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���V J City of St.Paul COiJNCIL FILE NO. RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESSMENT By File No. 17�il� ___In the matter of the assessment_of.bene_fits, cost and expenses for ___ ._. I public storm sewers in the following streets: �I In CLEVELAND AVENUE from Hoyt Avenue to Dudley Avenue and '' from Co�onwealth Avenue to Como Avenue; In DUDLEY AVENUE from Cleveland Avenue to Raymond Avenue; In RAYMOND AVENUE from Dudley Avenue to Knapp Street and from Scudder Street to 300 feet south af Blake Avenue; In HYTHE STREET from Dudley Avenue to Hendon Avenue; In HENDON AVENUE from Hythe Street to Cleveland Avenue; In BUFORD AVENUE from Grantham Street to Hythe Street and from Cleveland Avenue to Raymond Avenue; In GRANTHAM STREET from Dudley Avenue to Buford Avenue; In CHELMSFORD STREET from Dudley Avenue to Knapp Street; In DOSWELL AVENUE from Grantham Street to Hythe Street and from Raymond Avenue to Cleveland Avenue; In CARTER AVENUE from Como Avenue to 300 feet west and from Cleveland Avenue to Raymond Avenue� In COMMONWEALTfi AVENUE from Como Avenue to 450 feet west and from Cleveland Avenue to alley and from Keston Street to Gordon Avenue; In KNAPP STREET from Raymond Avenue to Hillside Avenue; In COMO AVENUE from Luther Place to Rnapp Place and from Ra.leigh Street to Gibbs Avenue; In RNAPP PLACE from Como Avenue to Knapp Street; In LANGFORD PARK EAST from Gordon Avenue to Rnapp Street; In LANGFORD PARK WEST from Knapp Street to 350 feet south of Blake Avenue; ` In RESTON STREET from Carter Avenue to Co�onwealth Avenue; In GORDON AVENiJE from Carter Avenue to Ludlow Avenue and from Scudder Street to Raymond Avenue; In BLARE AVENUE from Ludlow Avenue to Langford Park West and from Raqmond Avenue to Langford Park East; In ATTY STREET from Scudder Street to Raymond Avenue; In PRISCILLA STREET from Raymond Avenue to Gibbs Avenue; In GIBBS AVENIJE from Como Avenue to Kasota Avenue; In LANGFORD PARK EAST from Blake Avenue to 350 feet south. ____�_�._. All to be known as the SAINT ANTHONY PARK STORM SEWER SYSTEM. City Projects: S-0460 E-1 and 5-0460 E-2. � U CILI4IEN - �� Adopted by th il: Date " Yeas � `'z Nays Hunt G � 4 �98Q Ht I� Levine tified Passe Co il Secretary LP,` ' 18 Maddox h/1,�.,, ;.� �% McMahon In Favor y ���: , Showatter v ' �` , ,_,, Tedesco Against � Wi�son Mayor T� �' ��� ��►sHE� AU G 2 3 19$(� ,.�t���.7�-� City of St.Paul COLJNCIL FILE N0. Office of The Director of Finance By ' REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT File No. 17690 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for public storm sewers in the following streets: In CLEVELAND AVENUE from Hoyt Avenue to Dudley Avenue and from Commonwealth Avenue to Como Avenue; In DUDLEY AVENUE from Cleveland Avenue to Raymond Avenue; In RAYMOND AVENUE from Dudley Avenue to Knapp Street and from Scudder Street to 300 feet south of Blake Avenue; In HYTHE STREET from Dudley Avenue to Hendon Avenue; In HENDON AVENUE from Hythe Street to Cleveland Avenue; In BUFORD AVENUE from Grantham Street to Hythe Street and from Cleveland Avenue to Raymond Avenue; In GRANTHAM STREET from Dudley Avenue to Buford Avenue; In CHELMSFORD STREET from Dudley Avenue to Knapp Street; In DOSWELL AVENLTE from Grantham Street to Hythe Street and from Raymond Avenue to Cleveland Avenue; In CARTER AVENUE from Como Avenue to 300 feet west and from Cleveland Avenue to Raymond Avenue� In COMMONWEALTH AVENUE from Como Avenue to 450 feet west and from Cleveland Avenue to alley and from Keston Street to Gordon Avenue� In RNAPP STREET from Raymond Avenue to Hillside Avenue; In COMO AVENUE from Luther Place to Knapp Place and from Raleigh Street to Gibbs Avenue; In KNAPP PLACE from Como Avenue to Knapp Street; In LANGFORD PARK EAST from Gordon Avenue to Knapp Street; In LANGFORD PARR WEST from Knapp Street to 350 feet south of Blake Avenue; ' In KESTON STREET from Carter Avenue to Commionwealth Avenue; In GORDON AVENUE from Carter Avenue to Ludlow Avenue and from Scudder Street to Raymond Avenue; In BLAKE AVENUE from Ludlow Avenue to Langford Park West and from Raymond Avenue to Langford Park East; In ATTY STREET from Scudder Street to Raymond Avenue; In PRISCILLA STREET from Raymond Avenue to Gibbs Avenue; In GIBBS AVENUE from Como Avenue to .Kasota Avenue; In LANGFORD PARK EAST from Blake Avenue to 350 feet south. All to be known as the SAINT ANTHONY PARK STORM SEWER SYSTEM. City Projects: 5-0460 E-1 and 5-0460 E-2. _— �zs��:r3_...�__. Net Assessment � �'�+ thereon as may be considered proper. ^ � �� Dated �V�v-a,- �� ,9 So ���.1� �50�� � Director of Finance � � , _ . ' Einance File No. -17690 ASSESSMENT ROLL l�.t �SV �-�, T hereby..certify that the =fvl.lawing 'has be�n cvmpared q �ith and is a co�rect .copy of the assessment o� b:enefits, : - ` . cost:and: expen.ses: arisirig from';cc�nstructing pubtic storm � � sewe•rs in the follcnwing street�: �.n CLEVEI�::AVENUE from Hoyt Avenue to Dudley Avenue and f�o�� Commonwealth Avenue to Como. Avenue; in DUDLEY AVENUE from Cleveland Aventte 'Co Ra�ymond Avenue; in RAYMOND AVENUE f`rbm �udley ;Avenue to I�napp 'Sfreet and from $cudder .Street �to 3Q0 feet south of'B�ake Avenue;` , , in HYTHE STREET �rom .Dudley Avenu� to` Hendon Avenue; in .HENI30N AUENiJE from Hythe Street to Cleveland; in BUFORD,AVENUE from Grantham Street to Hyt�ie Street ' and`. from Cleveland Avenue to Raymond Avenue;: ' in GR�ATTI�AM STREET .from Dudley Avenue to Buford.Avenue; . . in C�TELI�SFORD STREET from Dudley Avenue to Knapp'Street; in �OSWELL A�EAiU� �rom Grantham Street to�E�ythe Street a�rid� �.from Ra�nnond .Avenue to Cleveland Avenue; , in C�TER AV�NUE f�om Como Avenue to 300 feet. west and . from� Cleveland Avenv.e to�Raymond. Avenue; _ : in CO22�9MMONW�ALTH AVENUE from C.omo Avenue to 450 west . , : . . ° 4..,` : ;: . <, ; and frc�►m �ieveland Avenue to a��:ey ` ,.q" • ` and �rom:Keston Street to.Gordon AVE'n:ue; in RNHPP. STREET fram Raymond Avenue t.o Hi11��de .Avenue; in COMO AVEl�`(J�`�rota., Luther Place to Knapp 1'lace and from Raleigh Street ta .Gib�s Aven�e; . fn•:.KNAPP PLACE from Gom€� Avenue to Knapp Street; in LANGFORD PARR EAST £rom Gordon Avenue to Knagp Street; � � � in LANG�'ORD .,p� WEST from Knapp Street to 350. fe�t south of B��ke Avenue; ; , in KESTON STlt��f from Carter Avenue to Cammon�a��Ti Avenue; _ ,. . , : " - - in GORI�(�+I AVEI�UB £�om Cartex Avenue to Ludlow Avenue � and fxom Scud�er Street to �taymbnd Avenue; , in BLAKE AVENUE from Zud�ow t�venne `to �Langfor� Park W�est , and ` from i2aymond Avenue to Langfo�d Park East; : , in-ATTY STREE� from Scudde� Srreet `to�'Raymond •Ave,tit�:ue; � -� � . . . . ' ` ' in PB�SCILLA �ST�t��T f�om Raymond Av�n�e to _Gibbs A've�tee; ' ' in �I$BS AVENUE from C�mo Avenue tn I�asota Avenue;� and . � � in I:ANGFORD P�,RK .EAS� from $lake A�cre�iue to 350 feet south: f All `Go :be known ��s the SAINT AN�ON'� P�RK STORM'��R 'SYSTF�i :' . � �. . ; � ' �5-0460E-1 and' 5-0460E-2). .,.; -, - �., ,. _ . ;� w� . ,.., . ,, � : . Go �o�:ctiver page (2). ; .: � . , , ; � - . . . � _ : � , : . �. : � e; : . � . . . . ,. , , s � : � . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . .... . � . . . ]Y'"' � . . ry'.. . . . . . . , . . . � . . . ... . . . �,1` •':Y: . .., ... �� , ,, . . : ,. . . . .�, . . �•.. - : .. �.f� . . . Y ^ �,k� � .. � y i esx •" >i . z - , ,. ' — � � .. r YY'., � . � _, y -,.T ,¢ . _. . ..,y:. . .. . . , . �1!� � . A ��.. � „�': . .. . . . .. •.} �. � � . « , a� F �3 • ���. � " � . .. , . e ':*C J� (�•1: � r.. � .:.vw �,.i b . 7 .. . , . . �.J. ��� .. ��'r. ! ' � :4. .q v��.. . . � � . � � � ti �. ¢� ' . � .�. �� �`�'� r*'� . ,,... } 'Y ;� . ' . r . . ���f `��, a y . . , , . .. � � . . - . . i ��y . - � � ' . ' ".. .. A:'.. . . ': .. .. ���.. . ..f ,'. . . ,� .c '. ., ';. ". ' �.' ., . ., (2) ' Finance F�'T� No�. 176�} : � , ;. r,t. - . , r: � � �A���SMEN�.ROLL '� '' +. a a` a':n + 3 +,. , 1 f- J �. . . .. . .. \'n... , �tin . � . . _ . .' . . ,� . . .... �. � - .- a e . .... ' ..�.. . . ..'_ . __ .. . .. �, . ----���—Y--�----�1f--- —� � -y`� — —_._ __— -----_.-_ ..—� --� --- � ... . ....� .i � ::. "�� � ,w�.. �.�y � 4 4 � t ','��' �';�� �I � . . I + ," - , eOSTS AND EXPENSES �I , ' S-0460E-1 5-0460E-2 � - L-7736 L-7712 L-8010 , �..��, ;ti Contract cost $342,882.97 $1,254,750.15 Extra A.O. D-1732 12/19/74 390.30 �j , ~;� Water Department Costs 11,523.28 8,371.55 �!, Tests of Materials 173.88 579.53 Misc. Costs 3,124.68 � , Street Oiling Costs 2,471.18 � ' D.O.T. - Inspection � Tests 5 360.38 �' � Aerial Survey 2�104.26 €� � Soil Exploration 2,761.89 E; City Force Work 11 871.74 j Community Services �153.14 �i . Total Construction Costs $360,566.29 $1,285,952.64 �� '.� . �,' .. Engineering & Inspection 37,400.00 168,446.66 �' - Valuation � Assessment Services 1,428.10 1,048.00 � '` � Sub-Total $399,394.39 $1,455,447.30 I � Combined Sub-Total $1,854,841.69 Postal Cards 737, x $0.30 221.10 Pinance Accounting Costs 737 x $1.50 1,105.50 E} � Publications 737 x $1.50 1,105.50 ; � Collection Costs 737 x $3.00 _ 2,211.00 �{ Total Expenditurea $1,859,484�79 � ` � 92070-409 (E-1) 1,499.40 � ' . LESS: C.I.B. } C.I.B. 92071-403 (E-1) 298,345.00 � , C.I.B. 92071-401 (E-1) 37,400.00 • � 1974 W.P.A.F. (72046-537) (E-2) 954,933.00 �: : 1975 W.P.A.F. (72070-537) (E-2) 107,002.Q0 �� . �'r 1975 W.P.A.F. (72055-537) (E�) 111,464.69 1975 W.P.A.F. (72056-460) (E-��) 85,792..39 Uaiversity of Minnesota (E-2) 113,511.00 Water Department (B-2) 9,476.63 �I � P.I.R. Suspense (E-2) 6,659.98 �! Net Assesement $ 133,400.70 �; , . O�cinl . - �< ; 2��(8° Y ,u„ �C¢aa.►,.,.���., � ; Dne and Payable 19 � �� # � i j' i �. . ;�t'e }�er assessab�.e ,sq.uare foo� for 8n��& two-�atni.ly;and �to�howse: , $`.f�12�5, � . ,.. . . ,> . ., , , ' - : Rate ger assessabl.e square foot for multi-fa�ily, ix�dustr�a�:, busin�ss., etc. -- $�.03 ` , { . ��..:+:��� �� ,, .. _ . Finance Fi1e No. 17Fi90 ,.,. • A�SESSMENT KOLL ` . , .. , ; . {. . . s . ,: . , -: . ,.: Re: SAINT ANTIiONY PARK STORM SEWER SYS�N! (S-0460E-1) ari�`^ "(ST0460E-2) ::: �. ,S' .. . . . . ' . . ; . . . � . 'F�.. . . . .� � .. _ . .• , ..r �:, '. . . . '' - . � .�:+�y �. " ' ,:R�tsl�bf the Un3vers3.tq of Minneso�a . . -$7`I.21 s :� -� `r `�' Fa�cept nor��i 30 feet; Lot 1, Auditaf��s �ubdiviaion No. 63 .' . . Regents of ��Che Un�iversitp af Minriesot,�i. . ': � � � $192.41;; . � Lot 2.,, Ai�;d�:f'�d�'s;3uiidivision Na.� fi3: � �i� . . . . . � . �� . �.. � , � - . - , k �tegen���eof the :;un�v�ersity of M�;nnesota _ . . � $192 41��. '`s .a ` Lot 3, Audito.r's.Subdivisinn-�. 63 ` ' ... . � . .. . . . . . .. . . .,. . . . �.,Y � 4�: R,e�;ent�,of t�ie Uni,�reraity of Mittue�ota . " , $�92 41a ; � � ... , ,. , , , Lot 4, .Auditor''s �ubdivis�o�n"�No: 63 r Re�ents of the -Untve�sity of Minnesot.a. �. . . � $192,4T� Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision �io. 63 . .; Re�ents af th� tttiiversity of Min�te�ta , . .. ' ., S192.41`` , Lot 6, °Aud3tar'.$=Subdfv�:��.c� I�b.. 83 Dorot�y�SI,`�iealq � ' � . . :$430.�3� . " '' `�c�epti no�Ch .31� feet;:Lo� 7, �iiiditor's Subdivision No. 63 � .� Ricfiard .BY and Virgina' Temple;:4�ather: . S 183 01" � ` , Sub��c�- tb ±easement; tN�"east:b0 feet of,the sauth 1D6..50` fe,et and • , �� � th� �as� 53.30 �eet,: of �Che so��h 162:3 feet o� noxth 192.30 feet " *� , of I.�t 8, Aaditorie Su&e�iv�isfc,+n No�. 63 � �, , � . :� ' ,; , , � � William 0 and Ann C Bulger _ � $244.37r ' _ Sub�ect to ease�extt;..Che�wt�ast b8.685 f eet o€-�he south lOb..50 :f eet . �� � . . , ,,. . _ � and- the west 7`5.3$g" �ee� �af soutih 152:3 feet,.o� north 192.30 f�$t ,.. �_ � �; of Lc�t� 8, Au�litor's Subd�vie�.1�� No'. 63 "� `� . Y�; ; � . � ' �y$134.�� ; . John L ane� Palma J Wi��en ,: ; That�parti,lyin�,aouth�a� a .line beginning on ';west li�ie of Lot: 9 ;. , _ , ` and 126..5 feet seuth o� nn�tFiwest, corner;� thenc� east at right �'' , ' �' '.an$�i� �8,,75 feet; thenEe .�nu�'h at right an�le &'r feet; t'li�mce easC ` ' ; ati right anga.e, to east �ine oi� Lot 9, Auditor�s� Subdiv3aion No. 63 � - . � , � : . _ R3chaxd B and: C1ara .1 Allyn . , ' $8°1.fl��� . Exce pt north.3� feiet fo�r st�eeti; part nortk� of a ].ine beginning on west`line'Qf� Lo.t.,9 and 126.5 £eet sou�h of northwest cflrner; thence •� : �e easttiat ,r3.ght an�le_ 18.