275463 WHITE - CITY CLERK (�r��� PINK - FINANCE J f V CANARY - DEPARTMENT G T Y O F S A I N T PA iT L COUIICII N BLUE - MAYOR File N O. , ncil solution Presented By LIC�i�5� �:Oii:'��l`�:� ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �'�,SOLV]�:�: That rlpplicatiozl '� 15792 for �;he transfcr of the Class C2-;'�estaurant _r�.cense, expirin� January 2�, 1981, issuecl to i�arold '�er�et at 1960 University livenue, be and the salne is her_•eb�r transferred to :ie�uieth :;. I,i.ndstrom, 1:��D hpplic�tion �=� 15793 for Gn �ale ���alt ;:everage License, ��t:� l�pplication � 15794 for Ci�a.rette License, both applied for b�r Y>enneth ::. Linds trora at 196G university �lvenue be and �he sal�e are hereby �ranted. COUIVCILMEIV Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays �Ffant Levine In Favor Maddox ;� McMahon � __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted bv `ou cil: Date — AUG 13 1g80 Form Approved by City Attorney � Ceytl�ied P �ed by CouncPf Secre ry BY L B; —_ � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by ;Vlavor. Date �-- By _ � — BY �s��s�EO AUG 2 3 1980 1 . f �p P„ % ����� �.�`��C�T T`1p�L�I��i _=�•� ;;�-,,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� '= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;� uiuw �� ,• Ilt I ll lt ��`��' '�_� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ��,. ; �,,, ,... �.�' ''am�",�.•••° Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR tlugust 13, 19&0 :ir. i resicient and t:onorable l�iembers of tr.e City Council �aint Uaul� -iinnesota llr. 1'resident asia �.onorable iiember� : ;;enneth ':;i. Lindstrom makes application for an Qn Sale I'ialt l�evera.ge T�icense and tY�e transier of the Class C2- �'estaurasit License _�ssued t� i-iasold =:er�et at 1960 Jniversi.ty ��venue to hirnself at the sam�address. F-r,�l�y, '�'he reer ti•rlll be a :�er�u item only. i�e �r_'�11 operate this bus�ness l�ersonallf and it .�r�ll be ?;novm as �:arold's '�es-taurant. �his appl_.cation has been revi_ewed bf the License and i'err�it i)�.vision �.nd tl:e City :''.ttorney's office. The re- cor-unendatiorl �s for ��roval. �ery t Tr �our�, � • Joseph ��. Carchedi License Inspector �O :.: _ � : . .i .� � � , :,.._ ; �' °. � _ . A�t a, 1980 : . : ; = � .. ` �,;; _ , `_ _ l�ir. Kenn�th �. Lin�stro�n; � .. - .: i �. :]�12 `Dakcta Aveuvte . ; : . ,, � � NeK �.chnaad� .i�iiaconsin 5l�017 . ; . ;� . . , r .-��;. . . Dear Sir�' :�: - :;�° ; _ , �n On SsJ:e Malt;:Beve�rag� ,' . .. �: . _, . ; . . _ - augu8t 13, i98o ' . : . � � . _ •: , 10;00 A,��1. . Courioil Chesnbers, third'floor Ci �a1.1 _ �_;. } ' _ _,- . - � .. . .. . � .. . ' . . . - A .. .. .. .�. i'' � .� ��.... � . ,�.� . . . . � : � .. _ . � . . �� .. � . . �,. . ... ' .aF ' . � pi� � . . . . . . ' . .: .. r „ , ; . . �. y . . , . . . � , ��.. ., . . , . :�� �:^ �. .�; f" ,: � � :. . • - '- _ . . ° p! . { �.., �. ..T . : "t .. .r S. . � ' . ...' .� : .. .. .. . .'.�.� -. . . . . . .. . . _. . .. .J4- . . � .. � .. :% .. ' ' � � -:.� :i .. - � , . .._':. . . . . � r . . , . .:. , . . . . ,;. 't� . .�.. � . � �.. :.� '� ',' . . .;:; i i . c :�. .. �-.. . . . . .. . (L . �y � � y x. ; ' ;.,e ' _.: * ; _ • ' _ ` , ,: _ , . .. _ �.n , ,, . _ �: , � , > � " ,`''ri .�� . � � . .. . .. . . . . • � � -� . .. �. . � - : � . � �� . ; . a • �. , , '. ,, . :.'_ _ ;; - ,, ; _ . `��� .._