275439 , _ M�HITE - CITV CIERK � �5439 PINK - FI yANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMEN Flle N O. BL.1�' -Ni(tiVOR - � 0 rdindnce Ordinance N�.��.9� _ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 349 and Chapter 218 of the St. Paul Legislative Code pertaining to house movers; deleting sections pertaining to licensing by the city of Saint Paul and other obso- lete and redundant provi�ions. THE COUNCIL OF THE GITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES OR.DAIN: Section 1. That Chapter 349 of the St. Paul Legislative Gode, � entitled, ��House Movers,�� and Chapter 218 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, entitled, "Hou�e Moving Restrictions, " be and the same hereby are amended by striking the. same in their entirety and substituting, in lieu and in place thereof, the following: 349. HOUSE MOVERS 34g.01. Permit required. It shall b� unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to move any building or structure on, over, or across the streets of the city of Saint Paul or from one location to another on private property unless said per�on, firm or corporation is duly licensed so to do by the state of Minnesota, and unless said licensee shall have obtained a permit for each individial moving operation according to the provision� of this chapter. This chapter shall apply to any contractors' office buildings and sheds larger than 12 feet high, 14 feet wide, and 25 feet long which will be in location for more than one year; COUNCILMEN Requeste Department of: Yeas Nays ��,x MeMahon � w��5ay� In Favor Hunt + Levine Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form d by Cit r e Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary f�— '�� �G By + Approved b�i Mayor: Date Appro by Mayor for S i o Council By B . . . � ����� Page 3. The issuance of such permit shall not be approved by the supervisor of code enforcement unless the said house or structure to be moved does or will comply, when located on the proposed new site, with the regulations of the state building code and the requirements of the zoning code or unless satisfactory evidence is presented to the office of code enforcement that said building or structure will be made to comply with the terms and pro- visions of said codes. Subd. 6. Sewer line; water utility; taxes. No permit shall be issued as herein provided for the removal of any building un�il satisfactory evidence is furnished � to the supervisor of code enforcement that all sewer charged and water bills chargeable against the property sought to be moved have been paid, and that all sewer and water con- nections have been plugged or discontinued as shall be determined by the department of public works and the water utility, and the water meter returned to the water utility, and that satisfactory evidence is presented of the payment of all taxes chargeable against such property. Subd. '7. Pest control. No permit shall be issued for the removal of any building until satisfactory evidence is furnished to the supervisor of code enfo�ce- ment that a licensed pest control company has satisfactorily exterminated all nuisance pests from the structure and premises. Rules and regulations as are reasonable necessary to insure that a licensed pest control company has adequately applied the use of chemicals, trappings, structural alterations, or other control methods for the extermination of vermin, are hereby approved.� Said rules and regulations shall be kept on file in the office of the city clerk and shall be open to public inspection during normal business hours. Violations of such rules and regulations shall be a misdemeanor. �See attachment to City Council File No. 256458, Ordinance No, i4976, adopted Dec. '7, 19'71. . . ����� Page 4. Subd. 8 . Report and recommendation of supervisor of code enforcement. After the inspection by the super- visor of code enforcement of the house or structure to be moved, the inspection of the plans and specifications or data referred to above, and the proposed site of relo- cation of said house or structure, the said supervisor shall make a report in writing as to the advisability of the granting of the permit �or such moving operation. Such recommendation for the granting or the denial of the permit shall state the basis upon which the opinion of said supervisor has been arrived at and any conditions which said supervisor believes should be imposed upon the t operation to be engaged in, either in the removal or the house or structure from the old location, the relocation of the house or structure on the new site, or in the actual moving of the house or structure on the streets of this city. Such opinion, recommendation for granting or denial of the permit, and�or conditions to be imposed upon the applicant in the moving operation shall be based upon consideration of the public safety involved in such