�5 .,l�eet; thence soutih ati ��glit an.gle 6 feet; f'� �� th�`i�e east•�at;:•righti� a�tg�e� �o �'he east:1ine :o� Lot 9, Auditor's: k=• : Sub�l�.vis�.on N�.. `�S3 ` �:, : . ,., ; � . . ,• � Elsi� W Finiapscm � _-: . -_ �215. ' �ccept norCh 3t� feer; Lr�� .10; Auditor's. Subd3,v�sio�a No. 63 �' ,;, bavid P ��d� Mar�se` C Far . . $94.0� Sout�t 130 �eet ;vf Lot k�;� Au►��tior`s Subdivisidn Nd. 63; F"redQrfak, P and Dnri� S Amq � � ,$334.0�" Exce�s� the south 13d fee� �d'e�ept the nor�h 30` feet, Lot 11 and except north: 3p feet; i,�� Y2, Auditorts.Subdivision No. 63 . `> ,Kennett� C and�Roberta Salxbet�g $71.OQ{ - Sot�tih 142 f�e�: Lot 13, A+�ditox's Subdivision :No. 6� � George FT �nd Vera C Hunting $�1.00 ' Th�t �outh 142 fee� of Lot 14, Auditor's .3ubdivision No. 63 �' � � Forr�st �a�d M��ia.r�. L i�flbo�t , -r'$86.4�2 Sub�ect to e�a�ment; the south 142 feet of Lot iS, .Aud3.tor's Sub- . division Na. 6� 'T `" W�LI.�� .�§ HutchinsQn, and Kat'h�erine A Ptutc�ti�son . �$92 3,5� �� . � . �,. �� Sub�:iact to aveni�e and, e�Cept th�e..sou�h 153 f�et; Lot 16:, A�dit�r's : � �; ¢ . �� : 'w' Subdi'ti�lsion �To. 63 ��.. �,� •-r' n�� :,. - : , . .<.: ,,; ---, � , . : . , , . ,: . :; . � �� ,;. � °� •.4 . . :s. ,;. . - � _ , . .,�; �µ , r. � ,� -�� . . . . _ ,� . �: -�. . � � � : , . . _. _ :�. . ' z° , _ .; . ,. . . ' ,. .. , . � , � , ._ .: _. ... _ � _ .. ; .., � --- . _ , - ?'f" ,� ':��'� -P� _ Y. � . , � . � " �'' i,i'1� ^ '� (t. •'t 1 1 ^, . . . .r; , . . .` � �... 1 rr.�'" 'CS>7.5 p _ . ;\f:._`� 1`� '? '7'1�. ._ ��e'r tr.s�r�.L�. � . .. . j.. . � . � . �� . . . . ..M . . . . . :� . . . . . :� .'T � .. ' � ., � .: . i.� � . l. '�'� �� ' . ' .x'i�C9 _ ;T`Ia T� �rj � . P ij�j �� �S.� , �p.'3 Zf.'ry�.`a `" +. ' , � � ��",.`. � .f)'.� i f.S��,`kS�-L't�;�tR� c"�,���1.1_L'f , ;3�3�� �c -1.• �! .��'�1. .. ��''S'1�'�r„� �Yd' '$u:r� * o �', r , .. ;.�� - � ' .: " .:,� . ' .'� .. �: . . . �,.. . � . y • f x+ .:. ) '��.. �. . ..Z .r � 5 �c' .�'�Ti,t�l' "'t,',l �' Y �' . }id 'I''�` , or�[�,"` /. &7 �t��a�� r r.. .�, ���� : .. x ;�. . . ) . f y� .�M1 �711.2 ��`jit 1f�;�..� -����Lrt�' '... �'� A:v � 5.p '�w Rr.f o, .. ... . ....,n . . TYy ��+': S � .(. . •. . j , �s . . , �� A �.� .'�� �. ., � �� •�F: `' f . t' r.,�i'Y,s�'{[:,(��` �U <T.:f 2'I3��t���. '� �C3„'F.'31 9'�.c.r� 3 . � ' . . ,. . . . � �"i ��� T"nC�3.L��'i j,���.�a, 'tl^'`t�f 1 � ::ra�� /.i . . . � '. j. .. . �� . _ ��r �4� . . �$'.� ).: .. . }S � . � .� � � ;�y� � . , � . �, � . � . ,���"e`�{��'��R SL.` tr���p.•T4�,�-r�!1 c��t., �d .,��� •r v���tS �_ r; a ..... ' r Z', ,n�r jfil'`.�?':�'ti.�� ! t. 2'•?fi��4t�,. ? „�` �.C,r f. . ,. . ..> . . . ' r��.� rr,t� � � . � . . � � . , ��.. � .� �. 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'� �. n .�`r_ jfc? r�, _.:�,����r�' �' i T tr � - "� . � '� �' �' XC1�n��[Sf' �+�� in.: '+r 3� F:S� � '�:►i*).�rti:?�.� �J�TS�J��I f,1f. �I`iT1!'S CS7 �S�'J`�:rLTC. , . . - . . . . . . ' .. . ,'.;�. . w _ _ fi; �l; ��►t���..r�dL� �:y., �K.. h , #` � �4 ,*+ � .�', s :�� t-�--.. . . ,�`:.�; , ' . �: . °�.., � � :..F � .�i4,�. � r�_ 'F �4 i . . � .. . ,. � . : . . - . . . . �. �E- s?�.N- s.:_, �Y'- ��; .. , , _ ; � 2 �' Finance F�le No; 1769Q . - ' ,:,. . - ASSESSML�IT ROLL .:; . - �,. .. . R�; SATNT ANTHONY PARR STO1�M SEWER SYSTENI f S-0460E-1) and (S-0460E�2) -< :._ r y :- �� . ,, , ..,:, �. Richard B.:and_.F];Rrence W Ho:lmsten ° ' . $'123.05� :r:; South .15�3 'feet o# Bodit6;.'gu8�bdtb�sSniadlGvisl6dn No. 63, � I�abert �' atid Beverly R Oien , �" . �$84.1q : Except.iu�rth 30 feet and,except the south 163.15 fee�; Lot 17, � �� � Aud�t�br`a Subdivision No. 63 - � .. ` � � . . Agnes M Curley • - . r , . $131 2�.� The_$outh 163.15 feet of Lot 17, Auditor's Subdivis'ion No. b3 , i .. ,. Jolu� W Li�ert . ; '��108.55�. The' $outh 135 feet of, Lot 18, ,Audibor's Srrbdivis�on No. 63 �' '�- ' , . . ... . .. . . � - k . . , - . $lfl5 8�' • Harold J and Marion E Wa��stm._ ; ,. . ' . Sub�ect' to'` 'easepaen�s; except th� north'30 fe�� a�hc#�-except the . ` sout# '135 feet; .Lot 18, }:A�idito�!s .Subdiv3.sion �To. 63 , R.iehard �.�.and Mary M �51ind . . �108:58M � � South 135 feet` of Lot 19, Auditor.'s S�bdivis�on No. 63 � . . - , . . - k.., . . � ' .. � � � . . . . .. . , , . � . . . . � . . . � . � Frarik and Ruth E.Paskewita . $62.g2 � Su1���ct. ta street and ekcept sou�h 142 ,feet, Lot 13, Auditdr-'s , Su�iilivision No. 63 : Robert G and Beverly K McKir�n�1T • $139.4a Sub�ect to street. artr2 e�'cept s�outh i42 fee�C; �ots 14.�a�d 15, Audi- . tor's Subdivis�on N�`. fi� , Rabert P and Vera �yle .,. . $1Q6.83 . .. Subject to st.rt�et az�d 'eucept sou�h 135 fe�t� Lot 19, �AudiCor'� ` � � S�bdivision Np;:`.63, Alice MErgens � , ' ' : � , .. $215.4Q �: �x�epti nort'h 3��. f8et;. the east half of. Lot 20,. Auditor'�s Subdivi-.: , ; sion No. 63 , • . ; �le,. a�td. Ev�elyn.L Gf$v,old - : • , •. ; � ,;. = - ...'.. $2154G0'. � SubJ.,�ct to�essemen:C-.:,ove� �.narth'� � °f ee� of��f ol.l,owiii,g;.. -Far•�ept� �tYte��� � � � , . ' no�th 130 feet; .the east 68.455 feet of Lot �.21, AudiCor's_ Subdivi- - ��. .sion�.,Na. 63 . _, ;:� .r��F ��' , x �=r� , , � • $85.57 Marie.D P�eck . ' Sou'th _100 feet of� th� north �.30 feet of the'eas� 68.4�'S3. �e.et af. . ` ' � - . .7ro�_' 21�, Auditor's Subdivisioin No. 63 � ' �. # � , _;,� � ,: : `� ,.�: �, ,.. , , � - , �- Erskin� M, Jr.. and Eva � .Capertan - '$9.d3' Except nort�h 1�.7_.feet,,. the weet 4.23 feet o� Lot 21, Au;�ii.tc�r's: � S�i�di��:sion No. ,63 , *3• ,„�- , �� �. � , � :�"�, �'<' " ,: ; . � � -` ' �,� M.�°. ,-" , ,�$93.�l�, �,f � �-� - ' P�a�: R tand Pat�ri�ia[ �, �3'Connor° : .,` � -. � Sub,ject to" Hoyt A�venue; ..fhe �east 56 feet of the west 60.23 �feet ` , of the north ,163.15 feet csf Lot 21, Auditar's Su�division No: 63 � f . .. . . . . . . � .. � � . . � � _ ..4� ��, y� . '. ., .. ...� :�" .' .. . k nu�� � � _ f r . . -�"� 7���'� . " �� John V and Jeannexte M C$rtex` � � � � , . '; Except north 1b3.L5; the east 56 feet of west 60.23 feefi of=.Lot `'`r, �- 21, Aud�tor's Subdivision No. 63 : ,.•;� Victor T and Lonio :W Chan � $103.13F� Lot 1, Blm Crescent . � - z �irnold 0 and Lois� � R��.� $93,75 LoG 2, Elm Crescetit'i . . Chr . : ; , , . �s�fl�shulstaa � , : � �93:�5 LoC 3, L].m �rescenr ' � . . . , - . �. � . . � . � . - � , F , . State'o� �ifn.riesota � � �$19.75: �;_,.: East i0� fe�t of �.vt 1, Evenson's Rearrangement �. . .' . �eo�rge P.� a�id Vivian�'M Howa tt . . Except the No�th 130 feet; the East 68.455 feet of Lot 21, , � Audito=`s Subdivisi�n No. 53 St. paul, .:Minn. $.143:61 ; _ , . _ .. ��_ . ' ' . . . � e4 � ]' ,' . .- �. • • � • ' ' . .\ � � . � x ' � . ... , ::Y' . . . , . . . , . - . . � .. , + , .. - , . . . . . . . . , �. . f � r ��t:T .Ay�i�` �? 'Yr��'7,} .. . � l.. .. f�'� . .. . . . . . . -. . �. , . . . ' �,,r��:i. 