275920 WHITE - CITV GLERK PINK - FINANGE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council (�J�}'�J( (°�'�I■(�, CANqRV - DEPARTMENT Flle N�O. +� � ��^�v BLUE - MAVOR . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Whereas, The Council of the City of Saint Paul, together with its City Clerk, has duly canvassed the returns of the votes cast at the County and State General Election held in said City on the �th day of November, 1980, upon the ratification or rejection of an Amend- ment to the City Charter to provide for changing the time of city e7_ections, and Whereas, It appears from said returns and the canvass thereof that 63,216 voted in favor of the adoption of said Amendment to the City Charter and 39,28�+ voted against the adoption thereof, and Whereas, Minnesota Statutes, Section 4�10.12, provides that such Amendment to the City Charter must be approved by a 51� vote of those lawfully voting thereon, and 61.67f of those lawfully voting thereon voted in favor of such approval, therefore, be it Resolved, That said Amendment to the City Charter is hereby declared to ha,ve received in excess of 51�b favorable votes of the votes cast at the said Election, and to have been adopted, and be it Resolved Further, That a certified copy of the Amendment and a certified copy of this resolution signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk, shall be filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Minnesota,, and a certified copy of the Amendment and a certified copy of this resolution, signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk, be recorded with the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � B ler Hunt J H za In Favor • Hu t ��� nnaaaox v __ Against BY d X McMahon Ow31tCi Showaiter T�'"�°` NOV 13 �9$� Form Approve by City Attorney Adopte � Council: �/�!sb?ate �1� C ified Pas- by Coun ' Secretary� BY J Ap by lqavor: te _ � � �QQ�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B — BY �� N O V 2� 1980 _ - . , .� ��-� �u .. . 0 STATE OF MINN�SOTA ) ' �! County o s Rame ey ) ba. � CITy OF SAINT PAUL 1 � � � I Rose Mix .�� ��,h, � . . .. . . .... .. . ... ... . . . .. .... .. .. . . .... . os �'he Ci.ty o� Sa,i.rct Pau,2, 11�i.nne.a o#a., do he�ce6y ceh.ti.�y #hcr,t I have companed .the cit,ta.ched copy o� Counc,i.e F.i.ee IVv.�75920• •• u,b adop�ed 6y #he Ci.ty Counc,i,C ,,, ,November.13 .. .. .�9, 80.. .. .. and appnoved 6y #he Mayan ,. November 18 .. . 19 80 .. . . . . .. .... .. .. .. .. . . .. wc,th �'he an•i.g�.na.� �'henea� on �.i,ee .i.►1 my ��S.i.ce. 0 aC7 .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . .. ... . ... . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .... .. . . .. � � � �2 •� . • � ���� ��� �� ���� � ��� ��� . . � • • � �• • .• • � �i • . �• .�.. . � • •� � ��� . • �� • N � o . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ...� . ... . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .... . . . ... ... .... Q� ... . .�.. .. . • .. . . .. .. •..a: . ... • .. . . . . .. ... . . .. .. . .. . . . ... . .� . .. V W � 0 ... . .. . .. �..� ....��� .�.� . . � � . • .� . • ... . •. .. . . . ... . .. . .. .. . . . ... . �. • ... •. . . . .. ......�.�..... .. ... �. .... .... ....•. •. . .. . ... . .� . .. ......�.••. . . .. ... ... �. .. ..�� � • . .•.. . .. ... ... �.. . . ..� .. .. ... .. . . .... ...�.. . ...� �.�. •...�. ...• .. .....�� �.�... ...�....... ... .. . � ...�.�...�... �.�....�� . . ...... .. . .. � .. .� ... .�.�.. .. .. ..... .. .... .. ...�...� ... ��.. ... ... � • .. . . . . . . �. �• . ...... .'. �.�. . . � ... I �w�theJc ce�r.ti.�y �ha.t 6cr.,i.d copy .i,a a xiccce and con�cec.t copy _ o� acii.d on.i,g.i.n,ace and #he who.�e �heJ�.eo�. , , � WITNFSS m y hand and .the a ea,� o� �he Ci.ty o� Scr.i.►tit Fau,L, +�"��'����L _, � . ¢ � _ ,, ,_ . - ' � � , . 3rd December A fl 19 � r ; M�i,nn. x1u,6 ......... day 0� ... .. ... ..... ... ... .. . . . . .... : . �� / . �. �� - l� , /�"\ � / , �� � n � • ��• k�����• • • •• •• •��• •• �� �� ��� � �� •• " � . " � li(�,f V�K• ?:: � 7b7G � 00. 