275415 WHITE�` - CITY CLERK ?INK� - FINANCE 2�75415 �CANARY,- DEPARTMENT C I T Y O F SA I N T PA U L � Council � B6.UE � MAYOR File NO. o 'l Resolution . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the I7ivision of Housing an.d Builcling Code Enforcc�ent has requested the City Coimcil to hold a public hearing to consicler the advisability an.d necessity of the correction or wreckit�,g and r�roval of the follaw�s�,g described builcling, sai.d structure ha.vir�g been reported to constitute a public ha.zard: 1414 Sherburne Ipt 4, Block 29 Syndica.te No. 5 Single car (GARAGE ONL� Additian gaxage WHEI�EAS, it appears tha.t as of July 9, 1950 the la.st record awner of said builciing is Di.an.e Constan.s Erickson Slni.th, last lmown address 1414 Sherbtmze, St. Paul, MN--Fee Owner. 'There are no �aartgages or liens of record. Wi�REAS, the Divisian of Housing and Buildir� Coc1e Enforce�ent, an b��f of the City Coi.mcil did notify by mail the above noted party of interest at her last lma�xi address; W�IERF,AS, a public hearing was l�eld by and before the Coimcil of the City of Sa.int Paul in the CoLmcil Cha�nbers of the Co�t House in said city at 10:00 a.m. an 'T1�ursday, August 7, 1980 to c�onsider the advisability and necessity of ordering th�e correcticm. or wreckuzg and re�val of said structure an the abov�e clescribed property iriasirna,ch as said structure is reported to canstitute a hazard to public health, safety and welfare; Tn�REAS, upan the facts presented at the said he�.rin� consisting of pYwto- graphs, inspection reports and the rec�zdatian of the Buildirig Depart.�ven.t, it is further deteYmined that the above building canstitutes a hazardaus building within the definitian of Mi�rm.esota. Statutes 463.15 for the follow�ng reasans: 1. The subject garage ha.s not been boarded t� by the City or the owner; 2. This building has been ba.dly damaged by a fire; 3. The roof and caalls are in danger of collapse; COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by partment of: Hunt �'A 1 S('.Y'1T10ES Levine In Favor Maddox �q, , � McMahon __ A 81I1St BY V r/�' Showalter - g Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date _ Form Approved by City Attorne Certified Passed by Council Secretary �'�^' ?��U^ � BS� -- Approved by ;Vlavor. Date _ App v by Mayor for mis orY o Council gy _ __�_� � By , � � 2'�5�4�5 -z- 4. The canditians outlined abave constitute a public ha�.ard; 5. The awner has made no atten�t to satisfactorily repaix th�e damage; 6. The cantinued vacant and fire-dama,ged canditian cantributes a blightix�g infl�n.ce vn the neighborh,�od; naw, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That in accorclan.ce with Miimesota. Sta.tutes Section 463.15 through 463.25, and based upan the foregoing findings of the City Crn.mcil, the Cotmcil of the City of Saint Paul does hereby make the follawu�,g Order: ORDER 1. The o�uxier of the abov�e described building sha.11 make the saire safe and nAt detrime�ntal to the public pea.ce, hea.lth, safety and welfare by having the said building razed an.d the materials therefrom rarov+ed fram the prc-�ises within thirty (30) da.ys fran the date of the servi.ce of this OY'der; 2. Unless surch corrective actic�. is taken to camply with this Order or an Answer served upcm the City of Saint Pau1 and filed in the office of the Clerk of the I7istrict Cotfft of Ramsey Crn.mty, Mirmesota within tw�.ty (20) da.ys frc�n the da.te of the service of this Order, a Motian for S�ry Enforcm�ent of this Orcler to raze and rerove tl�ee said buildirig will be made to the Rarnsey Ca�m.ty District Court; 3. In the ev�ent tha.t tY�e builcling is to be razed by the City of Saint Paul p�suant to judgem�nt of the District Court, all persana.l property or fixtt�es of any kind which may tmrea.sanably interfere with the razing and reroval of this builcling sha.11 be re�nov�ed within ten (10) da.ys fram the entry of judgemen.t; and if not so renaved, the City of Saint Pau1 shall ramve and dispose of such personal property and fixtures as provided by law; 4. If the City of Sa.int Paul is canpelled to take any correctiv�e action herein, all necessary costs expen.ded by the City will be assessed against the abave described rea.l esta.te and collected as other taxes; WHITE � - CITY CLERK � RINK - FINANCE 2"�54�5 CANARY,- DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L COURCII �LUE, „ - MAYOR File N . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FURTi�R RESOLVED, tha.t a certified cogy of this resolutian and incoYporated Order hexein be served u�cm the la.st record owners of the abave described property in the m�a�.mer provicled by law. -3- COUNCILME[V Requestgd epartment of: Yeas Nays � Hunt Cp 't S@Y'V1C,GS Levine In Favo[ IlAsddex 0 nn�nnano� __ A gai n s t BY snowa�ter - — Tedesco ` Wilson �± AUv ( �Q Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified s'e b Cou �1 S t B �!�^� By Approved y Yla r: Date ��7 App o d by Mayor for S mi i �o Council By _ BY ��>al;�►sHEV �UG 1 6 198 �5��5 � ti��C`TY ���y, CITY OF SAINT PAUL o ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �'• 'A ^° DIVISION OF HOUSING AND BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT ... Ciry Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55F02 George Latimer 6�2_298-42�2 Mayor August 5, 1980 , Mr. President and Members of�the City Coi.mcil RE: 1414 Sherburne, GARAGE ONLY File #3693 Honorable Council: The Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement is hereby submitting its report on the condition of the structure at the location referred to above. The owner of reeord is Edna Alberta Constans, 1414 Sherburne Avenue, St. Paul,. Minnesota 55104. The legal description of the property is Lot 4, Block 29, Syndicate No. 5 Addition, parcel code 10-74U00-29. The building is a single car garage. The s�ject property has not been boarded up by the City or the owner. This building has been badly clamaged by a fire. The roof and wa.11s are in danger of collapse. Inasmuch as the conditions outlined above constitt�te a public ha.zard and the awner has made no attempt to satisfactorily repair the damage despite our warnings, and the continued. vacant and boarded up condition contributes a blighting influence on the neighboxhood, it is the recommier�dation of this Division tha.t this matter be referred to the City Attorney's office for razing and removal through District Court proceedings. Yours ` y, , � ,. - . . , Gl�nn A. Ericic5on ' Supervisox of Code Erifor�emsnt - - , GAE:TAS:bmf cc: Messrs. George Latimer, Mayox Walter A. Bowser, Asst. -City Attorney Ik�.n N�rrgran, Fire Marshal F. Staffenson, Housing Code L. Levine, Coi.mcilman ��