275730 WHIT� ' - CITY CLERK ('y���!''���yyy(� PINK - FINANCE J /'!��_{o . CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L COUfIClI �� , �� ��y ��`�urn co��O; File N 0. Fir�nce a nagement ServicesC un il s� utZQn Valu�tion Bureau • �Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Wf�REAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul by Resolution C.F. 268405, adapt�ed January 13, 1977, did vacate, among other things, that portion of public street located in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ftamsey, State of Minnesota, legally described as follaws: Al1 that part of Oneida Street lying between the North line of James Avenue, ext�ended and the Southeasterly l�ne of West Seventh Street being a line 47 feet Southeasterly of and parallel to the original oenter lir� of West Seventh Street as opened per Book of Operiings VolLmie 2, page 1 - 3, filed Januaiy 6, 1859, in the offiae of the Register of Deeds in R�-unsey County Minn. and Wi�[tEAS, Said vacation reserved to the City of Saint Paul and other public instru- mentalities, public utility easements contained therein and thereon; and Wf�tE�1S, 'I'he Council has been requested to waive said retained easements, and the affected City Depart�nts, Northern 5tat�es Pawer Campany and Northwestern Bell Telephone Con�any have filed writtren certificat�s of intended non-use with the office of the City Clexk, which Certificates are inc�orporat�ed. herein by reference; and Wi�RE�S, 'I'he affected City Departments and the above mentioned utilities have wnsented to waive certain specific retair�ed easeme.nts in said vaca.ted propexty as fully set forth in their Certifica.tes of int�ended non-use as heretofore mentioned; NOW Tt�E2EE'ORE BE IT RESOLUED, That the Co�ci.l of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to Section 228.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Cod�e, as amend�ed., does hereby waive, release and extinguish the easements retained by the Water Depari�ient of the City of Saint Paul, Northern States Pawer Cca�ipan.y and Northwest�ern Bell Telephone C.c�rpany in Council Resolution C.F. 268405 ad.apted January 13, 1977. SE IT �'U�[t RESOLVED, That the Council does hereby waive, release, and extinguish easements in the vacated public street retained by the Public Works Depart�nent as fol lc7ws: COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt ` F' nce a gement Services Levine � In Favor �,oX J ,J�� McMahon ec or �,�i�� Against Tedesco �Ison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Vassed by Council Secretary B ` —�lr�� ss� Approved by 1�layor: Date _ Approve by Mayoc for Submission to Council By _ BY � WMITE� - CITY CLERK L�I�1 µ� PtNK - FINANCE � /��' J�0 GANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU-L COUIICII � c 9LUE - MAYOR File N 0. RETURN COPY TO VALUATION BiJRF'AUCouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date All th,at part of Oneida Street lying between the North line of James Avenue, extended and the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street being a line 47 feet Southeasterly of and parallel to the original oentex line of West Seventh Street as opened pex Book of Op�nings. VolLmie 2, page 1 - 3, filed. Jantu-�y 6, 1859, in the office of the Regist�x of Deeds in Ramsey Co�ty Minn., subject to retained. Sewer Easements in City of Sai.nt Paul Council Resolution C.F. 268405 dated January 13, 1977. &E IT FUR'I��R RESOLVID, That the above mentioned waiver and release of said ease- ments are far the City of Saint Paul and those persons for whcen the City has reserved easements in sai.d vacat�ed property for the installation, maintenance and operation of any sewer, watex, gas or electric main, pipe or conduit of public instr�nrentality. COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays -+�,r F' nce and nagement Services Levine �_ In Favor Maddox �;��te � _ Against BY Director .