00 — ,- r WHITE - C�iv CIEWK � PINK - FINANCE l�]1 COUfICIj C4NARV - OEPAATMENT G I TY �J l� SA I N T PA U L � BLUE -�HAYOR File �O. ������ � - � . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � n � 4� �4, Whereas, The Council of the City of Saint Paul, together with � its City Clerk, has duly canvassed the returns o� the votes cast at the County and State General Election held in said City on the �th day of November, 1980, upon the ratification or x�ejection of an Amend- ment to the City Charter to provide for changing the time of city elections, and Whereas, It appears from said returns and the canvass thereof that 63,216 voted in favor of the adoption of said Amendment to the City Charter and 39,284 voted a�ainst the adoption thereof, and Whereas, Minnesota Statutes, Section �10. 12, provides that such Amendment to the City Charter must be approved by a 51� vote of those lawfully voting thereon, and 61.67� of those lawfully voting thereon � voted in favor of such approval, therefore, be it Resolved, That said Amendment to the City Charter is hereby declared to have received in excess of 51� favorable votes of the votes cast at the said Election, and to ha.ve been adopted, and be it Resolved Further, That a certified copy of the Amendment and a certified copy of this resolution signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk, shall be filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Minnesota, and a certified copy of the Amendment and a certified copy of this resolution, signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk, be recorded with the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. COUNCILMEN � Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � B ler Hunt �j In Favor • H 6�w�int Hu t Maddox V _ Against By d X �AcMahon owalter snowa�ter Te�+�' NO� � 3 �9a� Form Approve by City Attorney Adopte � Council: �Flpsblate �� C ified Yas • by Coun ' Serretary� BY � Ap by Navor: te Q �QQ��� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — ' BY a . ,.. _. . _.. ' � . �S���� _..__ ___ . , � ��� � � � Sec. 2.02. Terms. The Mayor and each Council person shall ^ hold office for a term of two years commencing on the first busi- � � ness day of January of the year following their election, and until 0 � a successor is elected and qualifies. 2.02. 1. The term of office for the Mayor and each Council person elected at the 1982 spring election shall expire on the first business day of January, 1984. ----�------------------------ Sec. 2.05. Filling Vacancies. A. Interim Appointee. The Council ma.y within thirty (30) - days of a Council vacancy elect a qualified voter of the city to , fill the vacancy as an interim appointee until such time as a successor is elected as set forth below or for the remainder of the unexpired term if the Council vacancy occurs after the last day for the filing of affidavits of candidacy for United States Representative. If a tie vote occurs in the filling of a vacancy in the office of Councilman, the Mayor shall break the tie. In the event that the Council does not fill the vacancy within 30 days, the Mayor shall within IO days thereaft'er appoint a quali- fied voter of the city to fill the vacancy as an interim appointee until such time as a successor is elected as set forth below or � , • . , . . � -�����y . � � .� ..,_ _ � � � �-� �� � for the remainder of the unexpired term if the vacancy occurs a�ter � the last day for the filing of affidavits of candidacy for United � States Representative. � � If a vacancy occurs in the off ice of Mayor, the Council shall '� 0 within 30 days elect a qualified voter of the city to fill the vacancy as an interim appointee until _such time as a successor is elected as set forth below or for the remainder of the unexpired term if the vacancy occurs after the last day for the filing of affidavits of candidacy for United States Representative. B. Elected Successor. If the vacancy occurs on or before the last day for the filing of affidavits of candidacy to be a United States Representative, the vacancy shall be filled at the next state-wide general election, being the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of even-numbered years. � Affidavits of candidacy for said vacancy shall be filed with the City Clerk within 14 days of the last day for the f iling of affidavits of candidacy for United States Representative. In the event that more than two persons file for the vacancy, a prima.ry election shall be held on the" first Z�esday after the second Monday in September of said even-numbered year. � f• - •• • • . , ., , � � . - � � � �ae.