275919 WHITE - CI7V CLERK COIlI1C11 �• �/��v PINK ' - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLU� �MAVOR • Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Whereas, The Council of the City of Saint Paul, together with its City Clerk, has duly canvassed the returns of the votes cast at the County and State General Election held in said City on the 4th day of November, 1980, upon the ratification or rejection of an Amend- ment to the City Charter to provide for election of city council rnembers from seven separate contiguous geographic council districts, and Whereas, It appears from said returns and the canvass thereof that 76,857 voted in favor of the adoption of said Amendment to the City Charter and 27,358 voted against the adoption thereof, and Whereas, Minnesota Statutes, Section 4�10.12, provides that such Amendment to the City Charter must be approved by a 51� vote of those lawfully voting thereon, and ?3.7�+gb of those lawfully voting thereon voted in favor of such approval, therefore, be it Resolved, That said Amendment to the City Charter is hereby declared to have received in excess of 51� favorable votes of the votes cast at said Election, and to have been adopted, and be it Resolved Further, T.hat a certified copy of the Amendment and a certified copy of this resolution signed by th� Mayor and the City Clerk, shall be filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Minnesota, and a certified copy of the Amendment and a certified copy of this resolution, signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk, be recorded with the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: � Butler [n Favor Hozza . Hunt p -�i�e __ Against BY Maddox Sho NQV � 3 �9a� Form Appro by City Attorney Ado by Counci Date L�� �–� I �- �'j ertified Y• � ed by ret y BY App o iNavor: �V � H �JBu Approved by Mayor for Submis on to Council By — BY - �.►S�D N OV 2 � 59�0 ,~r '!� ' � ` ,_ � � ' • ��� �� ' . j • � � STATE OF �MINNFSOTA � ' � CowLty o� Ramdey ) aa. . � CITy OF SAINT PA(!L ) � � `� Rose Mix �j T. . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ..C.i.t.y CLeJ�z os #he Ci�� o� Scun.t Pa.u,e, M,i.nneao�ic, do hehe6y ceJc.t,i.sy #ha-t T have compa�ced #h.e cLttached copy o� Counc,i.0 �.i.ee No.??5919. , , , a.a adop�ed 6y �he Ci.ty Counc,i.e ..November.l3_ . . .. .. . . .. . �9 80. . . November �8 . 19 80 and appnoved by �he Mayon . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. . uu.th #he on.i.g-ina.e �he�ceo� on S.i.Ce .i.n my o���.ce. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � �-.� - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . � � � � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c� . _. _` .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . � � � . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 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M.i.nn. �h,�.a . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � �� � , �'�:., . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . `� . �CCehfi. 7b70 � (i �. !1 � �- . � wHiTE - C�7V GIEpK COUOCII � `�'����� � PINK - FINANCE G j 1.y O� SA I NT PA U L C�"^1ARY '�E�'ARTMENT , .FIlE NO. BLUE ' �MA'tON � ' •• t ~� � ' � Council Resolution V Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date � � � d � Whereas, The Council of the City of Saint Paul, together with its City Clerk, has duly canvassed the returns of the votes cast at the County and State General Election held in said City on the �th day of November, 1980, upon the ratification or re�ection of an Amend- ment to the City Charter to provide for election of city council members from seven separate contiguous �eographic council districts, and Whereas, It appears from said returns and the canvass thereof that 76,857 voted in favor of the adoption of said Amendment to the City Charter and 27,358 voted against the adoption thereof, and Whereas, Minnesota Statutes, Section �-10.12, provides that such Amendment to the City Charter must be approved by a 51� vote of those lawfully voting thereon, and 73.7�-g� of those lawfully voting thereon