275926 WHITE - CITY CLERK � (�[�
PINK - FINANCE COl1I1C11' ����/P1
BLUE - MAYOR File N O. � ��� .
• r-��/
O/ ZIZGI�IZCP. Ordinance N O. �(D /`7 �
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An ordinance amending Section 286.03 of the
Saint Paul Legislative Code adding a new
Section J providing for the licensing of
single-service containers and closures for
milk and food.
Section l.
That Section 286.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is
hereby amended by adding a new Section J to read as follows:
J. Single Service Container License.
(1) License Required. No person shall fabricate
single-service containers and closures for milk, milk
products and food within the corporate limits of the City
of Saint Paul without first obtaining a license to do so.
(2) Fee. The annual fee shall be the sum of Two
Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) .
(3) 5tandards. The Sanitation Standards for the fab-
rication of single-service containers and closures for milk,
milk products and food shall be in accordance with the
supplement of the Grade A Pasteurized Milk Ordinance --
1978 Recommendations of the United States Public Health
Service/Food and Drug Administration. (Adopted pursuant
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Levine [[1 FBVOi
snowaite� A gai n s t BY
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified Passed by Council Secretary
Approved by Mayor: Date Ap ved by Mayor fo ub ission to�Council
• �/
Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. ! ��7�
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
to Section 286.01 of this code. ) A copy of said sup–
plement shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk.
Section 2.
This ordinance shall be in force and effect thirty (30) days
from and after its passage, approval and publication.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
I.ev�ne In Favor —
Maddoz _
Ntctutanon � Against - y
Tedesco 4 '�O
�y�5 �E� Form Appro by City Attorney
Adopted by �ouncil: Date '
Certified P s e b Council re B �
By �
Approved b or: Date �C 5 � Ap o by Mayor for S mi on to Council
D�1 .
BY �-�-�•G'"�,�►.�� � �-- By
p�� Q E C 1 3 198�
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October 30, 1980
T0: Peter Hames, Director of Management
Office of the M r
FROM: Dr. Paul J. Cox, D.V.M
Director of Environme ta ,
SUBJECT: Proposed ordinance re ating plastic bottle manufacturer
for Grade A Milk and other food.
Since 1961, Minnesota municipalities which inspect milk plants are
required to inspect them according to the standards adopted by the
Minnesota State Department of Agriculture (see attachment 1) . The
standards adopted by Agriculture and thus the City of St. Paul are
the Grade A Pasteurized Milk Ordinance 1978 Recommendation of the
United States Public Health Service. These Recommendations were re-
vised and adopted by St. Paul on February 21, 1980 (see attachment 2) .
We were notified by the Department of Agriculture that a plastic milk
bottle (for Grade A Milk) plant was being built in St. Paul and that
we would have the responsibility for the licensure and inspection of
the plant. This is in accordance with the Recommendation (see attach-
ment 3) . St. Paul does not have an ordinance requiring the licensing
of such a plant, nor does it have the standards to enforce. The stand-
ards are to be found in the appendix which we are requesting to be
adopted (see attachment 4) .
Presently, plastic milk bottles are being shipped in from outside of
the city, and are inspected by other agencies. A plant in St. Paul
will be able to afford better service to our milk plants.
The only chan�e which will occur is that the plant will have to be
licensed and meet the standards set forth in the appendix. In addi-
tion, St. Paul Will have the responsibility for the quality of the
product �roduced b;! this plant.
' • �����
� .._- -- -� r
... ,_�:,, 32.397 DA1RY PRODUCTS 508
,F ;��<.:�
-;=:.-:�-;.:� � Subd. 3. 'The commissioner is authorized to promulgate by regulation productian
��'��;��;,. and processing standards for pasteurized milk, pasteurized fluid mitk products, pas-
:�=:��-;" teurized goat rnilk, raw milk for pasteurization and raw goat milk for pasteurization.
