275392 WH17E - CITV CLERK �OUnCl� ?"�5�9� PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L t � BLUE - MAVOR ' Flle NO. ' s C uncil Resolution Prese Referred Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date .An administrative Resolution changing the title and class specification for General Blacksmith to Blacksmith in the Civil Service Rules. ' RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.A. 1. (Building Trades - Ungraded, Boilermakers) by striki.ng out t1�.e title of General Blacksmith and by substituting in lieu thereof the title of Blacksmith; and be it , FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Givil Service Rules be further amended by striking from Section 32 the class specification for the title of General Blacksmith and substituting in lieu thereof, i.n proper alphabetical order, the atta.ched class specification for the title of Blacksmith. Approved: ����hairman , ivil Service Comrriission COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Knnt Nays �evine PER NEL OF ICE , r�� [n Favor � M,�Aahon � __ Against BY — � Showaiter Tedesco e Wilso AUG 5 �90o Form A roved Cit At r y Adopted � Counci Date — c Cert ied Pas� by Cou cil Secretajy BY J l' Approved Mavor: Date _��}� 4 �980 A r d by Mayor for Su i ion to Council sy _ _ Pi��lSNEfl AU G 2 3 1980 ,{� C��Y ��' ������� ��.��., .' ,j; 3_ OFFICE O�' THE CITY CO�IN�ZI, ..{y � f„iA�A � �/ �.- �'' .v. Q� l� t,_�� �, _s�. } s +�.�,�..;:�.,:=�� ``;� �...;. ;��;i•s�i._. � .,'�. ,i�,. .e:�': �:�" Date : t`•�;.,. ' ' . �� �u�.y 24, iggo GOS'� � 1�°T�. � � � � �' � �� T �i : Saint P��� �i��� Co�s�cil F R O �� � C 0 t�°i i'�f�i£� Q t"� FI�VA`VCE, MANAGEMENT 3� PERSONNEL George Mch1ahon t choirm�n, makes the following reparf or� G. F. � �rdinonce f$) X� Resalution �� �th2r � �� �� � The Finar�ce Committee, at its meeting of July 24, 1980, recorr�nended approval of the following: 1 . Resolution authorizing the destruction of cancelled government bonds and coupons. (11106-GM) - 2. Resolution replacing the title and class specification for Park For�an with the title and class specification for Park Maintenance Supervisor. (110.12-RH) 3. Resolution transferring $23,000 of approved 1979 CIB funds fram Sumriit Avenue lighting to Forest Street lighting. (11163-GM) 4. Resolution estabiishing procedural guidelines for referring employe�s for counseling and/or treatment. (11184-GM) 5. Resolution establishing title and class specification for title of 8lacksmith Trainee in Section 3.A.1 . (Building Trades-Ungraded) of Civil Service Rules and Section 32. (11185-GM) 6. Resolution establishing rate of pay for new title of Blacksmith Trajnee, (11181-GM) 7. Resolution establishing title of Blacksmith in Section 3.A (Building Trades- Ungraded) of Civil Service Rules to replace title of General Blacksr�ith and establishing class specification in Section 32. (11183-GM) 8. Resolution approving the 1980 Labor Agreement between the City of St. Pau1 and the Electrical Workers Union, Local No. 110. (11180-GM) CITY "rL�LL SEVENZ�� FLOOR SAINT flAUL, �ti�t�i�jOT� S�IO2 .��+ .�_ _ .r F, /ll -� �. �� �0-U3� ,�o not detach this mem4re�dum from the , reMalution co that this info�mation w141 be � av�lfable to the City Councii. EXPLANASOLUT�ION�MIANDSORDINANCE�ERS, .�y C��� ��r�1 Date: June 26, 1980 ,� E C E 1 V E D J U L 1,,�'198�J T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR�S GFFIC`E FR: Personnel 0£fice RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We reco�end your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This Resolution establishes the title of Blacksmith i.n Secti.on 3.A (Bui.lding Trades - Ungraded) of the Civil Service Rules, to replace the title of General Blacksmith. It also establishes a class speci.fication in Section 32, to replace the out-dated General Blacksmith speci.fication. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution and copy for the City Clerk. � I � ..(� �` f..@e.7��� � Title of class: GENERAL BLACKSMITH Duties and responsibilitiese Under supervision, to forge, welda harden9 and temper iron and steel; to do acetylene and arc-welding; to sharpen and bend metals; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To forge, cut, and weld new iron work for automobiles, trucks, carts, wagons and park maintenance equipment, such as bolts, rods, angles, straps, bracketsfl bracesa fender irons, steps, axles, springs, etc. To forge, sharpen9 and temper picks, chisels, caulki.ng tools, diamond points9 cutting chisels, etc. To repair broken lamp�posts by acetylene or arc-welding. To repair and surface temper bucket teeth on power digging equipment. To operate acetylene and arc-welding equipment in the repair of inech- anical equipment. To lay out and fashion new tools and metal parts, To use an acetylene torch to cut steel and to burn out lead joints. To weld or braze steel, copper; and other metals and alloysa To "preheat" in preparation for welding. To do welding in connection with rnounting snow plows on trucks and • tractor s. To sharpen mower blades, scarifier teetY}.and road discs. Minimum qualifications: Eighth-grade education and the possession of an official certificate evidencing the completion of an apprenticeship as a blacksmith9 such as is issued by the State of Minnesota; ory eighth-grade educa� tion and eight years' experience in blacksmith work, at least four years of which must have been as a journeyman blacksmith. • � Ti�le of class: ����� BLACKSMITH DESCRIPTION QF WORK General