moving operation and the compliance by applicant with the requirements of this chapter. Subd. 9 . Report of chief of police. It shall be the duty of the chief of police to inspect the application for any moving operation to determine the advisability of this use of the streets, from the viewpoint of traffic and public safety, on and over which the applicant pro- poses to move said house or structure and the days of the week and the time of day when said a�ipli�a,nt proposes to engage in the actual moving operation. The chief of police shall make a report in writing, recommending the granting or refusal of the application for permit, or recommending the imposition of such conditions in the permit pertaining to the route to be taken in such moving operation on the public streets, the particular days of the week and the time of day during which said moving operation shall take place, and any other conditions that may be pertinent to the questions of traffic and public safety involved. Said report shall be transmitted by the chief af police to the supervisor of code enforcement. Subd. 10. Route inspection; report of director of public works. It is made the duty of the director of the department of public works, upon reference to said director of any application for an individual moving operation, to inspect the route upon which the applicant proposes to conduct any moving operation on the streets of the city of Saint Paul to determine the advisability . . ����� Page 5. of the issuance of any such permit in connection with the consideration by said director of the load of the house or structure to be moved, the type, weight, and kind of equipment to be used by said mover, and the consideration of any other matter that may be rel�vant to said operation from the viewpoint of the protection of the public streets proposed to be used. The report of the director of public works shall be transmitted to the supervisor of code enforcement. 349.03. Issuance of permit; conditions; fees; deposit. Subdivision 1. Issuance of permit; conditions. After the steps hereinabove provided for have been taken, the supervisor of code enforcement shall, if said permit is to be granted, issue to the applicant a permit for the individual operation of house moving to be made. If any conditions are imposed upon any individual moving operation, said permit shall not be granted until the applicant shall have agreed and assented to such condi- tions, in writing. Subd. 2. Permit and inspection fees. Said permit shall not be issued until the applicant shall have paid to the office of the supervisor of code enforcement permit and inspection fees in such amounts as specified in Section 25.06 of the St. Paul Legislative Code. Such fees shall be payable in the same manner as other building permit fees. Subd. 3. Cash deposit. Before permits are issued for the moving of any house or structure, the permittee or the owner of the house or structure shall make a cash deposit. This deposit shall be made in the office of the supervisor of code enforcement to reimburse the city for any expense ineurred by any department of the city in connection with said moving operation and to guarantee that all rubbish and materials will be removed from the premises from which the house or structure has been moved, and that all walls and excavations will be filled and leveled to existing grade and left in a safe and sanitary condition. If such conditions are not complied with within 30 days af ter the issuance of the permit, the city shall proceed to do the necessary work and charge the cost thereof against the cash deposit. The above provision will apply only when the cash deposit is �300. If the cash deposit is �500, the same conditions will apply except that after deducting the Page 6, r�' ' ���� cost of any expenses incurred by any department of the city, the mo�.ey remaining in the cash deposit shall be retained by the city and the depositor will be notified of the deduction. The depositor will have the choice of depositing either �300 or �500. The �300 deposit shall be made if only one moving permit. If the depositor elects to place with the city the �500 deposit, the deposit will cover any number of permits taken. Any charges or expenses incurred by the city will be charged against this deposit and, if and when the net deposit has been decreased to �300, it will be necessary for the depositor to again increase the deposit to �500 before any further � permits will be issued. When the cash deposit of �300 is ma,de covering only one moving permit, after all work under said permit is completed and after deducting any expense incurred by any department of the city, the moneys remaining in the cash deposit shall be returned to the person making such deposit. This shall be done within 30 days after the moving operation has been completed. 