00-909Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall QRlGINAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of Ronald Thorson, as documented in Finance Department 2 File Number 6-2000, public properties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and discontinued as 3 public property; and, subject to the herein stated exceptions, the easements within those public properties 4 are hereby released. 6 The property to be vacated is described as follows: 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Barclay Street, from Reaney Avenue to Bush Avenue; also, All of the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden Lots. 16 This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of the 17 Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, and to the following condiuons: 18 19 i. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns, sha11 pay $500.00 as an administrative fee for 20 this vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution. 21 22 2. That, with the accompanying Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-i7se, filed 23 voluntarily on behalf of Northern States Power Company, Qwest, District Energy St. Paul, 24 Incorporated, MCI Metro Incorporated, MediaOtte, The Water Utility, and The Department of 25 Public Works, made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of 26 Saint Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of these corporations and departments, waives the 27 right to the utility easements in the vacated area described above. 28 29 3. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 4. 38 All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: That the petitioners, their successors and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions ar claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or property on account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including but not limited to, a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petiuoners or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees. That the peuuoners, their successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effecuve date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � council N�le # �o — 901 Green Sheet # 104711 ORI�I�AL o�-,o� and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, compiy in all respects with these terms and conditions. Requested by Department of: � � � Technoloev & Mana�ement Services By: Director Form Ap ved by City Attorney � By: �G✓��� ��� av Adopted by Council: Date ��� � a��, �-, Adoption Certified by Council Secretary o� -101 � .M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: August 27, 2000 reen S t Number: 104711 ontact Pecson and Phone Number: 2 EPARTd�L1T D CI' 4 Cl'PY COONCII. Louise A Langberg 266-8850 1''` G•�a.Pd "" �'"� UDGET DIItECI'OR FFICE OF FAIANCIAL SVCS. �ne oa ca�� a n Sept 6, 2000 for Yox coxassisra� Esraa�nn�oN blic Hearin on Se tember 27, 2000 3 OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA'CURE) CTION REQUF.STED: Set Public Hearing date of September 27, 2000 to discuss the petition of Ronald Thorson to vacate Barclay Street between Reaney and Bush Avenues and part of the adjoining alley as shown on the attached map. File #6-2000 COMD�NDATIONS:APPROVE(A)ORREJECT(R) ERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSM[JSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWING: . Eias the person/firm ever worked mder a contract for tLis deparhnent? YES NO PLANNA`G COMMISSION A STAFF . Has this persodtirm ever been a City employee? YES NO CIVll. SERVIC6 COMMISSION . Does this persodCum possess a sldll not normally possessed by any YES NO current CiTy employee? Cffi COMMITTE@ Ex lain all YES aaswers on a se arate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCII. � BJECTIVE? OUNCII, WARD(S) 7 DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII. 2 1'ING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI'1'Y (WLO, WLat, When, Where, Why?): A petition has been filed by Ronald Thorson of 1493 Reaney Avenue to vacate Barclay Street and all of an alley near his property as shown on the attached map. Petitioner would like to put up a garage on part of the vacated area. There are no objections to this vacation from the public utilities and Cit De artments contacted. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Property would become part of the adjoining properties. Petitioner could build fhe garage he wants, and City would have no responsibility for maintaining these areas. ISADVANTAGES TF APPROVED: None at this time. �� C p 51`���� �S G ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: SES fO R6S@BPvh CB�t°f Petitioner could not build his garage as planned. r OTAL AMOUNT OF 1'RANSACTION: �$OO.00 WST/AEVENUE BUDGETED (CIILCLE ONE) YES NO uvc sovxcE: Fee to be paid by Petitioner. A�Tnn��� i INANCIAL INFORMATION: (C'XPLAIN) ` - • -,�•,. ,, .v«.�p. , *+w�.,_.... _ _.,_. , _ AUG 31 2.Q�0 \3 9i "i"T t" i i'l � i S'- F ✓ Do-4o1 Interdepartmentai Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL To: Nancy Anderson Council Research Room 310 City Hall From: Louise Langberg � Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Date: �ub,�eet. : Good morning! September 14, 2000 �^,r.^` :'�, �_.,..° ��_'._�, ��� � � �`�C� B�'clay Street Vaeatic�n� �reen �heet #1U4fi11 The Council Resolution far the Barclay Street vacation is circulafing for signatures, and according to the tracker system it is up at the Mayor's Office. The petitioner for the vacaUon has gotten Qwest(F.K.A. US West) to drop their request to retain an easement over the vacated area. I have attached a new first page for the resolution that reflects that change, and a copy of the updated response from Qwest. When Green Sheet #104711 arrives at your desk, could you put these new pages in to replace the old ones? Thank you for your help, and please feel free to call me at x68861 if you should have any questions on this matter! (62000na2) CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL o�-Go�( In the Matter of Vacation File # 6-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realry described below: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Bazclay Street, from Reaney Avenue to Bush Avenue; also, All of the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden Lots; also, All of the alley south of the south line of Bush Avenue of Lot 5, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden I.ots. except as here noted: s��#e o� �.c�+�nas�E�• � � ����� � US West Communications 500 North Carlton Maplewood, Minnesota 55119 Its � �YtQfJ'��✓�' M1��fX' — �C�;�.� ��-- Signature The foregoing instmmen[ wu acknowlzdgzd bzfore me this 3 ` day of TiVi53�U-�� . 2000, by T�.l� �.., • `l..'(. �-CJIGP � the �il/L �iVl4.P� ��/ ^'�'�^-�� of ���5'f .a ( �-FJ��""__'_ unde[ the laws of the State of C 0�,QI (AS�,O ■ � � VICTORIA R. DETERMAN � NOTARY PUBLIGMINNESOTA Notary Public, : i�' MY COMMi5S10N E%PIflES 73t-2005 '� 3 r- o S � e My comm�ssion exp'¢zs ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Council File # � b � � � Green Sheet # 104711 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA sy Committee: Date 1 BE IT RESpLVED, that, upon the petition of Ronald Thorson, as documented in Finance Department 2 File Number 6=2000, public properties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and discontinued as 3 public property; and, subject to the herein stated exceptions, the easements within those public pr ertie 4 are hereby released.�� 5 6 The property to be vacated is described as follows: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 All that part of the Sout east Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Secti 27, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, R sey County, Minnesota, described as fo ws: Barclay Street, from R�aney Avenue to Bush Avenue; so, e � All of the alley in Block 3�, FIoman's Subdivisio of I.ot 4, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden Lots. � This vacation shall be subject to the terms and oonditio of Chapter 130, codified March l, 1981, of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code as amended, and to the f lowing conditions: 19 1. 20 21 22 2. 23 24 25 3. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 4. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 5. 41 That the petitioners, their successors an ssigns, shall pay $500.00 as an administrative fee for this vacation which is due and payabl ithin 60 days of the effective date of this resolution. � That a permanent utility easemen hall be retained�thin the vacated area to protect the interest of U.S. West Communication, c. \ � That, with the accompanyi g Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf of orthern States Power Company, Dis�rict Energy St. Paul, Incorporated, MCI Metro Incorpora d, MediaOne, The Water Utility, and Tke Department of Public Works, made a part hereof b this reference and filed in the office of the Gity Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, far itself and ° n behalf of these corporauons and departments�vaives the right to the utility easements in the�Lacated area described above. \ f r That the petitfoners, their successors and assigns agree to indemnify, defenc�and save harmless the City of �aint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any chazacter brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, pe sons or property on account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including�t not limited to, a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees. � That the petitioners, their successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of tliis. resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution Q �-�o9 PETITION TO VACATE CITY INTEREST 1(we), [he under.ugncd, eonsGlu4ng a m+jority of the uwners (or their IeYa11y d<agnuted representatires) uf the abutling prvpertics, du Aereby petitiun the Countii oCthe City oCSaint Paui to vacate i�s internts in the pruperiy(iw) legally dcscribed as [ollows: �!//�I-zst' l� 13 R2 z�/t`i S(. � oa rE� � �/o JL-'7rf O�= 2�H-i✓� Y lfi � E. ;9'✓� �/'t� f� yc✓a-Y �s i o F t3RP�CcJt`��oR- U�C GoT 3,3L,�c 3 �} .�-� SLtizH v � zo �s /��� -i i3u� 3/�ti� A�c%Y t,�.9-Y [.�,� �.¢��,a �✓� !�'/-��J S J t.�T/-y � ��S IN /� G K G D C�' (L�4 N c�F'{ Y�S V I[�I S/ J/�� I(we) rryuect lhis rrcation fur �he tulluwin¢ reucon(sl � 4� ��...� � Lr /<r' v�w c cc� A GA 2/� G� o.,/ �H� S G.�4 /� /n � ��'� � 7it� �Z�ST yffTc�/LA� I(we) hvve altxhed six cupies oC the site pl:uu uf any develupment intended fur cunAnc6on un �he lands tu he vacaled. Contact Person Person(s) responsible for payment of vacation fee and for acceptance of the terms and conditions of the vacation: �amo: :�u.JPrt9 ��•��./a2Sor� 7'Lune: � 1 � � / � �-1 �-i � n.ldr<�s: IZEAN. (�J� — S_ �!l_ ���v� r� J�/ O L Alt<rnate Comact Person Nan�a: C/�CLCLII� L• �Ho/LSUnJ Phune: LJ �- "7 7/' 6 l/ � A��cess: J C l � � Ek N�Y l�� � .S'. PR���- rnN. �S'I o6 -� ! Name: I�on11}L.O `� IJT+e-R(� (�I��S.�N Phone: j I — 7 7 (� t/ 4 7 AJ�rexs: � 4�7 j '�2�' �/i. Y�� _ .5t PA rn�%. .�,s". 06 Natne: � / �� �� Signatures of Owner(s)/Representative(s) of Property(ies) Below: � Q ,�G�i��,G��.�. .,� 1�—�w ``1 `� 5 �J � �� �� -I-arZ �l� a� bL�, tia..cSo-�t�. _ f�. Mnw�tS� �,So,.s .�`- � O I c7 Csx� c.c� r Q� � S��UER G�ov� E}�,.'�, M1�lNN. SSo7( NoMANS SCigO�V�Sia^f �F l��� y 8i�c�� oF �Ru.tGi�s:f.. 6IT�n� c..�zS (.,0-7 � 3tic 3 1`Mon..nri S'�3o� ✓�s,or� o � c.a7 Y R/-oG< � o�- CR w 1uc SH�F.�« S Gy'HtPFN i�vTS LoT. 2 21.�c 3 E�£FR ,✓GK `�S /�tv'i Si��✓ U s a uC Lo t 3 BUc ; h'o m�rk,✓f' S' �s o e to7 Y r c/c y 6'�C2�+„l�C�c SiiA,✓�Gf GRQ.P�.✓ C-oTSA-�/O i.� S n pr�F2�NGHY1 I1l4 �'J7C S� F��` G,9 (,cIN h�y w �7 0� LoT� �/� �j �Gl< s �_ez�i-- �4-'Ccs �ws� ��( � a...� .�,� „� V; 5; cr -, Lcr �',� 5 ' I : .�' �`�� etie��k �}-pFrl 5 � P��. i{ G"t��cksku-Jc � arcQ9,. LZ�_ =�. �-� `� s�,-,���� � a i . ;ti �� � � F �� �v�2r �i' Yl�, rvtQ b D�5-�— , c..-r�. �� —�'�11� ' n��� I, / I DNPrLO �N am the pzti[ioner, or one of the pzti[ionzrs in the above mattzr; and I do hzrzby swear and verify that each of thz s�enatures on this pztition w signad in my presence by the person dzscribed in thz pztition. Q��� (fe(i4onzr) Subscribzd and swom to beforz ma this � � �ay of ��_ ��99�!" "' ISI (Yo azY) ■ r BARRY J. KINNEBEpG ,'�� MYWMI�q$$pq R18LIC1/f/80Q 2 O � (<alod'-IO>vg) � /� �p,Roq � tSON� 1 1 vN' / r7 C�2So RADIUS REPORT AS TO: (Legal Description) Abstract Property: The West 50 feet of Lot 3, Biock 3, Homans Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, Cruickshunk's Garden Lots. Lot 3, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden Lots, except part thereof lying South of the North Boundary line of Lot 3, Block 3, of Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, of Cruickshank's Garden Lots produced to its intersection with the East line of said Lot 3, Block 4 Cruickshank's Garden Lots, including any portion of any street or ally adjacent thereto, vacated or to be vacated. That part of Lot 3, Block 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, of Cruickshank's Garden Lots and of that part of Lot 3, Block 4, of Cruickshank's Garden Lots lying South of an Easterly projection of the alley in said Block 3, Homens Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, of Cruickshank's Garden Lots, which lies between two lines running parallel with and distant respectively 50 feet and 100 feet east of the East line of Barclay Street, according to the plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota Registerd Property: Those parts of Lots 8 and 9, Biock 5 in DaFranchy's Division, lying Westerly of a line 50 feet East of and parallel to Barciay Street. That part of Barclay Street adjoining Lots 8 and 9, Block 5, DeFranchy's Division, that lies East of a line 1 50 feet West of and parallel with the West line of said Lots 8 and 9 between the Westerly extension across said street of the South line of said Lot 9 and a line 51.20 feet North of and parallel with said South line and its extension. Parcel 1: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 17, 18, 19 and 20, Block 4; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 6; � all in Defranchy's Division. p p ,��q Parcel 2: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, Block 1; Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 2; Lots 1 and 2, Block 3; all in Homans Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, of Cruickshank's Garden Lots. Lots numbered eight (8) and (9) in Block five (5) in DeFrenchy's Division, lying South of an Easterly projection of the alley in �aid Block three (3), Homans Subdivision of Lot 4, block 4 of Cruickshank's Garden Lots which lies between two lines running parallel with and distant respectively 50 feet and 100 feet East of the East line of Barclay Street. Lots seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nineteen (19) twenty (20) and twenty-one (21) in Block six (6) of Defrenchy's Division. Property Address: 1493 Reaney Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55106 x Bush Avenue, St. Pauf, MN 55106 1508 7 Street East, St. Paul, MN 55106 1497 Reaney Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55106 1481 Reaney Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55106 BURNET TITLE hereby certifies that the foilowing is a complete list of all owners of all parcels of land lying within any portion of the above legal description, all as shown by the records in the office of the Register of Deeds and/or the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County. Ronaid H. Thorson A. Kamish & Sons, Inc. Clara R. Och Nao Yeng Xiong Soua Vang State of Minnesota Dated this 28` day of March, 2000 at 8:00 AM This search is based on the legal description shown herein. /�� .