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Part�of Lots 3 and 4 lying westerly of the ext.e�ded westerly litra �- of ttie easterly 35 feet 'ctf Lot• 3, Evenson's Re�,�ran�ement ,: ,rr > Dona�d � and Helen P Macln,nis� . � : $124 31, Sub�ect to easements and�.��excspt, ;easterly 65 feet; Lot 2 and' ea$�erly ^� 3� feet of Lot .3 and part •�f �t 4 b,etween eas.ter�q and �esterly Iines =• of said par�s fif Lots 2 and 3_` exter�ded to southerlq line df said.. Lot ' , 4, Evenson's Reaxrangem�zit '- ` , . � � Duane;D��nd Ly�ada A Lecy., . ,.$155.51" Lot` I, Greaves �e�arran�"eineycit : . . ', , � . ° �:. ' �`q�ai$rd � and Michele. Mi�l.ke ; . f $�12."1�� '� � " � _� �ot� F, Greav+es RearrangQm�%t ,. , . " , .'; �.;�.. ,, ,,, , - , .. , : ., ;,A W:_ . Edarin 3 a,�td.. Elsie H B�uer . : . ' : �` $Y�5 �� <. Nort� fialf of; vae�ted a�.�ey'ad3oirting� and Lot, 3, Gres�€es Rea#`range- �': �' '� . k e;: �men"t� � : ` � � '� � �� 3� . , s � ..,� � . .� * : 3 ; .. . ' , ��y � .. ,... . ... , .. `' � , P ` Citq` of Saint. Paul fMu'rray H3:�h.�choal) � � . $5�,��+�'��► ,�: ,_ M� , . Part.of G�a�t�am Street vacated ad�oinin� �r�d "'Block C, �north half : ; "": 3 �� , ; .' � ; ;: of veca�ed ..a�leq.ad�oi��g`�nd �ots 4, 5, an�d 6, we�� half of t�e� � :. ,� . : . � ��..,�� , .. , . ` ` n�►rt�_ �iit south:a11�ey. vacated �d3.oining aad�the following: ' "' • �, The= : , � . � south'ha.lf of the ea�t and west vacated -alley'ad�:aining antl Lot 9, ' s; ` ' Lot �.0, and easterlq: lOU £�e� o� Lots �1 and� ,I2, Block 24, St: An- _ � ' � hhonj► P�rk �Ior�h. . �lso; iri sa3:d Nanc4.ck's Reazrangement, Lots i, .2, , ,, .. , _ 3,, aad� the north h�ilf o€ vaea��d a�:lep ad,�oining �.nd Lot 4, Han- . . .: � cock�s R�arrangement- ` . `; ' . :. �-: . : . � E1mer L and Eleanor J Atiderson " ,,, . , , ° . ;. , $2I7.7� ; ' Lov�e13.'s �tearrang�went, `LoX 1 ' , , . , , r:. >� . r�ifa L cr�ff�n :$212.14 . , Lot �, �.odell's.Rearrang�t : ._ , ;. ._ . e Wi�lfred E Rumb3e, 'as trus'tees`' F �160.24 . L6t 3 and north `half af "�ottt�i�h��fe��'s Rearrangement � ' Josephine E and �,rtiold D Del�r , . .� , �`$153 s 4Y South half of ;Lot; 4 at�d.t�.l.,l, uf Lot 5, �I,ovell's Rearrangament ' ; ` . , .:��,,:, . .. . ,, ' ... � , : Jackaon W'and Berni� F Stran,�.' �. �180:3� - - Except south IO.�eet Lc�C 7� .a't� :all of L�ot 6, Lovell's Rear�angement � W Gary anci Ma�q Therese Wirrg��: ; � ,,$118,T&� � . x�y . � South 1� f��t of Lot 7 .and a11 af Lot �8, Lovell's Rearrange�e�nt ` � � �� John G and Juliana R, Rupert : ;�.� } � -$97.2fr Lot 9, Love11's Rearrangexnent : E Howard Anker .:'$105.15 ' .. Nort�e 5 feet fronC .amd xear of Lot ,11�,ariit:a�l of Lot� 10, Lovel�"s " °- < � � x. . � ` Rear�'angem�nti �, . : , t . � .. . .�. . - .. . ' � . . . . . . � � . .. . �k Lewis R French . - S:lt),5..6� . - North 10.�feet fxo�t azid rear of Lot _12 and except.north 5 Leet` i�ront and rear; Iyot �.1:,�=Love11's Rearrangement . .. � ; ; . . . � . � '. � ' � � . .. ' . _ . . . . , . 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I,ovell's Rear���-,. .; . . .� m��, � � � ,: : . >. ... . , . , . . . ., � . , - . : . . : : . . � . � . W�.lbt�r D and Joan A�i�i�onaldson � �1�y�+,l�+a� . Lot;-g� $nd nortt� haZf a��ot .,�3, Loyell's Rearra�.g�ment . . . ` a"* --� �: . . - . , , _ . . ' . .. � . - ' _. _ � . . f_L:• � . "�. . e�:. The Ameri��ti �ut�era�,..�srrcF►. ° - : . �� ,` '���.,�704.5fT ' VacaCed sE�ceets a�cf all�y;s �c�ing aird~fo]�iowing: : Sub�ect� to ��.' � s.treet; Bl;ocks 1.-attd 2, `Marni'_s- AddJ,��on to St. �nt�ony Park Nort"t►', R. � � . ` .. ,. . . . . .. . . , , : , , . , . , - � ° . <r : Wa�ren Y and. Riki R �ore $93.��- . Lot';�1, _Mc�a.ug'hlin and Stiqder's Rea.rrang+�ip►e'nt .,,. , + ` ; � � � , , � Alf<r�d and Ba'Y`,tt�ra L Brooten . S 131.2.�� . Lot 2, M���aiigt�l.in- and SnyderFe I�earra�sg.�ment 1 . . . _ , . . _ . , , , . . � � � •:.. , � s , , - - .,., . , . =J.a�eg E4'snd Bar�i�ira M Diamond :: :. ` � $�50..�)b . „ � � .. ' ; :. Lot:"3>.Mc-f.a�ghlin and 3i�yder'.s�l�arrangement .� , �, � �`� �er,��i�! S Ranson - . . "., . ~ a�79:m5. Lof .1, Reaxrangemerit in Strickle� Pla�e , . . . . . � <. . , . , . . . , .. , . , Paul T �d'`��nevi�ve.Nal�a�nishi . : . _ �.�4�61' . .: I�t�.2,, `Re$rr�eage�erit in St��ekler Place . ,AY,� A chri.stiieb , � . �70.8� . - . • North 5 'f eet ot I:ot 4 and aZl of Lot 3, Rearr�ngemer►t in Strickte�' Place ; . , . . Agties Mary Holsharn (fee'J , . ,__ . � $96.25�` . Lawrence R'Farsons ��/P) �� � , �. . �cept no�tli 5 feet;ai����face�d elsa��t?�ofi�ht20 feet; I.crt 5, Re�rrangement 3n `Stricl��i' �Place . � " ' . . . . . . .. �'.' 4 ..�. ' . . . ' ., . � .�� ' ,�oseph E t�ui� Gai1 }A Nelsan . - : ���34.��` ;; South 20 feet of ;Lot 5 �' �a1'S` af Lofi 6, ReaxrangemenC in Strie�Cler :: . � P].aCe ; _ Sert'ram F and E Berni�ce Mille� , . . $2Q9..�� , , Lox 10! :Rearrangement fan Stir�ck.�.er,Flace _ _ � George L,�.gnd I�ene L Cro�qui�.t,; , . �$IG4 45 , r„. Sub�e�t tq easements; �Lot Y,, Block l, S�. Anthoity �dd;ition , ;.r z ` : : .. , � � . .. �; � � � '�'P�.ctar arx� Ebel�rn Vik . � r $"�9' 28` � Sub�ect to easementis; La� �2�,. B�.ock ,i, SC: ,Arrtho�y Add-ition ' ` : , . ; . ., . ,�. Contract sR' I�obert G and: Mary I:indsa,y � h�� +;,'�, .x� s,� _ .# . s .. � . .. a 'fi.- ���. Rr� .' y . :+ 4� , i' � # �y' +�. . . , .. , . . — r•.,.. .a �' c�...,i. r . . . ., .. . , . ' • , aa >. �.. . �� . - . ` . ti., .,. .. . . .:� . .� .r � � ��`, . . . . � � .� . . �'� �-; . � . .. � I ' .� . . . .. �.. . . . - , . - �. . �.," . .. � , . .?.�� .. . ....., :.. . . . �� . . :� .. . .. . .,:., ';. ��- ,�. . . . . ' � . .. . ��� , . �.._ . . �� . . 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' . . . . � '.A,; . R�: SA�'P �OI�'Y: PARK 3TORM :SEW£R:SY3�II� (S--Q45QE-1} and' �5-046Q�=»�.� ` :. . � '�L:Z�,q7 Ernesto �:e�¢�+�1��'�.ene L Guevar� :. . . , . ` • : $��,, �', : Sub��fi fio �asements: �I;oti 3, Block:. 1, Star�,ithony: l�ddition ' � . . . ,.:: ` �'. � . ; : . . . . .. � . .��:. . � . .., .,.; ...� `ry... _ ' ... ' �, �� M1.. � � � earol K3.ein� . � � � � �` °' � � � � > � �t`�9.D��� � , . _ � , .�.♦ . .� � SuB ec�-to easements; LAt�a, ,Block 1, ;St. Aiithon ` ` ,�. j y ��dditi�z�, . , . , . ,. .,� . . ,.... . �. .. , „-,; ; ,b.,. _ Vi�cor and E'velyn �ik � • , • •. - � �- � .. $71,��44, Sub�,ect to �easements; Ln`�� 5, _Block ].� SL• �{.���,`��+k.