,��K�• � �
Subd. 4. The commissioner in his discretion may authorize, in respect to raw
milk or raw goat milk for pasteurization purposes, any other method or methods of
determining bacterial coun�
, [ 1945c384s6; 1953c536s5J �
32.396 [ Repealed, 1953 c 536 s 6 j
�""'��� 32.397 ENFORCEMENT STANDARDS. The standards set forth in sections
32.391 Lo 32.398 and regulations adopted thereunder by the commissioner shall be the
only such standards for use in the state of Minnesota. No municipality or other subdi-
vision of state government shalt provide, by ordinance moce stringent or comprehen- •
sive standards than are contained in sections 32.391 to 32.398 and regulations adopted
thereunder by the commissioner.
1945 c 384 s 9; 1961 c 147 art 5 s 5; 1967 c 2I9 s 12 j
32.3s8 ENFORCEMENT AND VIOLATIONS. Subdivision 1. EaPorce�nenL 'The
commissioner shall enforce the provisions of sections 32.391 to 32.398.
Subd. 2. Violations and peealties. Any person violating any of the prov'ssions of
sections 32.391 to 32.398 shall be deemed guiliy of a misdemeanor.
[ 1945 c 384 s 8,10; 1961 c 144 axt 2 s 20]
52.49 ( Repealed, 1949 c 176 s 10 ]
dards, gades, and price difierentials. In order to protect the pubiic health and wel-
fare. to promote the interests of the dairy industry in Minnesota, and to secure uni-
formity, the commissioner of agriculture may adopt standards, grades and price
-�" differentials between various grades of mitk and cream for milk and cream purchased
�: for manufacturing purposes. Before adopting any standards, grades, or price differen-
' �"` tials for milk and cream,the commissioner shall hold a public hearing thereon,as pra
vided by law. Until such standards, grades and price differentials are made and filed,
ihe standards, grades, and price differential heretofore made by the comrzussioner re-
main in ei`fect except as otherwise prescribed by law.
Subd. 2. Statement of purchases turnished to seller. A!t milk or cream pur-
chased for manufacturing purposes shall be purchased on the basis of the standards,
�ades, and price differentials between grades so adopted. Every purchaser of milk or
cream for manufacturing purposes shall, at time of payment therefor, furnish ihe per-
aon from whom purchased a statement showing the date of grading, the grade, and
the price paid therefor. The statement may be included on the check delivered by the
purchaser to the seller in pa-,�+ment of the milk or cream.
Subd 3. Entorceme�L The commissioner of agricutture shall enforce the grovi-
' sions of this section.
Subd. 4. Penalties. Any person, firm, or corporation violating any provision of
- t}us section or a rule, regulation, standard, or price difFerential duly adopted by the
commissioner is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Subd. 5. Application. This section shall not apply to any action now gending in
';,;,�,?=;-. any of the courts of this state, or to any cause of action arising,or vio}ation which oc-
~??�='�'�°'_'.� curred,prior to April 18, 1955.
_;��,;4>. [ 1947 c 396 s 1-4; 1949 c 196 s Z; 1953 c 197 s 1; 1955 c 481 s l; 1961 c II3 s 1;
'.E.�•;-• 1961 c144art2s21; 1981 c147art5s6; 1976c61 sl j
>.,�,1�:'�� �- 52.41 [ Repealed, 1949 c 176 s 10 j
PRODUCTS. Subdivision 1. Requirer►�enis. For the purpose o' maintaining uniform
�.. quality standards in the purchase of milk,cream, and fluid milk products for manufac-
turing purposes or for resale to another for manufaciwing purposes, the requiremen*.s
�^ set forth in subdivision 2 to 4 shall be complied with.
Subd. 2. Record of quality tests. Every licensed purchaser of milk, cream and
fluid milk products for manufacturing pwposes or for resale to anather for manufac-
turing purposes, herein called licensed purchaser, shall demand and receive with the
Q1ltfiachment 1
- ,
Council File I3o. 27�352-0rdinance No.
16�5—BY Leonard�'V.I`.evine--
An ordinaiice amendinS,Section 286.01 '
of the Saint Paul' Legzstati�e Code '
suhsbitutin8�e 1878 for the 1965 Grade
p� Pasteurized: Milk �'�ance.