� Burnet Titie assumes no liability whatsoever for any losses or damages incurred as a result of this search. BURNET T1TLE BY: 11h� �.r-�. (Authorized Signatory) ID-27-29-22-34-0007-0 ** OWNER ** CLARA R OCH 1144 MAHTOMEDI AVE MAHTAMEDI MN 551151538 ** TAXPAYER ** DAVID L OCH 9515 83RD ST N STILLWATER MN 550828354 *x HSTDR/PROP ADDRESS F* 1568 7TH ST E ST. PAUL MN 551064113 TRANS..07/24/74 INSTR..05/14/74 ** DESCRIPTION ** PLAT.00376 CRUICKSHANK'S GARDEN LOTS EX ST PART N OF EXTENDED N L OF LOT 3 BLK 3 HOMANS SUBD OF LOT 4 BLK 4 OF CRUICKSHANKS GARDEN LOTS OF LOT 3 BLK 4 QPI COMMENTS-NO MKT VALU 1999 L 29.100 B T 29,100 2000 L 30.000 B T 30,000 2000 TAX PAYABLE ORIG 1.520.82 AD3 .60 PAID 760.41 BAL 760.41 ASSMTS PRINC 0032 105.00 0080 134.00 0267 268.28 0560 40.00 TOTL 547.28 05/17/2000 2:30 PM TAX CAP DIST 02 481 SD 625 NHM USE A WTR MFC 495 TI NHM SWR1 SWR2 LC DLQ 1998 CJ YB 0000 LOT I & INTEREST W 100 .00 D 665 .00 SQ FT 247.62 66506 5.76 SQ FT 253.38 GROUND TYPE VAC � p�� D�1 , ID-27-29-22-34-0032-6 ** OWNER ** NAO YENG XIONG SOUA VANG 1497 REANEY AVE ST PAUL MN 551064127 x* HSTDR/PROP ADDRESS ** NAO Y XIONG SOUA VANG 1497 REANEY AVE ST. PAUL MN 551064127 TRANS..12/08/98 INSTR..11/02/98 ** DESCRIPTION *x PlAT.00390 DEFRANCHYS DIVISION PART S OF EXTENDED S L OF ALLEY IN BLK 3 HOMANS SUBD OF LOT 4 BLK 4 OF CRUICKSHANKS GARDEN LOTS AND BET 2 LINES 50 FT AND 100 FT E OF AND PAR WITH E LOT 9 BLK 5 ***** SEE QP 12 ***** QPI COMMEN7S-NO 05/17/2000 2:30 PM MKT VALU TAX CAP DIST 02 1999 L 12,500 757 SD 625 B 63,200 H USE A T 75.700 WTR MFC 2000 L 12,500 861 TI B 69,600 H SWRi (TMV)T 82,100 SWR2 2000 TAX PAYABLE LC ORIG 1,010.50 DL4 ADJ .00 CJ PAID 505.25 YB 1947 BAL 505.25 LOT R ASSMTS PRINC & INTEREST W 50 0080 52.00 .00 D 128 0097 40.90 00 SQ FT 9996 22.00 .00 6400 TOTL 114.90 .00 SQ FT GROUND 885 TYPE 1 FAM � p .aa`� � ID-27-29-22-34-0089-2 ** OWNER ** A KAMISH & SONS INC 6010 CONCORD BLVD E INVER GROVE HGTS MN 550761806 ** HSTDR1PRaP ADDRESS ** BUSH AVE ST. PAUL MN 55106 TR,4NS..03/20/79 INSTR..03/05/79 *� DESCRIPTION ** PLAT.00390 DEFRANCHYS DIVISION LOT 1 BLK 6 QPI COMMENTS-NO 05/17/2000 2:31 PM MKT VALU TAX CAP DIST 02 1999 L 5.200 86 SD 625 B NHM USE A T 5.200 WTR MFC 2000 L 5,200 86 TI B NHM S�ARl T 5,200 SWR2 2000 TAX PAYABLE LC ORIG 189.72 DLQ ADJ .00 CJ PAID 00 YB 0000 BAL 189.72 LOT R ASSMTS PRINC & INTEREST W 43 0080 11.00 .00 D 127 0207 40.00 9.96 SQ FT TOTL 51.00 9.96 5461 SQ FT GROUND TYPE V/:L �p.qb� ID-27-29-22-34-0102-4 ** OWNER ** STATE OF MN 7RUST EXEMPT 50 KELLOGG BLVD W SUITE 620B ST PAUL MN 551021557 ** TAXPAYER *x KOE YANG 710 7TH ST E ST PAUL MN 551065003 ** HSTDR/PROP ADDRESS ** 1481 REANEY AVE ST. PAUL MN 551064125 TRANS..09/08/98 INSTR..O8/17/98 ** DESCRIPTION ** PLAT.00390 DEFRANCHYS DIVISION LOT 20 BLK 6 QPI COMMENTS-NO 05/17/2000 2:31 PM MKT VALU TAX CAP DIST 02 1999 L SD 625 B TX USE J T WTR MFC 2000 L 1,100 TI B TX SWR1 T 1,100 SWR2 2000 TAX PAYABLE LC ORIG 00 DLQ ADJ .00 CJ PAID .00 YB 0000 BAL 00 LOT R ASSMTS PRINC & INTEREST W 43 D 127 SQ FT 5461 SQ FT GROUND TYPE VAC o �.qoq i o BtRM�r�CYHAM ; 5 oo -qo� I I 0 � � � � � _ i W � y --$— W N _ � �o � „ �; .:z � eo � — N � � — a � 1 � � � ` r � J w , ' � � - � � w ----- � � -- ---- °------W -- r ----- - � � \�� P N — ' � � ;-•. _� � _ — �j N � O � � � D ° � � �' ' S � °' � U Z -� A � A � � � W 0� � N W '� ,'F N : : �p Y' _ � a h _ � � tv N � ;, � O � � sAR�L qy �, sT. ; � � , � � �— — , , � � c i W � — i r .... ' �' r � �rm� �� �'�'����� ' ���������� �._._._._e . .z� s , ^ 3S 3ST➢ ' S6� �37 �1J o ' m >b NH �lANws �., .� w - ' ° � � a ° — � ° S B• ,�;� o rc. sa i:> --- - - i43 ' ' "' D c� ' _ : � � o a � � � � Z � `° � •, o � � f�so� ° . o np � - w — �' ' - — D � i o` rn� : -- � � � . N � i �;'=� — � O i � -` : V�o �� ''`� A � �� � � � � � T—^_ � o N —� C f�I \ �' '' 1 m O � m . � -�- �, �rt � �__ T." m ,� , , ; � � � w `o o " 0 0 0 � I� _—��(�—_ . jyy SD So SO a9.¢S `p SF 54 C i D �� \� 0 c � � 1 ' `\ h ` 'W _ V \ N — y � D � r�N --- N N,��P A W J "'' 1 i �\ \ � \ � � � A � � ---� '°� V � i i � o � � v Z i ' � <t�� �"' 77/ 7B3 � °`�� B Kjp So So 9936 �O S4 S � A�Ei - - 's - - CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL � oa In the Matter of Vacation File # 6-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Barclay Street, from Reaney Avenue to Bush Avenue; also, All of the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden L.ots; also, All of the alley south of the south line of Bush Avenue of Lot 5, Biock 4, Cruickshank's Garden Lou. excep[ as here noted: LI,S W�'�T �eed.S -}v w�a.:�,w��,iv� .euscvnc�- r��(.�s �n ahe�r� �r��ek-� • Z� -t-(n� need -}-a be w�a , vt,sw��sr v�'tu.s-� be v2imbu.t-SecJ �er ct,(d, e}� pe.�.�es t�cu-t-r�c�(.. US West Communications 500 North Carlton Maplewood, Minnesota 55119 . e � � � r • • • ����� C�i b� � 1, �u�+ `-- �/ �. Cl�CJ�C_ � .� \ � � Fc Signature � e��� Tha foregoing insteumzn� was acknowlzdgzd beforz me this 1 � day of � 2000, by iVC� L.• Ld(�.� the IMRLtft.pXl� T X�v71t241- of �� �v G a l a C� undzr the laws of thz State of ■ ■ � � � VICTORIA R. DETERMAN ^ �'�� NOTARYPUBLIC-MINNESOTA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES f 31�2W5 �otary ubGc. �if'�G OFA.11�UteSa-Fa-, G6x.kt-Y p (2q,�v�gt� ■ . . bfy wmmission axp¢zs �-3 �' 6 5 ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hali, St. Paui, MN 55102 ** O5/16/00 TUE 10:41 FAX 330 6590 NSP DEL SYS CONST _____ .�j003 CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE Q D'� b � THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND IviEIvlgEgS OF THE COiINCII. OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAIJL Vacation File # 6-2000 - The undersigned. hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey Counry, Minnesota, described as follows: Barclay Street, from Reaney Avenue to Bush Avenue; also, All of the alley in $lock 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, Cruickshank's - -. .-. . - C3aaden-I.ets; a�se _- __ .-- - All of the alley south of the south line of Bush Avenue of Lot 5, Biock 4, Cruickshank's Garden Lots. except as here noted: Northern States Power Co. 414 Nicollet Mall - 7th FI. � -.�. .� � ,�. • � ar. _.�- l• • ; ' Si ature � The faegoing insRUment was ackaowledged hofore me thic ��� day by undec thelaws of tha State of /�'1 i/! 4 t S O� � �"'�'�- LORRPSNE D ABLAN �%�� µ¢' NOTARYPUBUC-MINNESOTq WASHIN�TONCbl1NTY +�•,.k ;{�CmudaYaiP.¢L�oJn.J1�1006 V ) � �` �"r NotaryPuhLc, My cammission expues -" * Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 551U2 ** CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF TI� COUNCII. OF THE CITX OF SAINT PAUL NSP - Gas Distribution 825 Rice Sueet Saint Paul MN 55117 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realry described below: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey Counry, Minnesota, described as follows: Barclay Street, from Reaney Avenue to Bush Avenue; also, All of the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Biock 4, Cruickshank's Gazden Lots; also, All of the alley south of the south line of Bush Avenue of Lot 5, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden L.ots. except as here noted: OK.�- � pd ,qoq In the Matter of Vacation File # 6-2000 REC���� M qY 1 R �� EsrA; . ts Se�; r G , n Signature Thz foregoing iastcumzn[ was acknowledgzd before me this p� day of /'� , 2000, by �C+.:a,� �. �C+,�P .the 5 ° IsG.S I ,.f ..� s!� , �� t U.�," �J.� undzr tha laws of [ha State of / r///J/-� �.SdjA • LYNNE K. SAXTON � NOTAHYPUBUC—MINNESOTA � - 1AY Certm Dmtns Jen. st. zoos . • My com�nission eayicas ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102'` dI� •i • oo�a°� This ma0�doeumant ie a tool to assiet employees in ihc performence o� Nev jobe. Vour persa nal safety ic provideA br by ueinp cafety pmcticec, procetlures and ea mpment ec described in cefety trainin0 Progreme, manuale entl SPAPe. Northern States Power Vaeation File#6-2000 Barclay Street �ate: 05/08/00 By: WHRD01 Scale: 1:2400 linch = 200ft r � ��. � MCI WORLDCOM May 16, 2000 Ms. Louise Langberg City of Saint Paul Dept. of Tech. & Mgmt. Svcs. 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 REF: Vacation File #6-2000 MCIW REF: 4260-2000 Dear Ms. Langberg: Naiional Support / Investigazions Dept 2855 Loc 642 2250 Lakeside Blvd. Richardson,l'X 75082 MCIWarIdCom has been notified by your office regarding the above referenced project. For your records, in reviewing the azea in question, it has been determined that MCIWorldCom does not have facilities within your project area. However, it will still be necessary for you to contact the local One Call System at least 48 hours prior to any construction. You should address correspondence concerning any £uture projects to the attention of National SupporUlnvestigations at the above address. If you need further assistance with this project, please do not hesitate John Bachelder at 972-656-5038. Sincerely, ` I Jennifer Kunstmann Administrative Assistant CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE AONORABLE MAYOR AI3D MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CI'TY OF SAINT PAUL l�o In the Matter of Vacation File # 6-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 29 North, Ran;e 22 W est, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Barclay 5treet, from Reaney Avenue to Bush Avenue•, also, All of the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, Cruickshank's Gazder Lots; also, All of the alley south of the south line of Bush Avenue of Lot 5, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden I.ots. except as here noted: DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC., AND DISTRICT COOLING ST. PAUL, INC., HAVE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TQ BE VACATED AND HAVE NO OB�ECTION TQ THE VACATION. District Energy St Paul Inc 76 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul MN 55102 ItS �t^es� d.-,.�.�-' � 1�� (,��v,�� . � ---, Signature ��/ ( The forzgoing instrument was acknowledged bzfore me [his � M day of J �-Y..��- . 2000, 6Y f""4 i1 �S �l � a� a_.fC.w the � Pe S d-e-..JI of �U � S"R i�t r"._vtsr� u S�-. Pa.c�Q �t+e .. a d r_T� -ri r,., - D ro �i l' Go r-Oo r� ay— undzi tha laws of thz S[atz of t.,� ��� , �� TRUDY L. SHERWOOD �' NOTF32YPUBtlC-MINNESOTA MY CAMMISSION ��� EXPtRES JAN.31. 2005 �' �.�..�sZ, � ��z� Notacy Public, My commission e<pires _�� � O O s . � ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 *'' CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS 11� ��` OF THE COUNCIL OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAUL Vacation File # 6-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utiliry ri�hts in the realty described below: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 24 Norrh, Range 22 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Barclay Street, from Reaney Avenue to Bush Avenue; also, All of the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden L.ots; also, All of the alley south of the south line of Bush Avenue of Lot 5, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden L,ots. except as here noted: �, �(�(�� }�c�s N� ��� ec�i ot� ��,S JGC.Te , MediaOne 934 Woodhill Drive Roseville MI3 55113 Its CC� Dc c? �_c�c.�CX by t91 �wn��soNr l (2� sE� f 4t�e fore¢oinq insm�ment waz Sig ature � before me this � day oF 2000, undez the laws of the State of "'— �ufw a oRT�z NoT,uzv Quauc • �+�nNESOTa /"--�\ � <IOtd 31 s.� �IRESA�MIS•� _ ....�-. � Notazy Puhlic, `�( • ,� ,.� ^°'_' . . s - My commission expues ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE Db�9�� 'IT•iE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUI�'CIL OF THE In the Matter of CITI' OF SAINT PAUL Vacation File n 6-2b0 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise iu utility rights in the realty described below: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quazter of Section 27, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Barclay Street, from Reaney Avenue to Bush Avenue; also, All of the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden L,ots. except as here noted: Public Works 800 City Hail Annex Its U�2ECro� � Tha focegoing inst[ument waz ae}aowlzdged befo2 ma this /c�j 7� day of �!/� U5T . 2000, b T ��GU/1�J .mz Z�/�E�To2 of cST �LIUL �U�G/� I�O/'�KS.a �vIU/✓/�/f�/�L ��/t��4/P/`�T/G/fI unda tha laws of thz Statz of BARBARA J. KOLSTAD � r � � �r Notery PUMiC \otary Public, MinneeCffi ►y Cammasion FxpNes Jn 31.70U5 My commission expues .fl/�'� JA L1/1 C� 0�0 d�_ ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** CERTIFICATE OF IN7ENDED NON-USE Do-4a� TF�� HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE In the Matter of CTI'Y OF SAINT PAiJL Vacauon File # 6-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility righis in the realry described below: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Bazclay Street, from Reaney Avenue to Bush Avenue; also, All of the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden Lots; also, Ali of the alley south of the south line of Bush Avenue of Lot 5, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden Lots. 13 ��E/� except as here noted: Mq j' 1 � FA` FSrA '�oi�� o 0 X�x�Saint Paul Regional Water Service 400 �CommerceBuilding Bernie R. Bullert ItS General Manager � �.C.t..��e�c.! �, �cc�C�/� Signature The foragoing instcument was acknowledged before mz this 9 tt7 day of May , 2000, b Bernie R. Bullert ,ihe General Manager the �fSaint Paui Water Service.,a municipal corporation of the City of Saint Paul, undzrthzlawsoftheStataof M1.RneSOt3. � •ts'uvr s�b �a' � � �n�'-,`aAa: r s3�aor �+ xa�a � My comr�ussion expires 3/.�vo�� '** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** i a�rE. (sr. ) a� � ^' � • • � ' 4/' 42.26 I � I ti � ; a � � s a 3 z i�i � i � ' I � I ' i n /3 /¢ /S /6 /7 /B !9 Zo :� I i ar a2.sY t3 �S�N i AvE• �,Sr. � „ _ , . . .. 4i• az6s' 1 I �� 8 7 G 5 �t 3 2 I:4 I i /3 � /4 � /5 ( /6 /7 I /B � /9 20 � S � I �'' ' � { { " � ^ { 4 4/' � 42.90'� S&ZS�r ��,��� �������������13248 J. 1' `l� W � � 4/86 • • • 4/.3G 4/.37 , /!O a �i �r � 6 a A O � b ; B D 4 6 yQ � Q $ 3 a � � p - -- I �d � /s � �G � �7 � �a � �9 � zo � z� � zz f-�VC � � � � � � � ii i � � I 3 a � I I i e� � � � � a � '� -N- i !s�! 97 I � ! I 2 � `I 2 I � � I aa. a � ; 3 v .. s — � 3 `�`� 4 I � _8aa� h l /00 /oo /2D 40 -- ^ 40 /.77L 8 � 7 6 5 4 ,� ioa.o� 9 Jto 60 ^ 40 8034 ����.��� �_����_�_���`� (�ST. ° � � iio .