�TI[� °� i . _ . . , � • ' ,,�, =Contract:s�� Gab�iel and Clar� F�i�ndes � ; � � � ' � . � � �� .. � . � -�i" . . . � . . . . . . . , r.��., . .Tohn A a�� Susan L Molstad .��� . $'89.94" ^ " Sub���t to esaements; LoC`"b, B1ock 1, 3�. Ar�thcmy�Add���3:0� t � � .` . .�;� . � • . �. . . � , ' " ~� ^' . : °��4 Independ+ent Scho�� Distxict ,#��5 �� .> $2;9i+��'�►: ���� ' ' . Vac��ed all�y accxuin� ��.� of vacated s�'re�� lyi�g west of z � `` �� � ,. .. , ,. . . ;' �, � .,� ° ad�a3ning B�.oc1c 36 �aut`���` �,� •�o�th I�.n�."af said�.�bldck extend�d � ° ���° weste'rXy, and ��orth�er].y�: w±�i�e�1y e�c�e��s�on c►� sp�txh lin�` of �: saii�:�ts1,�c1c •and all ct� 3t�,` St; �ithon� Park ' .� . ,,. ,> . .', � 4 � , �{'' ' . � jy r . � . _. . �Sylvi'a B�a�,�.k.e�`�� ' , , :. y� � � � � . '- ��� $58�. � •� (�epf �$�� 25 �e�t) �,o�� �., B�ck 37, .St. An;��ton�+ 1'ar�� • " �; :�� �� `: �,Fr ✓ :�;? r +. �, :p . Car�. R at�� Wi11i�m: C Chri�ta���qi;; , ;� � �7'��� , ... , . . � � � ' La�� 2� feet o� Lot 1� � ��oePt fe�.iow,��n8 c�.e��r33�°tt par� ;,' �egia� .:`- � � ��;; ;a� a� �thegsr cor�e�. o€ �;,� ��tence: south a].bng.eas� ;�.�ne 2�/ ����� . : � ``� _ � 4 3�tlhes, theitc�� �orth��i����'�n a stra3�ht :lin� to �g7rtih���y �.�ne �. of ��'�:d loG ,��- a point �r��eC �le�a►tthi�ete�rlp fra�n,p�.�ce. o�` b�igi�r�3�g ,� : . then�te tio 'b�g�nn�.n�.) I,o�'°�;. �l��o, southe�lq,$d geet o� Lot 3,�`B�,{�c'tk ` "� 37„ 4�t. A�t�hony Par�t -� .� �¢ �',` � ° ���,� - _ " �:� �,� ; . Rnrt.:M �a Mgirq y� ��$etier ° ��a . . � �; .. . �,, �� $���� . `50��.�0 fe�,t. ot T,a� 4. ��.C�'k.,�7; St: An�hony ,'�,�'�k �'�`;°� �,'�: , � .�.� ,a;. . . �' �., ChYist�.�e�`D. Will3�ms ��y��, ����y� �� :. � „�,. � : All :�as���:o� i�--].in� dr��.:i� 'po�.nt on ea'st� �tt� -��. 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St. �Aa��qnY-_Pa�.Methodi,st`°B�spi�copal Clinrch .�3,�6Q.00� � ', .. . . . . . Lors 9� �i0; a�ad. 11, B�.�ek��7;. St. At�honq� Park . � - ,' I.�� �2 t$k+�t for street ; . , . Kuth J� Baumaa $139'."50 .. '�'hat gart`YFing:tioxth of a I;�^n�� drawn at right angles to' tbe west s �ine: t�pm :a pa�t t�ersfr�im 100 feet from the �orthwest :corner of - ' .�`st `13; `$loclr 37, St;. i�itthon�+ Park - . YS•��._. � . . ' � . . - � ' . .. .. �� Y� � � �� �..�.. . . . .. ' . :. . . , ... . } .. � M.:,Davtc� �an� Ka�hl,�en J�[s� . $40.i53',: ' (Exc�pt sQuth 1Q5`�eet) �th�t-�sart l,ying�south of a line dra�. $t . . _ , . - ':' r�.ght- �g3.es �to �he west. ��ite.'frcm� a point t�erefrom 100 feeti �front; � � � . northwest,:eorner of Lot 13:, BZ±c�1c 37, St:; Antt�onq Parl� : :�"�'� ` ' . � �. i.�' � ..'.. . .. , . . . " � • . . �:. '�`� f �65.�r3�"s '�`� ` r; Do�i�Id. C�.`and R June 8o�mquist , ��, �. ,,. ` �auth' 105.:fe�t o�•�.bt 13, Block 37, �t. Anthori� Park • . 4 : �� � . �.,. . ;� x Mary Blasti���te � • ' ,. ` ;�- $153.iS� �. ' ` ' . ��xc�pt sctv€�h"14�1Kfeet� �bt �.�, Block 37, S.t. Anthony Pa�rk ' . .m� � { L. �' '' ; + . ' �,, � z � �..<_ � �; '•,,;; �Roger A and Caro1 �R`UF�am $.8�.SQ . South 140 feet of Lo� 14, ;Black•37, St. Anthonq Park � . , : . , � . . � � � � � �-; 1�1c�a��S. �nd'.M�.rgaret M M�cG�ego�� � '. ,: . .� � �125�.�',� � '8out'h 100 faet o# Lots. 15_at�d r16, $locl� 37��, St. Anthotty ,Pa�k - , , � - .; . . ;� -.: ; , ; , ; George T and Mai�on E Hughee : - ' , �'$�I31.�� Except souttt I00�,feet; 'Lot:� 15` and 16, Block 37, 3t. An�t�y: pa�� =; ' . �� ,. � . I'�r�i� 1���Pente�. , , . , . ` . ' � .;582.15 ^ , .. . ... .. ', , -" ,'k :. ..: �... . �L" ` ,�'att c�t �at .1�7 and wP.st ;�2. feeti of. Lot,18 so�th of a lit�c� 1�egi�in� � , at �a point :10 feet�sou�fi`.'�f �riorthe���er1y lit►e of I.�t 18,'meaau�d> .. ' "=$ � . .. , ,,. . - on a line �.Z fee�C eaat fi� au�d p��al:lel with weet �:],ine :ci� said ��t , . , . 18; then,west 'parallek w�.tih the south li�ne �f;;�aid I�pta��� -an�C. 18,, � . B�.ock 33, >St.. :An�}hcm.p. Pa�k �"� a � � � �; Neil` B�.s�d Janet E Dieterich ' � ,.i$�16.53 `� Su�"��ct to seiaer easement and���cept part west and south �f f�l].ow�= ; , #�: , iri�:.�.3tie: $egin at 3ate�'�61tC�ia� of south.lin+� of Lot �18 and -a lin:e � 1.,� �3 ... ` 12 !'eet east of aail par�rlleX'"�r3;th w�at .line thereof;, then north o� " f: s�.id',Paraliel line to point,.��measured t'hereon, . ]::�`•'feet aa��h":��t�''�.' ` ` nort�ieasterly line of said i.ot 18; then west paralle]:�with�.sou�h '; � ' , , '�i.�e of Lots 17 and 18..tb�.the west lin,e of. said' �oz .17;:•�ota 1T � � � �8, �loctc 37t St. AnthoAp �ark . � T�. ' � � � � . � . ' _ . � . . - ' . Roberx A..�,nd Na'�a�:ie S Gallag�ter ' , � �$;�D3.�2° , . ia�t� ��: Block 38, St. An�t't��► Park _ .. ; . . . . � ,: t ' . , . : . - , �a�rd.W �ni��Ma�tha 'H Lindgr'.�i , , � $201.44 �. > I�bta 2 �and J, �lock 38, 3;t.�`Anthony park , . , . ; Char`I.es .A;and;Jt�i�tr.`L Flinn,;;�.�r. ` •$272.�b�: � , , West=haif o€. Lot Yi and aYl of'Lots �+. and 5, `$3ock 38, St. ..Anthon� . ,' . - . .: ' Park- � . �. ' . - . : xo8eyn and 1�Mvea H Clarke ;. , ' :;,$�148:�Y Ea�st half o� Lot 6 an@ �,11 of i.ot 7,, Block 38, St. Anthori�► Pa�k t _ .,}; Raqmond A'Re11er. , . �79.`l�i Lot 8, Block 38, S�, Anthdny Park Thelma R�Rrueger . : $224.10= Northeasterly•2�.�Eeet of L�t 10 and �al�. of Lot �,� $lock 38,. St. An-.� �, .;. , thony Park � . � P� � . . �, ;. . . .a , . ,.,,, , , , .. . . _ . A �` i�' - ♦9'�� 4 .�.., t `y. . . � , .� � . ' � , �� . <,Y •.��� � kr y ��! r . : � � ,:,*" *, - �- , . . ..b .. � t � �� � 4� �� � 4 � " L� � �h 3�.r, `j +� �3�.E `�� "'�f`�� ' Y� E g '� ` .ati: �1 t-�, z`�. _ � � . . y. .. . .. � ..>, , . ;,� .. �.. _. _.. .... . . , 3 :..k� .. _,q .V � rj;�r� +*u, rra.. , ,�,r _ :�...: � rr 4 �A � �l s^ �,�, �' "� F+ �; , �I_:�t^���':: '�� ;^�x r� f'�: }T�G7;�`� >�A'(7"' ;T��"' ��r1O�Y�j�.�T�IT��.1 � :' '-. ` � ' ' .' " ' "'� ' _ . .. �--... .-�.-� . . . .:e t: .� . C> ... . �.��.. ..�; � .. !�.. . „�-� . . �� � � �.�1 l. '" . .. . . ' . . . c��YJ����\� tr (s I��� . Y� n� _ ` � . ' ... � _t . �rl ii ���t';L�'r:h?'.fi� ���.�. �-?} ... �SV�fn :t.FF'a� T,�jQ�.J� ..�� i.�� A�,�y}S yi3 ��4Ti �``���1�'�.��.� -C��ii�}'� �►{-_'1K�v _ . . . �. s �`�_�'"` •i? •'rksi�ri�� Ifi�*fl;�2si(,��[ 7aF��� ��>I�: �6�,'±;-�n'Af��-t1�� .;:' '�'°-'�,`� �'��'�,�zA .•��� t M.t;. ���o�� ��:f� ����:R(�P �� ra��a�i�' � � , ` � . , �`s�x�� �*c�3 ,m��{�..�t S�-L ��? � : � , - , . r . F` r3c? 