voted in favor of such approval, therefore, be it Resolved, That said Amendment to the Cfty Charter is hereby declared to have received in excess of 51� favorable votes of the votes cast at said Election, and to have been adopted, and be it Resolved Further, That a certified copy of the Amendment and a certified copy of this resolution signed by th� Mayor and the City Clerk, shall be filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Minnesota, and a certified copy of the Amendment and a certified copy of this resolution, signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk, be recorded with the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ' Butler [n Favor Hozza , Hunt p �e Against BY Maddox Sho HOV � 3 1Q�� Form Appro by City Attorney Adu by Counci Date r-� /� v'�- �- C� ertif�ed Ya •. ed by ret�ry .BY _� , App o Mavor: e OV 18 1980 Approved by Mayor for Submis n to Council Bp BY � � � � �" /. � � � � . . � . - , . . . . . - . - , . . . ; � . ' . - . ' . � . . � � - . , \ , ! , a � � t .. � � Q� . - . � `i . . - ; . t , . � \ � . _ , . - ; , . . - - ; _ . . , - � . -_ . . ; : ' nec��ber 3, 19�90 _ � Regiater o� Deeda . let Flac>r,� Cfty H�all _ • " ' 3t. Pe�ul, I�6t�. � , ; . , � Dear 8irs: - � _ � � . Tnclosed for Piling in yo�r�offi'ce is a certiPied copy of a: ; resalu�ion of the St, Paul City Coun�il, C.Ft �2'T3919 �d � � e�meudmeat to the City Charter ��' �t2�e Cftar ai� .3t. Raul to prov�de ; . for e3,aect3on of City Coun�il m�sbe�s li�om>sev+�a �se�iarste' • � � contiguoue geographic couacil ¢istr�ct�� whic� amendme4� we►s � • adopt�d- by th�e electnraLe at tha St�te! (ien�ral �.ectioa beld � ' op the-�tth,dsy of November, 1980. y . � Very truly yours,� • , , - � Roae Mi.�c - _ � Ci�y Clerk, - Atts�h. - � , _ _ :. � ' . � � . ABO:la ' . . � , . . . . 1 . . . ' 1 . � /� . � ! � . . -. " � . . ' , . .. � . . � . . / � . ` . f . . , � � . i�l�'... � . . . � . . � . . .\ . - . i . . � � . . . \ � / ' ' � i . �� . . . . �. ` . . . . 1 . . . ' . , � I •. �- - 1 i . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . .. . J '.: ' ' . .♦ - .. . , i , . ..1 .. . � . . . . � . .. . .. � ' .. . . + . - _ � - - _ , ` ' - , . i ' \ , , ,� . � � � - � \ _ . ' - \ � . , . � ' � . Deceaaber 3, 19$t): _ ` � � � - � ' - � � ' ' Ms. Joaa`t�rotr�e � , 3ear�tinry of State , � State pf Minneaota � - - . , _ . � - . - Dear Me. t#�we t . i -_ � � 8nciosed Por filing in �rour oPt'ice is e certified�copq of a � . resolution of tihe St. Paul City Councili C.�'. �75Q1� and a4a : amemdment �.o� the City Charter 'oP the �3ty`a� �. Paut �o rovld� for election�of City Couacil- members f�roa� e�yen se ate � � - �onti ' 6ua�s �eo�apbic counc�.l. districta, t�rhich ��setit ras , sdopted by tbe slea��orate a't the Stal,� ti�weral Slection t�eYd � . on t�e 4ttt de4y o�' l�ovrmber� 198d. . , � , VerY 'r►r'�kY Yours, . , 'i � - . _ _ . Rose Miyc . _ � �� ' , .. �i� �ar� , ,,,. . , . At'�e,Ch. � . /I�Otla . , � � . � � � ' - ,- ? - � _ � . - � . � ` � � - � �? � _ . , , - ., � � � � , � ��� ._ - /: y _ • , , � , `� � r.� J � r . b-7���� • - � SAINT PAUL� C R COMMISSION � � � ��- � � c SAINT PAUL, „ � ,.. MINNESOTA 55102 , , � r-s � �+ � fn-� �-► ` � October 20, 1981 -��,� ° � -�,r' -w '�i ,.;i , _� C�J � a ��; ;�.� � � ±, �4 '�� � � cs c;p `-;1 s.� ..." ::� The Honorable Mayor and Members of the Saint Paul City Council c/o Th� City Clerk Third Floor, City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 551Q2 Dear Mayor Latimer and Members of the City Council: On October 19 , 1981 , the Saint Paul Charter Commission, at a meeting at which there was a quorum (twelve mennbers present) , unanimously adopted the enclosed resolution dividing the City of Saint Paul into seven contiguous districts of substantially equal population and numbering said districts serially from one to seven, inclusive. Said resolution was adopted after public hearings on said district- ing which were held over the past many months. These public hearings were held after published notice of said hearings and members of the public had the opportunity to speak, and