�azs oo � i�os.,�7 M s N � � 4 l}� Q 6 � 41 3 , ,qh�. a �O � a '� � -- ,io .aD3s 4 ° -- �'' — ---- ` (o � 7 ^ B 9 � /O ., � G' � Q � � � !� � 00-909 # of Pages 1 D D-90 " ro: I.ouise A. Langberg � Commander Traff & Accid Unit Reply to Vacation Inquiry City of SG Paul Saint Paul Police Dept File #6-2000 - Barclay Street Real Estate Division 100 East Eleventh Stre� Phone# (651)266-8861 �one# F�a (651)266-8855 F�" We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We will approve this vacauon, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ \� (� �zZ�i.D�,Q ��f7-��' � � �.�'�; �--� �� ��� �-� ���. , � � s =» ��—_ Date 06/25/1994 18:44 6512286241 FIRE PREVENTION Ta Louise A. Fangbetg Cfty of St Paul Reply to Vacation Inquiry RealEStateDivISioa File #6-2000 - Barclay Street �,,,�„ 651 266-8861 Fun (651)266-8855 A PAGE 02 � � Dept of FIre & Safeiy 200 East Eteventh Str� � We have no objeccions to [his vacarion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We arill approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For che following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Signed . �/��/� Date JUN 09�37 FRDM CITY OF ST PRUL LIEP TO Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #6-200� - Barclay Street Tw 68855 v or n�es P.001i063 —I Louise A. Langbecg Fmm: Y.'dT 2871 Ciry of Sc Paul LIEPBIdg InspecHon ReatEstaceDivision 310LowryProfessional Phone W Fax # We have no objecuons to this vacarion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We will approve this vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,� For che Y"ollowing reasons, wc cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � b W IJ� 1' � o �¢ C�t� Y t$� � �c+...� a-Ei24... M aY .,� �l,w! d �StJ i`� r AC.� I�r�S 1 Gd�'� S< d/'Qrc� �,a Q �a-�. c( s �e�s � P �- �,.� �', .,,,� � Sd' ( 5 ' .� Ge� S� r� c� �r�. � tsvm s tv � �� �� b-t" �'� •�r�y ������ � ra +�.s � � � � d t dlt ��.+c�,��, P b� � c�r,cscc��rc� , �- � ,(�� c!a la� �. 6�� (d.�� P���.rt-- t rl 4s Preca.5S�n � ��s��� / 4� Aate To: Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #6-2000 - Barclay Street P ,, o „ e � Fax # I.ouise A. Iangberg Real Estate Division f651}256-8861 #ofPagu 1 D�� from: Carole Williams Library Administration 90 West Fourth Street Fax # We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�, We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the foilowin; reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q <' � "I � n p ,( )�, �3�U�� �_"�._ Signed �� _ �X�y, � ��. �� j � sj�/� Date MAY-08-2000 10�39 STP PRRKS & RECRERTION 1'n. Louise A. Langbug Ci1q of S� Paul ReplytaVacationtnquiry RealEstateDivision Ft10 #6 -2000 - Barclay Street p,,,�� (651)266-8861 612 292 7405 P.01ia1 ,�.��sa � O F�� John Wirka pD'� � Pazks & Recrea6on 300 Qtv Hall Annex We have no objecrions to this vacaaon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � Szgned 5- F� Date TOTRL P.01 .. ... Louise Langberg Re Barclay Street Vacation __, ,.. . ._ . , , .._. ,.. Page - 1 vo'q From: Sheri Pemberton To: Langberg, Louise Date: Thu, Aug 17, 2000 6:10PM Subject: Re: Barclay Street Vacation Louise Thanks, for staying on top of this. Have been tied up with several other issues. 7hought that just inforrning you of ihe change in PED's position you could move torward witfi the vacation. Please take this memo as PED's official notice that we have no objections to the Barclay Street Vacation ident'rfied in File No. 6-2000. I have talked with Ronald Thorson and informed him that PED no longer has any objections to moving forvvard with this development. The proposed development to the north is not planning to use or create any type of access off of Sarclay. I will fax over a copy of the Reply to Vacation Inquiry that was attached to your fax sometime on Friday. Please let me know rf you need a formal letter to attach to your vacation petition or'rf this will suffice as a change to the originai letter sent. Thanks. Sheri »> Louise Langberg 08/17/00 10:14AM »> Good morning! I would appreciate it if you could let me know when you might be able to get a revised response sent to me regarding the Barclay Street Vacation Project, our File No. 6-2000. If it might help, here's a short review of my last four e-mails to you: July 18 - Wrote that Allan let me know that Mr. Thorson's vacation is okay with PED after all, and he said you were going to put together a revised response to our original vacation inquiry. I offered to fax a new copy of the response form. .luly 19 - After receiving your e-mail requesting the fax and saying you would put together a new response from PED, I fa�ced the form and sent message saying fax was sent. July 31 - Sent you an e-mail to let you know I had fviced you a map from Ramsey County that might clear up any lasting concerns about the westerly 44 feet ofi the area to be vacated. Offered to be available for questions. August 9- Sent a reminder notice in case the Barclay Street Vacation response got mislaid in the shuffle. If there is anything I can get you that might help, let me know. This is the last response we need before we can proceed with the project. Thank you! CC: Torstenson, Allan MAY-17-2000 14�58 City of Saint Paul ro: Reply to Vacation lnyuiry File #6-2000 - Barclay Street Louise A. Langberg 651 266 8574 P.al/01 q r�am: �D'� � I Councilmember Kathy Lantry Room 320C Ciry FIall � Faz� (6�!)L66-iS2SJJ � `."" � • .�.' :: � q"�����1y I.,aJ...'. , � `� -� We have no objec�iag�.€o this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n;I`•.� rf',' We will approve this,�iacatioa, subject to the followin; condivons : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ri.� �' � " For the folIpwing 7easons, we cannot approve this vacaaon : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ S}gned 5- 9-�v Date T�TAL P.01 oo- qog Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL To: Nancy Anderson Council Research Room 310 City Hall From: Louise A. Langberg Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Date: August 27, 2000 'l� � = � _� -� _ - - �u�'� -- 'Vacah �°#�6 2�i� Vac�"��-a��arcla� Str-e om�eane� �o .�,__ __.._.� p _ - — � � . �z--- ,_ �-- Btts � - "� _. er� o�icl=�hnxson_ _ � _ � � _ =�-:== ____ = - � � ~�== I am requesting a date of September 27, 2000 for a Public Hearing to approve the attached Council Resolution. The purpose of the resolution is to vacate Barclay Street from Reaney to Bush Avenues and to vacate the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision, as shown on the attached map. If approved, the petitioner would like to construct a garage on part of the vacated area. The usual utilities and City offices with rights to the area being vacated have all responded to our inquiries regarding the proposed vacation. Their responses are with the resolution as it is being routed for signatures. The resolution will soon be up in the City Attorney's office. I have attached photocopies of the Green Sheet, the Council Resolution, the petition, and a map of the azea to be vacated. Please let me know if there is anything else you might need for this. Thank you? RECEIVEd (62000na) ��V 2 Q 2QOo CiT� �tERK ao - go, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the petition of Ronald and Carrie Thorson, for the vacation of that part of Barclay Street from Reaney to Bush Avenues and the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision as more fully described on file and on record in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, Minnesota, will be heard and considered by the Saint Pau1 City Council at a meeting to be held in the Council Chambers on the 3rd floor of City Hall and Court House on the 27th day of September, 2000 at 5:30 P.M. Dated August 31, 2000 Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk (September 7, 2000) C �,r�^n; ,'"ez aa�,r�s� +�nnc.,e t a..�E � � .�:.,.. i,�• -+,- ��� � � ���� vo -109 .M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: August 27, 2000 reen Sheet Number: 104711 ontact Person and Phone Nnmber: 2 EPAR'1'MENP DIItECi'OR 4 CTfY COi7NCII. Louise A Langberg 266-8850 1 ATT �E� UDGET DIItEC70R FfICE OF FINANCIAL SVCS. ust be on Counci� agenaa by: SeP� C, 2000 for 3 YOR (OR ASSISTANT) Fsrax� nrv�s�oY blic Hearin on Se tember 27, 2000 OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1�cL� ni,L Locnnoxs Fox sicxa�> �.CTION REQUESTED: Set Public Hearing date of September 27, 2000 to discuss the petition of Ronald Thorson to vacate Barclay Street between Reaney and Bush Avenues and part of the adjoining alley as shown on the attached map. File #6-2000 CONIIvIENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RE7ECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS NRJST ANSWER Tf� FOLLOWAVG: . Has the person/6rm ever worked under a con[ract for this department? YES NO PLM'YC1G CO�I�ILSSION A STAFF . Has this person/Firm ever been a City employee? YES NO CNIL SERVICE COMb1LSS10Y . Does tl�is person/5rm possess a skill not normally possessed by any YES NO current City employee? CIB COYIMITTEE -- E lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL BJECTIVE? OUNCIL �VARD(S) 7 DISTRICT PLANIVING COUNCII, 2 ITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORI'(JHITY (Whq What, When, Where, Why?): A petition has been filed by Ronald Thorson of 1493 Reaney Avenue to vacate Barclay Street and all of an alley near his property as shown on the attached map. Petitioner would like to put up a garage on part of the vacated area. There are no objections to this vacation from the public utilities and City De artments contacted. DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Property would become part of the adjoining properties. Petitioner could build the garage he wants, and City woutd have no responsibility for maintaining these areas. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None at this time. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Petitioner could not build his garage as planned. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $SOO.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO tvnirre souxc�: Fee to be paid by Petitioner. AcTrviTY x�m�Ex: INANCIAL PIFORNIATION: (EXPLAIl� Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall QRlGINAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of Ronald Thorson, as documented in Finance Department 2 File Number 6-2000, public properties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and discontinued as 3 public property; and, subject to the herein stated exceptions, the easements within those public properties 4 are hereby released. 6 The property to be vacated is described as follows: 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Barclay Street, from Reaney Avenue to Bush Avenue; also, All of the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden Lots. 16 This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of the 17 Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, and to the following condiuons: 18 19 i. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns, sha11 pay $500.00 as an administrative fee for 20 this vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution. 21 22 2. That, with the accompanying Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-i7se, filed 23 voluntarily on behalf of Northern States Power Company, Qwest, District Energy St. Paul, 24 Incorporated, MCI Metro Incorporated, MediaOtte, The Water Utility, and The Department of 25 Public Works, made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of 26 Saint Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of these corporations and departments, waives the 27 right to the utility easements in the vacated area described above. 28 29 3. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 4. 38 All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: That the petitioners, their successors and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions ar claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or property on account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including but not limited to, a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petiuoners or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees. That the peuuoners, their successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effecuve date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � council N�le # �o — 901 Green Sheet # 104711 ORI�I�AL o�-,o� and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, compiy in all respects with these terms and conditions. Requested by Department of: � � � Technoloev & Mana�ement Services By: Director Form Ap ved by City Attorney � By: �G✓��� ��� av Adopted by Council: Date ��� � a��, �-, Adoption Certified by Council Secretary o� -101 � .M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: August 27, 2000 reen S t Number: 104711 ontact Pecson and Phone Number: 2 EPARTd�L1T D CI' 4 Cl'PY COONCII. Louise A Langberg 266-8850 1''` G•�a.Pd "" �'"� UDGET DIItECI'OR FFICE OF FAIANCIAL SVCS. �ne oa ca�� a n Sept 6, 2000 for Yox coxassisra� Esraa�nn�oN blic Hearin on Se tember 27, 2000 3 OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA'CURE) CTION REQUF.STED: Set Public Hearing date of September 27, 2000 to discuss the petition of Ronald Thorson to vacate Barclay Street between Reaney and Bush Avenues and part of the adjoining alley as shown on the attached map. File #6-2000 COMD�NDATIONS:APPROVE(A)ORREJECT(R) ERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSM[JSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWING: . Eias the person/firm ever worked mder a contract for tLis deparhnent? YES NO PLANNA`G COMMISSION A STAFF . Has this persodtirm ever been a City employee? YES NO CIVll. SERVIC6 COMMISSION . Does this persodCum possess a sldll not normally possessed by any YES NO current CiTy employee? Cffi COMMITTE@ Ex lain all YES aaswers on a se arate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCII. � BJECTIVE? OUNCII, WARD(S) 7 DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII. 2 1'ING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI'1'Y (WLO, WLat, When, Where, Why?): A petition has been filed by Ronald Thorson of 1493 Reaney Avenue to vacate Barclay Street and all of an alley near his property as shown on the attached map. Petitioner would like to put up a garage on part of the vacated area. There are no objections to this vacation from the public utilities and Cit De artments contacted. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Property would become part of the adjoining properties. Petitioner could build fhe garage he wants, and City would have no responsibility for maintaining these areas. ISADVANTAGES TF APPROVED: None at this time. �� C p 51`���� �S G ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: SES fO R6S@BPvh CB�t°f Petitioner could not build his garage as planned. r OTAL AMOUNT OF 1'RANSACTION: �$OO.00 WST/AEVENUE BUDGETED (CIILCLE ONE) YES NO uvc sovxcE: Fee to be paid by Petitioner. A�Tnn��� i INANCIAL INFORMATION: (C'XPLAIN) ` - • -,�•,. ,, .v«.