275393 WNiTE - CITV CLERK COUIICIl �r /K�,[�°l
CANARV - DEPARTMENT / . �s� •1 �
BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � � VV V
o�ncil Resolution
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An Administrative Resolution establishing pro-
cedural guidelines for referring employees for
counseling and/or treatment.
WHEREAS, Section 33 of the Civil Service Rules provides that the
Council shall adopt by resolution formal procedures for referring employees
who are thought to have personal health problems to appropriate professional
resource persons for evaluation; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that all referrals of employees shall be handled in accor-
dance with "Employee Referral Procedure", a copy of which is attached hereto
and made a part hereof by reference as fully and completely as if set out herein
Approve d:
Civil Service Com 'ssion
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
z a �evine In Favor �
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� e McMahon - __ Agailtst By '
Ma dox Showalter rF
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. Wilson For Approved by � ne
Adopted-�y C un ' . Date ����` � —�— �-
C r`tified Y ed by uncil SeCretary BY
A�pproved by :Navor. Date —
AUG 14 App v by Mayor for Sub ' si t ouncil
By — B
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TO : �air�� P��� Gi ��° Co�.,r� cii
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Gaorg� "1cMahon , chc�irm�r+D makes the foliowing
repori or� C. F. � i�r�inQrce
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The Finance Committee, at its meeting of July 24, 1980, recomrrrended approval of
the following:
l . Resolution authorizing the destruction of cancelled government bonds and coupons.
(11106-GM) -
2. Resolution replacing the title and class specification for Park Foreman �vith
the title and class specification for Park Maintenance Supervisor. (11012-RH�
3. Resolution transferring $23,000 of approved 1979 CIB funds frQm Su�rxnit Avenue �
lighting to Forest Street lighting. (11163-GM)
4. Resolution establishing procedural guidelines for referring employees for
counseling and/or treatment. (11184-GM)
5. Resolution establishing title and class specification for title of Blacksmith
Trainee in Section 3.A.1 . (Building Trades-Ungraded) of Civil Service Rules
and Section 32. (11185-GM)
6. Resolution establishing rate of pay for new title of Blacksmith Trainee. (11i81-GM)
7. Resolution establishing title of Blacksmith in Section 3.A (Building Trades-
Ungraded) of Civil Service Rules to replace title of General Blacksmith and
establishing class specification in Section 32. (11183-G^1)
8. Resolution approving the 1980 Labor Agreement between the City of St. Paul and
the Electrical Workers Union, Local No. 110. (11180-GM)
�'i�I'`t =L�LL SEVE``1�I FLOOR SAIN?' Pt�UI_, �:i��i:�OTA 3�IO2
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� June, 1980
This directive establishes the policy, procedures and responsibilities for
handling potential and actual personal problems of city employees. Such proble�s
could include chemical, mental, physical, and domestic.
This directive is applicable to all er�►ployees holding classified positions in
the City service.
In General
Alcoholism, drug abuse and mental illness are recognized as health problems
and treatable illnesses from whicfi, with help, a person may recover and be retained
as a satisfactory employee.
Discharge of the employee with a personal problem is usually not a constructive
solution. It compounds the difficulty for both the affected individual and the
ev�ployer. A much more effective approach is a forthright, treatment ariented
method which serves the best interest of the employer and the employee. Normally,
the performance of a job requires training at tiie employerts expense. The cost of
retaining tfie employee wtio actively seeks reha.bilitation will usually be less than
the expense involved in training a new employee. In addition, this approach allows
the employee to face the problem, and guides the employee to professional and exper-
ienced assistance toward rehabilitation.
Statement of Policy
The concern of this policy is directed toward the employee's persona.l problem
or public conduct as it affects his or her �ob performance or casts discredit upon
the City.
The City regards alcoholism, drug abuse and mental or physical problems as ill-
nesses which in themselves are not cause for dismissal. The objective is to retain
tbe er.iployee who is developing a problem by encouraging the employee to accept treat-
ment before he or she becomes unemployable. It is the policy of the City of St. Paul
that personal problems be handled within the following framework:
1. The employee with a problem, once identified, will be encouraged
to secure adequa.te medical or other professional help.
