D001088CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �� � ��� � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ruo: .� City Clerk BUDGET REVISION Date: 1-�� 2 Finance 3 Dept. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consisient with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 70.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the reque:st of the Director of the Department of Planning & Economic Development, to amend the budget of the Community Development Block Grant Fund. The Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: CDBG Current Budqet Chanqe ($97,467.44) $97,467.44 50.00 Amended Budqet Neighborhood Non-Profits P6-100-37805-Q547-61337 Neighborhood Health Clinics P6-100-37805-0547-61627 CDBG Totals • S 1,837,421.00 $0.00 $1,837,421.00 S 1,739,953.56 $97,467.44 $1,837,421.00 Appr ve by: Mayor � - � � /!- Z M:ADODBUDG.WK'7 '10f93 �C�►pi��� q'/q}( DEP/1RILIEM/OFFICE/COUNCIL '` `� DATE INRIATED �/ � L �/ � PED Grants Management ��[C�T�- 11/20/96 GREE S Tia lNITIAVDATE CONTACT PERSON & PHONE � pEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �-��� CIN COl1NCIL �OII R.OSS 266-6692 A���N �G[1YATT�RNEY �CRYCIERK NUYBER FOq T 6E ON CqUNGIL kCENDA BY (OATE) RDUTING � BUDGEf OIRECrOP � FIN. & MGC SERVIC DiR. �A 0 �� O MAYOR (Ofl ASSISTANn � (;n�� tn TOTA� # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 14 - Annex (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA7URE} ACiION REQUESTED: Approval of the attached budget revision, which sets up a new project code for Neighborhood Health Clinics receiving CDBG fundi^g. RECOMMENDATIONS: approve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST A!lSWER THE FOILOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMtS510N __ GVIL SEAVYCE CoMM1SS10N �� Hd5 thfs (SErsOn/tirm ever wo(ketl under a COnhaCt to( this tleP3rtment? _ GB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ STAFF Z. FWS this personttirm ever heen a city empbyea? — YES NO _ D�STRIC7 COUq7 _ 3. Does this ersonRirm ossess a sltill not normall � p p y possessed 6y any curreM ciry employea. SUPPORTS WHICH GOUNCIL O&IECTIVE� YES NO Explaln ell yes answers on seperate sheat and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, Whet, When, Where, Why): Currently , the Civic Organization Partnership Program (COPP) and Neighborhood Health Clinics share the same project code for CDBG funding. This revision sets up a new project code for the Health Clinics. NTAGESIFAPPROVED: The COPP and Aealth Clinic activities will have separate ac[ivity codes, which will make it easier to erack and report oa each of the activities. OISADYANTAGES IF APPROVED vone RECEIVED DEC 5 t996 CITY CL�RK DISADVAMAGES IF NOTAPPROVE�' The COPP and Health Clinic activities will continue to share the same project code. 70TAL AMOUNT OF iHANSACTION $ J7 , 467 .44 COS7/pEVENUE BUDGETED (CIACLE ONE) YE NO FUNDIfeGSOURCE CDBG qCTIVITYNUMBER P6-100-37805-0547-61627 fINANqAL INFOflM'AiIpN. (EXPLAIN) t � l