�p. , *+w�.,_.... _ _.,_. , _ AUG 31 2.Q�0 \3 9i "i"T t" i i'l � i S'- F ✓ Do-4o1 Interdepartmentai Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL To: Nancy Anderson Council Research Room 310 City Hall From: Louise Langberg � Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Date: �ub,�eet. : Good morning! September 14, 2000 �^,r.^` :'�, �_.,..° ��_'._�, ��� � � �`�C� B�'clay Street Vaeatic�n� �reen �heet #1U4fi11 The Council Resolution far the Barclay Street vacation is circulafing for signatures, and according to the tracker system it is up at the Mayor's Office. The petitioner for the vacaUon has gotten Qwest(F.K.A. US West) to drop their request to retain an easement over the vacated area. I have attached a new first page for the resolution that reflects that change, and a copy of the updated response from Qwest. When Green Sheet #104711 arrives at your desk, could you put these new pages in to replace the old ones? Thank you for your help, and please feel free to call me at x68861 if you should have any questions on this matter! (62000na2) CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL o�-Go�( In the Matter of Vacation File # 6-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realry described below: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Bazclay Street, from Reaney Avenue to Bush Avenue; also, All of the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden Lots; also, All of the alley south of the south line of Bush Avenue of Lot 5, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden I.ots. except as here noted: s��#e o� �.c�+�nas�E�• � � ����� � US West Communications 500 North Carlton Maplewood, Minnesota 55119 Its � �YtQfJ'��✓�' M1��fX' — �C�;�.� ��-- Signature The foregoing instmmen[ wu acknowlzdgzd bzfore me this 3 ` day of TiVi53�U-�� . 2000, by T�.l� �.., • `l..'(. �-CJIGP � the �il/L �iVl4.P� ��/ ^'�'�^-�� of ���5'f .a ( �-FJ��""__'_ unde[ the laws of the State of C 0�,QI (AS�,O ■ � � VICTORIA R. DETERMAN � NOTARY PUBLIGMINNESOTA Notary Public, : i�' MY COMMi5S10N E%PIflES 73t-2005 '� 3 r- o S � e My comm�ssion exp'¢zs ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Council File # � b � � � Green Sheet # 104711 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA sy Committee: Date 1 BE IT RESpLVED, that, upon the petition of Ronald Thorson, as documented in Finance Department 2 File Number 6=2000, public properties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and discontinued as 3 public property; and, subject to the herein stated exceptions, the easements within those public pr ertie 4 are hereby released.�� 5 6 The property to be vacated is described as follows: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 All that part of the Sout east Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Secti 27, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, R sey County, Minnesota, described as fo ws: Barclay Street, from R�aney Avenue to Bush Avenue; so, e � All of the alley in Block 3�, FIoman's Subdivisio of I.ot 4, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden Lots. � This vacation shall be subject to the terms and oonditio of Chapter 130, codified March l, 1981, of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code as amended, and to the f lowing conditions: 19 1. 20 21 22 2. 23 24 25 3. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 4. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 5. 41 That the petitioners, their successors an ssigns, shall pay $500.00 as an administrative fee for this vacation which is due and payabl ithin 60 days of the effective date of this resolution. � That a permanent utility easemen hall be retained�thin the vacated area to protect the interest of U.S. West Communication, c. \ � That, with the accompanyi g Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf of orthern States Power Company, Dis�rict Energy St. Paul, Incorporated, MCI Metro Incorpora d, MediaOne, The Water Utility, and Tke Department of Public Works, made a part hereof b this reference and filed in the office of the Gity Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, far itself and ° n behalf of these corporauons and departments�vaives the right to the utility easements in the�Lacated area described above. \ f r That the petitfoners, their successors and assigns agree to indemnify, defenc�and save harmless the City of �aint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any chazacter brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, pe sons or property on account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including�t not limited to, a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees. � That the petitioners, their successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of tliis. resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution Q �-�o9 PETITION TO VACATE CITY INTEREST 1(we), [he under.ugncd, eonsGlu4ng a m+jority of the uwners (or their IeYa11y d<agnuted representatires) uf the abutling prvpertics, du Aereby petitiun the Countii oCthe City oCSaint Paui to vacate i�s internts in the pruperiy(iw) legally dcscribed as [ollows: �!//�I-zst' l� 13 R2 z�/t`i S(. � oa rE� � �/o JL-'7rf O�= 2�H-i✓� Y lfi � E. ;9'✓� �/'t� f� yc✓a-Y �s i o F t3RP�CcJt`��oR- U�C GoT 3,3L,�c 3 �} .�-� SLtizH v � zo �s /��� -i i3u� 3/�ti� A�c%Y t,�.9-Y [.�,� �.¢��,a �✓� !�'/-��J S J t.�T/-y � ��S IN /� G K G D C�' (L�4 N c�F'{ Y�S V I[�I S/ J/�� I(we) rryuect lhis rrcation fur �he tulluwin¢ reucon(sl � 4� ��...� � Lr /<r' v�w c cc� A GA 2/� G� o.,/ �H� S G.�4 /� /n � ��'� � 7it� �Z�ST yffTc�/LA� I(we) hvve altxhed six cupies oC the site pl:uu uf any develupment intended fur cunAnc6on un �he lands tu he vacaled. Contact Person Person(s) responsible for payment of vacation fee and for acceptance of the terms and conditions of the vacation: �amo: :�u.JPrt9 ��•��./a2Sor� 7'Lune: � 1 � � / � �-1 �-i � n.ldr<�s: IZEAN. (�J� — S_ �!l_ ���v� r� J�/ O L Alt<rnate Comact Person Nan�a: C/�CLCLII� L• �Ho/LSUnJ Phune: LJ �- "7 7/' 6 l/ � A��cess: J C l � � Ek N�Y l�� � .S'. PR���- rnN. �S'I o6 -� ! Name: I�on11}L.O `� IJT+e-R(� (�I��S.�N Phone: j I — 7 7 (� t/ 4 7 AJ�rexs: � 4�7 j '�2�' �/i. Y�� _ .5t PA rn�%. .�,s". 06 Natne: � / �� �� Signatures of Owner(s)/Representative(s) of Property(ies) Below: � Q ,�G�i��,G��.�. .,� 1�—�w ``1 `� 5 �J � �� �� -I-arZ �l� a� bL�, tia..cSo-�t�. _ f�. Mnw�tS� �,So,.s .�`- � O I c7 Csx� c.c� r Q� � S��UER G�ov� E}�,.'�, M1�lNN. SSo7( NoMANS SCigO�V�Sia^f �F l��� y 8i�c�� oF �Ru.tGi�s:f.. 6IT�n� c..�zS (.,0-7 � 3tic 3 1`Mon..nri S'�3o� ✓�s,or� o � c.a7 Y R/-oG< � o�- CR w 1uc SH�F.�« S Gy'HtPFN i�vTS LoT. 2 21.�c 3 E�£FR ,✓GK `�S /�tv'i Si��✓ U s a uC Lo t 3 BUc ; h'o m�rk,✓f' S' �s o e to7 Y r c/c y 6'�C2�+„l�C�c SiiA,✓�Gf GRQ.P�.✓ C-oTSA-�/O i.� S n pr�F2�NGHY1 I1l4 �'J7C S� F��` G,9 (,cIN h�y w �7 0� LoT� �/� �j �Gl< s �_ez�i-- �4-'Ccs �ws� ��( � a...� .�,� „� V; 5; cr -, Lcr �',� 5 ' I : .�' �`�� etie��k �}-pFrl 5 � P��. i{ G"t��cksku-Jc � arcQ9,. LZ�_ =�. �-� `� s�,-,���� � a i . ;ti �� � � F �� �v�2r �i' Yl�, rvtQ b D�5-�— , c..-r�. �� —�'�11� ' n��� I, / I DNPrLO �N am the pzti[ioner, or one of the pzti[ionzrs in the above mattzr; and I do hzrzby swear and verify that each of thz s�enatures on this pztition w signad in my presence by the person dzscribed in thz pztition. Q��� (fe(i4onzr) Subscribzd and swom to beforz ma this � � �ay of ��_ ��99�!" "' ISI (Yo azY) ■ r BARRY J. KINNEBEpG ,'�� MYWMI�q$$pq R18LIC1/f/80Q 2 O � (<alod'-IO>vg) � /� �p,Roq � tSON� 1 1 vN' / r7 C�2So RADIUS REPORT AS TO: (Legal Description) Abstract Property: The West 50 feet of Lot 3, Biock 3, Homans Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, Cruickshunk's Garden Lots. Lot 3, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden Lots, except part thereof lying South of the North Boundary line of Lot 3, Block 3, of Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, of Cruickshank's Garden Lots produced to its intersection with the East line of said Lot 3, Block 4 Cruickshank's Garden Lots, including any portion of any street or ally adjacent thereto, vacated or to be vacated. That part of Lot 3, Block 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, of Cruickshank's Garden Lots and of that part of Lot 3, Block 4, of Cruickshank's Garden Lots lying South of an Easterly projection of the alley in said Block 3, Homens Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, of Cruickshank's Garden Lots, which lies between two lines running parallel with and distant respectively 50 feet and 100 feet east of the East line of Barclay Street, according to the plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota Registerd Property: Those parts of Lots 8 and 9, Biock 5 in DaFranchy's Division, lying Westerly of a line 50 feet East of and parallel to Barciay Street. That part of Barclay Street adjoining Lots 8 and 9, Block 5, DeFranchy's Division, that lies East of a line 1 50 feet West of and parallel with the West line of said Lots 8 and 9 between the Westerly extension across said street of the South line of said Lot 9 and a line 51.20 feet North of and parallel with said South line and its extension. Parcel 1: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 17, 18, 19 and 20, Block 4; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 6; � all in Defranchy's Division. p p ,��q Parcel 2: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, Block 1; Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 2; Lots 1 and 2, Block 3; all in Homans Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, of Cruickshank's Garden Lots. Lots numbered eight (8) and (9) in Block five (5) in DeFrenchy's Division, lying South of an Easterly projection of the alley in �aid Block three (3), Homans Subdivision of Lot 4, block 4 of Cruickshank's Garden Lots which lies between two lines running parallel with and distant respectively 50 feet and 100 feet East of the East line of Barclay Street. Lots seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nineteen (19) twenty (20) and twenty-one (21) in Block six (6) of Defrenchy's Division. Property Address: 1493 Reaney Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55106 x Bush Avenue, St. Pauf, MN 55106 1508 7 Street East, St. Paul, MN 55106 1497 Reaney Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55106 1481 Reaney Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55106 BURNET TITLE hereby certifies that the foilowing is a complete list of all owners of all parcels of land lying within any portion of the above legal description, all as shown by the records in the office of the Register of Deeds and/or the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County. Ronaid H. Thorson A. Kamish & Sons, Inc. Clara R. Och Nao Yeng Xiong Soua Vang State of Minnesota Dated this 28` day of March, 2000 at 8:00 AM This search is based on the legal description shown herein. /�� .� Burnet Titie assumes no liability whatsoever for any losses or damages incurred as a result of this search. BURNET T1TLE BY: 11h� �.r-�. (Authorized Signatory) ID-27-29-22-34-0007-0 ** OWNER ** CLARA R OCH 1144 MAHTOMEDI AVE MAHTAMEDI MN 551151538 ** TAXPAYER ** DAVID L OCH 9515 83RD ST N STILLWATER MN 550828354 *x HSTDR/PROP ADDRESS F* 1568 7TH ST E ST. PAUL MN 551064113 TRANS..07/24/74 INSTR..05/14/74 ** DESCRIPTION ** PLAT.00376 CRUICKSHANK'S GARDEN LOTS EX ST PART N OF EXTENDED N L OF LOT 3 BLK 3 HOMANS SUBD OF LOT 4 BLK 4 OF CRUICKSHANKS GARDEN LOTS OF LOT 3 BLK 4 QPI COMMENTS-NO MKT VALU 1999 L 29.100 B T 29,100 2000 L 30.000 B T 30,000 2000 TAX PAYABLE ORIG 1.520.82 AD3 .60 PAID 760.41 BAL 760.41 ASSMTS PRINC 0032 105.00 0080 134.00 0267 268.28 0560 40.00 TOTL 547.28 05/17/2000 2:30 PM TAX CAP DIST 02 481 SD 625 NHM USE A WTR MFC 495 TI NHM SWR1 SWR2 LC DLQ 1998 CJ YB 0000 LOT I & INTEREST W 100 .00 D 665 .00 SQ FT 247.62 66506 5.76 SQ FT 253.38 GROUND TYPE VAC � p�� D�1 , ID-27-29-22-34-0032-6 ** OWNER ** NAO YENG XIONG SOUA VANG 1497 REANEY AVE ST PAUL MN 551064127 x* HSTDR/PROP ADDRESS ** NAO Y XIONG SOUA VANG 1497 REANEY AVE ST. PAUL MN 551064127 TRANS..12/08/98 INSTR..11/02/98 ** DESCRIPTION *x PlAT.00390 DEFRANCHYS DIVISION PART S OF EXTENDED S L OF ALLEY IN BLK 3 HOMANS SUBD OF LOT 4 BLK 4 OF CRUICKSHANKS GARDEN LOTS AND BET 2 LINES 50 FT AND 100 FT E OF AND PAR WITH E LOT 9 BLK 5 ***** SEE QP 12 ***** QPI COMMEN7S-NO 05/17/2000 2:30 PM MKT VALU TAX CAP DIST 02 1999 L 12,500 757 SD 625 B 63,200 H USE A T 75.700 WTR MFC 2000 L 12,500 861 TI B 69,600 H SWRi (TMV)T 82,100 SWR2 2000 TAX PAYABLE LC ORIG 1,010.50 DL4 ADJ .00 CJ PAID 505.25 YB 1947 BAL 505.25 LOT R ASSMTS PRINC & INTEREST W 50 0080 52.00 .00 D 128 0097 40.90 00 SQ FT 9996 22.00 .00 6400 TOTL 114.90 .00 SQ FT GROUND 885 TYPE 1 FAM � p .aa`� � ID-27-29-22-34-0089-2 ** OWNER ** A KAMISH & SONS INC 6010 CONCORD BLVD E INVER GROVE HGTS MN 550761806 ** HSTDR1PRaP ADDRESS ** BUSH AVE ST. PAUL MN 55106 TR,4NS..03/20/79 INSTR..03/05/79 *� DESCRIPTION ** PLAT.00390 DEFRANCHYS DIVISION LOT 1 BLK 6 QPI COMMENTS-NO 05/17/2000 2:31 PM MKT VALU TAX CAP DIST 02 1999 L 5.200 86 SD 625 B NHM USE A T 5.200 WTR MFC 2000 L 5,200 86 TI B NHM S�ARl T 5,200 SWR2 2000 TAX PAYABLE LC ORIG 189.72 DLQ ADJ .00 CJ PAID 00 YB 0000 BAL 189.72 LOT R ASSMTS PRINC & INTEREST W 43 0080 11.00 .00 D 127 0207 40.00 9.96 SQ FT TOTL 51.00 9.96 5461 SQ FT GROUND TYPE V/:L �p.qb� ID-27-29-22-34-0102-4 ** OWNER ** STATE OF MN 7RUST EXEMPT 50 KELLOGG BLVD W SUITE 620B ST PAUL MN 551021557 ** TAXPAYER *x KOE YANG 710 7TH ST E ST PAUL MN 551065003 ** HSTDR/PROP ADDRESS ** 1481 REANEY AVE ST. PAUL MN 551064125 TRANS..09/08/98 INSTR..O8/17/98 ** DESCRIPTION ** PLAT.00390 DEFRANCHYS DIVISION LOT 20 BLK 6 QPI COMMENTS-NO 05/17/2000 2:31 PM MKT VALU TAX CAP DIST 02 1999 L SD 625 B TX USE J T WTR MFC 2000 L 1,100 TI B TX SWR1 T 1,100 SWR2 2000 TAX PAYABLE LC ORIG 00 DLQ ADJ .00 CJ PAID .00 YB 0000 BAL 00 LOT R ASSMTS PRINC & INTEREST W 43 D 127 SQ FT 5461 SQ FT GROUND TYPE VAC o �.qoq i o BtRM�r�CYHAM ; 5 oo -qo� I I 0 � � � � � _ i W � y --$— W N _ � �o � „ �; .:z � eo � — N � � — a � 1 � � � ` r � J w , ' � � - � � w ----- � � -- ---- °------W -- r ----- - � � \�� P N — ' � � ;-•. _� � _ — �j N � O � � � D ° � � �' ' S � °' � U Z -� A � A � � � W 0� � N W '� ,'F N : : �p Y' _ � a h _ � � tv N � ;, � O � � sAR�L qy �, sT. ; � � , � � �— — , , � � c i W � — i r .... ' �' r � �rm� �� �'�'����� ' ���������� �._._._._e . .z� s , ^ 3S 3ST➢ ' S6� �37 �1J o ' m >b NH �lANws �., .� w - ' ° � � a ° — � ° S B• ,�;� o rc. sa i:> --- - - i43 ' ' "' D c� ' _ : � � o a � � � � Z � `° � •, o � � f�so� ° . o np � - w — �' ' - — D � i o` rn� : -- � � � . N � i �;'=� — � O i � -` : V�o �� ''`� A � �� � � � � � T—^_ � o N —� C f�I \ �' '' 1 m O � m . � -�- �, �rt � �__ T." m ,� , , ; � � � w `o o " 0 0 0 � I� _—��(�—_ . jyy SD So SO a9.¢S `p SF 54 C i D �� \� 0 c � � 1 ' `\ h ` 'W _ V \ N — y � D � r�N --- N N,��P A W J "'' 1 i �\ \ � \ � � � A � � ---� '°� V � i i � o � � v Z i ' � <t�� �"' 77/ 7B3 � °`�� B Kjp So So 9936 �O S4 S � A�Ei - - 's - - CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL � oa In the Matter of Vacation File # 6-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Barclay Street, from Reaney Avenue to Bush Avenue; also, All of the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden L.ots; also, All of the alley south of the south line of Bush Avenue of Lot 5, Biock 4, Cruickshank's Garden Lou. excep[ as here noted: LI,S W�'�T �eed.S -}v w�a.:�,w��,iv� .euscvnc�- r��(.