did speak, upon the districting proposals. This districting resolution is beinq filed today in the Office of the City Clerk, this date being sixty days prior to the day on which filings open for the first City primary election occurring after the 1980 City election. The procedures described above for dividing the City into seven contiguous districts, the conduct of public hearings after notice, and the adoption of the enclosed districting resolution were done in accordance with and pursuant to Section 4 .01 .02 of the Saint Paul City Charter, said Section being part of the amendment of the Saint Paul City Charter made by the voters at the general election held on November 4 , 1980 . Upon the filinq of the attached districting resolution, and this notice, the division of the City into seven contiguous districts will have been accomplished and will become effective. 22 .. . -, � • ,. SAINT PAUL C � R COMMISSION c ' fi SAINT PAUL, �,., MINNESOTA 55102 �; The Honorable Mayor and Members of the Saint Paul City Council October 20 , 1981 Page Two The members of the Charter Commission wish to express their appre- ciation to Mr. John Connelly, Director of the Council Research Center for the City of Saint Paul, and his staff, for the excellent cooperation received from them by the Commission and the Redistrict- ing Subcommittee, and the considerable time and effort which Mr. Connelly and his staff expended in obtaining all information required by the Commission to perform the task assigned to it by the voters of the City. Significant savings to the taxpayers were made by using the exten- sive experience and talent of Mr. Connelly and his staff which was available for this task, so that it was not necessary for the Commission to engage outside "experts" to advise the Commission. Yours very truly, . Timo y P. Quinn, President Sain Paul Charter Commission TPQ:es enclosure 22 . , � .s��� .�1 � DISTRICTING RESOLDTION OF TAE SAINT PAQL CHARTER COMMISSIOP ADOPTED: OCTOBER 19, 1981 � c� � ::,� =,� '.� cn-c +r ,��,1 --�� � ' �i ro� � . ' .� �a�c C'`� wt.'i '-x� �`r' '�" °� �:�I r 4 a; -�7 � 'G'�i • .:t�3 C! � ,.� fs! �� 1 . � � � � . ���,�����9' RE S OLUT I ODI CHARTER CONL.MISSiON City of St. Paul V�HEREAS, the Charter of the Gity of St. Paul v�;as amended by the voters on Plovember 4, 1980, to provide for the election of inembers of the City Council from separate districts of substantially equal population; and ��TIiEREAS, said amendment further provided that the Charter Commission after public hearings adopt a district- ing plan by resolution by a majority vote of its entire , __. _ _ - - membership; and _ . , ti�iEREAS, the Charter Commission has held public hearings throughout the City of St. Paul on proposed district boundaries; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Charter Commission of the City of St. Paul tha� the seven districts as herein numbered and described shall be the Council districts for the City of St. Paul. 2 . � -�,� , r � _ District No. 1• That portion of the City of Saint Paul lacate� within an area described as follo��as: Cornmencing at the intersection of North Hamline Avenue extended Northerly and the Great Norther;i Railway tracks, thsnce Easterly along the Great Northern Railway tracks to Highway 35-E, thence Southerly along Highway 35-E to East University Avenue, thence We�terly along East University Avenue to Rice Street, thence Southerly on Ric� Stree•t to John Ireland Boulevard, thence Southerly along John Irzland Boul.evard to . Summit Avenue, thence South�rly and Westerl�r __ _ ,_, __ _� _ along Su.*nmit Avenue to the Short Line Road, th.ence North- erly along the Short Line Road to Hamline �venue, thence Northerly along Hamline Avenue to the point of beginning. 