�adeses �1 Adopt y Council: Date SEP 3 0 1980 Form Approved by City Attorney C tified Yas- y Coun Se re ry BY��'�- Yr�/_� App v by EVlavor: at �+1 � 198 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii By BY Ptwu�O 0 Ct 1 1 1980 _.. . ^�lV E - MA r OR , ,�?�, -- � �'ouncil Resolution - . / ,� Presented By �'\ ! - ` � � `"""`��' /� �� Referred To � Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, Tnat upon the petition of G. Heileman ,��`j�'`��� Fr t � Brewing Company, Inc. , that section of public street � �- hereinafter described, be and the same h�eby is vacated and discontinued as a public street: Vacate all that part of Oniida Street lying between the North li�ne of James Avenue, extended and the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street being a line 47 feet Southeasterly of and parallel to the original center ' line of West Seventh Street as opened per Book of Openings � Volume 2, page 1 -- 3, filed ` January 6, 1859, in the office of the Register of Deeds in Ramsey County Minn. ; subject expressly to the following conditions and reservations: l. That the vacation be subject to all the terms and conditions of Chapter 228 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as amended. COUNCILlNEN Requested by Department of: Y eas N ays Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt B Levine A gai n s t y Rcedler Sylvester • Tedesco Form Approved by ity ttorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By � By Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by �4ayor. Date • By BY r � , � _. _ _ S • �,���Y�� l�/ 2 2 . That the petitioner take out the necessary permits to take over the open cut sewers and any drainage facilities in Oneida Street as private connections, all to the satis- faction of the Department of Public Works Sewer Engineer. 3 . That two (2) underground permanent sewer easements be retained in Oneida Street described as follows: A 20 foot wide permanent underground sewer easement in Oneida Street between� elevations 35 and 55 feet � City Datum (City Datum: 0 = 694.1 feet sea level Datum) centered along the extended center line of vacated Palace Street (previously Cascade Street) across Oneida Street; also A 20 foot wide permanent underground sewer easement in Oneida Street between � elevations 55 feet and 75 feet City Datum centered along the center line of the existing sewer tunnel connecting the existing Oneida Street sewer to the sewer tunnel in West Seventh Street, said sewer extending from 10 feet beyond the upstream manhole to the south right-of-way line of West Seventh Street, as widened; Said easements to be subject to the following conditions : a) That no permanent structures within the underground easement area will be allowed. �� • , ' � - _.. / / � � �s�_J'o 3 b) Tha t the C ity reta in a perpetua 1 ea sement for ingress and egress to said easement and underground sewer manholes and also that the Public works Department shall have the right to construct, maintain, operate and repair the underground sewers. 