�s �n ahe�r� �r��ek-� • Z� -t-(n� need -}-a be w�a , vt,sw��sr v�'tu.s-� be v2imbu.t-SecJ �er ct,(d, e}� pe.�.�es t�cu-t-r�c�(.. US West Communications 500 North Carlton Maplewood, Minnesota 55119 . e � � � r • • • ����� C�i b� � 1, �u�+ `-- �/ �. Cl�CJ�C_ � .� \ � � Fc Signature � e��� Tha foregoing insteumzn� was acknowlzdgzd beforz me this 1 � day of � 2000, by iVC� L.• Ld(�.� the IMRLtft.pXl� T X�v71t241- of �� �v G a l a C� undzr the laws of thz State of ■ ■ � � � VICTORIA R. DETERMAN ^ �'�� NOTARYPUBLIC-MINNESOTA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES f 31�2W5 �otary ubGc. �if'�G OFA.11�UteSa-Fa-, G6x.kt-Y p (2q,�v�gt� ■ . . bfy wmmission axp¢zs �-3 �' 6 5 ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hali, St. Paui, MN 55102 ** O5/16/00 TUE 10:41 FAX 330 6590 NSP DEL SYS CONST _____ .�j003 CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE Q D'� b � THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND IviEIvlgEgS OF THE COiINCII. OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAIJL Vacation File # 6-2000 - The undersigned. hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey Counry, Minnesota, described as follows: Barclay Street, from Reaney Avenue to Bush Avenue; also, All of the alley in $lock 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, Cruickshank's - -. .-. . - C3aaden-I.ets; a�se _- __ .-- - All of the alley south of the south line of Bush Avenue of Lot 5, Biock 4, Cruickshank's Garden Lots. except as here noted: Northern States Power Co. 414 Nicollet Mall - 7th FI. � -.�. .� � ,�. • � ar. _.�- l• • ; ' Si ature � The faegoing insRUment was ackaowledged hofore me thic ��� day by undec thelaws of tha State of /�'1 i/! 4 t S O� � �"'�'�- LORRPSNE D ABLAN �%�� µ¢' NOTARYPUBUC-MINNESOTq WASHIN�TONCbl1NTY +�•,.k ;{�CmudaYaiP.¢L�oJn.J1�1006 V ) � �` �"r NotaryPuhLc, My cammission expues -" * Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 551U2 ** CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF TI� COUNCII. OF THE CITX OF SAINT PAUL NSP - Gas Distribution 825 Rice Sueet Saint Paul MN 55117 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realry described below: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey Counry, Minnesota, described as follows: Barclay Street, from Reaney Avenue to Bush Avenue; also, All of the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Biock 4, Cruickshank's Gazden Lots; also, All of the alley south of the south line of Bush Avenue of Lot 5, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden L.ots. except as here noted: OK.�- � pd ,qoq In the Matter of Vacation File # 6-2000 REC���� M qY 1 R �� EsrA; . ts Se�; r G , n Signature Thz foregoing iastcumzn[ was acknowledgzd before me this p� day of /'� , 2000, by �C+.:a,� �. �C+,�P .the 5 ° IsG.S I ,.f ..� s!� , �� t U.�," �J.� undzr tha laws of [ha State of / r///J/-� �.SdjA • LYNNE K. SAXTON � NOTAHYPUBUC—MINNESOTA � - 1AY Certm Dmtns Jen. st. zoos . • My com�nission eayicas ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102'` dI� •i • oo�a°� This ma0�doeumant ie a tool to assiet employees in ihc performence o� Nev jobe. Vour persa nal safety ic provideA br by ueinp cafety pmcticec, procetlures and ea mpment ec described in cefety trainin0 Progreme, manuale entl SPAPe. Northern States Power Vaeation File#6-2000 Barclay Street �ate: 05/08/00 By: WHRD01 Scale: 1:2400 linch = 200ft r � ��. � MCI WORLDCOM May 16, 2000 Ms. Louise Langberg City of Saint Paul Dept. of Tech. & Mgmt. Svcs. 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 REF: Vacation File #6-2000 MCIW REF: 4260-2000 Dear Ms. Langberg: Naiional Support / Investigazions Dept 2855 Loc 642 2250 Lakeside Blvd. Richardson,l'X 75082 MCIWarIdCom has been notified by your office regarding the above referenced project. For your records, in reviewing the azea in question, it has been determined that MCIWorldCom does not have facilities within your project area. However, it will still be necessary for you to contact the local One Call System at least 48 hours prior to any construction. You should address correspondence concerning any £uture projects to the attention of National SupporUlnvestigations at the above address. If you need further assistance with this project, please do not hesitate John Bachelder at 972-656-5038. Sincerely, ` I Jennifer Kunstmann Administrative Assistant CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE AONORABLE MAYOR AI3D MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CI'TY OF SAINT PAUL l�o In the Matter of Vacation File # 6-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 29 North, Ran;e 22 W est, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Barclay 5treet, from Reaney Avenue to Bush Avenue•, also, All of the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, Cruickshank's Gazder Lots; also, All of the alley south of the south line of Bush Avenue of Lot 5, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden I.ots. except as here noted: DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC., AND DISTRICT COOLING ST. PAUL, INC., HAVE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TQ BE VACATED AND HAVE NO OB�ECTION TQ THE VACATION. District Energy St Paul Inc 76 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul MN 55102 ItS �t^es� d.-,.�.�-' � 1�� (,��v,�� . � ---, Signature ��/ ( The forzgoing instrument was acknowledged bzfore me [his � M day of J �-Y..��- . 2000, 6Y f""4 i1 �S �l � a� a_.fC.w the � Pe S d-e-..JI of �U � S"R i�t r"._vtsr� u S�-. Pa.c�Q �t+e .. a d r_T� -ri r,., - D ro �i l' Go r-Oo r� ay— undzi tha laws of thz S[atz of t.,� ��� , �� TRUDY L. SHERWOOD �' NOTF32YPUBtlC-MINNESOTA MY CAMMISSION ��� EXPtRES JAN.31. 2005 �' �.�..�sZ, � ��z� Notacy Public, My commission e<pires _�� � O O s . � ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 *'' CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS 11� ��` OF THE COUNCIL OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAUL Vacation File # 6-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utiliry ri�hts in the realty described below: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 24 Norrh, Range 22 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Barclay Street, from Reaney Avenue to Bush Avenue; also, All of the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden L.ots; also, All of the alley south of the south line of Bush Avenue of Lot 5, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden L,ots. except as here noted: �, �(�(�� }�c�s N� ��� ec�i ot� ��,S JGC.Te , MediaOne 934 Woodhill Drive Roseville MI3 55113 Its CC� Dc c? �_c�c.�CX by t91 �wn��soNr l (2� sE� f 4t�e fore¢oinq insm�ment waz Sig ature � before me this � day oF 2000, undez the laws of the State of "'— �ufw a oRT�z NoT,uzv Quauc • �+�nNESOTa /"--�\ � <IOtd 31 s.� �IRESA�MIS•� _ ....�-. � Notazy Puhlic, `�( • ,� ,.� ^°'_' . . s - My commission expues ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE Db�9�� 'IT•iE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUI�'CIL OF THE In the Matter of CITI' OF SAINT PAUL Vacation File n 6-2b0 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise iu utility rights in the realty described below: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quazter of Section 27, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Barclay Street, from Reaney Avenue to Bush Avenue; also, All of the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden L,ots. except as here noted: Public Works 800 City Hail Annex Its U�2ECro� � Tha focegoing inst[ument waz ae}aowlzdged befo2 ma this /c�j 7� day of �!/� U5T . 2000, b T ��GU/1�J .mz Z�/�E�To2 of cST �LIUL �U�G/� I�O/'�KS.a �vIU/✓/�/f�/�L ��/t��4/P/`�T/G/fI unda tha laws of thz Statz of BARBARA J. KOLSTAD � r � � �r Notery PUMiC \otary Public, MinneeCffi ►y Cammasion FxpNes Jn 31.70U5 My commission expues .fl/�'� JA L1/1 C� 0�0 d�_ ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** CERTIFICATE OF IN7ENDED NON-USE Do-4a� TF�� HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE In the Matter of CTI'Y OF SAINT PAiJL Vacauon File # 6-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility righis in the realry described below: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Bazclay Street, from Reaney Avenue to Bush Avenue; also, All of the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden Lots; also, Ali of the alley south of the south line of Bush Avenue of Lot 5, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden Lots. 13 ��E/� except as here noted: Mq j' 1 � FA` FSrA '�oi�� o 0 X�x�Saint Paul Regional Water Service 400 �CommerceBuilding Bernie R. Bullert ItS General Manager � �.C.t..��e�c.! �, �cc�C�/� Signature The foragoing instcument was acknowledged before mz this 9 tt7 day of May , 2000, b Bernie R. Bullert ,ihe General Manager the �fSaint Paui Water Service.,a municipal corporation of the City of Saint Paul, undzrthzlawsoftheStataof M1.RneSOt3. � •ts'uvr s�b �a' � � �n�'-,`aAa: r s3�aor �+ xa�a � My comr�ussion expires 3/.�vo�� '** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** i a�rE. (sr. ) a� � ^' � • • � ' 4/' 42.26 I � I ti � ; a � � s a 3 z i�i � i � ' I � I ' i n /3 /¢ /S /6 /7 /B !9 Zo :� I i ar a2.sY t3 �S�N i AvE• �,Sr. � „ _ , . . .. 4i• az6s' 1 I �� 8 7 G 5 �t 3 2 I:4 I i /3 � /4 � /5 ( /6 /7 I /B � /9 20 � S � I �'' ' � { { " � ^ { 4 4/' � 42.90'� S&ZS�r ��,��� �������������13248 J. 1' `l� W � � 4/86 • • • 4/.3G 4/.37 , /!O a �i �r � 6 a A O � b ; B D 4 6 yQ � Q $ 3 a � � p - -- I �d � /s � �G � �7 � �a � �9 � zo � z� � zz f-�VC � � � � � � � ii i � � I 3 a � I I i e� � � � � a � '� -N- i !s�! 97 I � ! I 2 � `I 2 I � � I aa. a � ; 3 v .. s — � 3 `�`� 4 I � _8aa� h l /00 /oo /2D 40 -- ^ 40 /.77L 8 � 7 6 5 4 ,� ioa.o� 9 Jto 60 ^ 40 8034 ����.��� �_����_�_���`� (�ST. ° � � iio .�azs oo � i�os.,�7 M s N � � 4 l}� Q 6 � 41 3 , ,qh�. a �O � a '� � -- ,io .aD3s 4 ° -- �'' — ---- ` (o � 7 ^ B 9 � /O ., � G' � Q � � � !� � 00-909 # of Pages 1 D D-90 " ro: I.ouise A. Langberg � Commander Traff & Accid Unit Reply to Vacation Inquiry City of SG Paul Saint Paul Police Dept File #6-2000 - Barclay Street Real Estate Division 100 East Eleventh Stre� Phone# (651)266-8861 �one# F�a (651)266-8855 F�" We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We will approve this vacauon, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ \� (� �zZ�i.D�,Q ��f7-��' � � �.�'�; �--� �� ��� �-� ���. , � � s =» ��—_ Date 06/25/1994 18:44 6512286241 FIRE PREVENTION Ta Louise A. Fangbetg Cfty of St Paul Reply to Vacation Inquiry RealEStateDivISioa File #6-2000 - Barclay Street �,,,�„ 651 266-8861 Fun (651)266-8855 A PAGE 02 � � Dept of FIre & Safeiy 200 East Eteventh Str� � We have no objeccions to [his vacarion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We arill approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For che following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Signed . �/��/� Date JUN 09�37 FRDM CITY OF ST PRUL LIEP TO Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #6-200� - Barclay Street Tw 68855 v or n�es P.001i063 —I Louise A. Langbecg Fmm: Y.'dT 2871 Ciry of Sc Paul LIEPBIdg InspecHon ReatEstaceDivision 310LowryProfessional Phone W Fax # We have no objecuons to this vacarion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We will approve this vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,� For che Y"ollowing reasons, wc cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � b W IJ� 1' � o �¢ C�t� Y t$� � �c+...� a-Ei24... M aY .,� �l,w! d �StJ i`� r AC.� I�r�S 1 Gd�'� S< d/'Qrc� �,a Q �a-�. c( s �e�s � P �- �,.� �', .,,,� � Sd' ( 5 ' .� Ge� S� r� c� �r�. � tsvm s tv � �� �� b-t" �'� •�r�y ������ � ra +�.s � � � � d t dlt ��.+c�,��, P b� � c�r,cscc��rc� , �- � ,(�� c!a la� �. 6�� (d.�� P���.rt-- t rl 4s Preca.5S�n � ��s��� / 4� Aate To: Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #6-2000 - Barclay Street P ,, o „ e � Fax # I.ouise A. Iangberg Real Estate Division f651}256-8861 #ofPagu 1 D�� from: Carole Williams Library Administration 90 West Fourth Street Fax # We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�, We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the foilowin; reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q <' � "I � n p ,( )�, �3�U�� �_"�._ Signed �� _ �X�y, � ��. �� j � sj�/� Date MAY-08-2000 10�39 STP PRRKS & RECRERTION 1'n. Louise A. Langbug Ci1q of S� Paul ReplytaVacationtnquiry RealEstateDivision Ft10 #6 -2000 - Barclay Street p,,,�� (651)266-8861 612 292 7405 P.01ia1 ,�.��sa � O F�� John Wirka pD'� � Pazks & Recrea6on 300 Qtv Hall Annex We have no objecrions to this vacaaon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � Szgned 5- F� Date TOTRL P.01 .. ... Louise Langberg Re Barclay Street Vacation __, ,.. . ._ . , , .._. ,.. Page - 1 vo'q From: Sheri Pemberton To: Langberg, Louise Date: Thu, Aug 17, 2000 6:10PM Subject: Re: Barclay Street Vacation Louise Thanks, for staying on top of this. Have been tied up with several other issues. 7hought that just inforrning you of ihe change in PED's position you could move torward witfi the vacation. Please take this memo as PED's official notice that we have no objections to the Barclay Street Vacation ident'rfied in File No. 6-2000. I have talked with Ronald Thorson and informed him that PED no longer has any objections to moving forvvard with this development. The proposed development to the north is not planning to use or create any type of access off of Sarclay. I will fax over a copy of the Reply to Vacation Inquiry that was attached to your fax sometime on Friday. Please let me know rf you need a formal letter to attach to your vacation petition or'rf this will suffice as a change to the originai letter sent. Thanks. Sheri »> Louise Langberg 08/17/00 10:14AM »> Good morning! I would appreciate it if you could let me know when you might be able to get a revised response sent to me regarding the Barclay Street Vacation Project, our File No. 6-2000. If it might help, here's a short review of my last four e-mails to you: July 18 - Wrote that Allan let me know that Mr. Thorson's vacation is okay with PED after all, and he said you were going to put together a revised response to our original vacation inquiry. I offered to fax a new copy of the response form. .luly 19 - After receiving your e-mail requesting the fax and saying you would put together a new response from PED, I fa�ced the form and sent message saying fax was sent. July 31 - Sent you an e-mail to let you know I had fviced you a map from Ramsey County that might clear up any lasting concerns about the westerly 44 feet ofi the area to be vacated. Offered to be available for questions. August 9- Sent a reminder notice in case the Barclay Street Vacation response got mislaid in the shuffle. If there is anything I can get you that might help, let me know. This is the last response we need before we can proceed with the project. Thank you! CC: Torstenson, Allan MAY-17-2000 14�58 City of Saint Paul ro: Reply to Vacation lnyuiry File #6-2000 - Barclay Street Louise A. Langberg 651 266 8574 P.al/01 q r�am: �D'� � I Councilmember Kathy Lantry Room 320C Ciry FIall � Faz� (6�!)L66-iS2SJJ � `."" � • .