��.G.�'�. �. . , .. - � � - .� �� � � c, Sec. 7.01. City Elections. The election of city officers and such other officers as are required by law to be elected at a city election shall be held on the first �esday after the first �1,. Monday in November in odd numbered years. n � Sec. 7.05. Primary Elections . A prima.ry election shall be 0� Nb held on the f irst Tuesday after the second Monday in September. 5 preceding any municipal election day. E£fective Date: Section 2.02.1 and Section 2.05 �hall be effective upon passage. Section 2.02, Section 7 .01 and Section 7.05 shall be effective January 1, 1983. These amendments shall not take effect unless during the 1981 session the Minnesota State Legislature enacts a similar provision governing the election of board members of Independent School District No. 625. � _ _ n • � W � 3 D O � � O � = ' ' ��. N � � � 3 � o �, ° -- �' �� � c� � � m N- � ''' � -^ N ro ? m � � °' fD � n ° �" '' O ti�� V (� �1 �« ` � �J ,•z Z � N � � O �S O � Q � � n � z � � � �m z � �� � o � c � (Z � ��/q+ ^ O � O fl- �' -�« � (n � �8i 1 p� "'�) �.T. �- n '-� _' � `G � � r A N � � �+ � � a. O � � � D �t� C\,� * � J �. ^ �., 0 � v� � o (T� � v � � CA 3 � � � � o ` � � ...� m � � � v Z � a� a N �c� �- " s« v, r' � c u' � v � � � � � C .-r ' \ t, ., � . � ,". .. . v'..&?��. . . .. ,....:. . .. . . �. �. . ... . . . . .-� . .. _.. _. . ,_... . .,..4 � -.' .. . . . .' . . . _. , . . . . . ., . . . . . . ' � . . . . ' . . . ,�� � ' . . . � . :. . . .. . . . :., �. . . . �.. f ��. � . . . ...' -' .' � . �'. . � . .. � � � � . . � . . . . . . /n_� . _ . . . ` �-�7� p . � � . �� � . .. . ` - ; : : - A�cember�3, i98Q . - �. . ; ' 1M.`Joan �rowe ' � . .�� , .S�earetary �f�State ` : . � 8tate of I�tinnesota -� - y , . D�a� �b. aroxe s , . , , , � Eaclased for -filiag in your of!'ice is a Qer�it"�1 y�opr o! a � � raaolution: of the 3t. Paul Ci�Ey Councii, C.F. �2T5�4 � � .,, _ amen�ent to the Ci�y.Charter of�the City of $�. Patil. to �ro• '`�. : � . vide for tl�e chnnging'of time for City eleatiwu, �►lileh , < amead��t Wa� agproved by tbe electorate a� t,h� t,iaN o! �; - �'Ee�� 6eneral. E1.ection, l�ld on �Ic�b�r 1►tb� Y�.' ;' . Yery trul.y �'s s ,:. � , % ,' , - Roe�� Mix • , City Clerk � , . , - , . � � � Attsch. _ A8a tl.e� : . . , . � � . ; - � i , � . . ': , . ,. � � ,- ,.. �, _ . � ., . � � , , °- : . , _ � - � . �, � . _ �\ .: . � � . . . . . �- � � ..:'� .. � . . � � .. � . . � . _ .� . . . ... ,i ::_ .. . . . , . . � - � . � � .� � . . . . . . � � . . . ' . . . . - . . . . � �:' � � ... � � � � . . . ... � . .. . . . � . . � . . .. � . ' . . � _ �., . . . � _ f .S r � . . � rt � .•" ... .� . . . . . . . _. . . \ . I-.� .� �, '�. . . . ' t . . � . . ' . . . . . . . . _ ! i,4.�. -' . . _ . � . . . _. , . . . � . .. r. � . � . , � � �� - . ' _. . ` �t- �, i• j.,' . .- - �• � . ' � , . � r 'y .. ,(_ �. . . � ., : . . � � , . - _ , �i� _ " .`�, '�. ' , . , � . . , � � . . . . �, ,��� � ' �`��� , . . . . . . - � x. .. . . ,. ,,.. � �, _ . . . . , , , _ . .. ,. _ .. ` jj; . ' . � � . . . . . j;� R� . . . . , _ .� . , � � r J ' � , , ' . . . . . . _ .' ♦ ..., .: ' ". ,: \ ' ' �: , . . . . - .. . ' . � _� . f / ' , h " . , w �;� � �,� . t � - - � . . '� . - ; . _ _ . . . , �: . .. , -. - ' � � ' . :, � .. . . . . . .D: . .. .. . .+�- . 3 .. . . . . � ' ,'� `1. . . � , � . . . , . . . . ' . . � . � � ' � . . .. . � . - . . .. � . � . . . _ . . . . � � . i . �� ._ , � . �8�1` �!" �.7K� � •.