349.04. Re�ulations. Subdivision 1. Sewer line and utilities. Before moving any house or structure, it shall be the duty of the mover to see that the sewer line is plugged in accordance with the requirements of the department of public works, the water shut off, and the water meter returned to the city water utility. The electric and gas services which might be connected with the house or structure shall be removed by the service company. Subd. 2. Electrical wires. In every case in which a permit shall be issued, when such house or structure moving operation requires the displacement of any overhead electrical wires, it shall be the duty of the person, firm or corporation owning, operating, and controlling such wires to remove or displace the same so far as it may be necessary to effect the moving operation. Subd. 3. Notice. It shall be the responsibility of the permittee to notify the person, firm or corporation owning, operating, or controlling any overhead wires at least two days prior to tlze proposed moving operation. Thereupon, said person, firm or corporation shall remove or displace such wires sufficiently to allow ,• ,. ,�,, 4 ���� Page 7. the passage of the house or structure along the street over which said wires are suspended, on the dates and at the times designated for the passage of such house or structure. Subd. 4. Railway tracks. No building shall be moved across any railway tracks except between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. unless otherwise permitted by the company controlling such tracks. In any case, it shall be the duty of the permittee to notify the company controlling such tracks of the dateg and times designated for the passage of such house or structure . � Subd. 5. Parking si�ns. Any parking signs required at any time during such operation by the chief of police or director of public works shall be provided for by the permittee at permittee ' s own expenses, and such signs shall be posted at such times and in such places as said chief of police or director of public works shall direct. 349.05. Permit limitations; additional permits. When a permit for house moving is issued, said permit shall cover only the permission for the moving of said house or structure on the public streets or from one location to another on private property. Additional permits required under other ordinances for an� construction connected with the moving or the reloca- tion of said house or structure on another site must be made by the mover or owner or contractor. 349.06. Non-compliance; cause for revocation of permit. Refusal by the permittee to comply with any term or provision of this chapter or to adopt any safety or precautionary device or method imposed by the super- visor of code enforcement during the ectual moving operation shall be cause for the immediate revocation of the permit. 349.07. Cit,y may act if permit revoked. If for any reason the permit shall be revoked, the proper city officials are hereby authorized, on b�half of city city, to take any steps necessary for the completion of the moving operation. The charges incurred by the city in taking over such operation shall, if necessary, be paid from and out of the cash deposit provided for above. . , � • • , ����� Page 8. 349.08. Unlicensed permittee; insurance and bond requirements. In any case where an applicant for a permit shall not be subject to or licensed under the applicable statutes and regulations of the state of Minnesota, before any such permit shall be granted the applicant, in addition to compliance with all other requirements of this chapter, shall file with the city of Saint Paul a bond, to be approved as to form by the city attorney, indemnifying all parties, including the city of Saint Paul, against any damages, costs, or suits arising out of or caused by any moving operation carried on under said permit. Said bond shall be in like sum as required by the state of Min.nesota for licensed house movers. In addition, said permittee shall file with the city satisfactory evidence of public liability and property damage insurance, in form to be approved by the city attorney, in like sum as required by the state of Minnesota for licensed house movers. 349.09. Separate offenses. The continued violation of any of the provisions of this chapter shall be and constitute a separate offense for each and every day such violation shall continue. WMITE - CITV CLERK t 2'�5439 PINK - FINANCE COl1RC11 CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. BLllE� ••y►�AVOR ` ' ' � • 0 rdin�nce Ordinance N 0. L U!