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' � r��, a �t�.T'7'c��.'t ' � .?�t'�L .hs,.r'3 �i .��Q�f` , t � t"',d'�.�(`a'� �,i3 .e 7 d'<? � ?�"4' �'f:�.Jn.�`i�l,�{�"}�TI�: � i?TR.+�T<'.E'n r�-S tiJ.': � !'S91'(�tJ.l�. tr �:,,, ��r�.t-,� ;r_. ��i�f� �:� f ��u �n �I_ �f�ir�� ?�. :�i��"�����'ti.� :�.�, ;,*��,� ��, � .�' . � . rr? ,�_ t �{' " ;`,tib t�.�"lfr7 S'c+.r� ,�.'►( `i'�" t�' t)s � FY�4t ��:e� �' $� �ItF �F7 � $9 ���'i� t'i i. � � � i;.[I�� � . . ` y '1�i'1�X� f��t.MJ2 a t;' - r . �r ,�.��. i�� �� . ia7(�..'�.�.'3"�� ��"Cf1'2 �$� ,���f'hr��•�Z czi#�� �^..t_.f.t.��' �.ti�.',''�?r . .. 1 - . . .. . , . , � . t ;_- l�.�'f.1'f1i3 '����1,'.i 9x r.s��+� '2'9ta [f����J ��' �'Q� �7�ESP:�D �a,.*:�r V�_.'5.4.'�9t3�.91'iJ".�.'�Jt3 , � �T�` �`'t 8rt�.� ��1. _�T"h.tt;a .'a �'.�:f :fc�.:�i7 n Yf,l�,.�.� � '�fi.. 1� �:.T`(�" .�0 .9 s .•' ' �€1I i: 5��;. ,- • �£�.� � �� � . �'�'fi`�.'��t�t�rt;�'7A- .3� ,C" �„hcs:f.iT` f�� ' .: _ �. .., :.: . . _ . . . :- _ c } k > a'd i.��� t" 'x�✓{�'�,�#�f.�£� '�, '3��$;'.�'�"s�� �1'.�'•t� ,i. !9 t:{��q . :� . _ -�7���I s��q.;['f�e�.��.` ,�t, a�r' ':,.^'o�",x I ��R��' _ , .. , , ,_ . . . r ,� ` '� 'G:���? . �'� _1'1'�"'f�i;t;f.:I lst�3�r�.�( A�e��, fr7�;11'rtutr�>�� . . � � ��^r�� ��.cv�i��*�� '��F ;s?�' ,a��r.1,� �::,.`��z�' S p�c,�i � � , . . a . . . . .. . . ' '. : ` . : , {� ��fi�� , �' ., ` ' � � . .Y�. r�1I� s � J��.��I�����t7£ �� �h;�7£1;:-• ;, ; , , ' 'E[2',1:f��r�� � �'� `1' �`.J tr � K ,fx '� �'�� `�f�' .'r.f£ tl ��i .�!'if�1' . , t< 0�1.. . .[r� __ .�r� '� � K�_ ,� !:J��?` . � �� .�i��% _ , f . : , ` � � : .:9h^r.�f � �' ���t�: hnr tr'v��a� � `,�[xs?'�fi:�r� ':�.:/� «3r F>� ;•t.�3_`. .C �=�;,,F �o f�� �:r! �'�. �}n,� �� �'"�d �L�?`" , �` �� ���,4 . . ^r�T.�a: � F��. . f•.�- .- . tyas�i'.?�sl����A .�^ .�;;� ��c�f S R Y�,s z ±Et.� .t,(�.t;� # �,:W .+ •i��!'�I.�:X.`A,f`T �iC " 1 �'�.. , f �, � •�'%� .�� ::r I�� �'�?"� �o� �;�rr htC'r� ;�t�g _�7:[ �tx� 'o" ���i�r-�• �i7�t��n�{-�rn�° . .. .. . , . . `� , „ . . . , , �TZ±�`� ?Fi�o��I3 va� � � , - - , . , , . .. . � - � .� . .. . ... . � .` � . ' ` � . . �. . . fi .. . . . � ' . . . . . : . . � � ' "' .' . �- '� : � -- � .. . .. e . : .. .�� �' ^� �.. . .. , . . �! .. . , . .,, . '.. - .� .... ♦ �. � . , '. ., �,.". ' v � �'"' . . . . : ��� '4. �} '��. � ' � � � . . .. .. � ; � " - j, . . ., . . . . ... . . . . . i.. ^wr A, , ' � ,��t1�;iC2 F���@ NQ.,F,4�ff�� ' �� > a : .. , . , . . , . _ . . ,. . .� - F . . .. � . . , . .. .:� . � . � . . � {i'�"-. �, , ;'� . :. � �. '" ' . � . .. .� � v �,J .n ., , A55ESSI�EI�T. ROLL r., Re: SA�T `ANTHQI�C PARR 3Z"O�i' $EWER��1'STEM {5-946�E-1) and�� fs-b4�0E=2).. ' ., y F '1 '� � � _ . ' .. ' . .. .. � ' � � � Y - ,. � � .,��.�Dennis'W,,1�d�:Mar�l: Ja� Grebner , , .; =� �� ,.�,$I83.75 . ,i . Except nortKeasterlg 2 feet; i.nt .10 and ��11 o�`,Lot' 11, Bl�� 38, St ��►nthony �ark : .' . . _, �,a : � •� . ,. ;, , . : . � , ' `` Fra�nlclin,,E .aind Kathex.�ne E Per� - . " , : , $9 , , �.75�• ,. . . . � Lot i2, _Blork �8, St. l�nthony �axTc _ . Aarriet=-B'Thvedt � $93.75�: Gont�a�ta.: , �r�iet �€f7.gedick y - ° �;8t �3, �1a��'k.38; �t. Anthany Psxk . _ ; . . . � - . . . ,. . . . . ' ':�'s :. .� �� � . . -. _ . . ;�� i? , ± Nei�. A and Barb��a A Anderson-�: „$101.�� , � Lo�'1.3,.-'B�ock 38, �St. Ant'hr�Y Pa�ck. . : ,.. , . �: . , , .. ,_. Bernadfne`Dt�:; . ,. ,,. , : '., � . � „ :: . . �SS9�y7S; . _ ` , i�tk'�^�, :�lock 38, St.. Atit�tc�fly �'srk ;, . 5 : . ; . : � . . Paul D a�nd.•C�;ti�erine Brey . ' S24`l.t?4: � ,. .: .. : , Lcts� I� as�d-"17, Block 3'�3,. St.�=':;;�,th+c�ay�.P.a�k _ ,. ; , , ' - _ :� , . ,... <: : . , , . , '. �ateq M �,�Ri.11op . E,��. � � $194.75 �„, . Ail bf Lcft 1$ and Lot. 19� �pc�, ��t '� feet o� Lot 20, B�.ock 3$, . • �'St.:��nthony;.park . � �t�ephen �; 'si'y', an�i Kat�er�.ne �t, ',f'���tc�ton � : .�$i�'��,��: � F.�cept .eas't. �� �ee.t`�t ��?.�it�;'°�la�� half o� I,o'�.-:Z1, '8locic '38; , St. Anth+�ny Par�C - ,{: - Jeffrey �t�a�d +L�.uda G Budd . �$�42.St� . - W�;.lieZf o£ Ii4t. 2:1 and ��.� o�` Lot 22, $lock 38,;St. A�thong.Park - , �_ S # ` .�..,, Jc�t; R Mor�is anii~�id�e�► ii Mo'��a .'� .'. = ; '`$�1�0. ' Lots;,23,. and �2�4,`.Block 3e8, 5t. At�tt�o�Y Park .. � . �� � � . � ,.. � ` 'i.iir►cwi�► F�d's'ral Sav�ngs and 'L�w�t�, Adt�ciat3on ; � ' `� �" � $$9.0� . . .� LoC' 23�. �loc�t 38i; St". Aiti��trmy '�rk : . . . , . , . . x� Aarold a�a� Pame�a Dragse�C'h , ; _ � '��3.,� Lot 6, Bloa�c.38, St� 1�s1"��i��r;°�'ark . I�g1e B ��1 Gt�eadolyn M G�s�ve�, . : � $1 . `b6 SC� Far�;:�outh �f a l..ine AfY'��t � `po�:tiit on the east 1-iite-'of Lot 27, 70 � ' . '3 ; feet` fxob4 the northegs��°���:�hereo! to a poir�t�on 'the wes� �.itie i .� .�. < . . ;. ' d�;�o� �8,�: �0'�.eet frt�m '��r�•ni�tf�v�iest t�aira�r thererof; ,T,ots 27 and,, � ,, „ :. '- . . , ,28, $Yock �8, 'St. Ati�h�t�r F�a�1�` , ` � • . . . . . .. , . .. . � . . . . � . . . � ' .4.Y.... � � . ' : Mona Z Hssl�it�ger �` ;` ' . " � , = , . - ., { 48��� ; $ . . . ��a.��,���:yirtg �xdicC�:of � l�e. €r�ac� a :point on the e�et ,�'��o� L�zt �'?', . , 70 f�et €�bm'�h� mp�he�s� �corcxer,,th�r.�of;to a poin� on th�. we�� ;; , , f�' � , . . ,. : �ix�e`nf.:aaiil Lts� �8;; .�Q ��a� `l��om the�n�tl�iest cornex t�i�r+e�� of � � , LoCS 27 and 2$, Blocl�� 3'��,;"�'t.�A�tb�+any Pafk _ ' , � . - � Ttro`mas C �tnd Yriiac�lla' I B K�ts�t ' . :$154.Q� . . , . _ " . . ._ . ..� ' , � �.� . . �- .. :.;.. • i".. . B1oQk 39;�"S�:. Antho��, P�rr'k ;' � � �.r $6�.g4�: I3a.rI Bea�esbtt '� , �: . .. I.O�:��, Block �0 � .r. Joh� W, Sr: and-Elt�tabetit� ��. �ck'��rti , �S�b�� - we�st half of ,�:pt z, .Bl.ock 40, 5t. Axttho�iy ��'ar� � . `' ' � t- �E. .k" r'i: . � . . .. . 1Y `��y4 li . . . . � . . . ' � , C f �'7t... , ,�ori�ld^J S�s�y,aad Margaret �i� Sta�y , , . `'�2�'i.G'� "�` . We�st half'��:� 3.and eagt ha�f 'o��, Lot� 2,' B1ock 40, St, Ant,hot�� ' < �B�C� . , ► ��f '• `'�, �; w , ' ' , , �. � , � � >. . . .�.� . f , o �. , �. ,. 4�'Ynpnd P�'�n�l;B��n�'he�A:Hai�ey`. ? � ,��` ��T�`3.�4' '� , ,:� : _ � ,. .. , , .' - , ,. , � . r�;w � < .. �; E�����.�h�a� ��ot 3 and ��:Y 'o� �ot. 4, Block• 4(F:. St.� Anthbnq F`�rk�'�„£� � � : Frank J ,a�d Doxo�hq M;�ru�er- ' - . ., . � �1'Z5.�}, ' r , : ' - i��<,�5� ".Blo.ck ��, St. �.i�hon� '��rk ` � , � . � , �,. ,t �r ��, �• �. .� .. ;,.. . . : , ' . . . _ . _ .. ;, . ,~�. , . ' . " . � . . . � . . ` � � . . ��ib. dl ". - ',{ � ♦ 3 f 4 � �,�,�-� . � _ � ." . . : , .Y A �, '`6 s� y�.. -,� .. � ... - ��.