The Couacil of Yhe Cib+ of Saint P�
. Dces Orckain: , _
That Section 286•01 of the Sain�t p� ,
Leb'�ative Code is anneandt�to read�
28B.01--The produetioa.,�'��_
tation,' Froces�us8. •handlin8.belinB.
'plin8 esamina�on, BF�mllk Prod-
•anc�sal� of ail milk an�
ucts solfi,for ?he ultiu►�.����
tion withxnn •�e Cit9]�1
az�a�ncb mitk plants; tha issuanS
ynd revocation of parm�ts to miik
producers, haulers. ao� distribntors
shall he regulated fn aII���Q G�e
the Provisdous of Part�e 1978
A Pasteurized �L111[
Becommendatioas� od the Unit,e�
States Public Heaitli Servica �
amended. dncludin8 footuotes. one
ia the oPfieeyad the C�tY Q rk pffired
vide@ that Sections 3, le 8at3 17 �
said unabri�Bed ordiu�g � be
replaced, r�'�e)Y, bY Secti°ns
288.02,288.07 aa3 286.OYC
: gECTI�N 2 _ _ `
•p� or�iaaace sha11 take e�ect and
be in Eorce-Ui1rtY (30)'daY$from and
after iis P��• a�rovarl aa@ Pu�-
catiton. - .
Adopteci bY�the Council Februar9 19, i
Yeas— Counciimen La�►'ne Ma�doz, i
�N�-0. ShowaLt,ex; Tedeeco"'S.
Apgrov�P1eb�usT9 21. �' �
. C*���E LATIM�t �
� _ . (March l. 1980)
Attachment 2
E �11 multiuse containers and equipment with whirh
E �ilk �r .milk products co�rre inlo corrtact shall be of
smooth, im�ervious, corrasion�resistant, nontoxic ma-
4 terial,• shalt be constructed for ease of cleanin& and
shall be kept in good�epai� All si�rgle-service contain-
ers, closures gasket� and other articles with which
' milk or milk products come in contacs sieall be non-
j toxic, anai shall have been raanu aciured,
.f packaged.
i transported, and handl� in a sanitary manner. Arti-
� cles intended for srngle-service use shall not be reused
� Public-Healtl� Re�.—When equipment is not
constructel and located so that it can be cleaned +
easily, ar,d which is not kept in good repair, it is �
unlikely that it wi11 be properly cleaned, ;
3i:�gle-service articles, which have not been man-
ufactured and handled in a sanitary manner may
contaminate the milk.
9. All single-service containers, ciosures, gas- '�
kets, and other articles, with which milk or milk '
products come in contact,are nontoxic.
l0. The manufacture, packing, transportation, ;�
and han�ling of single-service containers, closures, ''.,
caps, gaskets, and similar articles comply with the i
requirements of Append'u J, Sanitation Guidelines i
for the Manufacture of Single-Service Contazners I
. for Mi1k and Milk Products. Inspections and tests
shall be made by e reg atory agency or any ;
agency authorized by em.
Attac�ama�.t 3
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MIL� �'������'S
� � S�nitation St��ds�rds
l�°�8 �Fr�itaan
� Public Health Service/
( Food and Drng Administration
i '
� ^ . " ` ` �,�''J C�
, . , er.d � �e�.'��
Paper single-service containers and closures have been used in the dairy
industry for many years. Industry-applied controls in manufacturing and han-
dling, coupled with certain characteristics inherent in both the materials and .
manufacturing process have made it possible for these products to reach the
point of use in a sanitary condition free from toxic materials which may migrate
into milk or milk products.
Within recent years single-service container manufacturers have introduced
new materials, equipment, and design concepts for these containers and closures.