4 . That a specific Water Utility easement be retained in a portion of Oneida Street herein vacated, said easement legally described as follows: The Westerly 1/2 of Oneida Street • lying between the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street and the extension of the South line of ' • Lot l, Block 17, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey' s addition to St. Paul; said easement to be subject to the follow- ing restrictions: a) That no buildings, structures or trees are permitted within the easement area, or any temporary structures, fixtures or other objects that will prohibit normal access to water facilities for maintenance purposes. b) That no change from the existing grade is permitted within the easement area . c) That no change in surfacing within the easement area is permitted without ` written permission from the Water Utility. d) That the petitioner, his successors and assigns shall fully indemnif�, defend and save harmless the Board of Water . �Council Resol�ution \ _. , � / ✓ ��/ � /� _� � ',ented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 4 Commissioners, its officers, agents, employees and servants from all suits, actions of claims which shall arise from any injuries or damages received or sustained by any break or leak in any service pipe, water main or con- nection in said dedicated easement. 5. That the petitioner provide fire vehicle access to Oneida Street herein vacated, all to the satis- faction of the Department of Fire and Safety Services. Also, that all future building permit applications for construction work within the limits of Oneida Street herein vacated be referred to the Department of Fire and Safety Services for � approval. • 6. That a specific easement be retained to protect the interests of the Northern States Power Company. 7. That the petitioner be required to pay $25,000 as compensation for the vacation and provide the Cit�• with a bond in the amount of $25,000. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � �Requested by Depactment of: Butler Hozza [n Favor — Hunt � Roedler A gai n s t BY _ Sylvester —�tesc� _ - - t� 13 197? Adupted by Council: Date �a Form Approved y Ci Attorn Cert�fied Pass �y Cou cil Secreta�y BY ^'' _ /� w /> � a.�-r %1.�-- ��i' I rlppruvc Navor: Date _ _ � �AN � 4 �9T7. Approved y Mayor for Submission to Council By — -- — - BY l� `; •, •/,r °,1�� THE HONORABLE MAYOR APID MEMBERS OF THE COUPICIL OF THE CERTIFICATE OF CITY OF SAIl� PAUL INTEl'�ED NON-USE The undersigned hereby certif� that they do not intend to exercise their utility easement rights in the follawing described realty: Vacate all that part of Oneida Street lying between the North line of James Avenue, extended and the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street being a line 47 feet Southeasterly of and parallel to the original center line of West Seventh Street as opened per Book of Openings Volume 2, page 1 - 3, filed January 6, 1859, in the office of the Register of Deeds in Ramsey County Minn. DBted �_' � , 19� ` Director of Public ilorks City of 3aint Pa.ul General Manager, Nater Department City of Saint Pa.nl Northern States Pc�rer Compary�r BY t�L) Nort2nrestern Bell Telephone Co�pan�r BY (SEA�) ;< _ - �� ,�, �� � � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) On this i day of � lg , before me, a notary public within and for said County, personally appeared to me personally known, who, being bx me duly e�rora, did say that he is the of NORTSERDi STATES P�WER COMPANY, a corporation, named in the foreqoing instrument� and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporatian, and that said iastrument was signed and sealed i.n behalf of said corporation by suthority of its Board of Directors arid said acknowledqed said i.n9trument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. Notary Puhlic, Ramsey Cour�ty. Minn. , My comcnission expires STATE OF MIDINESOTA � ' ) ss. . COLJN't'Y OF RAMSEY ) On this,�/,_ day of ,�, �• �ar� County, 29�o , before me, a n tary public with n and : personally appeazed . .�t/ to me �. personally kno�wn. who being by me duly rn, did say that he is the .