�.' :: � q"�����1y I.,aJ...'. , � `� -� We have no objec�iag�.€o this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n;I`•.� rf',' We will approve this,�iacatioa, subject to the followin; condivons : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ri.� �' � " For the folIpwing 7easons, we cannot approve this vacaaon : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ S}gned 5- 9-�v Date T�TAL P.01 oo- qog Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL To: Nancy Anderson Council Research Room 310 City Hall From: Louise A. Langberg Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Date: August 27, 2000 'l� � = � _� -� _ - - �u�'� -- 'Vacah �°#�6 2�i� Vac�"��-a��arcla� Str-e om�eane� �o .�,__ __.._.� p _ - — � � . �z--- ,_ �-- Btts � - "� _. er� o�icl=�hnxson_ _ � _ � � _ =�-:== ____ = - � � ~�== I am requesting a date of September 27, 2000 for a Public Hearing to approve the attached Council Resolution. The purpose of the resolution is to vacate Barclay Street from Reaney to Bush Avenues and to vacate the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision, as shown on the attached map. If approved, the petitioner would like to construct a garage on part of the vacated area. The usual utilities and City offices with rights to the area being vacated have all responded to our inquiries regarding the proposed vacation. Their responses are with the resolution as it is being routed for signatures. The resolution will soon be up in the City Attorney's office. I have attached photocopies of the Green Sheet, the Council Resolution, the petition, and a map of the azea to be vacated. Please let me know if there is anything else you might need for this. Thank you? RECEIVEd (62000na) ��V 2 Q 2QOo CiT� �tERK ao - go, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the petition of Ronald and Carrie Thorson, for the vacation of that part of Barclay Street from Reaney to Bush Avenues and the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision as more fully described on file and on record in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, Minnesota, will be heard and considered by the Saint Pau1 City Council at a meeting to be held in the Council Chambers on the 3rd floor of City Hall and Court House on the 27th day of September, 2000 at 5:30 P.M. Dated August 31, 2000 Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk (September 7, 2000) C �,r�^n; ,'"ez aa�,r�s� +�nnc.,e t a..�E � � .�:.,.. i,�• -+,- ��� � � ���� vo -109 .M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: August 27, 2000 reen Sheet Number: 104711 ontact Person and Phone Nnmber: 2 EPAR'1'MENP DIItECi'OR 4 CTfY COi7NCII. Louise A Langberg 266-8850 1 ATT �E� UDGET DIItEC70R FfICE OF FINANCIAL SVCS. ust be on Counci� agenaa by: SeP� C, 2000 for 3 YOR (OR ASSISTANT) Fsrax� nrv�s�oY blic Hearin on Se tember 27, 2000 OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1�cL� ni,L Locnnoxs Fox sicxa�> �.CTION REQUESTED: Set Public Hearing date of September 27, 2000 to discuss the petition of Ronald Thorson to vacate Barclay Street between Reaney and Bush Avenues and part of the adjoining alley as shown on the attached map. File #6-2000 CONIIvIENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RE7ECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS NRJST ANSWER Tf� FOLLOWAVG: . Has the person/6rm ever worked under a con[ract for this department? YES NO PLM'YC1G CO�I�ILSSION A STAFF . Has this person/Firm ever been a City employee? YES NO CNIL SERVICE COMb1LSS10Y . Does tl�is person/5rm possess a skill not normally possessed by any YES NO current City employee? CIB COYIMITTEE -- E lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL BJECTIVE? OUNCIL �VARD(S) 7 DISTRICT PLANIVING COUNCII, 2 ITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORI'(JHITY (Whq What, When, Where, Why?): A petition has been filed by Ronald Thorson of 1493 Reaney Avenue to vacate Barclay Street and all of an alley near his property as shown on the attached map. Petitioner would like to put up a garage on part of the vacated area. There are no objections to this vacation from the public utilities and City De artments contacted. DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Property would become part of the adjoining properties. Petitioner could build the garage he wants, and City woutd have no responsibility for maintaining these areas. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None at this time. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Petitioner could not build his garage as planned. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $SOO.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO tvnirre souxc�: Fee to be paid by Petitioner. AcTrviTY x�m�Ex: INANCIAL PIFORNIATION: (EXPLAIl� Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall QRlGINAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of Ronald Thorson, as documented in Finance Department 2 File Number 6-2000, public properties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and discontinued as 3 public property; and, subject to the herein stated exceptions, the easements within those public properties 4 are hereby released. 6 The property to be vacated is described as follows: 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Barclay Street, from Reaney Avenue to Bush Avenue; also, All of the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden Lots. 16 This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of the 17 Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, and to the following condiuons: 18 19 i. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns, sha11 pay $500.00 as an administrative fee for 20 this vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution. 21 22 2. That, with the accompanying Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-i7se, filed 23 voluntarily on behalf of Northern States Power Company, Qwest, District Energy St. Paul, 24 Incorporated, MCI Metro Incorporated, MediaOtte, The Water Utility, and The Department of 25 Public Works, made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of 26 Saint Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of these corporations and departments, waives the 27 right to the utility easements in the vacated area described above. 28 29 3. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 4. 38 All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: That the petitioners, their successors and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions ar claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or property on account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including but not limited to, a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petiuoners or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees. That the peuuoners, their successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effecuve date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � council N�le # �o — 901 Green Sheet # 104711 ORI�I�AL o�-,o� and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, compiy in all respects with these terms and conditions. Requested by Department of: � � � Technoloev & Mana�ement Services By: Director Form Ap ved by City Attorney � By: �G✓��� ��� av Adopted by Council: Date ��� � a��, �-, Adoption Certified by Council Secretary o� -101 � .M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: August 27, 2000 reen S t Number: 104711 ontact Pecson and Phone Number: 2 EPARTd�L1T D CI' 4 Cl'PY COONCII. Louise A Langberg 266-8850 1''` G•�a.Pd "" �'"� UDGET DIItECI'OR FFICE OF FAIANCIAL SVCS. �ne oa ca�� a n Sept 6, 2000 for Yox coxassisra� Esraa�nn�oN blic Hearin on Se tember 27, 2000 3 OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA'CURE) CTION REQUF.STED: Set Public Hearing date of September 27, 2000 to discuss the petition of Ronald Thorson to vacate Barclay Street between Reaney and Bush Avenues and part of the adjoining alley as shown on the attached map. File #6-2000 COMD�NDATIONS:APPROVE(A)ORREJECT(R) ERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSM[JSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWING: . Eias the person/firm ever worked mder a contract for tLis deparhnent? YES NO PLANNA`G COMMISSION A STAFF . Has this persodtirm ever been a City employee? YES NO CIVll. SERVIC6 COMMISSION . Does this persodCum possess a sldll not normally possessed by any YES NO current CiTy employee? Cffi COMMITTE@ Ex lain all YES aaswers on a se arate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCII. � BJECTIVE? OUNCII, WARD(S) 7 DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII. 2 1'ING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI'1'Y (WLO, WLat, When, Where, Why?): A petition has been filed by Ronald Thorson of 1493 Reaney Avenue to vacate Barclay Street and all of an alley near his property as shown on the attached map. Petitioner would like to put up a garage on part of the vacated area. There are no objections to this vacation from the public utilities and Cit De artments contacted. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Property would become part of the adjoining properties. Petitioner could build fhe garage he wants, and City would have no responsibility for maintaining these areas. ISADVANTAGES TF APPROVED: None at this time. �� C p 51`���� �S G ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: SES fO R6S@BPvh CB�t°f Petitioner could not build his garage as planned. r OTAL AMOUNT OF 1'RANSACTION: �$OO.00 WST/AEVENUE BUDGETED (CIILCLE ONE) YES NO uvc sovxcE: Fee to be paid by Petitioner. A�Tnn��� i INANCIAL INFORMATION: (C'XPLAIN) ` - • -,�•,. ,, .v«.�p. , *+w�.,_.... _ _.,_. , _ AUG 31 2.Q�0 \3 9i "i"T t" i i'l � i S'- F ✓ Do-4o1 Interdepartmentai Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL To: Nancy Anderson Council Research Room 310 City Hall From: Louise Langberg � Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Date: �ub,�eet. : Good morning! September 14, 2000 �^,r.^` :'�, �_.,..° ��_'._�, ��� � � �`�C� B�'clay Street Vaeatic�n� �reen �heet #1U4fi11 The Council Resolution far the Barclay Street vacation is circulafing for signatures, and according to the tracker system it is up at the Mayor's Office. The petitioner for the vacaUon has gotten Qwest(F.K.A. US West) to drop their request to retain an easement over the vacated area. I have attached a new first page for the resolution that reflects that change, and a copy of the updated response from Qwest. When Green Sheet #104711 arrives at your desk, could you put these new pages in to replace the old ones? Thank you for your help, and please feel free to call me at x68861 if you should have any questions on this matter! (62000na2) CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL o�-Go�( In the Matter of Vacation File # 6-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realry described below: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Bazclay Street, from Reaney Avenue to Bush Avenue; also, All of the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden Lots; also, All of the alley south of the south line of Bush Avenue of Lot 5, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden I.ots. except as here noted: s��#e o� �.c�+�nas�E�• � � ����� � US West Communications 500 North Carlton Maplewood, Minnesota 55119 Its � �YtQfJ'��✓�' M1��fX' — �C�;�.� ��-- Signature The foregoing instmmen[ wu acknowlzdgzd bzfore me this 3 ` day of TiVi53�U-�� . 2000, by T�.l� �.., • `l..'(. �-CJIGP � the �il/L �iVl4.P� ��/ ^'�'�^-�� of ���5'f .a ( �-FJ��""__'_ unde[ the laws of the State of C 0�,QI (AS�,O ■ � � VICTORIA R. DETERMAN � NOTARY PUBLIGMINNESOTA Notary Public, : i�' MY COMMi5S10N E%PIflES 73t-2005 '� 3 r- o S � e My comm�ssion exp'¢zs ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Council File # � b � � � Green Sheet # 104711 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA sy Committee: Date 1 BE IT RESpLVED, that, upon the petition of Ronald Thorson, as documented in Finance Department 2 File Number 6=2000, public properties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and discontinued as 3 public property; and, subject to the herein stated exceptions, the easements within those public pr ertie 4 are hereby released.�� 5 6 The property to be vacated is described as follows: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 All that part of the Sout east Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Secti 27, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, R sey County, Minnesota, described as fo ws: Barclay Street, from R�aney Avenue to Bush Avenue; so, e � All of the alley in Block 3�, FIoman's Subdivisio of I.ot 4, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden Lots. � This vacation shall be subject to the terms and oonditio of Chapter 130, codified March l, 1981, of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code as amended, and to the f lowing conditions: 19 1. 20 21 22 2. 23 24 25 3. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 4. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 5. 41 That the petitioners, their successors an ssigns, shall pay $500.00 as an administrative fee for this vacation which is due and payabl ithin 60 days of the effective date of this resolution. � That a permanent utility easemen hall be retained�thin the vacated area to protect the interest of U.S. West Communication, c. \ � That, with the accompanyi g Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf of orthern States Power Company, Dis�rict Energy St. Paul, Incorporated, MCI Metro Incorpora d, MediaOne, The Water Utility, and Tke Department of Public Works, made a part hereof b this reference and filed in the office of the Gity Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, far itself and ° n behalf of these corporauons and departments�vaives the right to the utility easements in the�Lacated area described above. \ f r That the petitfoners, their successors and assigns agree to indemnify, defenc�and save harmless the City of �aint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any chazacter brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, pe sons or property on account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including�t not limited to, a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees. � That the petitioners, their successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of tliis. resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution Q �-�o9 PETITION TO VACATE CITY INTEREST 1(we), [he under.ugncd, eonsGlu4ng a m+jority of the uwners (or their IeYa11y d<agnuted representatires) uf the abutling prvpertics, du Aereby petitiun the Countii oCthe City oCSaint Paui to vacate i�s internts in the pruperiy(iw) legally dcscribed as [ollows: �!