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To: Ron Maddox, Council President
and Members of the City Council
From: J. William Donovan
Valuation and Assessment Eagineer
Date: JUly 18, 1980
Sub�ect: Petition of the City of Saint Paul for the va.cation of
a public sewer easement over and across Lots 6 and 7,
Block l, Leonard Oak Hills Addition, and Lots 6 and 7,
Block l, Leonard Oak Hills Addition No. 2.
Public Hearing, Ju�y 22, 1980
The petitioner, being the City of Saint �.ul, has requested tbe vacation of
said public sewer easement as the City has acquired an alternate easement
to replace said easement.
The Department of Public Works has no ob�ection to the proposed vacation,
insofar as an alternate easement has been acquired across and over Lots 5
and 6, Block 1, in Leonard Oak Hills and Leonard Oa.k Hills No. 2 Additions.
The staff of the Department of Planning and Econamic Development finds no
objection to the proposed va.cation.
There were no ob3ections to the vacation f`ram an�y other public or private
agency involved.
In view of the foregoing, I recommend the va.ca.tion be approved, sub3ect to
the following terms and conditions;
l. That the description of the easement to be vacated rea.d ,
as follvHrs:
s •
An easement for constructing and maintaining a
public se�wer in, over, across, under and through
Lots 6 and 7, Block 1, Leonard pa.k Hills Addition
and Lots 6 and 7, Block l, Leona.rd Oa,k Hills
Addition No. 2. .
� 2. That the vacation be subject to all the terms and conditions
of Ghapter 228 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as amended,
�,3. That, being the City of Sairrt Paul is the petitioner, there
shall be no requirement for compensation or posting of bond.
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cc: Mayor George La.timer �