275465 WHITE - CITY CLERK ����� PINK - FINANCE �� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G Y O F SA I N T PA LT L COUIICII BLUE - MAYOR File N O. nci esolution Presented By �C�t�SE CO1�u�il`i'`�'�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �`JHr,�,�,E�S: Proper notice nas been received as to a chax�;e of of�icers a.ild s tockholclers of I1ar-Ja, Inc., On „ale I�.quor Licerisee at 1201 Ja.ckson �treet, doir.g busines� as Ja-I=iar Liquors, tl��erefore, be it �SOI;iI`�:ll: That taith the resi�nation o�' George Ti. Croft as :Tice President, and l�.is sale o:C stocIt to Jatnes �;,. ��ell, the curren;: orficers noT�r are Jam,es r�. _ ell� i'resident, �tita �;. '.'ieG2nd, Secre�tary, aricl the sole s�ockliolcier is James ::�. ?:sell, be and the same is hereUy approved. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays r�nnt- Levine In Favor Maddox � McMahon �� __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson AUG i 3 t980 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Co,urtcTk: Date — Certified=Pas�ed byl Cou�il Secretayy ,.� BY By �� r/ � Approved by/;Vlavor. Date AUG� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By �„tsHE� AU G���— BY � ���.�� ,..,,,,,,,,�� _�:�`'T' °';;-.,,, C I TY OF SA I NT PAU L �� ��= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;., �uuimii ;: _� uu �uu '��° �c� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION /�°"�im«,',������` Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR hugust 13, 19�0 i•:r. President ar.d :ionorable I�Iembers of the City Council Saint I'aul, �iinnesota :%ir. :'resident and i�onorable 1�•embers: Currently :-iar-Ja, Inc. holds a.n On �ale Liquor License and m�scellareous licenses issued to the*n at 1201 Jackson atreet doir� bus�nes� as ti�e Ja--�ar Liquors. i roper no-tice ha,s been received as to a change of of�i.- cers ar.d stockholders in the corporation. Geor�;e :�. Croft has res�gned as lice Pres:i.dent and he i�as r.ot been replaced arld his stock has been �?urchased h�r James �.. �;ell. `�'herefore, Ja,ries .�. l.ell remains as i'resident, :;ita i=. .�Jie- gand remains as �ecretary. The sole stockholder now is James :Z. �:ell. `ihis apz�lication has been rev�ewed b;; the Licer�se and Per- *rLi.t 1;�vision and tihe C�.ty nttorney's office. :�'he recommendation is for approval. Jery tr y y ours, Josepl� :�'. CarchecLi License Inspe ctor �O