275732 WHITE - CITY CLERK �'�^�c�(1� PINK - FINANCE COUIICII /d J �) CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L BLUE - MAYOR File N . Counci olut ' n Presented By Referred To ommittee: Date Out of Committee By Date W�REAS, The Coiu�.cil of the City of Saint Paul by Resolutian C.F.275279, adopted J�e 15, 1980, did vaca.te, a�mng other thulgs, that porti� of public street located in the City of Saint Paul, Cotim.ty of Ramsey, Sta.te of MiYm.esota., legally d�scribed as follaas: All of Shexbtmie AvEn.ue that lies westerly of the west right-of-way lixle of Rc�bert Street and easterly of the east right-of-way line of Cedar Str�t; and W1�RE�1S, said vacatian reserved to the City of Saint Pau1 and other public instru- mer�.ta.lities, public utility ea.seme�Zts cantained tYLerein and thereon; and Wi�REAS, The Co�cil has been requested to waive th.e retaaned water utility ease- ment a�.d the Water Departr�nn.t of the City of Saint Pau1 ha.s filed a written certifica.te of intended nan-use with the office of the City Clerk, which Certifica.te is incorporated herein by reference; and �S, The Water Depa.ri�nen.t ha.s cansented to w�a.ive its retained ease�nt in said vaca.ted property as fully set forth in its Certifica.te of intended nan-use as hexetofore mentianed. NCJW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Cotmcil of the City of Saint Paul, p�st�an.t to Sectian 228.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, does hereby waive, re- lea.se and extingu.ish the Water Utility ease��en.t reta.ined by the 4�ater Depa.rtment of the City of Sain.t Paul in Cou�.cil Resolutian C.F.275279 adapted Jtme 15, 1980; BE IT FURTl�R. RESOLVED, That the above men.tianed waiv+er and release of said ease��ent is for the City of Saint Paul and tl�se persons for wham the City has reserv�ed ea.se�n.ts in said vacated property for the insta.11atian, a�aintenan.ce and operativn of any sewer, water, gas or electric main, pipe or canduit of public instnm�ntality. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays —ww�r � Fin and gement Services Levine In Favoc Maddox McMahon snowaiter � __ Against B �.�a Director �p 3 p �QQ� Form Approved by City Attorney A ted by Council: Date Certified P� d by Cou . Secreta� �� �� `�l6� By � Appro . a Date Ej jg Q Approve ayor for Subm' �ouncil By _ BY 0 CT 1 1 19�0 _ ► f /�,� ( t! E �!••� THE FI�IvGl��L� Nu1YGR P.I�►T� MEN.BEPS OF' 'I''rT COL�CIL OF �!� CERTIFICATE OF CIi� CF SAiI�' PAUL I1Q'��HI3ED NON-USE T:le undersigned hereby cer�ify� the.t they do not irte:,d to esercise zneir utility easement righ�s �n the following described realty: all of Sherburne Avenue that lies westerly of the west right-of- way line of Robert Street and east- erly of the east right-of way line of Cedar Streeti Bated � , �� , 19� . Director of Public Works City of Saint Pa.ul � General Mana,ger Water De tment City of Saint PauZ Northern Sta.tes Po�rer Cozapa�• By (SEAL) Northxestern Bell Telephone Co�pa�y �Y (38AI') �. �. . , . ������ � � � i � s.�r.r 8, ig8o i iir. �e A. llwR . � �l � lia'�+�er �li� ' 11l�� �ie�� �. . . . �,; � —�t� �E��+�MI�° +�".�1� �4 ,�a� , �� . _ �'IDIt�'��11MI�il����:�l�lC'NNN�M' �''1 �� � . � � . 