� . _ � � �+: ,�;� �' ��+ � . ��. � ��; . , � � � . �:�_'K �J �1, �s ct P-' �� ..%:'. . . . �� ��� " .,L v'1 yT�i Q.'r� �Y ^� . � �� ����� . ��r � ��. , �'�.. . ,�� s�„. r s.,� =»T,�fiar�.� , � . � .r � o- "' �' ��� � � �` `. !�i(�� l�dn��'s�� .,. � :e .t :v�i� � .a_�_''�^. . �. ... , , � • - � .. A 4- .. � ; . �_{ ' ..� .__'� ,+: ... � : . � r Fu- ( f � r�'. .Z)t�.�.i �f"7, t� C'_r � .. .Y' Z'.� �.., ��S'T1 � � i�fj��' A [� , " ! �� 'T�'"�" "1 t i ��,Z 1 '� ?�S`� �f V' t71T �'l h �ITF!' �'�� �� j�" �c� 7� * �. � * t � y,: � R. �� �.. ,,� ¢,�.: t L; .,` � ��6� - . t � .. � . t.`.. . �,` �. ' �� s �.. � � .. r� ,�'����,,.,,tg �� ;�. Y� . . . ' . �rjfl��7c�- ' �a'" � 7§�_P.t �!'' � �' .-� i . •�, �` �'a L �:' `.+a '�3ll�ag Ir ._ ft,��x_ w ,e .� , >l'�^� �'.�}!)..�F1 �i f '�O,� �i,� 1'i:fa .�'�7i;Fi �T.'"�U� �:?-?4 *I�.f. �1�.SSI'1�. ';<rry..:rC`4 ,.r � .; J�'Y',cT- Y{It� �.i� '?i!° �. � . � ,. ;. t' � �` � ' �. '. � . . .. �32`+���. y' �.._ ry °' �. r� ,9'G ,..; V'S^tf3'�1;,•�. �a;7�.,'I'JX1`�i'�''7 �3t�'�..��13����t�� �� . '> �� ' . ,. �., .. :, . '. �,'�": �, ' � � _ tE� �?�':.� C�C. Sl�.'S�� C.i 'E?.I. . _ . _ ',1�7�5� V Tt�l�yf ;� f• c. t � .. . � . � 1 . ' `} _ � k Z.�4 J ' i'X y� .. . .J�..7 v JI.;� 1� J.$7,�.0 T_.)P'� � . 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'�� .:�s �f .:n�Ek� . : . _ . :'sB"� �n?�s�T��; .7� :et'� M�:�o�p -,J �cw"� �a `.f s 1�rir, � 3c�� �r�:��^.fR*�°,:►��s. „�. .:;� M ^� �; � �`r � - t- . . . � • �. . � ., � . _ .. � � , � . , . ��r �x�-j� ', � ;.._" N�.�tr�t� '-3. i, j� ,,� � a. + Y�s�'tt�ri 11,� i it�'f� � � � � ' , '` „r�:- + ' $n , . 7�'S�Y�' t 3� y� �* " ,' �� . ' , . � w •' � °�t ;ry ;. -� , t01'�"�'t� �� i+�.Jf:�t�5C.�. ^�r3 3� >; . �- . � `- . ''t � s.� `.,�s��,Y.S.. � . . . `; a . . .: ,- -. .. ., �. ' . � . , . � . _ - �t . .� . . . � '.. . . . . _ . . ,1 . ., . a�{ � � . _ . . . . 1 ... , � ..; , . . ..: _ : .. ,. .: -� � _ • . � ' : . 1���� • ; . � ` x' � , � ,�- �, ' ,., � .•. 8 F�nanc� File No., L�640 ',,� . � ` ASSESSMENT ROLL � � . , Re:: "SATNT ANTHONY PARR 3T-ORM 8EI�1ER 3YSTFM (S-0460E-1) and �(�-A$6A�9��) . �.` '31�ir1e �`Y Foster - ; , , . �13b.�R � q . �` ; ' Lot 6, Block 40, St•' �►nthontY .Park ; ., , .� . , � _ � .� � Joseph M.Aorvath ' , � ;$�i.8�'. - � �` c/P "Jam�s;P:Hannon _ `�-. ExCept .�eginning ;�t soert-i�a�stierly carner af said Lot 7, 'then �th- , i. ea�erly on eas.terly.,li.�e' �C�i�reof to:-pvint 68 feet south .fro� north- ' � ,,; . ; eat co�ner; the� +caeste�ly at rfght $ngles to eaid eas�erl�r line 25 � � ` � :'`fee�� tti�n so�'the�ly paral3.eT''wtth said eaBter�y line b4 fe,et moxe �'; or -1�es� to �outheriy ?3i�e of aaia Lot 7; then .northeas�erly to be- ��° _ ; ginning, LoFf 7, Block 44,. $�«� �A�thony Pa:rk ,�. . , � � . J�nes and` i.utrel.Aannon ', ` :$17.$1*� � � � , Part;of Lot 7 described a�..�oYlows: ; Begin . at southea�terly cor- ; � _ }� - ner of s�iid lot; then �no�cthea;sterly on easterlq 1:ine tb, pof�t. 90 �, feet� south��f-:.nor�hea�st� corner; thea westerlp�at right: a�tgles to . ` said��aste��.y r�.ia��,25 �.eet; then sotither.ly. parallel wfth said - �f 5.easti�rly line 64 feet � o� l�ss to south�rly �:ine of ..s��d 2ot; then::�oxtlieast to begintiiitg b�.ttg part of Lo!t 7, Blbck �0, St. . ,-� .. : Attth�iy Park. , - " : � � ' . ;,:: .,q. . ,; ,� . � �.� John S Se��z 'and Ca�heri�e � Furry;; � $�36.5� u" : Lot g� E1ock 40, St. Ant�ta�tty Yark � : �: .. � � : - Thaodore � and Cecelia L Wiger :' 51�9.4T, ..,:, Lot's 9 and 10, Blo�k':�40; St...�iti�hony Park ,: .. ;,. , .. . : � �bert M and Avi.s I. I.agesQ� . $$937J65 . � �.ot 11, Block 40, St. A�ti#�a�,'�'ark .�., � ,. � �� . . � < _ ;_ F . � ; � . � Eric Vict�rr: 5aiit� sn�l James �I':Ai�tdda�k, et al ..� ; x:"$93.�5 „ Lat i2, $lock �0, St. �An.t�y::Park ,. . . . , , . 4 . . . ° ; C/:P Gordan L�eman. .. < - _ , . ; Jan#,a and_'.8rigita Mai�a Robins ': . .$93•�� .a ` T�oC� �3 f B1oek 40� St. At��'lsd�,t�f!,'�'�sl�k " j� x � -: � ;;,Ko�rt ��°'�ind �Jeannine M Yandenheuvel , � ���?3.75 ., .. �� ;:. � �' ,::: �o� 14, B3ock 40, S�. Ari�hony.;Park :�" , ° .�� :����.,;,� A, a . , - - �a ` Jo�rt E :and Msr}r � Spaldine- , , . $68.4�:' ' Lor.,:�5,, B�srck. 40, St. An�ony Park . _ . • . . . . . . - :��. - "' . ' Y� .. � . � . . . . ` � . ��� n �I . } . ,._. . .. . ... . ". . � ; . ' . � , j -F•y.�1�Y � `�+�"� ti .y � �� -:� . . . . . . � . , n . . • � �����`��' � " Sautheast"65 feet of Lo�$ 1 uid 2, BlacTc 41, S�. A�tht��.y`P��'� . r " � ° Norbert J and :El�or M,-�:�'hoenne$ ' �; ., $105.31•: • �� �;. � i Eucep.t Sputheast 65 f�e.t•,, Lats�.Y and .2, Bldck 41, St..:.Anthony Park W : �_ �Wil�iam M and A�rtha�M Elarchand . , , $93 75,, i�tti 3, Biock 4:i;:,St: An��rmq ;�ark Y� . . Ns�linda "J;'E�estgard � , .$93r7� � . Lot' G, B�l.oek: 41, SG. AnCh��' pa�rk _ ' � : Anri� Wang _ $93:?�r. .;� '. B�dcF�,�$lock 41, St. Anthan� '�ar'k . `: Gary; R and. Ter.riel A Bergg'rett $93 7��' . ' . �.ot b, Block 4I, St. Ai�thony Park . . . _ ;� , : , , „ . , Joseph; J and Jane�` L 0 Releh�Y _ $��4.75 � ;Lot 7, Block 4i, St. Anthony P�rk " ��� � , C�rl A a�d Carol A Buraglio - F•:�107.25�. Vacated a],�eq "ad�a�ent,..and �;ot 8, B�ock 41, St. Anthony Park : _ � � Jvh�t F and Eleanor M �iall, � , - -: , $93,7�f' Lot 9, �Tock 41;�.S£: Anthonq Park ;�ranklin � and I.incla .`r*. St�er. � $93.75 J)� � `' � 8• '.E .� y - 5 - S Y'. i� y . ,. . ��` ��. . �l �� , .. . 5 {.. „1.� . , . �. . � � -. ..... ... �. .� ..:' .. . '� . '" .: �'.. ..', .- . . , . ..t..: ..: �.... .�� . . . . . y � ' � '' ��. . ' . . � � . 4 . ... '' . . 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' , . 9' ' Finau��1�..File No. �L�690 <: " ASSESSMENT-�.t0�,�.� ,� ,�a; S�,IN'F ANTHQNY:�ARR ST(}RM SEWER SYSTEM � (5-�0�6flE-1�) and (S��4bD�=2) : � , .�' ��ahkli� J snd Li�ds"'M :$`tee� - . � � , ; $93.75. , , ; .. -� " ; . - 8et 10,. 81bc�t;°�41, ��: �n:thonp.Park . . ;. , ,� , � : � .:• � �. � Wil�.iam'� and Ca�herine �Ce14�txt„ ;:�; ; � r .. . $9.�.75:;; . Lot 11, �IOCk 41, St: A�St2ony` Park : : ' . ' :. •,`` �. . , W'erne � snd Be��ie.V Comstock , - °$��.9�: � . ��� Lc�t���12, _�].cts�. �b f, St. �A�it:�onp Parle � �_: ��� � '` � . , . , ti .. . . . : , . , , .. , ..: . ; � _ Jamea �;,ani� Ann M Lewis :, ��; ,° :�93 7�5- � Lot 13, �lack 41, S�� ,A�,t��r'�gr'k � . ; �`� . . .: � � , � .. , �', ,��: .. . . ,_ . . .. , : . , ,,, _ .,. . , . . , ' . � �-ica F �etiereon� ' � . . . Lot `#��4, Bia�ic� 41 ,� • $93.73�: , , � Merle 'R a�td A,��re'��Baker r ` �� � ;$.