Evaluation of the industry's basic manufacturing and handling techniques and
establishment of sanitation criteria will assure that single-service containers and
closures and the materials from which they are formed will continue to be safe
and in compliance with bacteriological standards of Item 12p of the Grade A
Pasteurized Milk Ordinance--1978 Recommendations oj the United States Public
Health Service/Food and Drug Administration.l
: - . . - � ;��5�'��
A. PURPOSE AND SCOPE pulp or from "broke and trim or cuttings" of such
� These standazds will serve as a guide to insure Paper, paperboard, and laminated paper, provided
the continued production of consistently sanitary they have been handled, treated, and stored in s
containers and closures for milk and milk products, clean, sanitary manner.
as defined in the Grade A Pasteurized Milk Ordi- b. Components meeting the requirements of the
nance. Fedesal Food, Dru& and Cosmetic Ac� as amended'
4. "Broke and trim or cuttings" means paper,
The requirements of these standards shall apply paperboard and laminated paper that have been
to all blank fabricators, converters, printers, closure
manufacturers, plastic laminators, sheet formers, discarded anywhere in the process of manufacture,
blow molders, vacuum formers, plastic extruders, �uch as on paper-making machines in the form of
injection molders, preformers, manufacturers of trim. This may also include printed and unprinted
valves, tubes and dispensing devices, and similar trim or cuttings and carton blanks :r:,� the con-
( plants; also to the installation, operation and main- verting process provided the trim and cuttings
tenance of equipment used in compounding materi- have been handled, treated and transported in a
als for the fabrication, production, handling, and clean, sanitary manner. This does not include post
storage of single-service containers and closures. consumer wastes of materials whose source, chemi-
Milk and food plants manufacturing and/or sell- cal content and treatment is unknown or which
ing containers to other milk or milk products plants �ay have poisonous or deleterious materials re-
as defin�ed in the Grade A Pasteurized Mrlk Ordi- tained in the paperboard or plastic which are not
nance shall meet all the requirements of these removed in subsequent treatment and which mi-
standards. These requirements shall not apply to grate from the recycled paper or plastic to food.
paper mills, preconverting operations, or resin man- 5. "Refuse-rubbish-garbage" means that material
ufacturing plants. which remains from the manufacture of single-serv-
ice containers or closures which has been handled
B. DEFINITIONS or treated in such a manner that it does not comply
The following definitions shall be employed in �'ith the definition for "broke and trim or cuttings"
the application of these sanitation standards. or "regrind", but may be collected for recycling
1. A "single-service container" shall mean any �to �ther useful products which will be non-food
container having a milk or milk product-contact contact surfaces. It may contain material such as;
surface and used in the packaging, handling, stor- ��r sweepings, used paper toweling, residve from
age or serving of Grade A milk and milk products, lunch rooms, food residues and other useless mate-
which is intended for one usage only. rial which may be generated within or outside the
2. A "closure" shall mean a cap, lid, seal, tube, plant.
valve, lidding material or other device in or on a 6. "Plastic molding, forming, extrusion and lami-
container used for the purpose of enclosing or dis- nating resins" means:
pensing the contents. a. Resins or an intimate admixture of resins with ''
3. "Paper stock" means any paper made from other ingredients which meet the requirements of
' ; the following materials: the Federal Food, Drug and Cosrr�etic Act, as amend-
a. Paper, paperboard, and laminated paper made ed,• and
from clean, sanitary virgin chemical or mechanical
. . - �
b. Plastic composed solely of clean cuttings or � C. BACTERIAL STANDARDS AND
regrind, provided they have been handled and EXAMINATION OF SINGLE-SERVICE �
maintained in a sanitary manner. CONTAINERS AND CLOSURES
7. "Regrind" means that clean plast:c material 1. Paper stock shall meet the bacteriologicai
which is trimraed from the molded container or standard of not more than,250 colonies per gram as
closure, and imperfectly formed containers or clo- determined by the disintegratio� test. The supplier
sures which result from the manufacture of single- of the paper stock shall certify that his paper stock
service containers and closures, provided it is han- �y� manufactured in comp�iance with this stand-
dled in a clean sanitary manner. This may be in its ard. �
trimmed or molderl form or ground up in a suitable 2. The residual bacterial count of single-service :
grinder within the plant. It shall not include any containers and closures fabricated for pasteurized
material, coniainer or closure which comes from an milk and milk products shall not exceed one colony
unapproved plant, or has been used as a container per ml. of capacity when the rinse test is used, or
for any prodnct, or whose source, chemica� con- not over 50 colonies per 8 square inches (1 per
tent and treatment is unknown, or which may have square centimeter) of product-contact surface when
poisonous or deleterious material retained in the the swab test is used, in 3-out-of-4 samples taken at
plastic. Regrind may be transported from one ap- random on a given day. All single-service contain-
proved plant to another provided it is shipped in ers shall be free of coliform organisms.
