2� per thousand pounds of steam for the first whole one-half cent increase above or decrease below $1 .361 per million Btu and for each whole cent change thereafter in the average cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the steam production plant of Northern States Power Company supplying steam to its St Paul distribution system and sha11 include the costs in FPC Account 501 - Fuel for Such Steam Production Plant. (Continued on following sheet) ISSUED EFFECTIVE AUTHORIZED BY DATE ,. _ , _ . . <.,:.�. � . �,<.. _ _ - _ _-. . . .. .: >.,,._ � . ._ . .,..:._... .. . _: ... . BTANDAqD RATE SHEET VOLUME 2 5th Revised SHEET No. 66.2 FORM 17-6109 NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY RATE NO. St Paul Division PROPOS�D INTERRUPTIBLE STEAM SERVICE (Continued) Steam Additional Charge for Use of Steam During Curtailment: If customer fails to curtail his use of steam when requested to do so by Company, he shall �,y in a.ddition to the above rate an amount of $13.00 per thousand pounds of steam used in excess of the volume to which customer was requested to curtail. Such payment, however, sha11 not preclude Compa,ny from shutting off customer's supply of steam in the event of customers' failure to curtail his use thereof when requested to do so. Elnergency Steam Service for Interruptible Steam Customers: �Ynergency steam service for interruptible steam customers during periods of curtailment may be auailable if Company's ability to furnish such emergency service will not, in Company's judgnent, compromise Company's ability to provide firm steam service to its firm steam customers. �,lnergency steam service to curtailed interruptible steam customers will be approved by Company provided: 1 . �nergency steam service is requested by customer and such request is confirmed in writing no later than 48 hours after the initial request. If the initial request is in writing, the 48 hour provision is fulfilled. 2. The emergency is in the nature of a breakdown of standby equipment which could not reasonably ha.ve been foreseen by customer. The rate for emergency steam service sha11 be $g.00 per 1 000 pounds of steam used during the emergency period. The emergency period sha11 end when customer's standy equipment is repaired and customer has notified Company or the end of the curtailment during which the emergency steam ser— vice was requested. Prompt Payment Provision: A charge of 5� will be added to net bill, computed at the rates shown above, which shall constitue a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Surcha.rge: A surcharge of 8.7� will be included in the gross and net monthly bills computed under this rate schedule. Term of Agreement: Interruptible Steam Service agreement sha11 be for a term of not less than one yea.r. Upon expiration of the term, agreement remains in effect until terminated by at least thirty days' notice by either party. ISSUED EFF'�CTIVE CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL �.: �oa � �ee�sae�e ���0 — ie April 10, 1981 JOANNE SHOWALTER Councilwoman M E M 0 R A N D U M T0: Mike Sirian FROM: Joanne Showalter � On Auqust 28, 1980, the Council referred to the Energy, Utilities and Environment Committee an application of Northern States Power Company for an increase in steam rates. Please remove this item from the list of Matters Referred to Committee by reason of formal action b,y the Council in the adoption of Ordinance No. 16771. JS:vo CITY HALI. SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNFSOTA 55102 612/298-5289 °�� � r, , lst / (_^' -� - %cJ 2nd �� � 11 `��.' : ; 3rd f� ��y a � Adopted � .� - ,a' ( - �, �` � Yeas . Nays _� . � xurrr I� ^ "'` � LEVINE � /V C "�V � Mc1`1AHON SHOWALTER TEDESCO WI LS OPi �., PRESIDENT (MADDOX) . � �r � ��.