275440 WNITE - CITY CLERK pINK - FINANCE COI111C11 ���!rW/� [j�' CANj►RY - DEPARTMENT � G I TY O F SA I N T �� PA U L File N O. �■ �� a� BLU� - 'MAYOR • O/ in�nce Ordinance N�. � c�(�9� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 342 of the 5aint Paul Legislative Code. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 342. 01 (a) and (b) of the St. Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows : 342.01 -- License Required. (a) Second Hand Goods. No person, firm or corporation shall exercise, carry on, sell, er-be-tn-the-btza�ness-e� buytng;-ene�-se��tng; or auctiontng-e� second hand goods of any kind within the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul without first having obtained a license to do so in conformance with the provisions of this chapter. (b) Antiques. No person, firm or corporation shall exercise, carry on� c� be-engagee�-in-the-b�ea=neaa-of buying � sellrng or auctiontng antiques of any kind within�e corporate limits of the City of St. Paul without first having ob- tained a license to do so in conformance with the pro- visions of this chapter. Section 2. Section 342.A2 0� the St. Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department o/r��.� � . /� !� Hunt fc.u�,,,` Levine In FBVO[ Maddox McMahon � !� Showalter A gai n s t By Tedesco wlson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � C By Approved by Mayor: Date App ved y Mayor for S s ;on`to Council By B ` WHITE - CITY CLERK 2'�54�0 PINK - FINANCE COUIICll � CAN/�RY - �DEPARTMENT C I T Y O F SA I-N T PA U L � BLU!* - �MAYOR Fll@ NO. ' Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 342.02 -- Fee. The amount to be paid for licenses provided for in this chapter shall be seventy-five dollars ($75) per year. No fee sha11 be required from any person, firm or corporation duly licensed under Chapter 401 of the St.' Paul Legislative Code. Section 3. Section 342. 04 of the St. Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 342. 04 -- Tnspection. Any person, firm or corporation licensed under the provisions o� this chapter, shall, at all times during the term of said license, allow the-paamakop tnapeeter; employees of the license inspector or officers of the police force of the City of St. Paul to enter the premises where said licensee is carry- ing on such business, for the purpose of inspecting such premises and inspecting the goods, waresi nna merchandise and records therein for the purpose of locating goods suspected or alleged to have been stolen or otherwise improperly disposed of. Section 4. Section 342.07 of the St. Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department Hunt ���C.c�C-JrL� Levine In Favor Maddox �� McMahon Showalter A gai ns t BY Tedesco �Ison Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Appr y Mayor for Su is on Council gY By � WHITE - CITY CLERK �C���i; PINK - FINANCE GITY OF �SAINT PAiTL Council �`� V GANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. BL4JE -4v1AYOR • O�WZ/L�/`CG Ordinance NO. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 342. 07 -- Records. Every person, firm or corporation required to be licensed pursuant to this Chapter of the St. Paul Legislative Code shall, at the time of purchase of any article or articles, do each of the following: a) Require identification from any person from whom merchandise is bought. Such identification shall contain a picture of the seller; the type of identification of- fered along with any license number, employee number or such other information shall be noted on t e form re uir d bv Section 342.07 (b) herein. b) Require a notarized affidavit from the person from whom merchandise is bought. Such affidavit shall contain the date; name, address, home telephone number and date of birth of the seller; a complete description of the goods, articles, antiques, or things purchased, with serial numbers if applic- able; a statement by the seller indicating when, where, and �rom whom he obtained each article; and identification infor- mation required by Section 342.07 (a) herein. Said affidavit shall be signed by each and every person selling any such goods, articles, antiques or other things sold; and shall also be signed by a dulY authorized employee of the licensee. ' c� The licensee must, at the time of the purchase of any such goods, articles, antiques or other things photograph the seller and said articles and keep said photographs with the records required by this Chapter. Provided, however, no photograph will be required if the purchase price of any and all merchandise purchased by the lidensee from the seller within the past thirty (30) da s totals less than one hundred dollars ($100) . COUIVCILME[V Yeas McMahon Nays Requested by Department o� � �r � ��a L�iilson In Favor Hunt Levine Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY n By Approved by Mayor: Date Ap rov y Mayor for Su m ss on Council BY By � WH17E - CITY CLERK CO�111C11 ����� PINK - F�INANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CAPk�ARYr �EPARTMENT ��11 V���V � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � 0 rdin�nce Ordinance N 0. � a�o �� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Such records, affidavits and/or photographs required by this ordinance shall be kept clearly and . legibl written, in the English language by the licensee at his place of business., and shall at all reasonable times be open to inspection and reproduction by employees of the License Inspector or anv member of the St. Paul Police Department. In addition, every person, �firm or corporation shall complete and deliver to the St. Paul Police Depart- ment, within three (3) davs after purchase of any items aforementioned, a copy of the affidavit as required und�r Section 342. 