275451 WMITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE 2'�5�5� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T O F SA I N T PA LT L COU[1CII BLUE - MAYOR File N O. Co i R ution Presented By LICENSE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses for permit to conduct bingo games, applied for by the following organizations at the addresses stated, for the days and hours indicated on the application, be and the same is hereby granted. Guadalupe Youth Council 459 Wabasha St. Addl.Bingo Fees App.15711 Renew Catholic Parents Club 408 Main St. Addl.Bingo Fees 15789 �� Catholic Order of Foresters Scholarship Fund St. Pau1 Joint Committee �+08 Main St. Addl.Bingo Fees 15791 " Tanners Lake V.F.W. #8217 1795 E. 7th St. Addl.$ingo Fees 15835 �� Disabled American Veteran's, Inc.1060 University Addl.Bingo Fees 15886 " Ravoux General Assembly of the Knights of Columbus 408 Main St. Addl.Bingo Fees 15890 " St. Thomas the Apostle Church 2119 Stillwater Rd. Bingo (1 Pd) 15899 New Columbian Women's Club 408 Main St. Addl.Bingo Fees 15917 Renew Juan Diego Club of our Lady of Guadalupe Church 1+59 Wabasha St. Addl.Bingo Fees 15918 " Midway Skating Club, Inc. 1060 University Addl.Bingo Fees 15919 �� North End Youth Hockey Assn. 1079 Rice St. Addl.Bingo Fees 15920 " Sacred Heart Church 835 E. 5th St. Addl.Bingo Fees 15924 r' Friends of St. Peter Claver �+59 Wabasha St. Addl.Bingo Fees 15925 �� St. Peter Claver Social Club 1060 University Addl.Bingo Fees 15926 " Hazel Park Commercial Club Ladies Auxiliary, Inc. 862 White Bear Ave. Addl.Bingo Fees 15927 " �+th District V.F.W. Dept.of Minn. 1060 University Addl.Bingo Fees 15928 " Guadalupe Mexican Education So�. �+59 Wabasha St. Addl.Bingo Fees 15929 �� ' East Side Speedskating Club, Inc. 862 White Bear Ave. Addl.Bingo Fees 15930 " Holy Childhood Church Cana Club 57 W. 7th St. Addl.Bingo Fees 15931 " COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favo[ Maddox Mc�� _ � __ Against BY — �r �Ison AUG' i 2 ��an Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by uncil: Date 34fL-- Certif Pass y Coun Secretayy BY Approved by Yl Date AUG 1 3 1980 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ � BY PUBI.,ISHED AUG � 6 19�-