� c� of NORTBWESTERI� BELL TEL��� Cpi�ipAL�11Y, a corporation,. na d in the foregoing inetrusa+ent. and that the seal affixed to said instrwaent is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument wa$ signed and sealed in behalf of said co=poration by suthority a��ledqed of Directors and said �---� said instrument to be the free act and de of said corpozation. (_ . w,..�� - Notary Public, RamseY County, Mien. My commission expix'ea �-�5�--�Y MARGARET NUTZMAi�N , Notary Pub!ic, Ramsey County, Minr�. 2 My Commission Expires t,Aay 24, 1982 • ��� r12,:� i._���� THE HONORABLE MAYOR APID I�IDERS OF THE COUNCII. OF THE CERTIP'ICATS OF CITY OF SAINT PAUI, I1�pDED gpR-USE The undersigned hereby certif� tha.t they do not intend to exercise their utility easement rights in the foll�►ing described realty; Vacate all that part of Oneida Street lying between the North line of James Avenue, extended and the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street being a line 47 feet Southeasterly of and parallel to the original center line of West Seventh Street as opened per Book of Openings Volume 2, page 1 - 3, filed January 6, 1859, in the office of the Register of Deeds in Ramsey County Minn. Dsted c�-� � 19 �� ` Birector of Pnblic �Torks City of 8aint Paul . General Manager, Water Bepart�ment City of Saint Panl ftorthern Sta.tea Porer Compa� BY '- �. a� (�EAL) l�orth�restern Bell Telephoae Coffipar�y $Y (SSAL) �-�-' a� S 7�� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. covrTZy oF x�r�s� )� On this �, day of � 19�. before me, a not� li within and fo aid County. • _ to me personally appeared `�" J�' ' ey��� did say that - personally own, w o beinq b}C me duly he is the of DTORTBERDi STATES P� CpMpADty, a corporation, n i.n the foregoing instrum�nt. and that the sesl affixed to $�at sa duin trumentew��4�� seal of said corporation. aad and sealed in behalf of sai co io by suthcrity of its L Hoard of Directors and eaid 1/ � acknowledqed sai.d ia�tr�t to be the free act aad deed of said corporation. f � ��4�] �, w . w Notax'Y p � r, .,,,• E 6�:RfN56N��n. � �,!! � NOTARY PUBLIC-MINNESOTA � ���I��Y COUNTY My c _ t�y G6mmission'E�ti� pr. ,t STATE OF MIDIDiESOTA ) ' ) ss. ; COLJN'L'Y OF RA1�l3EY ) On this.+,_,_, �Y of • 19 . before me. a notary publ.0 within � fer said County. : to me � pers nally apPesred personally kno�wn. whc beinq by me o�l�s�� 8a���� he is the �p�pp�1Y, a corporation., rism� � the foreqoiag inatrumaae,Beal that the seal affixed to said instrutaent �.S the ca�P°r of said corporation. and that ��on btra�or�Y of� B�� sealed in behal£ of said corpo Y ��1�g� of Directors and said said instrument to be the free act and deed of said cvrporatioa. , Notary Public. RamseY County. Minn�. My commi.ssion exPires 2 , ��j^� `�-' J ' THE HONORABLE MAYOR AI�ID N�t��IDERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CERTFFICATg OF CITY QF SAIPIT PAUL INT3sRDED NOAT-USE The undersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to exercise tbeir utility easement rights in the follrn►ing described realty; All that part of Oneida Street lying between the North line of James Avenue, extended and the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street being a line 47 feet Southeasterly of and parallel to the original center line of West Seventh Street as opened per Book of Openings Volume 2, page 1 - 3, filed January 6, 1859, in the ofPice of � the Register of Deeds in Ra.msey County Minn. Dated , , 19�Q_ � Hirector of P�lic Works City of 8aint paul � r Genersl2�ne,ge2', t D Cnt City of 8aint Panl l�orthern Statea P�►er Com�r� � BY (�L) Aorth�rastern Bell Telephoae Co�psqy $T ��+) . � p�4� � !J.