Statenent of Duties: Under supervision, within the Water Utility, to forge, weld, fiarden and temper iron and steel; to do acetylene and arc welding; to sharpen and form metals; and to perform related work as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under supervision of unit supervisar. Supervision Exercised: Fxercise immediate supervision over trainee and/or unskilled workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Forges, cuts and welds new iron work such as bolts, rods, angles and strags for construction and maintenance equipment. Forges, tempers and sharpens picks, chisels, caulking tools and points for pneumatic tools. Constructs hard overlay on bucket teeth of various power digging equipment. Lays out and fashions new tools and metal parts. Welds or brazes steel, cooper and other metals and alloys. - Builds-up and replaces carbide cutting edges on rock drills and augers. Regairs broken hydrant barrels and reconditions hydrant rods and valves. Estimates work needs and draws supplies from stock; notifies storekeeper o£ needed supplies and materials. K130WLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of the procedures used in the forging, and tempering of iron and steel materiaZs. Coasiderable skill in the use of acetylene and arc welding equipment. kbility to read and interpret blueprints and Iayouts. Working skill in repairing or modifying equipment with or without the aid of blueprints. Working skill in the safe use of power tools and equipment used in forging, welding, 3oining and cutting metals. MII+TIMU:�I QUALIFICATIONS Three years' experience in blacksmith work which must include the forging of inetals, at least two years of which must have been under the direction of a blacksmith. . Title of class: BLACKSMITH ���q��� DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Under supervision, within the Water Utility, to forge, weld, fiarden dnd temper iron and steel; to do acetylene and arc welding; to sharpen and form metals; and to perform related wark as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under supervision of unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Exercise immediate supervision over trainee and/or unskilled workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Forges, cuts and welds new iron work such as bolts, rods, angles and straps for construction and maintenance equipment. Forges, tempers and sharpens picks, chisels, caulking tools and points for pneumatic tools. Constructs fiard overlay on bucket teeth of various power digging equipment. Lays out and fashions new �ools and metal parts. Welds or �razes steel, cooper and other metals and alloys. Builds-up and replaces carbide cutting edges on rock drills and augers. Rep3irs broken hydrant barrels and reconditions hydrant rods and valves. Estimates wark needs and draws supplies from stock; notifies storekeeper of needed supplies and materials. KNOWI�EDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of the procedures used in the forging, and temperin� of iron and steel materials. Considerable skill in the use of acetylene and arc welding equipment. Ability to read and interpret blueprints and layouts. Working skill in repairing or modifying equipment with or without the aid of blueprints. � Working skill in the saf e use of power tools and equipment u�ed in forging, welding, joining and cutting m�tals. MINIMU:I QUALIFICATIONS Three years� experience in blacksmith work which must include the forging of inetals, at least two years of which must have been under the direction of a blacksmith. � T3.ele of class: ����� BLACKSMITA DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Under supervision, G�ithin the Water Utility, to forge, we1d, harden and temper iron and steel; to do acetylene and arc welding; to sharpen and form metals; and to perform r�lated work as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under supervision of unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Exercise immediate supervision over trainee and/or unskitled workers. TYPICAL DUTIES FERFORMED The listed examples may not include aIl d�ties performed by aLl positions in this class. Forges, cuts and welds new iron work such as bolts, rods, angles and straps for construction and raaintenance equipment. Forges, tempers and sharpens picks, chisels, caulking tools and points for pneumatic tools. Constructs hard overlay on bucket teeth of various power digging equipment. Lays out and fashions new tools and metal parts. Welds or brazes steel, cooper and other metals and alloys. Builds-up and replaces carbide cuttin� edges on rock drills and augers. Repairs brolcen hy�.rant barrels and reconditions hydrant rods and valves. Estimates work needs and draws supplies from stock; noCifies storekeeper o£ needed supplies and materials. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of the procedures used in the forging, and tempering of iron and steel materials. Considerable skill in the use of acetylene and arc welding equipment. Ability to read and interpret blueprints and layouts. Working skill in repairing or modifying equipment with or without the aid of blueprints. Working skill in the safe use of power tools and equipmant used in forging, welding, joining and cutting metals. MIIQIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Three years' experience in blacksmith work which must include the forging of inetals, at least two years of which must have been under the direction of a blacksmith. a -