275470 WHITE - CITY CLERK � PINJC ' �INANCE CA(tflRY EPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L COUIICII ef�, �LUL� ; - MAYOR File N O. ����./ uncil Resolution Presente y Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RE50LUTION CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSAL FOR A PROGRAM FOR A MLJLTI-FAMILY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTE5, CHAPTER 462C, AND AUTHORIZING THE PUBLICATION OF A NOTICE OF SAID , HEARING AND AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS AND MATERIALS IN CONNECTION WITH SAID HEARING WHEREAS, (a) Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C (the "A�t") authorizes cities the power to issue revenue bonds for the purpose of planning, administering, making or purchasing loans to finance one or more multi-family housing developments within the boundaries of the city; (b) The City of Saint Paul (City) has received from Austin/King Housing Enterprises (the "Developer") a proposal that the City undertake a program to finance a multi-family housing development by the authorization of the issuance by the Port Authority of the City. of 5aint Paul ("Port Authority") of its revenue bonds (which may be in the form of � single debt instrument) pursuant to the Act; (c) Before proceeding with consideration of the request of the Developer it is necessary for the City to hold a public hearing pursuant to Section 462C. 05, Subdivision 5 of the Act. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul as follows: 1. A public hearing to consider the proposals of the Developer will be held at the time and place set forth in the Notice of Hearing hereto attached. 2. The general nature of the proposals and the estimate of the principal amount of housing bonds to be issu�d by the Port Authority COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Departm�of: Hunt - Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B snowa�ter - __ Against Y Tedesco wlson Form Approved ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date l Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by ;Nayor: Date _ Approved or r Submi Coun il BY BY '�C� WHITE - CITY CLERK � PINK _ �INANCE CAKARY EPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L COIIIfCII ���0 � �LUE_��y - MAYOR File N . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. to finance the proposals are described in the form of Notice of Hearing hereto attached. 3. The Notice of said public hearing shall be substantially the form contained in the Notice hereto attached. 4. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause said Notice of Aearing to be given on publication in the official newspaper of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, and in a newspaper of general circulation, not less than 10 days nor more than 30 days prior to the date fixed for said hearing, as shown in the Notice of Hearing hereto attached. Adopted by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota this 14th day of August , 1980. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by De artment oE: Yeas Nays �� Hunt �evine In Favo[ Maddox � McMahon �� _ __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson A�^ � � ���� `' � �� Form Approved�City t orne Adopte y Council: Date — t Ce ified Pas by Coun ' ,ecretzfry BY � Approved by ; avo : ate A 8 Approved Mayor for Submi ion q Council By BY Pt)BL►SNED AUG 2 3 19�4 . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. - . . �� . . . .y.. �. . . . � . . . . . . . `CN�I 01:,':� 12 j 1975 Rev. : � 9/$/76 � _ IGlt�' �''' x . % �XPU�NATIt�t OE �tiN�:��RAT��� Oi�ERS �� 3 � .��� � , � � . - . � � Date: August 13, 1980 t K �; �� � � � � � T0: #�k'�OR 6EOR6E tA�'Il�R kUv 13 1�80 ' , NIAY_�tt'� � > Ft�l: Terry McNellis� I�: 462C Housing Pcogram (Aus#in King� ; �, - . � _ . , i . ; � ; A+�'�I� RE ESTED: ` ! Approv►e for �bmissi�n to council or� Thursday 8/1.4 - ll►Iai�et aiready placed c�n $genda. � � , � . , ;I , . , � �E MIO �ATItN1A1.E �'OR TFf'IS �1C I�: . � _��, � . � :��cfii�n rs�uired by new State Law. Fro�ect pt�evicwsly appcoved by Ci#y. Tt�is acti,c� is nece�ary to p�rmi# the Port A►u#hor3ty:tu seli the bQnds. : �_: ;� � � f � . ,; � ; ' ATTACHMlENTS; . � : u ; s�..;; Gotmcil Resolution �';�h; NoticG af Atjblic Hearing � . ` � � � . , �' `� � , _.,. . � ���� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSAL FOR A PROGRAM TO FINANCE A MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of St. Paul ("City") will meet at the City Council Chamber, City Hall in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota at ten o 'clock a.m. on August 26, 1980, to consider the proposal of Austin/ King Housing Enterprises , that the City assist in financing a program provided for in the West Seventh Street UDAG Grant Agreement (B-80-AA-27-0016) to be carried out by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul ("Port Authority") issuance of housing revenue bonds to be used for the construction/permanent financing � of 120-144 residential units by Austin/King Housing Enterprises by authorizing said issuance of housing revenue bonds by the Port Authority. The estimated principal amount of bonds or other obligations to be issued to finance the program is $ 5,560,000 Said bonds or other obligations if and when issued will not constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance upon any property of the Port Authority or the City of Saint Paul except the project and such bonds or obligations will not be a charge against the Port Authority or the City's general credit or taxing powers but are payable from sums to be paid by the developers pursuant to a revenue agreement. A draft copy of the proposed housing finance program, together with all attachments and exhibits thereto, are available for publ.ic inspection beginning August 14 , 1980 , from nine o 'clock a.m. to four o'clock p.m. , Monday through Friday, at the offices of the Renewal Division, Department of Planning and Economic Development, City Hall Annex, 12th floor. At the time and place fixed for said Public Hearing, the City of Saint Paul tirill give all persons who appear at the hearing an opportunity to express their views with respect to the proposal. Dated this 14thday of �u�st , 1980 . (BY ORDER OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL) gy Aose Mix City Clerk