//�I-zst' l� 13 R2 z�/t`i S(. � oa rE� � �/o JL-'7rf O�= 2�H-i✓� Y lfi � E. ;9'✓� �/'t� f� yc✓a-Y �s i o F t3RP�CcJt`��oR- U�C GoT 3,3L,�c 3 �} .�-� SLtizH v � zo �s /��� -i i3u� 3/�ti� A�c%Y t,�.9-Y [.�,� �.¢��,a �✓� !�'/-��J S J t.�T/-y � ��S IN /� G K G D C�' (L�4 N c�F'{ Y�S V I[�I S/ J/�� I(we) rryuect lhis rrcation fur �he tulluwin¢ reucon(sl � 4� ��...� � Lr /<r' v�w c cc� A GA 2/� G� o.,/ �H� S G.�4 /� /n � ��'� � 7it� �Z�ST yffTc�/LA� I(we) hvve altxhed six cupies oC the site pl:uu uf any develupment intended fur cunAnc6on un �he lands tu he vacaled. Contact Person Person(s) responsible for payment of vacation fee and for acceptance of the terms and conditions of the vacation: �amo: :�u.JPrt9 ��•��./a2Sor� 7'Lune: � 1 � � / � �-1 �-i � n.ldr<�s: IZEAN. (�J� — S_ �!l_ ���v� r� J�/ O L Alt<rnate Comact Person Nan�a: C/�CLCLII� L• �Ho/LSUnJ Phune: LJ �- "7 7/' 6 l/ � A��cess: J C l � � Ek N�Y l�� � .S'. PR���- rnN. �S'I o6 -� ! Name: I�on11}L.O `� IJT+e-R(� (�I��S.�N Phone: j I — 7 7 (� t/ 4 7 AJ�rexs: � 4�7 j '�2�' �/i. Y�� _ .5t PA rn�%. .�,s". 06 Natne: � / �� �� Signatures of Owner(s)/Representative(s) of Property(ies) Below: � Q ,�G�i��,G��.�. .,� 1�—�w ``1 `� 5 �J � �� �� -I-arZ �l� a� bL�, tia..cSo-�t�. _ f�. Mnw�tS� �,So,.s .�`- � O I c7 Csx� c.c� r Q� � S��UER G�ov� E}�,.'�, M1�lNN. SSo7( NoMANS SCigO�V�Sia^f �F l��� y 8i�c�� oF �Ru.tGi�s:f.. 6IT�n� c..�zS (.,0-7 � 3tic 3 1`Mon..nri S'�3o� ✓�s,or� o � c.a7 Y R/-oG< � o�- CR w 1uc SH�F.�« S Gy'HtPFN i�vTS LoT. 2 21.�c 3 E�£FR ,✓GK `�S /�tv'i Si��✓ U s a uC Lo t 3 BUc ; h'o m�rk,✓f' S' �s o e to7 Y r c/c y 6'�C2�+„l�C�c SiiA,✓�Gf GRQ.P�.✓ C-oTSA-�/O i.� S n pr�F2�NGHY1 I1l4 �'J7C S� F��` G,9 (,cIN h�y w �7 0� LoT� �/� �j �Gl< s �_ez�i-- �4-'Ccs �ws� ��( � a...� .�,� „� V; 5; cr -, Lcr �',� 5 ' I : .�' �`�� etie��k �}-pFrl 5 � P��. i{ G"t��cksku-Jc � arcQ9,. LZ�_ =�. �-� `� s�,-,���� � a i . ;ti �� � � F �� �v�2r �i' Yl�, rvtQ b D�5-�— , c..-r�. �� —�'�11� ' n��� I, / I DNPrLO �N am the pzti[ioner, or one of the pzti[ionzrs in the above mattzr; and I do hzrzby swear and verify that each of thz s�enatures on this pztition w signad in my presence by the person dzscribed in thz pztition. Q��� (fe(i4onzr) Subscribzd and swom to beforz ma this � � �ay of ��_ ��99�!" "' ISI (Yo azY) ■ r BARRY J. KINNEBEpG ,'�� MYWMI�q$$pq R18LIC1/f/80Q 2 O � (<alod'-IO>vg) � /� �p,Roq � tSON� 1 1 vN' / r7 C�2So RADIUS REPORT AS TO: (Legal Description) Abstract Property: The West 50 feet of Lot 3, Biock 3, Homans Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, Cruickshunk's Garden Lots. Lot 3, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden Lots, except part thereof lying South of the North Boundary line of Lot 3, Block 3, of Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, of Cruickshank's Garden Lots produced to its intersection with the East line of said Lot 3, Block 4 Cruickshank's Garden Lots, including any portion of any street or ally adjacent thereto, vacated or to be vacated. That part of Lot 3, Block 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, of Cruickshank's Garden Lots and of that part of Lot 3, Block 4, of Cruickshank's Garden Lots lying South of an Easterly projection of the alley in said Block 3, Homens Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, of Cruickshank's Garden Lots, which lies between two lines running parallel with and distant respectively 50 feet and 100 feet east of the East line of Barclay Street, according to the plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota Registerd Property: Those parts of Lots 8 and 9, Biock 5 in DaFranchy's Division, lying Westerly of a line 50 feet East of and parallel to Barciay Street. That part of Barclay Street adjoining Lots 8 and 9, Block 5, DeFranchy's Division, that lies East of a line 1 50 feet West of and parallel with the West line of said Lots 8 and 9 between the Westerly extension across said street of the South line of said Lot 9 and a line 51.20 feet North of and parallel with said South line and its extension. Parcel 1: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 17, 18, 19 and 20, Block 4; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 6; � all in Defranchy's Division. p p ,��q Parcel 2: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, Block 1; Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 2; Lots 1 and 2, Block 3; all in Homans Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, of Cruickshank's Garden Lots. Lots numbered eight (8) and (9) in Block five (5) in DeFrenchy's Division, lying South of an Easterly projection of the alley in �aid Block three (3), Homans Subdivision of Lot 4, block 4 of Cruickshank's Garden Lots which lies between two lines running parallel with and distant respectively 50 feet and 100 feet East of the East line of Barclay Street. Lots seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nineteen (19) twenty (20) and twenty-one (21) in Block six (6) of Defrenchy's Division. Property Address: 1493 Reaney Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55106 x Bush Avenue, St. Pauf, MN 55106 1508 7 Street East, St. Paul, MN 55106 1497 Reaney Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55106 1481 Reaney Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55106 BURNET TITLE hereby certifies that the foilowing is a complete list of all owners of all parcels of land lying within any portion of the above legal description, all as shown by the records in the office of the Register of Deeds and/or the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Ramsey County. Ronaid H. Thorson A. Kamish & Sons, Inc. Clara R. Och Nao Yeng Xiong Soua Vang State of Minnesota Dated this 28` day of March, 2000 at 8:00 AM This search is based on the legal description shown herein. /�� .� Burnet Titie assumes no liability whatsoever for any losses or damages incurred as a result of this search. BURNET T1TLE BY: 11h� �.r-�. (Authorized Signatory) ID-27-29-22-34-0007-0 ** OWNER ** CLARA R OCH 1144 MAHTOMEDI AVE MAHTAMEDI MN 551151538 ** TAXPAYER ** DAVID L OCH 9515 83RD ST N STILLWATER MN 550828354 *x HSTDR/PROP ADDRESS F* 1568 7TH ST E ST. PAUL MN 551064113 TRANS..07/24/74 INSTR..05/14/74 ** DESCRIPTION ** PLAT.00376 CRUICKSHANK'S GARDEN LOTS EX ST PART N OF EXTENDED N L OF LOT 3 BLK 3 HOMANS SUBD OF LOT 4 BLK 4 OF CRUICKSHANKS GARDEN LOTS OF LOT 3 BLK 4 QPI COMMENTS-NO MKT VALU 1999 L 29.100 B T 29,100 2000 L 30.000 B T 30,000 2000 TAX PAYABLE ORIG 1.520.82 AD3 .60 PAID 760.41 BAL 760.41 ASSMTS PRINC 0032 105.00 0080 134.00 0267 268.28 0560 40.00 TOTL 547.28 05/17/2000 2:30 PM TAX CAP DIST 02 481 SD 625 NHM USE A WTR MFC 495 TI NHM SWR1 SWR2 LC DLQ 1998 CJ YB 0000 LOT I & INTEREST W 100 .00 D 665 .00 SQ FT 247.62 66506 5.76 SQ FT 253.38 GROUND TYPE VAC � p�� D�1 , ID-27-29-22-34-0032-6 ** OWNER ** NAO YENG XIONG SOUA VANG 1497 REANEY AVE ST PAUL MN 551064127 x* HSTDR/PROP ADDRESS ** NAO Y XIONG SOUA VANG 1497 REANEY AVE ST. PAUL MN 551064127 TRANS..12/08/98 INSTR..11/02/98 ** DESCRIPTION *x PlAT.00390 DEFRANCHYS DIVISION PART S OF EXTENDED S L OF ALLEY IN BLK 3 HOMANS SUBD OF LOT 4 BLK 4 OF CRUICKSHANKS GARDEN LOTS AND BET 2 LINES 50 FT AND 100 FT E OF AND PAR WITH E LOT 9 BLK 5 ***** SEE QP 12 ***** QPI COMMEN7S-NO 05/17/2000 2:30 PM MKT VALU TAX CAP DIST 02 1999 L 12,500 757 SD 625 B 63,200 H USE A T 75.700 WTR MFC 2000 L 12,500 861 TI B 69,600 H SWRi (TMV)T 82,100 SWR2 2000 TAX PAYABLE LC ORIG 1,010.50 DL4 ADJ .00 CJ PAID 505.25 YB 1947 BAL 505.25 LOT R ASSMTS PRINC & INTEREST W 50 0080 52.00 .00 D 128 0097 40.90 00 SQ FT 9996 22.00 .00 6400 TOTL 114.90 .00 SQ FT GROUND 885 TYPE 1 FAM � p .aa`� � ID-27-29-22-34-0089-2 ** OWNER ** A KAMISH & SONS INC 6010 CONCORD BLVD E INVER GROVE HGTS MN 550761806 ** HSTDR1PRaP ADDRESS ** BUSH AVE ST. PAUL MN 55106 TR,4NS..03/20/79 INSTR..03/05/79 *� DESCRIPTION ** PLAT.00390 DEFRANCHYS DIVISION LOT 1 BLK 6 QPI COMMENTS-NO 05/17/2000 2:31 PM MKT VALU TAX CAP DIST 02 1999 L 5.200 86 SD 625 B NHM USE A T 5.200 WTR MFC 2000 L 5,200 86 TI B NHM S�ARl T 5,200 SWR2 2000 TAX PAYABLE LC ORIG 189.72 DLQ ADJ .00 CJ PAID 00 YB 0000 BAL 189.72 LOT R ASSMTS PRINC & INTEREST W 43 0080 11.00 .00 D 127 0207 40.00 9.96 SQ FT TOTL 51.00 9.96 5461 SQ FT GROUND TYPE V/:L �p.qb� ID-27-29-22-34-0102-4 ** OWNER ** STATE OF MN 7RUST EXEMPT 50 KELLOGG BLVD W SUITE 620B ST PAUL MN 551021557 ** TAXPAYER *x KOE YANG 710 7TH ST E ST PAUL MN 551065003 ** HSTDR/PROP ADDRESS ** 1481 REANEY AVE ST. PAUL MN 551064125 TRANS..09/08/98 INSTR..O8/17/98 ** DESCRIPTION ** PLAT.00390 DEFRANCHYS DIVISION LOT 20 BLK 6 QPI COMMENTS-NO 05/17/2000 2:31 PM MKT VALU TAX CAP DIST 02 1999 L SD 625 B TX USE J T WTR MFC 2000 L 1,100 TI B TX SWR1 T 1,100 SWR2 2000 TAX PAYABLE LC ORIG 00 DLQ ADJ .00 CJ PAID .00 YB 0000 BAL 00 LOT R ASSMTS PRINC & INTEREST W 43 D 127 SQ FT 5461 SQ FT GROUND TYPE VAC o �.qoq i o BtRM�r�CYHAM ; 5 oo -qo� I I 0 � � � � � _ i W � y --$— W N _ � �o � „ �; .:z � eo � — N � � — a � 1 � � � ` r � J w , ' � � - � � w ----- � � -- ---- °------W -- r ----- - � � \�� P N — ' � � ;-•. _� � _ — �j N � O � � � D ° � � �' ' S � °' � U Z -� A � A � � � W 0� � N W '� ,'F N : : �p Y' _ � a h _ � � tv N � ;, � O � � sAR�L qy �, sT. ; � � , � � �— — , , � � c i W � — i r .... ' �' r � �rm� �� �'�'����� ' ���������� �._._._._e . .z� s , ^ 3S 3ST➢ ' S6� �37 �1J o ' m >b NH �lANws �., .� w - ' ° � � a ° — � ° S B• ,�;� o rc. sa i:> --- - - i43 ' ' "' D c� ' _ : � � o a � � � � Z � `° � •, o � � f�so� ° . o np � - w — �' ' - — D � i o` rn� : -- � � � . N � i �;'=� — � O i � -` : V�o �� ''`� A � �� � � � � � T—^_ � o N —� C f�I \ �' '' 1 m O � m . � -�- �, �rt � �__ T." m ,� , , ; � � � w `o o " 0 0 0 � I� _—��(�—_ . jyy SD So SO a9.¢S `p SF 54 C i D �� \� 0 c � � 1 ' `\ h ` 'W _ V \ N — y � D � r�N --- N N,��P A W J "'' 1 i �\ \ � \ � � � A � � ---� '°� V � i i � o � � v Z i ' � <t�� �"' 77/ 7B3 � °`�� B Kjp So So 9936 �O S4 S � A�Ei - - 's - - CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL � oa In the Matter of Vacation File # 6-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Barclay Street, from Reaney Avenue to Bush Avenue; also, All of the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden L.ots; also, All of the alley south of the south line of Bush Avenue of Lot 5, Biock 4, Cruickshank's Garden Lou. excep[ as here noted: LI,S W�'�T �eed.S -}v w�a.:�,w��,iv� .euscvnc�- r��(.�s �n ahe�r� �r��ek-� • Z� -t-(n� need -}-a be w�a , vt,sw��sr v�'tu.s-� be v2imbu.t-SecJ �er ct,(d, e}� pe.�.�es t�cu-t-r�c�(.. US West Communications 500 North Carlton Maplewood, Minnesota 55119 . e � � � r • • • ����� C�i b� � 1, �u�+ `-- �/ �. Cl�CJ�C_ � .� \ � � Fc Signature � e��� Tha foregoing insteumzn� was acknowlzdgzd beforz me this 1 � day of � 2000, by iVC� L.• Ld(�.� the IMRLtft.pXl� T X�v71t241- of �� �v G a l a C� undzr the laws of thz State of ■ ■ � � � VICTORIA R. DETERMAN ^ �'�� NOTARYPUBLIC-MINNESOTA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES f 31�2W5 �otary ubGc. �if'�G OFA.11�UteSa-Fa-, G6x.kt-Y p (2q,�v�gt� ■ . . bfy wmmission axp¢zs �-3 �' 6 5 ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hali, St. Paui, MN 55102 ** O5/16/00 TUE 10:41 FAX 330 6590 NSP DEL SYS CONST _____ .�j003 CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE Q D'� b � THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND IviEIvlgEgS OF THE COiINCII. OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAIJL Vacation File # 6-2000 - The undersigned. hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey Counry, Minnesota, described as follows: Barclay Street, from Reaney Avenue to Bush Avenue; also, All of the alley in $lock 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, Cruickshank's - -. .-. . - C3aaden-I.ets; a�se _- __ .-- - All of the alley south of the south line of Bush Avenue of Lot 5, Biock 4, Cruickshank's Garden Lots. except as here noted: Northern States Power Co. 414 Nicollet Mall - 7th FI. � -.�. .� � ,�. • � ar. _.�- l• • ; ' Si ature � The faegoing insRUment was ackaowledged hofore me thic ��� day by undec thelaws of tha State of /�'1 i/! 4 t S O� � �"'�'�- LORRPSNE D ABLAN �%�� µ¢' NOTARYPUBUC-MINNESOTq WASHIN�TONCbl1NTY +�•,.k ;{�CmudaYaiP.¢L�oJn.J1�1006 V ) � �` �"r NotaryPuhLc, My cammission expues -" * Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 551U2 ** CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF TI� COUNCII. OF THE CITX OF SAINT PAUL NSP - Gas Distribution 825 Rice Sueet Saint Paul MN 55117 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realry described below: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey Counry, Minnesota, described as follows: Barclay Street, from Reaney Avenue to Bush Avenue; also, All of the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Biock 4, Cruickshank's Gazden Lots; also, All of the alley south of the south line of Bush Avenue of Lot 5, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden L.ots. except as here noted: OK.�- � pd ,qoq In the Matter of Vacation File # 6-2000 REC���� M qY 1 R �� EsrA; . ts Se�; r G , n Signature Thz foregoing iastcumzn[ was acknowledgzd before me this p� day of /'� , 2000, by �C+.:a,� �. �C+,�P .the 5 ° IsG.S I ,.f ..� s!� , �� t U.�," �J.� undzr tha laws of [ha State of / r///J/-� �.SdjA • LYNNE K. SAXTON � NOTAHYPUBUC—MINNESOTA � - 1AY Certm Dmtns Jen. st. zoos . • My com�nission eayicas ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102'` dI� •i • oo�a°� This ma0�doeumant ie a tool to assiet employees in ihc performence o� Nev jobe. Vour persa nal safety ic provideA br by ueinp cafety pmcticec, procetlures and ea mpment ec described in cefety trainin0 Progreme, manuale entl SPAPe. Northern States Power Vaeation File#6-2000 Barclay Street �ate: 05/08/00 By: WHRD01 Scale: 1:2400 linch = 200ft r � ��. � MCI WORLDCOM May 16, 2000 Ms. Louise Langberg City of Saint Paul Dept. of Tech. & Mgmt. Svcs. 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 REF: Vacation File #6-2000 MCIW REF: 4260-2000 Dear Ms. Langberg: Naiional Support / Investigazions Dept 2855 Loc 642 2250 Lakeside Blvd. Richardson,l'X 75082 MCIWarIdCom has been notified by your office regarding the above referenced project. For your records, in reviewing the azea in question, it has been determined that MCIWorldCom does not have facilities within your project area. However, it will still be necessary for you to contact the local One Call System at least 48 hours prior to any construction. You should address correspondence concerning any £uture projects to the attention of National SupporUlnvestigations at the above address. If you need further assistance with this project, please do not hesitate John Bachelder at 972-656-5038. Sincerely, ` I Jennifer Kunstmann Administrative Assistant CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE AONORABLE MAYOR AI3D MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CI'TY OF SAINT PAUL l�o In the Matter of Vacation File # 6-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 29 North, Ran;e 22 W est, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Barclay 5treet, from Reaney Avenue to Bush Avenue•, also, All of the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, Cruickshank's Gazder Lots; also, All of the alley south of the south line of Bush Avenue of Lot 5, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden I.ots. except as here noted: DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC., AND DISTRICT COOLING ST. PAUL, INC., HAVE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TQ BE VACATED AND HAVE NO OB�ECTION TQ THE VACATION. District Energy St Paul Inc 76 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul MN 55102 ItS �t^es� d.