2. If the employee fails to show satisfactory progress in a timely manner, or if
the employee refuses to accept rehabilitation assistance, he or she will be
subject to disciplinary action for any deficiencies in job perfoxmance or for
public conduct which casts discredit on the City.
3. Disciplinary action taken sh.all be by the appointir.g authority
and shall be in accord �oith Civil Service Rules.
4. It sha11 be the responsibility of the employee to secure �ahatever
help is necessary to correct the conlition which is affecting his
or her job performance.
Program Responsibility
It wi11 be the responsibility of all supervisors to follow the proc�edures and
to implement this policy. Failure to take proper action shall be the basis of disciplinary
acCion. The coordination of the employee referral procedure �oill be the responsibility
of the Personnel Director.
A. Criteria
The principal factors that will determine action to be taken in cases where an
employee appears to have a personal probler� are:
1 . The extent to which employee`s work is affected by tae problem
or the extent to which there are adverse effects upon the City.
2. The desire of the employee to work on the proble� as manifested
by the steps he or she takes to secure help.
3. The progress of the employee within an identified tirse fr2me.
B. Supervisor Persor.nel
The supervisor, havin.g determined that an employee problem exists, based on
deteriorating job perfornance, attendance, or ir_appropriaCe be'navior, shall take the
follo�ving steps:
Phase I (Initial Interview)
1. Conduct an initial intervie�v, during which the employee will
be appraised of the situation and the City's policy with regard
to personal problems.
2. If the empl.oyee and supervisor agree that a probleu� does exist,
the. er.mployee wi11 make an appointment witn a representative of
the Public Employee Assistance Program. A report will be made
within one week to the supervisor by the counselor or a represen-
tative of the Public Employee Assistance Program.
r .
3. The employee will be advised that the City's continued cooperation
wilZ be dependent upon the employee`s initiative and progress. Prog-
ress will be monitored bi-monthly.
4. The "Employee Health Cflnsultation Report" form will be prepared in
duplicate by the Supervisor. Both enployee an3 supervisor �vill sign
the report. The report shall be classified as "Confidential". One
copy will be forwarded to tha employee, the oth�r copy kept by the
supervisor. (A sariple copy is attached to this directive.)
5. A deadline for initiating action on the problem s�.211 be sat and iden-
tified on the report.
Phase II (Necessary if satisfactory progress towards a solution of the problem is
not sade through Phase I.)
1. No later than 30 days after the initiation of this procedure, if the vol-
untary effort described in Phase I has failed to produce results, or if
the employee denies that he or she has a problem, and the problen cantinues,
the supervisor will conduct a second interview. It should include the
appointing authority or tfie appointing authority's designea, and the
employee's immediate supervisor. If requested by the enployee, the union
representative shall be included.
2. The employee will be given full opportunity to express his or her point
of view about the problem and any recor.�endation resultir.g from Phase I.
3. The employee will be made aware that the problem is of sufficient severity
to require the employee to visit a City designated physician or the Public
Employees Assistance Progr�m for exa.��ination to detern�ine the cause of the
problem. A letter shall be written by the Depart�ent Directar to the
Personnel Director requesting that an appointment be mads for the employee.
��. A written report of the medical examination will be required stating the
physician's opinion. This report �,rill also include recor.�endations for
further evaluation or treatment if r_eeded. A copy of the report will be
forwarded to the Personnel Off ice which wi11, in turn, forward a copy to
the Department Director.
5. The "Employee Health Consultation F,eport" will be prepared by tfie supervisor
describing any action taken. The employer will sign the report. One co�y
wi11 be forwarded to the employee and the other copy will be kept by the
Phase III (Impler.ientation of the rehabilitation program)
1 . Depending on Phase I and II, a ti.�e schedule will be set up to allow
for treatment and rehabilitation.
2. If hospitalization or other treatment is indica�ed, th.e e:�ployee wiZl
be granted paid sick leave and vacation within the limits of his or her
accumulated sick leave and vacation time. An additional leave of absence
without pay of up to one year may be granted with the approval of the
appointing authority. In cases of illness when accumulated sick leave
is gone, sick leave without pay may be granted for up to two years.