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'u `�, � +'7"s$, V•c" �'f " <� ar�'°' � + r� .. .. . . .. . . y . � � :O-� �5��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��,� '� � :�`C .X�"'"'��';� INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM � e �[ • �� �' � . ���� Augu$t i2, i9ao Mr. J. William Donovan Valuation and Assessment Engineer Room 218 City Hall Re: Vacation of Sherburne Avenue between Cedar and Robert Streets Dear Mr. Donovan: The Water Utility has been informed by Mr. Roq Anderson of the State of Minnesota Department of Administration that the State now wishes to utilize the 4-inch water main in Sherburne for the development of Cass Gilbert Park. This arrangement is acceptable to the Water Utility. Conditions as outlined in our letters of April 11, 1980 and June 19, 1980 may therefore be.voided and the follawing should be substituted: � - 1. The State shall pay the'Water_Utility to salvage the esisting hqdrant and to install a 4-ineh valve on the Sherburne Avenue water main within the street right-of-�,iay of Cedar Street, thus converting the water main to the status of a service connection, maiatained by the Water Utility at .State expense. 2. Al1 4-inch piping within the right-of way of vacated Sherburne Avenue will become the property of the State of Minnesota with maintenance by the State or their designated contractor. 3. A meter vault will be constructed by the State at or near the east right-of�aay line of .Cedar Street to provide for meteriag of the 4-inch service connection in vacated Sherburae Avenue. Completion of the above will satisfy requirements of the Water Utility pertaining to the vacation of the above referenced street. Verq truly yours, , �rr� E1mer A. Huset General Manager . AJC:�1 �p cc: Mr. Tom Eggum ��y� — �� �c.... � � — � �O U � PINK � FIN�NCE � Council �f UrG E�7 C�.N�P♦ — DEP�PTMENT ��x. ��,�_�(�y ��Y��_�pF SA I NT I�A iI L P'_��=M�rOn , FI�C N�. • • Cou c l Re l�tion i � }�yj'� ` �':s..o ...��• ��_ t �i t, 6 E.% Presented By Referred To Committee: Date�. ` °"�'""""`"� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That upon the petition of the State of Minnesota, that sectian of public street hereinafter described, be and the same hereby is vacated and discontinued as a public street: �e All of Sherburne Avenue that lies westerly of the west right-of- way line of Robert Street and east- erly of the east right-of way line of Cedar Streett subject expressly to the follawing conditions and reservatio ns: 1. That the vacation be subject to all the terms � _ and conditions of Chapter 228 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as amended. 2. That the petitioner shall be responsible for all costs and expenses in the reconstruction of the s�reet intersection of Cedar Street and Sherburne Averuie and construction of new sidewalks, boulevards, and curbing across the said proposed vacated street, all under the direction of and to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: [n Favor Against BY Form Appq�ved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date - �l i Certified Passed by Council Secretary f3.�,—J-" � L�'� `- :t�c'�— / �� �'�' By Approved by 14avor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B}• BY c� � � r��-� ���- ,, a 2 3 . That the petitioner shall take over at their expense the responsibility of maintaining or removing the public . stairway that presently exists connecting Robert Street with Sherburne Avenue west of Robert Street_ 4. That the petitioner shall pay the Water Utility for the cost of cutting and plugging the Sher- burne Avenue water main, for installing a one- inch blow off and for salvaging the existing hydrant. 5. That a 30 foot wide permanent sewer easement be retained centered on the existing sewer in � Sherburne Avenue extendinq from Cedar Street to � a point 30 feet east of the upstream manhole; subject to the following restrictions: a) That no buildings, structures, or trees are permitted within the easement area, or any temporary structures, material storage, fixtures or other objects that will prohibit normal access to sewer facilities for maintenance purposes. b) That no change from the existing qrade is permitted without written permission from the Public Works Department. c) That no change in surfacing within the easement area is permitted with- out written permission from �he Public Works Department. � 1� '; I ; � CLERK i �N,N�E G I TY O F SA I NT �A U L Council -� JEPARTMENT AIAVOR � ' File N � Council Resolution ��� � �-� �, -a < ''�.