-,.�.�-' � 1�� (,��v,�� . � ---, Signature ��/ ( The forzgoing instrument was acknowledged bzfore me [his � M day of J �-Y..��- . 2000, 6Y f""4 i1 �S �l � a� a_.fC.w the � Pe S d-e-..JI of �U � S"R i�t r"._vtsr� u S�-. Pa.c�Q �t+e .. a d r_T� -ri r,., - D ro �i l' Go r-Oo r� ay— undzi tha laws of thz S[atz of t.,� ��� , �� TRUDY L. SHERWOOD �' NOTF32YPUBtlC-MINNESOTA MY CAMMISSION ��� EXPtRES JAN.31. 2005 �' �.�..�sZ, � ��z� Notacy Public, My commission e<pires _�� � O O s . � ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 *'' CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS 11� ��` OF THE COUNCIL OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAUL Vacation File # 6-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utiliry ri�hts in the realty described below: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 24 Norrh, Range 22 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Barclay Street, from Reaney Avenue to Bush Avenue; also, All of the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden L.ots; also, All of the alley south of the south line of Bush Avenue of Lot 5, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden L,ots. except as here noted: �, �(�(�� }�c�s N� ��� ec�i ot� ��,S JGC.Te , MediaOne 934 Woodhill Drive Roseville MI3 55113 Its CC� Dc c? �_c�c.�CX by t91 �wn��soNr l (2� sE� f 4t�e fore¢oinq insm�ment waz Sig ature � before me this � day oF 2000, undez the laws of the State of "'— �ufw a oRT�z NoT,uzv Quauc • �+�nNESOTa /"--�\ � <IOtd 31 s.� �IRESA�MIS•� _ ....�-. � Notazy Puhlic, `�( • ,� ,.� ^°'_' . . s - My commission expues ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE Db�9�� 'IT•iE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUI�'CIL OF THE In the Matter of CITI' OF SAINT PAUL Vacation File n 6-2b0 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise iu utility rights in the realty described below: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quazter of Section 27, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Barclay Street, from Reaney Avenue to Bush Avenue; also, All of the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden L,ots. except as here noted: Public Works 800 City Hail Annex Its U�2ECro� � Tha focegoing inst[ument waz ae}aowlzdged befo2 ma this /c�j 7� day of �!/� U5T . 2000, b T ��GU/1�J .mz Z�/�E�To2 of cST �LIUL �U�G/� I�O/'�KS.a �vIU/✓/�/f�/�L ��/t��4/P/`�T/G/fI unda tha laws of thz Statz of BARBARA J. KOLSTAD � r � � �r Notery PUMiC \otary Public, MinneeCffi ►y Cammasion FxpNes Jn 31.70U5 My commission expues .fl/�'� JA L1/1 C� 0�0 d�_ ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** CERTIFICATE OF IN7ENDED NON-USE Do-4a� TF�� HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE In the Matter of CTI'Y OF SAINT PAiJL Vacauon File # 6-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility righis in the realry described below: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Bazclay Street, from Reaney Avenue to Bush Avenue; also, All of the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden Lots; also, Ali of the alley south of the south line of Bush Avenue of Lot 5, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden Lots. 13 ��E/� except as here noted: Mq j' 1 � FA` FSrA '�oi�� o 0 X�x�Saint Paul Regional Water Service 400 �CommerceBuilding Bernie R. Bullert ItS General Manager � �.C.t..��e�c.! �, �cc�C�/� Signature The foragoing instcument was acknowledged before mz this 9 tt7 day of May , 2000, b Bernie R. Bullert ,ihe General Manager the �fSaint Paui Water Service.,a municipal corporation of the City of Saint Paul, undzrthzlawsoftheStataof M1.RneSOt3. � •ts'uvr s�b �a' � � �n�'-,`aAa: r s3�aor �+ xa�a � My comr�ussion expires 3/.�vo�� '** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** i a�rE. (sr. ) a� � ^' � • • � ' 4/' 42.26 I � I ti � ; a � � s a 3 z i�i � i � ' I � I ' i n /3 /¢ /S /6 /7 /B !9 Zo :� I i ar a2.sY t3 �S�N i AvE• �,Sr. � „ _ , . . .. 4i• az6s' 1 I �� 8 7 G 5 �t 3 2 I:4 I i /3 � /4 � /5 ( /6 /7 I /B � /9 20 � S � I �'' ' � { { " � ^ { 4 4/' � 42.90'� S&ZS�r ��,��� �������������13248 J. 1' `l� W � � 4/86 • • • 4/.3G 4/.37 , /!O a �i �r � 6 a A O � b ; B D 4 6 yQ � Q $ 3 a � � p - -- I �d � /s � �G � �7 � �a � �9 � zo � z� � zz f-�VC � � � � � � � ii i � � I 3 a � I I i e� � � � � a � '� -N- i !s�! 97 I � ! I 2 � `I 2 I � � I aa. a � ; 3 v .. s — � 3 `�`� 4 I � _8aa� h l /00 /oo /2D 40 -- ^ 40 /.77L 8 � 7 6 5 4 ,� ioa.o� 9 Jto 60 ^ 40 8034 ����.��� �_����_�_���`� (�ST. ° � � iio .�azs oo � i�os.,�7 M s N � � 4 l}� Q 6 � 41 3 , ,qh�. a �O � a '� � -- ,io .aD3s 4 ° -- �'' — ---- ` (o � 7 ^ B 9 � /O ., � G' � Q � � � !� � 00-909 # of Pages 1 D D-90 " ro: I.ouise A. Langberg � Commander Traff & Accid Unit Reply to Vacation Inquiry City of SG Paul Saint Paul Police Dept File #6-2000 - Barclay Street Real Estate Division 100 East Eleventh Stre� Phone# (651)266-8861 �one# F�a (651)266-8855 F�" We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We will approve this vacauon, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ \� (� �zZ�i.D�,Q ��f7-��' � � �.�'�; �--� �� ��� �-� ���. , � � s =» ��—_ Date 06/25/1994 18:44 6512286241 FIRE PREVENTION Ta Louise A. Fangbetg Cfty of St Paul Reply to Vacation Inquiry RealEStateDivISioa File #6-2000 - Barclay Street �,,,�„ 651 266-8861 Fun (651)266-8855 A PAGE 02 � � Dept of FIre & Safeiy 200 East Eteventh Str� � We have no objeccions to [his vacarion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We arill approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For che following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Signed . �/��/� Date JUN 09�37 FRDM CITY OF ST PRUL LIEP TO Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #6-200� - Barclay Street Tw 68855 v or n�es P.001i063 —I Louise A. Langbecg Fmm: Y.'dT 2871 Ciry of Sc Paul LIEPBIdg InspecHon ReatEstaceDivision 310LowryProfessional Phone W Fax # We have no objecuons to this vacarion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We will approve this vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,� For che Y"ollowing reasons, wc cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � b W IJ� 1' � o �¢ C�t� Y t$� � �c+...� a-Ei24... M aY .,� �l,w! d �StJ i`� r AC.� I�r�S 1 Gd�'� S< d/'Qrc� �,a Q �a-�. c( s �e�s � P �- �,.� �', .,,,� � Sd' ( 5 ' .� Ge� S� r� c� �r�. � tsvm s tv � �� �� b-t" �'� •�r�y ������ � ra +�.s � � � � d t dlt ��.+c�,��, P b� � c�r,cscc��rc� , �- � ,(�� c!a la� �. 6�� (d.�� P���.rt-- t rl 4s Preca.5S�n � ��s��� / 4� Aate To: Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #6-2000 - Barclay Street P ,, o „ e � Fax # I.ouise A. Iangberg Real Estate Division f651}256-8861 #ofPagu 1 D�� from: Carole Williams Library Administration 90 West Fourth Street Fax # We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�, We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the foilowin; reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q <' � "I � n p ,( )�, �3�U�� �_"�._ Signed �� _ �X�y, � ��. �� j � sj�/� Date MAY-08-2000 10�39 STP PRRKS & RECRERTION 1'n. Louise A. Langbug Ci1q of S� Paul ReplytaVacationtnquiry RealEstateDivision Ft10 #6 -2000 - Barclay Street p,,,�� (651)266-8861 612 292 7405 P.01ia1 ,�.��sa � O F�� John Wirka pD'� � Pazks & Recrea6on 300 Qtv Hall Annex We have no objecrions to this vacaaon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � Szgned 5- F� Date TOTRL P.01 .. ... Louise Langberg Re Barclay Street Vacation __, ,.. . ._ . , , .._. ,.. Page - 1 vo'q From: Sheri Pemberton To: Langberg, Louise Date: Thu, Aug 17, 2000 6:10PM Subject: Re: Barclay Street Vacation Louise Thanks, for staying on top of this. Have been tied up with several other issues. 7hought that just inforrning you of ihe change in PED's position you could move torward witfi the vacation. Please take this memo as PED's official notice that we have no objections to the Barclay Street Vacation ident'rfied in File No. 6-2000. I have talked with Ronald Thorson and informed him that PED no longer has any objections to moving forvvard with this development. The proposed development to the north is not planning to use or create any type of access off of Sarclay. I will fax over a copy of the Reply to Vacation Inquiry that was attached to your fax sometime on Friday. Please let me know rf you need a formal letter to attach to your vacation petition or'rf this will suffice as a change to the originai letter sent. Thanks. Sheri »> Louise Langberg 08/17/00 10:14AM »> Good morning! I would appreciate it if you could let me know when you might be able to get a revised response sent to me regarding the Barclay Street Vacation Project, our File No. 6-2000. If it might help, here's a short review of my last four e-mails to you: July 18 - Wrote that Allan let me know that Mr. Thorson's vacation is okay with PED after all, and he said you were going to put together a revised response to our original vacation inquiry. I offered to fax a new copy of the response form. .luly 19 - After receiving your e-mail requesting the fax and saying you would put together a new response from PED, I fa�ced the form and sent message saying fax was sent. July 31 - Sent you an e-mail to let you know I had fviced you a map from Ramsey County that might clear up any lasting concerns about the westerly 44 feet ofi the area to be vacated. Offered to be available for questions. August 9- Sent a reminder notice in case the Barclay Street Vacation response got mislaid in the shuffle. If there is anything I can get you that might help, let me know. This is the last response we need before we can proceed with the project. Thank you! CC: Torstenson, Allan MAY-17-2000 14�58 City of Saint Paul ro: Reply to Vacation lnyuiry File #6-2000 - Barclay Street Louise A. Langberg 651 266 8574 P.al/01 q r�am: �D'� � I Councilmember Kathy Lantry Room 320C Ciry FIall � Faz� (6�!)L66-iS2SJJ � `."" � • .�.' :: � q"�����1y I.,aJ...'. , � `� -� We have no objec�iag�.€o this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n;I`•.� rf',' We will approve this,�iacatioa, subject to the followin; condivons : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ri.� �' � " For the folIpwing 7easons, we cannot approve this vacaaon : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ S}gned 5- 9-�v Date T�TAL P.01 oo- qog Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL To: Nancy Anderson Council Research Room 310 City Hall From: Louise A. Langberg Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Date: August 27, 2000 'l� � = � _� -� _ - - �u�'� -- 'Vacah �°#�6 2�i� Vac�"��-a��arcla� Str-e om�eane� �o .�,__ __.._.� p _ - — � � . �z--- ,_ �-- Btts � - "� _. er� o�icl=�hnxson_ _ � _ � � _ =�-:== ____ = - � � ~�== I am requesting a date of September 27, 2000 for a Public Hearing to approve the attached Council Resolution. The purpose of the resolution is to vacate Barclay Street from Reaney to Bush Avenues and to vacate the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision, as shown on the attached map. If approved, the petitioner would like to construct a garage on part of the vacated area. The usual utilities and City offices with rights to the area being vacated have all responded to our inquiries regarding the proposed vacation. Their responses are with the resolution as it is being routed for signatures. The resolution will soon be up in the City Attorney's office. I have attached photocopies of the Green Sheet, the Council Resolution, the petition, and a map of the azea to be vacated. Please let me know if there is anything else you might need for this. Thank you? RECEIVEd (62000na) ��V 2 Q 2QOo CiT� �tERK ao - go, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the petition of Ronald and Carrie Thorson, for the vacation of that part of Barclay Street from Reaney to Bush Avenues and the alley in Block 3, Homan's Subdivision as more fully described on file and on record in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, Minnesota, will be heard and considered by the Saint Pau1 City Council at a meeting to be held in the Council Chambers on the 3rd floor of City Hall and Court House on the 27th day of September, 2000 at 5:30 P.M. Dated August 31, 2000 Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk (September 7, 2000) C �,r�^n; ,'"ez aa�,r�s� +�nnc.,e t a..�E � � .�:.,.. i,�• -+,- ��� � � ���� vo -109 .M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: August 27, 2000 reen Sheet Number: 104711 ontact Person and Phone Nnmber: 2 EPAR'1'MENP DIItECi'OR 4 CTfY COi7NCII. Louise A Langberg 266-8850 1 ATT �E� UDGET DIItEC70R FfICE OF FINANCIAL SVCS. ust be on Counci� agenaa by: SeP� C, 2000 for 3 YOR (OR ASSISTANT) Fsrax� nrv�s�oY blic Hearin on Se tember 27, 2000 OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1�cL� ni,L Locnnoxs Fox sicxa�> �.CTION REQUESTED: Set Public Hearing date of September 27, 2000 to discuss the petition of Ronald Thorson to vacate Barclay Street between Reaney and Bush Avenues and part of the adjoining alley as shown on the attached map. File #6-2000 CONIIvIENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RE7ECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS NRJST ANSWER Tf� FOLLOWAVG: . Has the person/6rm ever worked under a con[ract for this department? YES NO PLM'YC1G CO�I�ILSSION A STAFF . Has this person/Firm ever been a City employee? YES NO CNIL SERVICE COMb1LSS10Y . Does tl�is person/5rm possess a skill not normally possessed by any YES NO current City employee? CIB COYIMITTEE -- E lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL BJECTIVE? OUNCIL �VARD(S) 7 DISTRICT PLANIVING COUNCII, 2 ITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORI'(JHITY (Whq What, When, Where, Why?): A petition has been filed by Ronald Thorson of 1493 Reaney Avenue to vacate Barclay Street and all of an alley near his property as shown on the attached map. Petitioner would like to put up a garage on part of the vacated area. There are no objections to this vacation from the public utilities and City De artments contacted. DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Property would become part of the adjoining properties. Petitioner could build the garage he wants, and City woutd have no responsibility for maintaining these areas. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None at this time. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Petitioner could not build his garage as planned. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $SOO.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO tvnirre souxc�: Fee to be paid by Petitioner. AcTrviTY x�m�Ex: INANCIAL PIFORNIATION: (EXPLAIl