07 (b) herein. Section 5. This ordinance shall take etfect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. COULVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: � Yeas jiurit Nays � C�"`--, Levine In Favor — Maddox �/r� � McMahon v Showalter Against BY m..,-r..�_, Wll� AUG 2 8 �9� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted ' ounci . Date C ified P ed b Council SeFretar BY Appro by Mayor: D • AU Ap d y Mayor for Su n�ission to Council By BY Ptt$�i,SHED S�P 6 1980 ,.....,,,��, ; . 2"����0 _���ITY �F�r, • CITY OF SAINT PAUL _�R� r,� s1��'ii �; � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY i; `� u��trnuy ;: '>s �'"-'�"'�l" ,;= EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY �e,. , 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 "• 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR � C �' � ' ' � �.' .. s. : .; .�li�_ `�' : ..=�^. Ju ly 2 3, 19 8 0 �A�OR'S OF��C� MEMORANDUM RECEIVED DIVISION OF LICENSE AND To: Mayor George Latimer PERMIT ADMINISTRATlON , . FROM: Thomas J. Weyandt %'I//�� (�/y/ `��� u $ �y`��� //I�� 4. �.:..- Assistant City Attorney RE: Amendments to Cha ter 342 of the CrPARTN��I� � Gr ����� �,�^�� p qi�"�j f��ACJnG�:`.��t�:T �°�n��+.ti� St. Paul Legislative Code During the recent flurry of activity in which people were selling gold and silver , problems with Chap�er 342 of the Legislative Code became apparent. The police department found that a large amount of stolen merchandise was being sold to firms, but due to loose pro- cedures in the sale, the police were hindered in their ef- forts to prosecute. The attached ordinance is designed to remedy these problems as best as possible. The major feature of the new ordinance is contained in Sec- tion 342. 07. Tt contains a requirement that the store ob- tain pictured identification from the seller; obtain an affidavit from the seller giving complete identification of the seller; it requires the seller to take a photograph of anyone who wants to sell over $100''worth of inerchandise within 30 days; and it allows the police department access to and copying privileges of these records and photographs. It is hoped that the prospect of being photographed with the m�rchandise will deter a thi�f from trying to sell the fruits of his labors, at least in St. Paul. If it doesn't deter him, it will create the possibility of prosecuting him for perjury i�' he lies about where he got the merchandise. If he admits he stole it, most prudent businessmen will refuse to buy from him. The ordinance as amended would require a license and the sub- sequent record keeping procedure from anyone who buys, sells, or auctions second hand goods or antiques. TJw:jar Attachment °���lJ � �5�,�0 -'``"'����T'��` "' CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,G l Y OF�'�i _ A� '.�.� O�.. ;; � ��; OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY `e iiEf1lli�ll +' '>� --1-1 „° EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY �as. , 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR � E � E , i/ ED ,.;�� �,�y, ,. August l, 1980 �Yp�'S Off10E MEMORANDUM T0: Peter Hames FROM: Thomas J. Weyandt RE: Second Hand Dealer Ordinance In response to your request, I contacted Bernard Carlson who had expressed concern about the sec- tion of this ordinance setting fees. Chapter 510 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, which becomes effective August 26, 1980, accom- plishes what Mr. Carlson wants. That ordinance allows the setting of all license fees by reso- lution. Therefore, no changes are needed in the amend- ment to Chapter 342. TJW:jar ��'�5� _;,�,,...,�.,"�° CITY OF SA�I�����L GtTY OF�Vi�� .. _��� Io� � �'. =o � �% OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY >� ��u'�mn 9; `<;;, �'�-'1!-!�1!'� „: EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ,e,. „ � 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 ' 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER r• -- MAYOR R �C ED � � JUL 18 aQ�� CHIEF'S OFFlCE July 17, 1980 � MEM�RANDUM TO: Chief William McCutcheon FROM: Thomas J. Weyandt ''� Assistant City Attor y RE: Second Hand Dealers Ordinance Enclosed you will find a copy of an ordinance re- quested by the CAProp Division. Please sign the ordinance if you so desire and return it to me. Thank you. TJW:jar Enclosure -. ,`�� t � �� � ' � lst c_ �� c��'_ � 2nd � �% / — , 3rd � ��L�L� Adopted y , � ��, � Yeas Nays HUNT LEVINE t _ • - - � McMAHON ��A�o � �, d • -• SHOWALTER � TEDESCO WILSON � PRESIDENT (MADDOX) , � ;"