suitable, clean, sealed, properly labeled containers. 3. One set of containers and/or closures, selected
8. "Coatings" means any layer or covering at random, shall be taken at least four times each
which is applied to the product-contact surface. six months and analyzed at an officiat laboratory,
9. "Product-contact surface" means those sur- commercial laboratory, or industry laboratory ap-
faces of the container and closure with which the proved by the State milk laboratory certifying
product com.es in contact during filling, starage. agency specifically for the examinations required
and use. under these standards. (See Item 12p of the Grade
10. "Nontoxic materials" means those materials A Pasteurized MiJk Ordinance for sampling of con-
which aze free of substances which may render the �iners and closures in pasteurization plants.) �
milk injurious to health or which may adversely Procedures for obtaining samples and for the lab-
affect the flavor, odor, composition, or bacteriolog- oratory examination of these groducts are con-
ical quality of the product and which meet the �ined in the Manual of Recommended Methods for
requirements of the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act, Sampling and Microbiological Testing of Single-Serv-
as amended.' ice Food Packages and Their Componentsa and shall
11. "Metals" means those metals which are non- be in substantial compliance with Standard Methods
for the Examination of Dairy Product.�* Such proce-
toxic, nonabsorbent, and corrosion resistant under dures and examinations shall be evaluated in ac-
conditions of intended use.
12. "Sanitizafion" is the application of any effec- cordance with the Evaluation oj Milk Laboratories,
1978 Recommendations of the United States Public
tive method or sul�stance to a clean surface for the Health Service/Foor� and Drug Administration.S A
destruction of pathagens and of other microorgan- list of approved laboratories may be found in
isms as far as is practicable. Such treatment shall �•�nitation Compliance and Enforcement Ratings
not adversely affect the equipment, the milk or of Interstate Milk Shippers" which is published
milk product, or the health of consumers. Chemical q�erly by the Food and Drug Administration.
sanitizers shall meet the requirements contained in
Part I of Appendix F of the Gmde A Pasteurfzed D.FABRICATION PLANT S"TANDARDS.
Milk Ordinance.
13. "Single-serviee artieles" means those articles Note—To tx usea in conjunction with Form FD2359c,
"Manufacturing Plant Inspection Report—Singlo-Service Con-
which are constructed wholly, in part, OI lIl COmbl- �ners". For sale b su
y perintendrnt of Documents, U.S. Gov-
nation from paper, paperboard, molded pulp, plas- ernment Printing OfFce,waghington,D.C.2oao2.
tic, metals, coatings or similar materials which are 1. Building and rooms.
intended by the manufacturer for one usage only. a All fabricating areas shall be segarate from
14. "Preformed container" means a container in nonfabricating aceas to protect agai�st contamina-
completed form ready for filling. tion: Provided, That storage of packaged, finished �
� products shall be permitted in fabricating areas
when areas so used comply with all sanitation re-
_. � . , a�y ,�.�, :
_ l�o � �r����
quirements applicable to fabricating areas: Provided d. Each toilet room shall be well lighted and
i further, That if the entire plant uses food-packag- adequately ventilated.
ing-grade material and if all areas meet the sanita- 7. Water supply.
tion requirements, separation between areas is not a The water supply, if from a public system,
required. shall be approved as safe by the State agency re-
b. All regrinding of plastic and the shredding, sponsible for water quality, and in the case of indi-
packaging or baling of paper trim shall be conduct- vidual water systems, comply`.with at l�ast the
ed in rooms separate from the fabricating room. specifications outlined in Appendix D of the Grade
2. Floors. A Pasteurized Milk Ordinance. � •
o. The floor shall be smooth, impervious, and b. There shall be no cross-connection between a
maintained in a state of good repair and shall be �fe water supply and any unsafe or questionable
kept clean and free from waste,, litter and extrane- �,ater supply or any source of pollution through
ous material. This requirement does not prohibit w,hich the safe water supply might become con-
properly treated wooden floors in single-service �minated. A connection between the water supply
• container and closure plants built and in production piping and a makeup tank, unless protected by an
of single-service containers or closures prior to �. gap or effective backflow preventer, constitutes
1966. a violation of this requirement.