�.—� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By 3 Date d) That the petitioner, its successors and assigns shal.l fully indemnify, defend � , and save harml.ess the City of Saint Paul, its off icers, agents, employees and ser- vants from any injuries or damages received or sustained by any break in any service pipe, or connection in said reserved ease- - ment, arising out of or resultinq from any . action or negligence of the petitioner, its employees, agents or business invitees. 6. That a specific easement be retained to protect the interest of Narthern States Power Company. 7. Tha t the State of Minnesota be required to pay $750.00 to the City in consideratioa for the cost of processing � the vacation proceedings. S. That in lieu of a bond, the State of Minnesota provide the City with a written covenant conditioned to indemnify and hold the City harmless for any and all damages, claims for damages, costs, charges, judgments and expenses of every kind and nature arising� or growing out of the vacation of the street herein descri}�ed to be vacated. COUNCIC.4lEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favo[ Maddox McMahon Agai[1St BY Showaite� Tedesco Adopt � Counc� : Date �UL i 5 1980 Form d'�proved by City Attorney Ce iEied Pa• d by Co cil Secrejary . --�—''����v �'�`'� 7J` �`� I A rov d by Mavor: e � Approved by Mayoc for Submission to Council _ By ,� =---�is•.:. o ---__,_..__ _ j . �� 3 � `i 0 3 - � �"`----- _ �9� VA��EY � �-� � .J�ry P, �' � l5p� , r� 4 �. MO 5 � 'o � 7 �g CAPITOL BLV . 2 CAPITOL 8LV � � J � 0 22 - d 6 5 � 4 I �� � g 6 2 � \�� � � �. V 9 � ' � 3 2 � S� �6� � iio' izs.6' � so' �'p 6" N - 6" s° �i $ (ST) AVE. � � " '� � 124 �81 97.3 28 3337 49.5 40 56 , p / �`� I ° � 6 `'� 6 sp� P��O . 2 = 3 5 4 3 2 l � �P�' `sa. 5 2 �o F�� `� 3 = � E,/ = i 4 N - �'� ' —�, 4 = , � i �� � � Z� � 3 -z- � � 5 = � 2 ��3 6 � 021 20 19 18 17 I6 15 � `6 , ,;�` : �OUCAT ON SS . � sT T� D M N^/. ; f _� ° � r�i � :�,� ~r/� � � � �' ij, a:? � �! 7 �0 5�, �. �� 5 � 55� 3 ; �. �' ' , F fi '� 0 ` 1- ' � �o j 1 _ . , ,(r' r- SUERBUe,t�� � ._ � � �t� 64 40� , ,� „ 4O� � 2 � 17 � �?'z S /� O �� � �A N� N c 3 = � �`_ 18 16 15� 14 17 !6 19 20 21 22 23 24 � ` � 4 Q , - 19 � ' ' _ < � " - U � � .�;..,4,;w;,�,,..,r,,, AREA PETITIONED _ � � , TO BE VACATED � � � 2 3 4 �j 6 16 � SEWER EASEMENT � � �, i 24� " � ���� N.S.P. OV ERHF,AD � � t0 POWER POLE � '�� a. 50� N � � .—�------- N.S.,P. GAS MAIN "' .' � �,6 �/ ' �/ � -T _ 4'� �'' " /��'�'�" SCALE: , 1" equals 100' �`" i � R / � � - t�MN Ol: ; 32/1915 Rev.: 9/8/76 EXPt„ANATION OF AaNIINISTRATiYE ORDERS, ����� , � ECE � VED : S�. � .. ?��� Date: 8eptemt�er 12, lg8o 11AAYOR'S OfF.�CE TO: MAYOR f EORGE LATIMER .. _ . �w� FR: J. Wm. Donov�, Val. & Assmt. Engineer, Finanee & Mgmt. Services,(Ext. 7019) RE: Release of certain utility ease�ments as set forth in Cau.ncil F3.le 275279, ad.opted July 15, 1980, approved July 17, 1980 (Sherburae Avenue) ACTIt3N REQ„UESTEQ• Mayor's approval for ,submission to City Council. PJltPOSE AWO RATIONALE F4R TNIS ACTION: To release certain util3.ty easements in area de�cribed 3n Council File �275279. ATTACHMEIVTS: `�T.�'Couneil Resolution 2. Capy of Coun�:il File #275279 3. CBrtificates of Intended Non-Use from Water Utility �+. Area Map