275394 WHITE - CITV CLERK y��ay�A�� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �R v7 � CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• o ncil Resolution Pre By Referred Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date • An administrative Resolution establishing the title and class specification for Blacksmith Trainee in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.A. 1. (Building Trades - Ungraded - Boilermakers) by inserti.ng the title of Blacksmith Trainee; and be it � FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in 5ection 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specification for Blacksmith Trai.nee. Approved: � � '�°( Chairman � Civi.l Service Commission COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Hunt p NNE OF ICE �evine [n Favor ; ��s°x` l� McMahon __ Against BY Showalter, Tedesco Wilso - � 5 �� Form proved b City Attor y Adopted y Council: Date — � Ce ified Pa_- by uncil Sec�tary B � � Approved b ;Navor: Date _"�� � � Appr v d y Mayor fo b is i � to Council By � BY �t,t�E� AUG 2 3 i�J�� Tit1e of class: ����Q� � v BLACKSMITH TRAINEE DESCRIPTION OF WORLTC General Statement of Duties: Under supervision, within the Water Utility, to be trained to forge, weld, harden and temper iron and steel; to do acetylene and arc welding; to sharpen and form metals; and to perforra related work as assigned. , Sugervision Received: Works under the supervision of a blacksmith or unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include alI duties performed by all positions in this class. In the capacity of a trainee: Forges, cuts and welds new iron work such as bolts, rods, angles and strags for construction and maintenance equipment. Forges, tempers and sharpens picks, chisels, caulking tools and points for pneumatic tools. Construc�s hard overlay on bucket teeth of various power digging equipment. Lays out and fashions new tools and metal parts. Welds ar brazes steel, copper and other metals and alloys. Builds-up and replaces carbide cutting edges on rock drills and augers. Repairs broken hydrant barrels and reconditions hydrant rods and valves. Estimates work needs and draws supplies from stock; notifies storekeeper of needed supplies and materials. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Knowledge of the procedures used in the forging, and tempering of iron and steel materials. Ski11 in the use of acetylene and, arc welding equipment. Ability to read aad interpret blueprints and layouts. Skill in repairing or modifying equipment with or without the aid of blueprints. Skill in the safe use of potaer tools and equipment used in forging, welding, joining and cutting metals. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Two years' experience as a welder; or completian of a one-year course in welding as offered by Saint Paul TVI or equivalent institution and one years's experience as a welder. ___ __ ---__ ._ _ __ _ __ Title of �lass: ���c�9� BLACKSMITH TRAINEE DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Under supervision, within the Water Utility, to be trained to forge, weld, harden and temper iron and steel; to do acetylene and arc welding; to sharpen and form metals; •and to perform reZated work as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the supervision of a blacksmith or unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performe3 by all positions in this class. In the capacity of a trainee: Forges, cuts and welds new iron work such as bolts, rods, angles and straps for construction and maintenanca equipment. Forges, tempers and sharpens picks, chisels, caulking tools and points for pneumatic tools. Constructs hard overlay on bucket teeth of various power digging equipment. Lays out and fashions new tools and metal parts. �Jelds or brazes steel, copper and other metals and all.oys. Builds-up and replaces carbide cutting edges on rock drills and augers. Repairs broken hydrant barrels and r�conditions hydrant rods and valves. Estimates work needs and draws supplies from stock; notifies storekeeper of needed supglies and materials. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Knowledge of the procedures used in the forging, and temperiag of iron and steel materials. Skill in the use of acetylene and arc welding equipment. Ability to read and interpret blueprints and layouts. Skill in repairing or modifying equipment with or without the aid of blueprints. Skill in the safe use of potirer tools and equipment used in forging, welding, joining and cutting metals. MINIMUM QJALIFICATIONS Two years' experience as a welder; or completion of a one-year course in we].ding as offered by Saint Paul TVI or equivalent institution and one years's experience as a welder. A - ��T� �� ���.���� =�x�.���.. _ - .. ,{-� , as t�:'r K ;� OF�'ZCE O::' TZ-�� CZTY COrII�T�3I� � ' �^ s ,.� �,,,� ..; � : ,� � 4 . �`'�°-�r, •Mr_� � ��. . y.,, �:':,� D a t e : -- _ . � July 24, 198� C � � �i � � t � � i� �. [� � �i� T (? ; Sair�i� Pa�� Cit�° �ou:�ci ! F' a�i � I��i � COt7't!"t�f�'��� Q6'9 FI�VAVCE, MANAGEh1ENT & PERSONNEL George Mch1ahon , choifmcn, mak�s fhe fallowinc� report or� C. F. [� i�rdinance f8) �] Resoi;�tion � Clther � �� E..� � The Finance Committee, at its m�eting of July 24, 1980; recommended approval of the following: 1 . Resolution authorizing the destruction of cancelled government bonds and coupons. (11106-GM) - 2. Resolution replacing the title and class specification for Park Foreman with the title and class specification for Park Maintenance Supervisor. (11�12-RH) 3. �esolution transferring $23,000 of approved 1979 CIB funds fram Su►rrrriit Avenue lighting to Forest Street lighting. (11163-GM) 4. Resolution establishing procedural guidelines for referring employees for counseling and/or treatment. (11184-GM) 5. Resolution establishing title and class specification for title of Blacksmith Trainee in Section 3.A.1 . (Building Trades-Ungraded) of Civil Service Rules and Section 32. (11185-GM) 6. Resolution establishing rate of pay for new title of Blacksmith Trainee. (11181-GM) : ,� 7. Resolution establishing title of Blacksmith in Section 3.A (Building Trades- Ungraded) of Civil Service Rules to replace title of General Blacksmith and establ �shing class specification in Section 32. (11183-G^1) 8. Resolution approving the 1980 Labor Agreement between the City of St. Paul and the Electrical Workers Union, Local No. 110. (11180-GM) :;IT`I ��LL SEVEVIH FLOOR SAINT PA(II., ti(I�'ti:jOTA 5510Z r3 ..�. _ f, � ,F-Pc �q� �- de�-Q� ,Do'rwt detach this memorandum lrom the resolution so that this intormaiion v�rifl be avaiiabie tv the City Councit. �,�•� EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, �� RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: June 27, 1980 ,� E C E 1 V E D J U L 1�(980 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR'S Q��� FR: Personnel Office RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This Resolution establishes the title of Blacksmith Trainee in Section 3.A. 1. (Bui.ldi.ng Trades - Ungraded) of the Civil Service Rules, and it also establishes i.n Section 32 a class speci.fication for this title. ATTACI�iENTS: Resolution and copy for the City Clerk.