3. If the circu:nstances do r.ot require the use of sick leave, a leave of
absence of up to s� months may be granted to work out the proble�.
4. If the emplayee refuses treatment and rehabilitation, disc��line
may cor�ence at once if the supervisor has deter�ined that the
employee�s problem is interfering with his or h2r proper job
perforrsance or casting discredi� upon tfie City.
5. "T�e Employee Health Consultation P.eport" will be prepare� by the
supervisor, describing any action taken. This report wi11 be initialed
by the supervisor and the employee and signed by both. One copy will be
forwarded to the employez, the other copy kept by the supervisor.
Phase IV (Necessary only if there is a continuation of the proble�.�
The recurrence of unsatisfactory work or inappropriate conduct wi11 result
in immediate disciplinary action, which may include discharge, by the appoir_tir.g
Employee's Nar.►e
Conditions Leading to Meeting:
Persons Present at Meeting: Position
Outcome of Meeting: (agreement, recommendations, further -�acti.on, i.e. who, what, why)
Deadline for Action:
Supervisor`s Signature ` Date
Employee's Signature Date
I have read this report
Employee s signature (to be signed if e�ployee refuses to sign
agreement above.
. •
June, 1980
This directive establishes the policy, procedures and resp�nsibiliCies for
handling gotential and actual personal problems of city employees. Such }�roblems
could include che�nical, mental, physical, and domestic.
This directive is applicable to all employees holding classif ied positions in
the City service.
In General
Alcoholism, drug abuse and mental illness are recognized as health problems
and trea.table illnesses from which, with help, a person �ay recover and be retained
as a satisfactory employee.
Discharge of the employee with a personal problem is usually not a constructive
solution. It compounds tfie difficulty for both the affected individual and the
employer. A much more effective approach is a forthright, treatnent oriented
method which serves the best interest of the employer and the employee. Normally,
the performance of a job requires training at ttie employer�s expense. The cost of
retaining the employee who actively seeks rehabilitation will usually be less than
the expense involved in training a new employee. In addition, this appraach allows
the employee to face the problem, and guides the employee to professional and exper-
ienced assistance toward rehabilitation.
Statement of Policy
The concern of this policy is directed toward the employee's personaZ problem
or public conduct as it aff ects his or her job performance or casts discredit upon
the City.
The City regards alcoholism, drug abuse and mental or physical problems as ill-
nesses which in themselves are not cause for dismissal. The objective is to retain
the employee who is developing a problem by encouraging the emglopee to accept treat-
ment before he or she becomes unemployable. It is the policy of the City of St. Paul
that personal problems be handled within the following framework:
1. The employee with a problem, once identified, will be encouraged
to secure adequate medical or other professional help.
2. If the emplo}�ee fails to show satisfactory progress in a timely manner, or if
the employee refuses to accept reha.bilitation assistance, he or she will be
subject to disciplinary action for any deficiencies in job performance or for
public conduct which casts discredit on the City.
3. Discip_linary action tak�en sha11 be by the appointing authority
a_nd shall be in accord �aith Civil Service RuZes.
4. It shall be the responsibility of the employee to secure whatever
raelp is necessary to correct the condition which is affecting his
or her job performance.
Program Responsibility
It wi11 be the responsibility of all supervisors to follow the procedures and
to impler,ient this policy. Failure to take proper action shall be the basis of disciplinary
action. The coordination of the employee referral procedure will be the responsibility
of the Personnel Director.
A. Criteria
The principal. factors that will determine act?or_. to be taken in cases where an
employee appears to have a personal problem are:
1 . The extent to which employee's work is affected by the problem
or the extent to which there are adverse eff�cts upon the City.
2. The desire of the employee to work on the pro�alem as manifested
- by the steps he or she takes to secure help.