`����..' THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND I+�BRS OF THE COUNCII, OF THE CERTIFICATI� OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTENDED NOAT-USE The undersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to exercise their utility easement rights in the folla�ing deacribed realty: All that part of Oneida Street lying between the North line of Ja.mes Avenue, extended and the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street being a line 47 feet Southeasterly of and parallel to the original center line of West Seventh Street as opened per Book of Openings Volume 2, page 1 - 3, filed January 6, 1.859, in the off`ice of the Register of Deeds in Ra.msey County Minn. , subject to retained Sewer Easements in City of St. Paul Council Resolution No. 268405 dated January 13, 1977. ,_ �t� S's�raN►ss� .� , �9 aa � irector of li rk8 City of Saint Pa General Manager, �later Bepaxtment City of Saint Panl I�orthern States Pc�rer Cam�par�r BY ��L) Aorthxestern Bell Telephone Co�pany �Y ���) �- --n _. 1 ., (y......�.�c _...-.�:.- �.�.. � � _��-'--- �.-.—,� _*�ae�:�� _,,...- �:�"'v"�'"�"`�,s`�'�'' =z�--'<.�,� -� � -�-- � . _ � �I -•u . - - � , ;. �- ';�. �� '� . • --�!/..�r 3.0�4 /to/�Z .�•� i .. i.�i se ,-. . . i.�.s�.o� ' - -- .. -a �'� JE�-rE2s a,v � ��' s �,�_ �� �_•-.._" � ^ ,/3s7J 2 D ._�! YG -•• -- ., .r.. � . w , '�` , _ � � �j �j _ . . 93,/ .�9�s 7 � v j� _ �// ^� �p 31 '"' .9I.K -�v�'7o-d4'- �o•� .i �+ 0 ' ` �`•y� •- ..' . f/ � Z � � � _ Z9 , � . .. � . . ; � ♦2 9 � �... ., , a __ � • _ �y = ; � � .j �j ..►o _ I$ 8 ��.sj J3o .`. '�/ /f �L. � �a , . � � ��;; � •h' 3 0 ,, 12`��I;iM�•G S �! 1� � ' ,33•e �9 I J-i 7 - !y� t ? � G Z 9 c ,:=f :,�.�, , , � t '.r I ' �f 1 G i �,f a�,�� , , . Z p� c 1 j�y • ,' � sA �o o /ro � i / - � _, , _ ._ ,�i a V l� � !L 1� ,'� � Z7 � �. . - � �I- _ � • ��b- . � 1�v /7 �,� ��`�� g 2G - 4 - ��� � -- " -- �.-- � .r /o � 25 , I T� � #: �� . � � ! '• i� �-- .=- 3 � // y:1 , � � __ 2� . �� ' i Iz � - , Z � 'J ._.� � � , . /2 . - Z 3 - j�. � �i � . � L 30 � / zL.1• _� ` i '�:�/Z6s � ♦iG.s � ` `� - / 3 ? � �2 . ��• S •, � . � A� �''. � vac� fed � + � s �.4 _2/ .s�. _E � - � �4�4 C� �J, ' --;.�`-�,� --=r�,- _� . . .� .a .iso �s^ . I S Z Q : � �i � . // /o -� — —. - t -� � � • - �� � i 9 . : _��. � , �, �Z . 9 J . - ,� � � ' i� . !� ,• , d � � t� _ �ir is.r,. ,� �.• � f /3 a . .,.. i__ � " � , - - `/ _ "'� • � ��_ Yacm7ro`�s�s L ' � ' �:_-.- ..- ._..- _ 1 � �y /-E � 7 \ � �4�4.c� ��.t, �1 � � . . � • � � • �i r ��'` � }-�j t . � �;s p ` � ! ; n .. � :. -_ � � . � .. . : � � . . � .. � , 5 �T•.r � . � . ' �+��.� '" _�.�.--- . . ' ." T .. : . .. . .. i •� ' . ' .. • ''/. � '�� ' - ' o E �/.4 c�4TED � - � ' � .. � ' pET/7'/oN ED T B � � � , 'ry ,. ' / ' r �� �� � �p� :,.� ;,�,! - -_ cr �%�,�/ 6.t�r � ' � � 1✓� �! �,,,�� �:.F_ _ ! : a . �."' / f 1'' �c ��+ , ., S���f" _C43GM�'N 3 A /l>I.��N�'� i• ^ i�_:;�' _, . � i _�� :'� _ ' ? " : � - ; >�,--_ _ ,a '� --- -- — — ,,.. � .� ��:.-� ,• . - - � , aN 01: 12/1975 Rev. : 9/8/76 ���� EXPLANA7ION OF ADMINISTRATIVf`QRDERS, . _ RECEIVED S�-. j ., ry�a� Date: 3eptember 18, 1980 MAYOR'S O�� T0: MAYOR 6EORG�:LATIMER : FR: �� J. Wm. Donav�aa, Yal. & Assmt. Engineer, Finance 8e Mgmt. 3ervices (Ext. 7019) RE: R�lea�e of certain utility easements ae set forth in Council File �268405, adopted January 13, 1977 (Oneic�,a Street). � ACTION REQUESTED: - _ Mayor's approval for submission to City Council. PJRPOSE Af4D RATi0P1�lLE F4R THIS ACTION: To release certain utility easement� in area described in Council i�ile �268405. ATTACNM��TS: . l. Counc3l Resolution . 2. Copy of Cauncil IPile �L68lF05 3• CertiFicates of Intend�d Non-Use from (4) N.S.P., N.W.B., P.W. W.U. . 4. Area Map