b. The joints between the walls and the floor � �rater contacting any containers or closures
shall be tight and impervious. Production azeas in must be safe. Any unsafe water supply for plant
plants built or beginning production of single-serv- pu�� shall be used only under conditions.
ice eontainers or closures after 1966 shall have �,hereby all necessary means of protection are af-
coved joints. forded to preclude contamination of the containers
G Floor drains, when provided, shall be properly
and closures. If continuous chlorination is neces-
trapped. sary, the individual character of the supply shall be
3. Walls and ceilings.
a. Walls of fabricating azeas shall have a smooth, investigated and a treatment program developed
cleanable, light-colored surface and shall be kept which shall produce a safe supply. Such water may
( clean and in good repair. also be used for boiler feed makeup water, cleanup
b. Ceilings in storage and fabricating areas shall and cooling water.
be kept clean and in good repair. 8. Hand-washing facilides.
c. Overhead beams, fixtures, pipes and ducts a. Hot and cold and/or warm running water,
shall be clean. Drop ceilings are not required but soap and air dryers or individual sanitary towels
may be used to reduce cleaning and maintenance. shall be available: Provided, That in those existing
4. Doors and windows. production areas where cold and/or hot water and
a. There shall be no o�enings into living quar- sinks are not available, solvent and soft soap dis-
ters. pensers containing sanitizers may be used. Individu-
b. All outside openings shail be effectively pro- al sanitary towels shall be available.
tected against the entry of insects, dust, and air- b. Hand-washing facilities shail be kept clean and
borne contamination. shall be convenient to the production areas and in
5. Lighting and �entilallon toilet facilities.
a All rooms shall be adequately lighted by c. Fixtures operated by elbow, knee, or foot con-
either natura} light, artificial light or both. A mini- trols are recommended.
mum of 20 foot-candles should be maintained in 9. In-plant transportation and storage of materials
fabricating areas and 5 foot-candles in storage � pT�� �� ��b� pioducts.
areas. a. Blanks and all other single-service articles
b. Ventilation shall be sufficient to prevent ex- Shall be stored elevated off the floor and away
cessive odors and the formation of excessive water from any wall to facilitate cleaning and pest 'con-
condensation. trol and to provide protection from contamination.
6. Toilet facilitie9. The re uirement for elevated storage does not per-
' a All plumbing shall comply with the State and �in to9 0ll stocks of paper, paperboard, or plastic
]ocal plumbing regulations.
b. Toilet rooms shall have self-closing doors and roll stock: Provided, That the trimmed ends and
� shall not open directly into fabricating areas. sufficient turns are discarded prior to use. Single-
c. The toilet room and fixtures shall be main- � service articles in process shail be protected from
tained in a clean and sanitary condition and in contamination by use of a single-service cover
good repair. sheet or other protective device. This includes chip
. �
board, dividers, sepazators, bags, and other items Protection Agency shall be used for insect and
that can become contact surfaces. rodent control. �
b. Appropriate clean, dry storage faciiities shall d. Pesticides shall be used in accordance with
be provided for single-service containers, closures, the manufacturer's directions and used so as to
paper for wrapping, adhesives, blanks, and other preclude the contamination of containers or clo-
production material to provide protection from sures of milk products.
splash, insects, dust and other contamination. 13. Air under pressure. Wheriever air under pres-
Wrappings, plastic, or paper and paperboard di- sure is directed at resin or a milk product-cantact
viders which touch the pouring lip of packaged surface, it shall be free of oil, dust, rust, excessive
containers shall be stored elevaied off the floor. moisture, extraneous materials and odor and shall
c. Where containers and closures are preformed otherwise comply with the applicable requirements
in plants other than the original fabricating facility: of Appendix H of the Grade A Pasteurized Milk
(1.) Flat containers, blanks and closures shall Ordinance.;
be stored in the original cartons and sealed until 14. Persoenel cleanliness.