(v /� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page. 9 Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Section 3. This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, and shall be incorpor ated therein and given an appropriate chapter and�or section number at the time of the next revision of said Legislative Gode. COUNCILMEN Requested Department of: Yeas Nays � �McMahon �e�ir�;�5on In Favor Hunt Levine U Against BY Maddox Showalter Ado by Counc' : Date AUG 2 g �gg� Form Approved by City Attorney ertified P ed by ouncil Sefreta � y Q� 8a , � Appro y Mayor: D e A e by Mayor for is o ncil � By BY Pit$LISHED S�P 6 ��$O � , . F� 0 t7��� E Other changes from last draft. See Erickson' s letter of July 3, second paragraph. 349•04, subd. 3. Responsibility of permittee to notify person, firm or corporation controll.lang overhead wires at least two days prior to proposed moving operation. T.f this should be more or less time, change it. ) 8emoved language stating "no permit shall be issued hereunder until proof is offered that such - ' person,firm or corporation shall remove, "etc. subd. 4. Added sentence "In any case, it shall be the duty of the permittee to notify the company controlling such tracka of the dates and times designated for the passage of such house or structurP. " Instead of paragraph about extra fee for inspections outside the city, put all references to fees under 349•03, subd. 2. Permit not to be issued until applicant shall have �aid . . permit and inspection fees in such amounts as specified� in Sec. 25.06 of the code, said fees to be payable in the same manner as other buildint permit fees. Removed section making it the duty of the building official to inspeet and supervise each individual moving operation (old sec. 349.23) " . ft moved reference to health officer with respect to seeing t�iat pest control company has exterminated nuisance • pensts, leaving the enforcement with the code enforcement division. � �` 2�75�39 . • - ��� �"'. �f r, ����.��1L� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL.MEMORANDUM �JU� 51979 � Ci�Y �1 � t��n�Y July 3, 1979 '^ ( � ���/�7.!`` r 1 �� � J .�-�J a T0: Jerry Segal � � ) ' Walt Bowser � i � �' ,:�:'`',�t�•`-�Y � ' � E1<r.,t��' ,•.. ° `r � FR: Glenn Erick �f I have been review:i�ng Chapter 111 of the Minnesota laws for 1979 relating to hause movers, in which the municipal li�ense is now prohibited for house movers. It is apparer�t that this would be the time to clean up our whole Chapter 349 of the � Legislative Code relating to house movers. One particularly vexing provision of the current ordinance is the duty of this office �' to assemble sigri-off sheets from outside organizations such as Western Union, ADT, � �NSP, all railroads, etc. If possible, in a revision of Chapter 349, I would request � the revision would be drawn so the mover is put on notice that it would be his duty � to notify all people involved, and that a sign-off is not necessary. We have \� experienced many delays in the granting of germits simply because we �o not get the outside agencies sign-off sheets. . � � � 'All references in Section 349 to the City Architect should be changed to read "Supervisor � of Code Enforcement" and references to the Commissioner of Public Works should be changed rea ity Engineer." Reference to the Building Code should be changed to the State �" Buildirig Code, and the Permit Fee should be moved from Chapter 349 to the Fee Schedule `(� for building permits. It would be my recommendation that this fee which now is $50 be � `�' increased to �10,0, since his fee�has not been revised upward for manq, manq,years. �'.'�j �' �-+� 2 5', The fee inspection in Section 349.10 should also be changed. it would be my reco�momen- dation that the minimum fee be $15 per inspeetion within the city, $25 per inspection � on buildings outside the citq limits within a radius of 15 miles of city hall, and $50 • for buildings outside of that radius. It is probably redundant to indicate that the building when located on a proposed new site meet the regulations of the building code, since this is a specific requirement of the state building code. G.A.E. ., 4 ' ��: :eh � � `'� ���.,� ,,,� cc: Tom Kelley `,� �J`v i � � ,� / Sam Blue � , � �-� ' u� 5�� ` �,' ; 1 Jane Vaughan ti.' !''r �.G "1� \� .i�`� �-- � � ' � .� `.._ � �}' � ,�-;�*� i i1'1,v, ` v r . .1,.� Cj�•r � `.\• ij �` , ` �� �;.; � .: ;_ � � �- " _ „ , S �� ���� ��,. .� j�" ~�` .1 ��' . . . ,r � ����9 � date May �� lg so v fp Glenn Erickson ' fCOm Betty Lasseri� ' ' I i Attached for your review is a proposed ordinar�ce to �� revise Chapter 349 — House Movers. We've incorporated most of the suggestions in your letter of July 3, 1979. As to the sign—off sheets from outside organizations, I don' t find that requirement in the present ordinance. Other changes and comments are noted on the attachment. v ^ � rw ��' G6�/ J p � � �.. �: � � � ; � (l1� ����, � � -�' � �\ "` I R'S OFF3CE . �\� • � h�A�c � �., �/ � � �' i � � lst ��'���c� 2nd �/ �� / ' 3rd C� �� � Adopted .�', - �'_ S,i . . Yeas Nays ' HtJNT LEVINE . '- (_ McMAHON � a l3��� V SHOWALTER � TEDESCO WILSO;I % PRESIDENT (MADDOX) / r - - --- -- - -- -- ---=.q .m_ �...-----�---............,.-. i /