275437 WHITE - CITY CLERK t ���(\}� PINK -- FINANCE COl1IIC11 � ; CANARV - DF�PARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL � BLUf - MAYOR File NO• �i • C Ordinance I�0. � �(D� 7 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date AN ORDtNANCE GRANTING PERMISSION TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN, AND OPERATE A MULTI-LEVEL OVERHEAD PEDESTRIAN PASSAGEWAY ACROSS THE PUBLIC ALLEY IN BLOCK 1 , CAPITAL CEN7RE N0. 1. SAID OVERHEAD PEDESTRIAN PASSAGEWAY TO BE EXTENDED �ROM THE EXISTING FARh CREDIT BANKS OF ST. PAUL BUILDING ON THE EAST SIDE OF SAID PUBLIC ALLEY TO THE NEW FARM CREDIT BANKS' BUILDlNG ON 'FHE WEST SIDE THEREOF. � Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Farm Credit Banks of St. Paul , consisting of the St. Paul Bank for Cooperatives , the Federal Inte r- mediate Cred1t Bank of St. Paul , and The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul , 375 Jacksan Street, Saint Paul , Minnesota, and/or its successors in interest, to construct, maintain and operate a multi-level overhead pedestrian passageway across the publlc alley in Block 1 , Capital Centre No. 1 and lying bet�en ap- p roximately 80.40 feet and 94.06 feet northwesterly of the northwesterly right- of-way line of East Fifth Street. Section 2. That the Director of the Department of Pubtic Works is hereby authorized to issue necessary per•mits to Farm Credit Banks of Saint Paul and/or its suc- cessors in interest, for the construction, maintenance and operation of said multi-level overhead pedestrian passageway according to the pians and specifi- cat.t�ons approved by and on file with the Department of Pubttc Works , sub,ject to the following terms and conditions. a. That said permittee and/or its successors in interest shall furnish and deliver unto the City of Saint Paul a Surety Bond 1n the amount of FTfty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) for said overhead pedestrPan passageway, COUNCILMEN Yeas Hun± Nays Requested by Department of: Levine Ma�a,.,,. [n Favor — McM'.! sno�:--� .: Against BY Tedesc., Wilson Form Approved by Ci y t orne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Appro y Ma for u ssi to Council By BY ' _2 Fa 1 ��tD� made and executed by said permittee and/or its suc- cessors �n interest as Principal and a Corporate Su�ety Company duly authorized to transact business in the State of Min�esota as Surlty, to and in favor of the City of Saint Paul as Obligee, conditioned upon the permittee and/or its successors in interest complying with the terms and conditions of this Ord- inance a�d also conditioned that, in the event the permittee a�d/or its successors in interest fait to maintain. repair or replace said overhead pedestrian passageway to a reasonable standard of safety, or fail (s) to remove said ove�head pedestrian passage- way upon order by the Council as provided in para- graph 2 ()) he�cein, the City of Saint Paul may under- take the maintenance, repair, replacement or removal thereof and may recover its reasonable cost incurred thereby from said surety, which Surety Bond shall re- main in full fo�ce and effect as long as said over- head pedestrian passageway or any part thereof re- mains i� the public ailey right-of-way as shown on plans on file with the Department of Public Works. The Surety Bond shall be in such form as shall be approved by the City Atto�ney and shall have such surety as shali be approved by the Director of the Department of Finance and Manageme�t Services; b. That said permittee and/or its §r;�ca�ssors i� inter- est sball fully indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City of Saint Paul , its agents, officers and em- ployees from any and all damages, claims. losses, judgments, suits, or expenses and on account of all ciaims of whatever nature for injury to person(;) and/or property arising out of or connected with the co�struction, erection, maintenance, operatio�, and/or removal of said overhead pedestrian passage�►ay; and that supplemental to all other obligations, on their part, jointly and/or severaliy, he�eunder, said permittee and/or its successors in ;nterest shall furnish and maintain and pay all premi�ns and other expenses there- for, Casuaity insurance Coverage, with a duly licensed Casualty Insura�ce Company, naming the permittee and ' City as jointly insured to the extent of $500,000.00 for injury to any person and/or pe�sons in any single incident and to the extent of $200,000.00 for damage to property in any