275408 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE �C�nQ CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUflC1I - � �1+ BLUE - MAYOR G O F S A I N T PA U L File N O. � v u� C cil olution � Presented By LIC�IIS:� COiIi�1T�i'L��; Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ?TNU,'.�S: i roper notice has been received as to a chan�;e oi offi cers in i:i�Y�land Inn, Inc., On Sale Liquor l�icerisee a� 1�70 uld Iiudson .':�oad, doinb business as tYie 1�.ama.da Inn, trierefore, oe it _�SOLV'�;ll: `l'r,at the current oificers are :i. '.;illiaan Isbell, President and �irector; ihomas L. l:artin, vice Presicient <:r�d >>irector; Joseph ��. Loveland, Jr., �ecl�etary anci Director and �llis Lar�;iau, xreasurer, be an.d the sarne is iierebS� approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favo[ Maddox o McMahon B Showalter Against Y — Tedesco YV' AUG 6 . 1980 Form Approved by City Attorney Adop by Council• Date — rtified P� d by ncil Secretar BY Appro y :Nayor: Dat � + Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY �Uti��ISKFn AUG 1 6 1980 2�5��� '4e`�y T T"p. '�,'''''' . CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� ��� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES :� �uu mii ,� s e nll 11111 � ��`'�° �` DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION `'��„ �..• "�m��,,,..,,��'�` Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR August 6, 19°0 iir. President ar�d I=onorable "t':e�bers of the City C�uncil �a.int F'aul, �iirs,esota. I�!r. Presidert Und t:onorable l�ler��:.;ers: riighla.nd Irui, Inc. holas an On �'ale Liquor License �.d miscellaneous licenses issued to -them at 1870 Old i;udson '�?oad, doiri� business �.s the ;'� �ada Inn. 1'roper notice has been received as to a cl�.ar�;e of offi- cers in the corpo-ration. The new o�'ficers are as fo11oT=rs; 1i. ';;illiam isbe,ll President and �irector Thomas L. l�artin Vice Presyder:t �id �irector Josepr =:. Lovel�s�d, Jr. �ecretary a�_d =�irector :llis Lanciau Tre asurer lhe application has been reviewed by the License and 1'er- rnit 'iivision and the City ,�ttcrr,ey's office. tt�e recom:�endation is f or app roti a1. �Jery ��,ruly �rours, `f` ' _ Joseph r'. Carchedi License Inspector �4