275444 NiHITE - CITV CLERK /�OUnCll �75444 PINK � - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L `" CANARY - DEPARTMENT Flle NO• BLUE - MAVOR RETURN COPY TO VALUATION BUREAU C� ' e olution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHERF'''AS, the State of Minnesota did convey certain tax forfeited lands in Ramsey County to the C3.ty of Saint Paul, hereinafter described to be used by it exclusively for the pvrpose of opening, widening and extending the proposed Arch-Pennsylvania HigYnray; and. WI�REAS, the land hereinafter deseribed has ceased. to be used for said purposes; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper City officials axe authorized and directed to eaecute the necessary documents relea,sing and returnin� the foll�a'i.ng de- seribed tax forfeited property to �he State of Minnesota., to wit: All of Lot 7, Block One, Fletcher's Sv.bd3vision of Brewsters Addition to the City of Sairrt �.ul except that part taken for street and right of access to street; and be it �lso RESOLVID, that the City Council of Saint Paul approve that said parcel be deeded to Hvusing and Redevelopment Authority by the State of Minnesota, for development purposes. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: B tl r Hunt � (n Favor ce a nt �rviees H z Levine Hu Maddox �:C'tOT Le e � _ A gainst � Ma ox McMahon - � Adopte y Co ncil: ilson Date AUG 1219$0 Form Approved by City Attorney C ified Yass y Co cil S�cretary �9�� � �pproved by '41a r: ate Appr e by Mayor for Sub issi n to Council ��"���- BY BY AUG �� 1'llliLl�liLD '..,, -- . t)M Ol: 12I1975 : . � � ' Rev. : 9/8/76 � EXPLANA?ION OF A�IINISTRATiUE ORDERS, �t�� L , ECE �VE � � � ���o JUL� = „ Da te: nily 29, �98o MAY�S T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER �� �� FR: J. William Doncrvan, Val.v�tion 8a Aseessment Eng3.neer, Depa,rtme�t of Finance & RE� Management Serr3ces. - Ext. 5317 ' Certain tax forfeited land in City of Saint Pau3. to be recouveyed to �the State of Miane�ota. � ACTION REQUESTED: � . _ __ _ I�yo�'s ap�oval to submit resolution to City Cauncil. P'.3RPOSE Ai�D RATIONRLE"FOR THIS ACTiON: Department of' Public Works requests tl�t this 'be retvrned to the State of M3nn. arTact��Nrs: 1. Resolution � 2. Capy of recomreyance deed 3. Area A�s�p i ��`�� � � �. � � -� i 4 � ,� � ,� � .� i t,;; � r.� f � j : _ I, .. ' ' Li —I____ , . .L_1:..•.�-1---53-----------�----...__._._.,.- ---•------ SO � ��.`� s:---. � j , .� .. . � , .... ;��„ _ _i�i^_. �� �. l - � r'.� e , �I� .. . . ..... �. _, . �° ' � � '� _- ---- - .1 -- - -- ' - -. .._ _� _ --•- -- - - - -- • � : a . . . ,_ .-� .. - .� ... . . � --=. . ; :. /. ..,� . u. - - , -�- -- -• -- +-'° -- -` - T � I .�.. .� � � iv : �� �� � a �; . Y �/�� �' /� ^ �,{'j� ��'• � _ ��_ ..._ - �____.. , ._ _ '_'_�_�LZ_�"___ O '_-_' �'�I dy6.ii� .._tN 1� -J.__'� _ �.__ _ j �"7 • � �::7.6J"•.�' '� . � v�r � i �4 ���� . .,. + ::•�, �� ',•.m � i M`s ` _�_ > V (.�'rT^¢"_'n„""�.u�,---'__��-' �-___„— ..�J .I9 ' ��1 i hi ����i. .1-� -�- -- - .� �.� � 1�0�, Y�`.:f!Ci i �V �C,7 { � ����; . 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I �� -�-6.� '� "' „ _. ��'_'_ '�i3P.0 - - '"a � 1 � 1 C •. . � ( l � -T.8 1 '���d� O --�--- �A..`— -—..- ----------9s.S9_J° ------------- __ __ ----�__.__..---,.,._..__�_. . _ _._ � � � --- ---- r,------ , �.; I�� �. �� � �9pdrtment of Revsnus SDForm 976(Rsv.11/76) qpprovsd by Attomsy Generel 7-Z0�0 RECONVEYANCE OF FORFEITED LANDS TO STATE OF MINNE�TK��d�"�'`�# BY GOVERNMENTAL SUBDII�ISIONS � �fUHEREAS, Pursuant �o -Minnesota Statutes, Section �282.01, Subdivision 1, the STATE OF M I N N ESOTA, as trustee under Minnesota Statutes, Section 281.25, o�the l�t day of M��_, 19,6�, conveyed to �itv of Saint Paul, Minnesota . a governmental subdivision,the lands hereinafter described,to be used for an authorized pubiic use,and WHEREAS, Said governmental subdivision �Mes�#r►i�led-te�xrt-s�#�-lene��lo-i�pabFittnaferwhieltit .aasascoa��ced.�*has abandoned the public use for which such IaAd was cornreyed, and now desires to reconvey said lands to the State of Minnesota,as such trustee; � �" •' NOW, THEREFORE,This indenture, made this 28'�y of Auguat � i9 80 � between City of 8aint Paul, Minneeota a governmental subdivision of the State of Minnesota, as party of the first part, and the State of Minnesota,as trustee as hereinafter set forth, as party of the second part, WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part, in consideration of the premises and other valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby Grant, Bargain, auitclaim and Reconvey unto the said party of the second part all the tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of R,amsey in the State of Mi�nesota, described as follows,to-wit: All of Lot 7, Block One, Fletcher's Subdivisioa of Brewstere Addition to the City af Saint Paul except �hat part taken for etreet and right of acceas to street. in trust as provided by Minnesota Statutes, Section 281.25, upon like Conditions and with like effect as if said lands had not been conveyed to said party of the first part as aforesaid. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, Together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, to the said party of the second part and its successors and assigns, Forever. ' IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, Said party of the firat part has caused these presentsto be executed i� its corporate name by its Ma or Cit Clerk and its Direetor of Department of Finanee and Manaaement �er n i corporate 5e81 to be hereunto affixed the day and year first above written. In Presence of: APPQai�D f!s �ra Foerh City of Saint Paul, lrttinnesota - , - � �� Name of Governmentsl Subdivision '.�� �-��BY Mayor BY •Strike out clauss nof app/lcab/e. Ci'�y Cl@r$ � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) � Director, Finanee 8o Man�agement Services County of Ramsey � On this day of , 19 , before me, a 1Qotar.v Public within and for said county, personally appeared [�eorae.Latim�r� go�ae Mix and Bernard J. Caxlson to me personally known, who, being each by me duly sworn say that they a�e respectively the M�►yor, Citv �lerk and the Mrector of Finance 8o M�amt.Serirte��e governmental se�bdivision named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said govemmental subdivision, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said governmental subdivision by authority of� its C3ty Council and said Ma�vor, Ctt.v Clerk and M.rector of Finance & Mamt.Bervic�knowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said governmental subdivision. APPROVAt The undersigned, acting for the Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Minnesota,under delegation of authority duly filed with the Secretary of State, does hereby approve the foregoing oonveyance to the State of Minnesota. Dated: STATE OF MINNESOTA In the Presence of: Commiaioner of Revenue By