275413 WHITE - CITY CLERK 2"�54�3 PINK - FINANCE COUIICII CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I O F S A I N T PA LT L BLUE - MAYOR File N O. c 'l e u ion Presented By I�C;�;S� CUIli�I'��'� ; Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ��,�ULtiTLD: That �ipplic�.tion � 15961 for On "�ale ?line License, applied for by S.�"_.:�:., Inc. at B00 U. Cleveland 1�veiiue, doir.�; �usines s as T�e's L`_illage Inn, be and the s uzne �.s r.ereb�- �r�rited, in co�a.;liance tirith Council i�le :_:o. 266�07, Orc1-i.nance i�o. 15�'c6, which a<��ends C'_apter 30� of -i:l�e ;t. . a,titl Le„islative ��ode and Ordina-t.�ce;-. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon G� __ Against BY Showalter - Tedesco Wilson AUG s . 1� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopte Counci . Date — ertifiE:d P• _ed by Co ncil Secyetary BY I B – App v d b :Navor: _�_ �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By r�ur',I.ISHF,D_AUG �- 6 �980 . � - ������ __e`��T t�ao��',. _� ;,,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� ~= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES %� i�i�iiiii A�� `�' = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION J 4j���m����°��``` ROORI ZO9,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR r:u�;ust 6, 19�io l�r. i'resident a:zcl :;onorable i:embers of the City '„ouncil Saint Paul, :unnesota ;ir. President ar.d �lonorable I�>emk�ers : J•n•i:., Inc. nakes application Por an �n �ale �'.�'ine I�cense at t300 S. Clevelal_d Avenue. �'i;ey are currently li- censed at this ad�_aress with a. Class C2-�testaur�r,t License, doin�; busir�e�: �.s Lee's Village lnn. �'he off�cers of this corK�ora'�ion are Ja�es �. "'heros, Pres'_d_ent �z�d i�:ar�_a F�. Theros, �ecr��tary-''re�surer. mhey are also �Y��_e stockv�olciers. i'rey ti�rill op�rate this ��usines� nersoz?al1Zr ^r�d be ass'_sted '��- i;ev�.n a'�eld:. Tl�:is application has been reviewed b�- the License ar�d rerr�it D�v:si_on az�d t��e City rittorne�;-'s off-ice. 1he re- commei.datior� is for a,�.proval. � Very truly yours, ��� ' Joseph ;:� . Carchedi License TY�s�ector �O