� k . . � . _ i , , , . . , . , _ _ • ' . , u � - r " Register of D�ecla . ,. - ; _ . i�� Floor, City Bstl ' . - . • ,; °, S'�. Psul, Ma. , " ��, �� ` � : � , . � � , . � - Dee►r $irs; _ ' _ , : , _ • � . - � l�piaioaed for Pi.ling in y�our ot�cc 3s a eerttiied t�py ol��-d► ,�, � � ` � " ' ,'�daolution �of the �St... Paul�Git�i'� Cou�i+�l, C;F. ��2?5�4 aRd an ' �� aai�ndment ta� the City �arter pf �e ��ty ot�St.�1'at�. to .p�o� '� . �� ` �; , ride far the �ging ot t3ie t�e �� City �3ee�iocta:, tfhicfi " � � amdndmeat we►a"a�proved by '�.bs +�.�etorste at � t3�e o� 't�ie� �� ;,_ ` .: . ;State Cteaeral Elecrti�,� l�l.d op No�reaber �+th, �g$0. , � _ _ , - : : . � � . ; . _ . Very� t�ra�;y yo�tira� : � , � , . . � _ - . , - - , ti , _ , . , . . , � , ; : : ; � Ros� btix, �, -' .;. _ :�- Cit�r C2erk ,,, : ; . ;�: - �; ; , . � , _ '` ' , : _ A�'�e►cb.- • AAO sl.a � , � , _ , ' i�: . � . . ti , - ( , 4 � ' , _ , . � - , - : - � , - , . , : �> - � \ ,. : . . .� � ���- ., _ � � ,. _. _ . � � ,\� �` , , ; _: : ^ ', .` ; , ' � _ � � . - ' \ `� � • _ - . � .�,\ \ ti;, . . .:� . � `` ; \ , : _ � � � ��� , . .. . . l" ��. . '. �. - . � . .. . . . � . ... . . � . .. . \•;-. ' . . . . ., �� �� S�� �°� : ' _.. ..__,_.___�.� . � � �.,.�� � Sec. 2.02. Terms. The Mayor and each Council person shall hold office for a term of two years commencing on the first busi- ness day of January of the year following their election, and until a successor is elected and qualifies. 2.02.1. The term of office for the Mayor and each Council person elected at the 1982 spring election shall expire on the � first business day of January, 1984. ---------------------------- - Sec. 2.05. Filling Vacancies. � ' A. Interim Appointee. The Council may within thirty �30) days of a Council vacancy elect a qualif ied voter of the city to fill the vacancy as an interim appointee until such time as a successor is elected as set forth below or for the rema.inder of the unexpired term if the Council vacancy occurs after the last day for the filing of affidavits of candidacy for United States Representative. If a tie vote occurs in the filling of a vacancy in the office of Councilman, the Mayor shall break the tie. In the event that the Council does not fill the vacancy within 30 days, the Mayor shall within i0 days thereafter appoint a quali- fied voter of the cit.y to fill the vacancy as an interim appointee until such time as a successor is elected as set forth below or , . : . � � G��y �� .� . _____________ -�� �� �.: �-� � for the remainder of the unexpired term if the vacancy occurs after the last day for the filing of affidavits of candidacy for United States Representative. � If a vacancy occurs in the office of Ma.yor, the Council shall within 30 days elect a qualified voter of the city to fill the vacancy as an interim appointee until _such time as a successor is elected as set forth below or for the remainder of the unexpired term if the vacancy occurs after the last day for the filing of affidavits of candidacy for United States Representative. B. El�cted Successor. If the vacancy occurs on or before the last day for the fi}�ing of affidavits of candidacy to be a United States Representative, the vacancy shall be filled at the next state-wide general election, being the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of even-numbered years. Affidavits of candidacy for said vacancy shall be filed with the City Clerk within 14 days of the last day for the filing of affidavits of candidacy for United States Representative. In the event that more than two persons file for �he vacancy, a pricnary . election shall be held on the first Tuesday after the second : Monday in September of said even-numbered year. . �, .. . . _ � � � a ��� �' _,_.___. _A. . _____r___ ���- �� ��.