3 . ✓ � District No. 2: � That portion of ths City of Saint Paul located within an area described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of Summit Avenue and the Short Line Road, thence Easterly along Summit Avenue to John Ireland. Boulevard, thence Southerly along John Ireland Boulevard to Rice Street, thence Northerly along Rice Street to University Avenue, thence EasterLy along University Avenue to Lafayette Road, thence Northeast- erly along Lafayette Road to thn Great Northern Railway � � " ' "`- tracks, thence Southerly on the Great North�rn Railway i tracks to East Seventh Street, thence westerly along East Seventh Street to Lafayette Fra�way, thence Southerly along the Lafayette Freeway to the Mississippi River, thence Easterly and Southerly along the Mississippi River to the Southerly City limits of Annapolis Avenue extended Easterly, thence Westerly along Annapolis Avenue extended to Bidwell Street, thence Northerly along Bidwell Str�et to West Curtice, thence Westerly along We�st Curtiee to Charlton, thence Southerly along Charlton to Annap�lis 4 . District No. 2 continued: Avenue, thence Westerly along Annapolis Avenue to the Mississippi River, thence Southerly along the Mississippi River to the intersection with Rankin Street extended Southerly, thence Northerly along Rankin Street extended to West Seventh Street, thence Northeasterly along West Seventh Street to South Lexington Parkway, thence North- erly along South Lexington Parkway to the Short Line Road, thence Northerly along the Short Line Road to the point of beginning. � 5 . , . rj +/ .-W �� r . . �, v, District No. 3. That portion of the City of Saint Paul located within an area described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the Mississippi River and St. Clair Avenue extended westerly, thence easterly along St. Clair Avenue extended to South Fairview Avenue, thence northerly along South Fairview Avenue to Summit Aeenue, thence easterly along Summit Avenue to the Short Line Road, thence southerly on the Short Line Road to South Lexington Parkway, thence southerly on South Lexington Parkway ta West Seventh Street, thence southwesterly al.ong West Seventh Street to Rankin Street, thence southerly along Rankin Street e�tended to the Mississippi River, thence _ _ _ __ _--southerly, westerly and northerly along the Mississippi � River to the point ot beginning. 6. District No. 4. , That portion of the Cit� of Saint Paul located within an area described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of North Hamline Avenue and West Hoyt Avenue and thence westerly along Hoyt Avenue to Snelling Avenue, thence southerly along Snelling Avenue to Como Avenue, thence westerly on the City line from the intersection of Como and Snelling Avenue to the intersection of North Cleveland Avenue and Gibbs Avenue, thence northerly along North Cleveland Avenue to West Hoyt Avenue, thence westerly along West Hoyt Avenue to the westerly City line, thence southerly along the westerly City line to the inter- , _ __ _sectian with St. Clair Avenue extended westerly, thence � easterly along St. Clair Avenue extended to South Fairview Avenue, thence northerly along South Fairview Avenue to Summit Avenue, thence easterly along Summit Avenue to the Short Line Road, thence northerly along the Short Line Road to Hamline Avenue, then�e northerly along Hamline Avenue to the point o� beginning: . �, , • r . . � ",� �� � �'j District No. 5. That portion of the City of Sairit Paul located within an area described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the Great Northern Railway tracks and North Hamline Avenue, thence easterly along the Great Northern Railway tracks to the Chicaga, St. �aul, t�iinneapolis & Omaha Railway tracks, thence easterly on said tracks to Edgerton Street, thence northerly along Edgerton Street to Larpenteur Avenue, thence westerly along Larpenteur Avenue to North Hamline Avenue, thence southerly along North Hamline Avenue to the point of beginnina. � 8. . . � '��� � �` � District No. 6. That portion of the City of Saint Paul located within an area described as follows: Commencing at the intersecti.on of Edgerton Street and East Larpenteur Avenue, thence southerly along Edgerton Street to the Chicaga, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway tracks, thence easterly along said railway tracks to the intersection with the .St. Paul & Duluth