single accident and insuri�g the City of Saint Paul against liability on account of all claims of third persons for injury to person(s) and/or property arising from or connected with the constanc- tion, erection, mainte�ance, operation andJor removal of said overhead pedestrian passageway hereunder at all times. The permittee shall f urnish a certificate of this insurance policy, from time to time, to the Director of Finance and Management Services of the City of Saint Paul; � _ 3 _ �5�3'� c. That sa�d permittee and/or its successors in inter- est shall , at its own cost and expense in accordance with alt appidcable ordtnances of the City of Satnt Paul , statu�es of the State of MPnnesota and regu- lations of public authority having cognizance, con- struct, maintain, and operate said overhead pedes- trian passageway hereunder; d. That said permittee shall pay the cost of publica- tion of this Ordinance and all resolutions passed in relation to said Ordinance; e. That said permittee shall pay the costs for admin- istratton, engtneering, and tnspection incurred by the Department of PubiPc Works due to this unde r- taking. Said costs are estimated to be a sum of Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) to be accounted for under Department of Public Works Project Number E-1328; f. That saPd permittee shall fu rnish the Department of Public Works atl documents for said overhead pedes- trPan passageway that are a part of the contract or incidental to its execution including, but not lim- ited to, addendums, "as built" plans, and tracings of shop plans; g. That said permittee shall construct said overhead pedestrian passageway to the reasonable satisfact- ion of the Director of Public Works and in accord- ance with approved plans and specifPcations on file in the Department of Public Works and identified as Public Works Project Number �-1328; such construct- ion shall be made in strict compliance with the Amer- ican Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Specifications, as amended, and the Uniform Building Code and be authorized under a building permit issued by the Department of Community Services, Division of Hoesing and Building Code En- forcement; h. Tf�at said permittee and/or its successors in interest shall at thetr own cost and expense, make adequate and effective provistons therefor and dratn ail moist- ure, rain and snow which shall accumulate thereon by proper devTces through said overhead pedestrian pass- ageway and in a manner so that the flowing and/or spilling of same on any part of said sections of the public alley shall be prevented at all t�mes. Said permittee and/or its successors in interest shall maintain and operate said overhead pedestrian pass- ageway at �ts sole cost and expense tn a reasonabiy safe condttion; . • - . . -4- �t �`�itD / i. That said permittee shall notify the Traffic Bu�eau of the Department of Public Wo�ks if the construction or maintenance of said overhead pedestrian passageway shall make necessary the closing of said public aliey right-of-way or any part thereof; all expenses incurred by the Traffic Bureau in furnishing, installing or removing barricades, signs, and other control devices shall be paid by the permittee; j. That the maintenance and operation of said overhead pedestrian pessageway shall not interfere with use of the existtng plaaa bridge; k. That said permittee shall notify the City Bridge Engineer of the Department of Public Works before and when construction starts and notify the same said Bridge Engineer when the con- structton has been cor�;i�ted to allow for a final inspection of said overhead pedest�ian passageway; 1 . That said overhead pedestrian passageway shall be removed by and at the sole cost and expense of said permittee and/or its successors in interest whenever the Council of the City of �t. Saint Paui shall by Resolution determine such removal necessary for use of the public alley right-of-way for the pacposes for which said aliey was dedicated and accordi�gly order the re- moval of said overhead pedest�ian passageway from said location. At least thirty (30) days prior to consideration of any such Resolution, the City of Sai�t Paul shall notify the permittee and/or its successors in interest of the Council 's proposed actions; m. That said permittee shall, withtn a period of twenty (2�) days after the publication of this O�dinanu, file with the City Clerk its written acceptance of this Ordiaance and agreement to be bound by all the