275733 WMITE - CITY CLERK �`F� PINK - FINANCE � i' (�� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F S A I N T PA U L COUIICII ,�� Q BLUE - MAYOR � File N 0. Council Re olution Presented By ��N� / r � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement with Recycling Unlimited whereby Recycling Unlimited will provide curbside pick up recycling services for the City for the period of 16 months commencing September l, 1980, with an option to renew thereafter for a period of one year; said Agreement providing for a payment to Recycling Unli.mited of $80,000.00 in semi-monthly installments commencing September l, 1980. A copy of this Agreement shall be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays -+�e � Publ i c 41ot-ks �evine [n Favo[ Maddox � nn�nnano� _ A ainst BY Showalter g .=== Donald E. Nygaard- Di re wison Form App e City Adopted by Council• Date �EP 3 Q �9BO C C tified Ya by Co cret�ty BY � App by :Vlayor. e � A r e by Mayor for b sion to Councii By PU�.tSHE� 0 CT 1 1 1980 . OM O1 : 12/1975 a�,,: 9��i;s � EkPLANATIOId JF /�OMiNISTFATIUE ORDERS, - f;ESOLEJT I ONS, ANQ ORD!NANCES ' � � ����� Date: geptember 16� 1980 �� T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: Thomas J. Eggum, Public Works Office Engineer �� � � ' � � D SEF 1 919�0 RE: Recycling Unlimited MA�g � �� ACTIOhf REQUESTED: . The attached resolution will authorize the City to execute an agreement with Recycling Unlimited. Recycling Unlimited will expand its curbside pickup . (of cans, bottles, paper, etc.) to other districts within the City. The City wili construct a 40-foot by .80-foot building at Public Works' Pleasant and View yard for use by Recycl.ing Untiimited during the period of this��a�greement. City wili provide in-kind assistance and prornotio� to Recycling Unlimited. - �Uftf'OSE /1N� R.4T I ONA.LE FOR TH I S ACT 1 dN: /�TT/�,�N34FF��=S: Resolution dll .