275902 WHITE - CITV CIERK COURCll ��'^jR; F� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L GANARV - DEPARTMENT fq,� f�__p+ BIU�E -MAVOR File NO. ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 10.04 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code, the Council does hereby confirm and ratify the appointment, by the Mayor, of Peggy Ann Reichert as the head of the Division of Planning in the Department of Planning and Economic Development. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddax ,,,/ V McMat��:• _ __ Against BY Showa'. ' Tedesco �p� Wiiso NQV 4 �7011 Form proved by C y Adopted b� ouncil: Date C Cer ed Passe Counc� tary BY Ap o by ;Navor. Da e V 6 ��$� Approved ayor for S m' to Council By — BY �� �a G V 1 v t 980 . � �°�����{�� �����k��,�, PEGGY ANN REICHERT 703 Lincoln Avenue St. Paul , Minnesota 55105 (612) 225-2494 (home) (612) 298-4509 (office) URBAN PLANNER EDUCATION Master of Regional Planning, University of North Carolina, 1972 Concentration: Physical Planning and Development Research Assistant: National Urban Policy Development BA, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, 1970 Major: History and Political Science Honors: Dean's List; Independent Study Student in Political Science EXPERIENCE January, 1980 Principal Planner, Comprehensive Planning Section, to present Department of Planning and Economic Development, City of Saint Paul , Minnesota. Manage . section of City Planning Division responsible for:long range comprehensive plan, capital programming and budget policy development, major economic develop- ment project plans, research and policy evaluation, and special issue resolution requiring coordination of vari- ous city departments and agencies. Supervise staff of thirteen planners and one secretary. Serve as planning division liaison to operating depart- ments for sewers, streets, transit, parks and recreation, libraries and state and metropolitan agencies active in the functional areas. Serve as advisor to Planning Commission and various citizen groups on matters of multi-disciplinary nature. Serve on Division Administrator's Management Team. January, 1978 - Director of Planning, City of Coon Rapids, Minnesota. January, 1980 Managed Planning Department for rapidly developing suburban community of 37,000. Supervised staff of four planners and two secretaries. . �����'�'� Responsible for all aspects of long range comprehensive planning, current development planning and review, and administration of City's subdivision and zoning ordinances. Served as chief advisor to City Council , Planning Com- mission, Park and Recreation Comnission, Zoning Board of Adjustment on long range planning and current development issues. Served as member of City P�lanager's key advisory team which administered day-to-day governmental functions and developed recommendations to Council on all aspects of City government. February, 1973 - Twin Cities Metropolitan Council , St. Paul , Minnesota January, 1978 October, 1977 - Senior Policy Planner (Grade 10) , Environmental Planning January, 1978 Department Reclassified as a Senior Policy Planner to reflect level of responsibility associated with the 208 management and finance work program, particularly in managing the work of staff from other programs, departments within the Council as well as from other governmental agencies such as the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the Metro Waste Control Corrnnission. October, 1976 - Policy Planner (Grade 9) , Environmental Planning Department October, 1977 Promoted to Policy Planner responsible for developing the management and finance strategy of the Council 's 208 Area- wide Water Quality Plan. Developed criteria and policies to evaluate alternative water quality projects, funding, and administrative pro- cedures for a 20 year capital improvement program. Super- vised and coordinated work contributions of engineers, economists, and planners to this project. Presented recorrnnendations to 208 Advisory Committee and Metro Council . Set up and managed a special ad hoc committee of state and local officials that developed policy recommendations to control pollution from on-site sewer systems. February, 1975 - Policy Planner (Grade 8) , Comprehensive Planning Department. October, 1976 Promoted to Policy Planner responsible for insuring that new plans for regional water quality, transportation, and open space being developed by functional departments were coordinated with Council 's Comprehensive Development Frame- work Policies. Involved developing new policies and criteria for capital investments in these regional systems. Assigned to special inter-departmental task force that significantly revised the Council 's areawide sewer plan. Supervised all staff work from comprehensive planning de- partment. �� ����� Supervised inter-departmental work group that prepared Council staff reviews of capital budgets and capital improvement programs of the Metro Waste Control Corrnnis- sion and Metro Parks and Open Space Comnission. Supervised inter-departmental staff reviews of local comprehensive plans and A-95 referrals. Developed new policies and procedures to improve consistency and clarity of Council review comments. Served on staff developing the local plan review guide- lines and Metro System Statements required by the new Metropolitan Land Planning Act. Wrote report for national distribution by U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development analyzing the Council 's Development Framework Plan. October, 1973 - Fiscal Planner (Grade 7) , Comprehensive Planning Department. February, 1975 Transferred to staff developing Council 's regional growth management plan. Developed and applied criteria to define the Region's Urban Service Area. Developed general regional investment policies for the urban and rural service areas adopted by the Council to discourage urban sprawl . Analyzed tax incentive strategies to carry out growth management policies. Developed staff reviews of local government comprehensive plans and A-95 referrals. February, 1973 - Environmental Planner (Grade 7) , Environmental Planning October, 1973 Department. Worked primarily on solid waste and air quality programs. Evaluated success of current solid waste plan and developed policy change recommendations. Provided general environmental reviews of local govern- mental plans and development proposals. July, 1972 - Research Associate, Center for Urban and Regional Studies, February, 1973 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill . Researched and wrote land use and air quality chapters of a report for the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency identifying ways local planning and land use management could be directed more effectively towards environmental quality goals. . �y�����.!- � May, 1971 - Urban Planner, Office of Land Use Planning, Air Quality May, 1972 Division, U. S. Environmental Protection A enc Research Triangle Park, North Carolina part-time . While a graduate student, served as the first urban planner in this newly created office. Worked on initial studies of EPA to identify air quality impacts of land use and trans- portation plans. October, 1970 - Research Assistant, Research Trian le Re ional Plannin May, 1971 Commission, Raleigh, North Carolina part-time Analyzed obstacles to mobile homes as a low-cost com- ponent of the area's housing stock. September, 1969 - Intern, Cit Plannin De artment, Durham North Carolina June, 1970 part-time As independent study student in Political Science at Duke, worked on variety of projects, including zoning and housing code enforcement. June, 1969 - Intern, Metropolitan Planning Commission, Indianapolis, September, 1969 Indiana Analyzed impact of past variances on growth of strip commercial development. Worked with department attorney on code enforcement matters. � .�. �`w�i�'�'�� PUBLICATIONS "The Local Growth Management Handbook" A book review for the Journal of the American Planning Association. January, 1980 Growth Management in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area: A Report for Planners on the Development Framework Planning Process. Published by the Metropolitan Council , for the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1976. "In Search of Orderly and Economic Development: A Methodology for Metropolitan Staged Growth Planning" with Robert C. Davis. Presented at the AIP Conference, San Antonio, October, 1975. "Land Use Guidance System Planning for Environmental Quality" with Edward J. Kaiser. Natural Resources Journal , Vo1 . 15 (July, 1975). Promoting Environmental Quality Through Urban Planning and Control , with Edward J. Kaiser, et al . Published by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, February, 1974. An Overview of Techniques for Promoting Environmental Quality Through Urban Planning and Controls with Edward J. Kaiser, et al . Published by the Center for Urban and Regional Studies, University of North Carolina, May, 1973. "The Future Transportation - Air Quality Legislative Interface" with G. Hawthorn, et. al . Presented at the International Conference on Transportation and the Environment, Washington, D. C. , May, 1972. "How Newspapers Support Loca1 Governmental Authority" with D. Paletz and B. McIntyre. Public Opinion Quarterly, Spring, 1971 .