u�• a Hands shall be thoroughly washed before
. (2.) Partially used cartons of flat containers, commencing plant functions and as often as may be
blanks, and closures shall be resealed until used. required to remove soil and contamination, and
d. Containers used for storage of resin, regrind before returning to work after visiting the toilet
and broke and trim or cuttings, intended for reuse room.
shall be covered, clean, impervious and properly b. All personnei shall wear clean outer garments
identified. and shall wear effective hair restraints, hair nets,
10. Locker and lunch roo�ns, head bands, or caps.
a. Locker and lunch rooms shall be separate c. No person affected with any disease in a com-
from plant operation, and be equipped with self- municable form, or while a carrier of such disease,
closing doors. The rooms shall be kept in a clean �d no person with an infected cut or lesion shall
and sanitary condition. Eating and/or s:orage of work in any processing area in any capacity where
food is prohibited in the fabricating and storage there is a likelihood of such person contaminating
areas. product-contact surfaces with patho�enic organ- �
b. Cleanable refuse containers properly labeled
shall be provided which are covered, impervious, 15. Fabrieating, processing and gackaging equip-
leakproof and readily accessible.
11. Dispossil of wastes. �ent. The requirements of this section pertain to all
a. Disposal of sewage and other wastes shall be equipment and processes used in the fabrication of
in a public sewerage system or in a manner in containers and closures irrespective of the materials
compliance with State and local regulations. used and whether or not mentioned herein. Some
b. All refuse shall be stored in covered, impervi- of this equipment includes grinders, rollers, reamers
ous and leakproof containers. This requirement and cutters, molders and fittings, eatruders, silos,
does not pertain to material rejected in production. resin bins and hoppers, printing equipment, blank-
c. Refuse and paper or plastic waste containers: ing equipment, and sealing equipment.
shall be properly identified. a. Rolls, dies, belts, tables, mandrels, transfer
d. Where possible, garbage and assorted rubbish tubing and all other contact surfaces shatl be kept
should be stored outside the building in covered, clean, sanitary anci reasonably free of accumulation
impervious, easily cieanable containers. If stored of paper, plasCic, or metal dust and other produc-
inside the building it must be contained in similar tion soils. Equipment designed for milk plant use
receptacles, but in an area separate from finished which is utilized for preforming containers shall be
containers or resin storage facilities. clean and sanitized prior to operation.
12. Inseet and rodent contro! b. All materials in process for containers and clo-
a The produe#ion rooms, warehouse, toilet, sures shall be protected from contamination by
lunch and locker rooms shall be free of evidence of condensate or drippage from overhead pipes or
insects and rodents. equipment components. Upright, open formed con-
b. Eaterior surroundings shall be free from con- tainers shall be protected from contamination by
ditions which might attract or harbor flies, other the use of overhead shields.
. insects and rodents. c. Machines and appurtenances shall be kept �
c. Only pesticides approved for use in food clean: Provided, That minor accumulations of
plants and registered with the U.S. Environmental paper, plastic or metal dust and other production
. :
f ' _ - � � - ' ���5���
. . .
soils incidental to normal fabricating operations do a Waxes, adhesives, sealants, and inks shall be
- not violate this requirement. stored in covered containers in a clean and ade-
d. Makeshift devices such as tape, rope, twine, quately ventilated room.
paper board, etc., shall not be used. All fasteners, b. Unused materials shall be properly stored.
guides, hangers, supports and baffles shall be con- � Waxes, adhesives, sealants, and inks shall not
structed of impervious, cleanable materials and �P� �or or taste to the milk or millc products
kept in good repair. and shall not contaminate the'product with micro-
e. Take-of�' tables and_other container contact organisms, or toxic or injurious:substances. All ma-
surfaces shall be constructed of cleanable material terials that are applied to or contact the surface of
and kept in good repair. the container shall comply with the requirements
f. Waacing shall be performed so as to assure that of Parts 175 through 178 of Title 21 of the Code oj'
containers or closures are completely coated, and Federal Regulations.
the wax shall be kept at a temperature of 140°F d. Transfer ;containers shall be kept clean and
(60°C) or higher. shall be properly identified and covered.