3. The progress of the employee within an identified tir�e frarse.
B. S�ervisor Personnel
The supervisor, having determined that an employee problem exists, based on
deteriorating job perforcrance, attendance, or inappropriate behavior, sha11 take the
follo�.�ing steps:
Ph3se I (Initial Interview)_
1. Conduct an initial interview, during which the employee will
be appraised of the situation and the Ci�.y's policy with rsgard
to personal problems.
2. If the employee and supervisor agree that a problem does exist,
the employee �oill r.make an appointment with a representative of
the Public Employee Assistance Program. A report will be made
within one week to the supervisar by the counselor or a represen— _
tative of the Public Employee Assistance Program.
3. The employee will be advised that the City's continued cooperation
will be dependent upon t�e e�;ployee's initiative and progress. Prog-
ress will be monitored bi-monthly.
4. The "Employee Health Consultation Report" form will be prepared in
duplicate by the Supervisor. Both enpl�yee and supen isor will sign
the report. The report shall be classif ied as "Confidential". One
copy will be forwarded to the employee, the other copy kep� by the
supervisor. (A samgle copy is attacY!ed to this directive.)
5. A deadline for initiating action on the problem shall be set and iden-
tified on the report.
Phase II (Necessary if satisfactory progress towards a solution of the problem is
not sade through Phase I.)
1. No later than 30 days after the initiation of this procedure, if the vol-
untary effort described in Phase I has failed to produce results, or if
the employee denies that he or she has a problem, and the problem cor_tinues,
the supervisor will conduct a second intervie�a. It should include the
appointing authority or the appointing authority's designee, and the
employee's ir.unediate supervisor. If requested by the employee, the ur_ion
represantative shall be included.
2. The employee will be given full oppoxtur_ity to express his or her point
of view about the problem and any recomr.:endation resultir.g from Phase I.
3. The employee will be made aware that th.e probleM is of sufficient severity
to require the empioyee to visit a City designated physician or the Public
Employees Assistance Prograr.: zor examination to daternina the cause of tze
problem. A letter shall be written by the Department Director to the
Personnel Director requesting that an appointment be made for the employee.
4. A written report of the medical examina.tion will be required stating the
physician's opinion. This zeport will also include rQCOmmendations for
further evaluation or treatmett if needed. A copy af the report wi11 be
forwarded to the Personnel Office ��rhich will, in turn, forward a copy to
the Department Director.
5. The "Employee Health Consultation Report" will ba prepared by the supervisor
describing any action taken. i"he employer �.*i11 sign the report. One copy
wi11 be forwarded to the employee and tlie other copy will be kept by tne
Phase III (Implementation of the rehabilitation program�
l. Depending on Phase I and II, a ti.me schedule will be set up to allow
for treatmant and reha.bilitation.
2. If '::ospitalization or o�'zar treat:�ar.t is indicated, tt.e employee will
be granted paid sick leave and vacation within the limits of his or her
accumulated sick leave and vacation time. An additional leave of absenca
without pay of up ta one year may be granted with the approval of the
appointing authority. In cases of illness wh�n accumulated sick leave
is gone, sick leave without pay may be granted for up to two years.
3. If the circumstances do not require the use of sick leave, a leave of
absence of up to si�: months may be granted to work out the problem.
4. If the employee refuses treatnent and rehabilitation, discipline
may comnence at once if th� supervisor has deter�ined that the
employee�s proble� is interfering with his or her proper job
performance or casting discredit upon the City.
5, "The Employee Health Consultation Report" will be prepared by the
supervisor, describin� any action taken. This report will be initialed
by the supervisor and the employee and signed by both. One copy will be
forwarded to the employee, the other copy kept by the supervisor.
Phase N (Necessary only if there is a continuation of the problem.)
Tfie recurrence of unsatisfactory work or inappropriate conduct will result
in i�aediate disciplinary action, which na.y include dischargP, by the appointir.g
Employee's Name
Conditions Leading to Meeting:
Persons Present at Meeting: Position
Outcome of Meeting: (agreement, reco�nendations, further action, i.e. who, what, why)
Deadline for Action:
Supervisor`s Signature ' Date
Employee�s Signature Date
I have read tfiis report " �
Enployee s sigr.ature (to be signed if employee refuses to sign
agreement above.
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