-� Sec. 7.01. City Elections. The election of city officers and such other officers as are required by law to be eiected at a city election shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in odd numbered years. Sec. 7.05. Prima.ry Elections . A primary election shall be held on the first Tuesday after the second Monday in September. preceding any municipal election day. Effective Date: Section 2.02.1 and Section 2.05 shall be effective upon passage. Section 2.02, Section 7.01 and Section 7.05 shall be effective January 1, 1983. These amendments shall not take effect unless during the 1981 session the Minnesota State Legislature_ enacts a similar provision governing the election of board members of Independent School District No. 625. � v --w -.___ _..._....._� ,..�.�. ..::..._. _ _._. �.._ .�._-- �.t:.,._.__ �,, .. ,._. ��.�_.. �__.�..: w...., , � '�Y� � S � .� ��'-�� PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT ST. PAUL CITY CHARTER � S�c. 2. 01 -- There shall be a mayor elected by the voters of the city dt large, and seven councilpersons, each elected from a council district as provided herein, and such �udqes and other officials as are by statute and elected as provided therein. Provided Sec. 2. 04 -- ADD: "oY when a council person ceases to reside within the council district from which he was elected. " Sec. 4. 01. 1 -- COUNCIL DISTRICTS. Each member of the council shall be elected from a separate district which is substantially equal in popula- tion to all other districts. Each councilperson shall be a resident of the district from which he is elected. Voters may only vote for a can- didate for the council district seat with—in which the voters reside. Sec. 4. 01. 02 -- INITIAL DISTRICTS. The division of the city into seven contiguous districts of substantially equal population, and the serial numbering of same will be effected by a resolution of Charter Commission after public hearings on said districting. The public hearin shall be held after published notice of said hearings, and o nortunity to speak shall be allowed members of the ublic�on such reasonable terms as the Commission s all adopt. The Commission shall adopt its districting resolution by a majority vote of its entire membership, and file it in the office of the Cit Clerk at least sixt da s rior to the da on which filings open for the ,first city primary election occurring a ter the 1980 city election. The council shall provide for a sum of money, ade- uate for this purpose, to be used b the Commission to hire staff to aid it in preparing its istrict ng plan. Sec. 4. 01. 03 -- MANDATORY REDISTRICTING. After every federal decennial census the Charter Commission shall redistrict in the manner described above. Zhe Commission shall redefine the council districts so as tD make � them substantially equal. . . Sec. 7. 04. Name on Primary Ballot. Not later than thirty-five days nor more than forty-nine days before the primary election, any person elig- � ible may,. by filing an affidavit and payment of $50. 00 to the city clerk, have his name placed on the primary election ballot. Each person desiring to have his name placed on the nrimary ballot for councilrperson shall state in his affidavit of candidacy the district for which he is a candidate. (The following replaces existing paragraph Sec 7. 06) "Sec. 7 . 06. City Election Candidates. If the law prescribes that the election of mayor and councilperson be by party designation, the candiclate of each art re- ceiving t e ig est nu er o. votes in t� primar election or t e o fice o mayor or t e o ice o counci erson in an district shall be ec are t e nominee o is part or t e o. Fice at the next city e ection an is name s a e place on the munici al election ballot to ether with the name o any can i ate or the o.ffice nominated by etition in accordance wit t e aw. I t e aw oes not provi e for election by party designa- tion, the two can�ic�ates for mayor receivin the hi hest number of votes in t e primar e ection or t e office, and the two candidates for the counci in eac istrict receivin t e hi hest number o votes for council in t at istrict s a be ec are t e nominees an t e on y nominees for _ t e res�pective o ices at t e next city election. r c� �.-, � � �� � y � A� �7 � r-� q � r ��n f" r� 2o w o 2� �+ c� � ►�1 =J ' G