Railway tracks located between Greenbrier Avenue and Payne Avenue, thence southerly along said tracks to East Minnehaha Avenue, thence easterly along East Minnehaha Avenue to Johnson Parkway, thence northerly . � _ , ._along Johnson Pa�kway to the intersection with the ._ . Chicac.,ro, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway tracks, thence easterly along said railway tracks to the inter- seetion with Hazelwood Street, thence southerly along Hazelwood Street to East Minnehaha Avenue, thence easterly along East Minnehaha Avenue to North Hazel Street, thence northerly along North Hazel Street to Stillwater Avenue, thence easterly a�ong Stillwater Avenue to Mohawk Avenue, thence northerly along tiohawk Avenue to Case Avenue, thence easterly alona Case Avenue to Edgewater Boulevard, thence northerly along Edgewater Boulevard to East Maryland Avenue, thence 9. . . _ .� ��..,� �� � District No. 6 - Continued. . easterly along East P�aryland Avenue to the easterly City line, thence northerly along� the easterly City line to the northerly City line (East Larpenteur Avenue) , thence westerly along the northerly City line to the point of beginning. 10. . . � ,,� �,� g District No. 7. That portion of the City of Saint Paul located within an area described as fol).ows: Commencing at the intersection of East P4aryland Avenue and the City limits, thence weste�ly along East Maryland Avenue to Edgewater Boulevard, thence souther].y along Edgewater Boulevard to Case Avenue, therice �resterly along Case Avenue to Mohawk Avenue, thence southerly along Mohawk Avenue to 5tillwater Avenue, thence westerly along Stillwater Avenue to North Hazel Street, thence southerly along North Hazel Street to East Minnehaha Avenue, thence westerly along East Minnehaha Avenue to Hazelwood Street, thence northerly along Hazelwood Street to the intersection with the Chicago, St. Paul, - - ° Minrieapolis & Omaha Railway tracks, thence westerly � � along said railway tracks to the intersection with Johnson Parkway, thence southerly along Johnson Parkway to East Minnehaha Avenue, thence westerly along East Nlinnehaha Avenue to the intersection with the .St. Paul & Duluth Railway tracks located between Greenbrier Avenue and Payne Avenue, thence northerZy along said railway tracks to the intersection with the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway tracks, thence � westerly on said tracks to the Great Northern Railway tracks, thence westerly an the Great Northern Railway tracks to the inte�section with Highway 35-E, thence 11. _ _ District No. 7 - continued southerly along Highway 35-E to University Avenue, thence easterly along University Avenue to Lafayette Road, thence northerly along Lafayette Road to the i.ntersection with the Great Northern Railway tracks, thence southerly al�ng the Great Northern Railway tracks to East Seventh Street, thence southwesterly along East Seventh Street to the Lafayette freeway, thence southerly along the Lafayette freeway to the AZississippi River, thence southerly along. the Mississippi River to the Washington County line, thence easterly along the V7ashington County line to the easterly City line, thence northerly along the easterly City line to the point of beginning. � 12. . . . . . . � 'J��' �'�� and; be 3.t FURTHER RESOLVED, that all references to streets, avenues, boulevards, parkwaXs and railroad tracks shall mean the center-line of said right-of-way; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Plat Book of 'Saint Paul, D. M. Hopkins Co. , Philadelphia, Pa. 8 sha 1 be the reference for all railroad trackage above described; and, be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the secretary is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this resolution �n the office of the City Clerk. Adopted: October 19, 1981. , Certified this 20th day of October, 1981, to be a true and correct copy of the Resolution adopted by the Saint Paul Charter Commission, by a majority vote of the full member- ship of the Commission, on October 19, 1981. , President, int Paul arter Commission 13.