provisions, terms, and co�ditions there- of without limitation which written instrwnent of acceptance and agreement shall be in the form approved by the City Attorney; n. That said pe�mittee and/or its successors in interest shall sub- mit the necessary insurance and bond docwnents to the Office Engineer of the Department of Public Works. The Office Engineer shall submit said docurnents to the City Attorney for �eview and, if said insu�ance and bond are acceptable, said documents shall be filed with the Department of Fi�ance a�d Management Services; WHI7E - CITV CLERK � 1 ����� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL COUI1C11 CANARY - DE�ARTMENT ��� BLUFi �-Zv1A5'OR File �O. • O/ f�f�Z/`�/LCG Ordinance NO.��i, ��g�_ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 0. That said permittee and/or its successors in interest shall submit proposed plans and specifications to the Department � of Public Works for review and approval of any intended structural repairs on said bridge, before any such repairs are carried out. Upon canpletion of such st�uctural re- pairs approved by the Department of Public Works, permanent reproduceable ptans shall be furnished the Departn�ent show- ing the work done and marked with any "as built" changes as well as reproduceable shop drawing plans of the same; p. That said permittee and/or its successors in interest shalt , during the term of this permit, restore and repair all pro- perty, whether public or private, damaged, or which may be damaged due to the construction, operation, maintenance or reinoval of said overhead pedestrian passageway provided for herein. Howeve�, this provision shall not apply to any d�n- age to property caused by any negligent acts of the City in maintaining, repairing or removing the overhead pedestrian passageway; • Section 3. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (3�) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays �/ Requested by Department of: Hunt Levine (� [n Favor Public Works Maddox � �C�L��� /J JJ� McMahon � Against BY Showa desco Donald E Nygaardt;; tor (TJE/RAH/di l)• ��^ SE 2 � 8 Form Approved by ty At orn j opted by Council: Date i Certif' assed b C nci1�5 ret y BY � r _"�v �.� - '� '' ' App d yor: SEP 4 198 Appr d by Ma fo S 'ss' �to Council By BY Ptt�usHEfl SEP 1 3 19�0 . , ,�� .-� ,.._ F� ,/ i � . � � ��� � � ✓ � � f DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS � CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA � MEMO ROUTING SLIP ` C,�� Cl� INITIALS CIRCULATE 3$6 �-� �a [ l DATE F I LE INFOR- " MAT � NOTE AND RETURN VERSATION SEE ME NATURE � �. REMARKS /�� �,�y�,�� �j �F ��.��3� D�-� �����/ ��� �� S � �, 1��� ��y��� ��,,,r '` ��� � � �' IS ZI1 c1<<��c.� le�,�,� • FR M � DATE � �od -���� S,�G,y�� 1 J� la z� �a �o db � f-fa �l ���� PNONE �, � 3 ( FORM 1009 (9-77) ( y,fs� �� . � • , � � }��`l I/ _� �� � TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA Ladies and Gentlemen: We, the undersigned petitioners, hereby accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of City Council File No. 275437, Ordinance No. 16694 adopted by the City Council on September 2, 1980 regarding the granting of permission to construct, maintain and operate a multi-level overhead pedestrian passageway across the public alley in Block 1, Capital Centre No. 1. FARM CREDIT BANKS OF ST. PAUL St. Paul Bank for Cooperatives � d al Intermediate Credit Bank of St. Paul . �L.+�-� The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul � � -� C;,1 t'!l : 1�/�97� . . Rev: 9/�;i6 , ' � EX�LA'JA7i^�J u� t,�P+1;d�ST�ATI��F OR��-.�5, . , • �F�.r?i.��7�10Ai�s� f�?,��CRD I NANCES�� C.,� �"'� � _._... �t9�� �i � ��. �. � � � � � � Date: July 22, 1980 - . J:�. _ • ° ��VR/S �F��i TQ: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: Thomas J. Eggum, Public Works Office Engineer RE: Farm Credit Banks Multi-level skyway bridge across alley. �� � ACTIOiJ REQUESTED: The attached Ordinance would grant permission to Farm Credit Banks to construct, operate and matntain a multi-level skyway bridge across the pubiic alley rightrof-way. This bridge is located northwesterly of East Fifth Street and wouid connect the existing Farm Credit Banks building located on the northwest corner of East FiftF� Street and Jack- son St roet Nith tF�e new Farm Credit 68nks building, now under construc- tion, located on tf�e northeast corner of East Fifth Street and Robert Street. PUR?OSE AND kATiONALE �OR l'HIS ACT(0�l: HTl�.CF,t�1E�iTS: Ordinance - djj