g. All grinders, shredders, and similar equipment 18. Handling of containers end equipment. Han-
� used for regrinding shall be installed above the dling of fabricated containers, and container and
floor or be installed in such a manner that they are closure-contact surfaces shall be kept to a mini-
protected so that floor sweepings and other con- 19. Wrapping and shipping.
taminants cannot enter the grinder or shredder. Q. Blanks, closures, halves, nested or preformed
h Storage tanks or bins used for plastic resins containers and parts such as valves, hoses, tubes
shall be so constructed to protect the resin from and other fittings shall be properly packaged or
contamination. All air vents shall be filtered to containerized prior to use or shipping.
prevent the entrance of dust or dirt. Conveyor b. The outer package or containerizsd units shall
tubes used to conduct resin from silos, railcars or protect the contents from dust and other contami-
trucks to a plant or silo storage shall be supported nation.
above ground to prevent their becoming sub- c. Transportation vehicles used to ship ftnished
,- merged in water and thus contaminating the tubes materials from the single-service container or clo-
� and resin. Air tubes used to convey resin shall have sure plant or within the plant shall be clean and in
permanently attached removable covers that pre- good repair when the finished materials aze loaded
vent contamination. for shipment.
16, Ea�uipment snd materials for coestructioa of d Paper board containers, wrappers and dividers
eontainers and clvsures. that contact the surface of the container or closure
a Single-service containers and�closures for milk shall not be reused for this purpose.
and milk products shall not be fabricated on equip- 20. Ideotification and records.
ment used for the manufacture of products made of Q Either individual containers or outer wrap-
non-food-grade materials unless such equipment has Pings shall be identified with the name and address
been thoroughly cleaned and/or purged of all non- of the plant where the contents are fabricated. In
food-grade material. the cases where several plants are operated by one
b. Only plastic sheeting and extrusions, plastic firm, the common firm name may be utilized, pra
laminated paper, metal and paper board blanks, or vided that the location of the plant at which the
combinations thereof, from a manufacturing and/or contents were fabricated is also shown either di-
fabricating plant conforming with these standards rectly or by code.
b. Records shall be maintained at the plant of
shall be used. manufacture of alI required bacteriological and
c. Only sanitary, nontoxic lubricants shall be chemical tests of containers and closures for 1 year.
used on container-contact surfaces. c. T'he fabricating plant shall have on file infor-
d The manufacture of single-service containers mation from suppliets of raw material and compo-
and closures for milk and milk products shall be nent parts indicating that the material meets the
carried on in such a manner that there will be no requirements of pazagraphs 16b and 17c of this
cross contamination of raw material with non-food- guide.
grart� materials.
e. Containers, resin and flashing on the floor and xE�RErtCFs
• floor sweepings of production materials are prohib- 1. G,ade A Posreu.ized Miik O,dr'nance-1978 Recor�menda-
, ited from being reused. rions of rhe United Stares Public Heolth Service/Food ond Drug
17. Waxes, adi�esives, sealants aad inks. AdmirtisrrarioR.
� ' • ^ ., _ .. , ' L
. � � '
2. Federol Food, Dnrg and Crumetic Ac� as arnended and
regularsons issued theteunder.
3. Food Protection �hfunua!oj Recomnrended Labomfory Meth-
ods Syracuse University Research C4rporation.
A. Standard Atethods,�''or tae Examination oj Dairy Prnducts
dmzrican Publir Heafth.lssociarion.
S. Evaluation o}`�ilk Laboratorie.; 1978 Recommexdotions cf ,
the Unlird Stut�s Putilie&e�lth Servire/Food ond Drug Adminu- �
"{'t U5.GOYQW1dtM pp71Rt7V6 p{}',}�E:�974—p-297-ISB �
. �75926
' � OM OT: I2/2975
, . ,� � .
� � . , Rev. : 9/8/76
Dat�: October 23 , 1980
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Approval and submission to Council .
To maintain health standards in St. Paul .
Ordinance. -
� a � �b -
lst' �� — f 3 — b Q 2nd ��— �'�1' ��
3rd �� — p,� --� Adopted �— S �/
� Z�� �� Nays
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