$7.4�: c/:p �u�e�'t;u� ��nd I�S�.ry �teme�� � r . #:o�.��, �-�.ack�'"4�2•, �t: t�i��,3►a�rk ;,4:` '� A���e1 N�l�on '..,. .{�t � $89.�' � Lot '�,•��ir��k 42, 5t:.' An��t►np P�►�lc , . ' . . . . . ' " �yt .... .: . Mar�orie��! Hess . ,, ; $83.3�; � Lo� ��� ��.4ck 4z, st. An�� pa�rt� �_ ,�;. . . ._ . , .... .. �.. Gordon .T�and. Satidra J Mi.].l�r � ��:°;. - .$89.��� ' Lo�_ `4, B�acic !�,. St. A�� ��k, . ,��.r �- _ �„ _: . . , , � � , , �, y Frederick R and �.�at1 F ��e�,n�ueer ' , :$�3�+.Q�' : 3'h�tr p�rt of ?,ot 6,..�,,�� �o�'t�ste�l.y of � .���.�frdm -a pQint-.on " :M `- �.ix�arril. ��ac� a7.�� � �`:l�outil�t�rest�rl�► f�;��:nor�heast"er"l�t. cor- '� ' �:, , � �ner �p�;�a�.d Lo�.;fi td�'a '���t on Scud�r; St're�t �2Q,:f�t no�thel�sterly. ` - ; frc�a .tt�e sewtt�er�L�c�� �i'�t+�� i�f satd �� b;� �d .a�.I ci�° Lo� .5', Slock - �` , . ,�}Z�y �"�'C.� ,��r�101'i,g �8'��C, r ° � '" ,�`�° '" 'r ' . , Ro.b:e�rx yJ '�`�3.g�1 �nd ``Cptt�hta ���s�c1e� " � �$134.0� a �'h ���rt, a€., �cf� fr ����-°t�t�?h�a.�terly of a� 1.ine f�om a �ait�,t on , l �'." , �a�ford�P�� e,27.65 f e� ��te���lp ir��the z�or.����ten'1 ca�r.. � .,r � �� x� ,�; 1 � .,. f� y� /�c.{ . . j.� .; /� , � R 'k .'Yl '•�Qi .L� ���� ,.�L � �V� � ���,�u�tder .St�e�t �. t �j� . ;. ; ¢ b �ee"t t� � �r , -. � � � � b�� R ,�y �• , ,, �i - � � ���t�cR�}the ,aattt�wi'ster�p ��� . v�,s�fl� �.ot and all of Lo� 7, ko�lr'�4�,� � � � �'��;�- _ ��� � ' 8t:`.�titho�p ��1'.�i�it = a � �� : s�i' �3 h.: `, '" . A � .,. � r �; �, � *,� .P, r .. 3LSC)�.$ .�4 ���,g�Ltilg� ��Ra �. � +' .. � � .¢*`a ``� �3,�.�DaG• ' ^-.' . . + LOt''�S� '$1oC`K 42,' St. AlTQ'�i�'�+',,`�`�"'�' . � 'T � . � � . � '- � . Mi.ct�ael .T"S�Y�a��. .:Y ' ;` + � $1Q�:� , _ Lo� � a�d .sauthwest 12 i�eet �f �� .10, Blo�k 4z, St. A��sho�ey;Park'„ Jatnes A ��►d Ann �t..Sto�t . � • . ���$1r7y � k (L�ac�pt�,southie�st I� ��:�}�`�o�.�0; �nd sou�Cholest 3/5 of Lat If, ' °��: � , Blo�fc '�+�2, S�C.:. Ant:hony P�`�, : _ � g� , _ .t' _ � W33.1iam J�and�.p+�c��h�ea M Bem�+�'k ` : ' �; ,. , ' �127.��. Nd�t�ie�,�� �1I5'o� Lot 11'at�l t�t� part of Lots 12 at�d 1�' ipittg �vee�t .'� � ` . , of ,a�,�.�i�e.d�r�evn from. a pc��aiti'� ti'he sout� line. of �,.at 13, 2�;'��e�t�� � 5 ; �� . .., ficann�;th� `�ots�h�a�t'co'�n��.'�� s�c�d lot .to'+�'�poiiatt an_th� no�h lfne. . . �� ?ot` L�t ��2,° �9;-feet from'-t�e>ao��teast corner of. said ��t ,I2, pa.rt �i; , $' ` ai� B�.ock 42•, ` St: Anthon.�..P,�k - �'; '� ;y . �. .x� .xi . Mnbe1 �,��,�re ,P`a�ttand ' ��$408.fl0> Comm�ncit�g ��t g�.Poiti� o���•Sdv�de� S�reet 2S. �eet west from �h� � . , sout�ea�� corne�r af:.T,t�t•�.�:3; t��e.e.�o a poit�t .4m Lang£orc� �Y��:'ic 1�: • p '' feet''was�.fxam e�te �n�brti�r:ast �o�i+�r:'of Lot 12; �he�a���� ei��t alon$ � aaid aven�ie tio �p parin� 48. fee� �t- from t�e nor�Cheast cor�ier ot '� � Lot �4; t�ence .ta �$n,Pa�t ,aon: Sctsdd'er Streez:a�oresa3d..�$�;f+�et west fro�' t�ie saut'he►ast ca�e� of Lot 15�; then to 'beg3uning, par�t of ' Lots? �2,' 13,� 14; :a�d �5,"�'Block 42, St.' Anthon�r �'a� ' # . . ' , , . . �> _ , . . , , . ,� .. . , - �:t } . . .�., . .A 'd"" � � � � � � � �`�� � _ . � �. V . . . �„F i, r S i . G�. 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Anthony P�.rk , ,``+ . _ - ,• , � :Th�mas N and:•��leen V fit��k , �` $�4iy,�¢;; ,..< �' : Beg�inn�.�g at �ci�nt on S�uclder St�eet 2���.f�et. from.°�.oftheas�:eor- �` ��.; ne� o€ ,Lot 17; tl��n'c� sou�h�resCerly oxi���a�d str��t::to poi.t�t �3-� " �� � il '.' , £e�:ti: $c��thw�s:terlg o€ eas�erly line�c�£' Lot 15"; �'li�i�c,� #i�art�h�te�'- ' ly,tA�po�.�.t� �+� ;f�et weaterly fram :nvrthw�st. eo�ier of. I.tr� 15; t�ce "'=� �=, „ nQrthe�ster�3r.,t;d,�ioint: 32 feet easterly �f'nox�hFtesste�ly co�'n.er :of . ;f : : Lot�I5� theric.e'to beginning, being ,p�.rt of'Lots 1!� Ath�ou�� 17:. Block: ' ,: , �; b . , � 4Z� �$t _�,iithony Park � 'Y� � � � : ,. . :, � . . : , ;. `< � , ; ,, ♦ , �.:�-.- -, ,. �� �, . . ,. .. �. � , ... � . . .. . . �:.,� ik r kzi., . ,. . .�!�' . �: � r� ::• ':�urlin:gtQn Ncir�her Railw�y Co �aa _ , �8,�6�:�4 ', ` . � �',.' ..,� .. ' ..,�. , . , . 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'�`4�;��:� f eet,. the�aee nor�hea�t�erxy a�► a �u�ed 1�.�e,,;C�t�,��t to _ � 2a�t:,n�en�i:oiir�cl.lirn�';.,r,adius 44.50 feet and �en�'ra], �ng1�:�45°.�`��' , . . . `the�e �ar��e.ss'teqcc��r, fit� a .stra�:ght l`in� t,a�ageni, ta`�:al�t mex��ioned << .. , , . _ ..,. ' �uxw�d �.��� �2«$� ���et; thei�ce east�xly 34,,Z,3� ���:tc��a pa�.at`< • " 138:97 �ee� �p3c#he�3.g �from rnrrtherl�'Iine af �.is�11 �iv�e�nue, tah�nce , . ''$out����r ,1-3$.��` •feet to .a poin� on nartl�erly��ine o�i�?oswell.�Avenue, :� . �-Q9 �65 `f��t .���terl� .t�au�i. the point of, .t►���nni��. ;hgnce weaz���..y ' _ �cz b:eg��s'inir�g be:iag �Saxz of vacated a7�l.e�y and par� •�� Lo�s ,8, �4.,. 22, 1,3,' and 1�4fi; 81ack�2I, �t. Antl�ony,. P�.rlc ,North 4�� �Robe�� .W ansi Enfc� � =`�r3.��eon.�. : a $135 9� . .. � _. . �' We�texly hg�f of`��il�.e}r vae.�ted a.nd that, p�f�t.�o£� I.ot. �i lyfng A . : . st�uth�rly o'E � �1�rae co�ua�tc�ng at, a. polnt on t�e"easta�ly 1#n+e r,f . . �_ ,:, , � " .. . s�3cl ;Zot;,.��7,feet �`�ia th.� sout��asterlq..�oxn�er, t��A�g �wes�erly .� . . � ' , to a. -�sai��`°nt� 't�e�.wes:�'�e�cl�r.�iae 208.�.5� feet �rpm t�xe '�ouzh�esterly � ; ebxr're�.;o€"sa1d�;.ZoC-=}7, Biock .2I, St. �i�horiy �Park,Narth . �� ,- , . - .,a , . �r°��.�:c���`.�H Mri�iailtq., ' $1Qb.84� � ,. � � � . _ � �� L��.sCerly tust�.�= it�-"�.1ey tiacated'''�d �iii�acen� ��d �'ha:�:par�t' of��� -� ..' . . = •�8," :19� ��a zb; �,yi�t8 �re�t of � ��ne fro�n' a Po�t on tJ�e.�yao��f�west .a�.�ne o€ �ot..18;;. �5 feet €rom,the �ouC�e���ca�rne�.�1#eieescrf .C�+��:a, . : . , , . , .a :-,Pdi.�� on �:he �Qrt� l�,ne rsf Lc��t� 20; f�3 S� �e�. €rdi�► tbe zcps�'b�est ._ .:corn�'�.o'���t Z:f�, B�oek g�; S�., Anthcm�►'�r�¢.NQrth. . ' ' t�� . . � . . � - - . � . , . . .. . . � Al.bei'-t '� ��nd Lueills, � Sch�o�der • �' _� 594:{�8 , •. .�at ,pa�C of Iyo�s.•1-8, 19, '�tad 2�, 'boftt�d�d ot� the �es�'#�lp� aid�b .by .:. '' . � ���'��.i�ne�`f.rom a:pai�t an t�e ._,�ou�h l��;e..of. Lat 38�, 55°.'! �� � � � am���ttie,; '�: �: ��`sputit;��t �camEr+,��renf to a `;�r���i�`�s''un the north -li.�e of�;�;��C ��,, � , : ` - � `�61,�5'� �`��t:��rom the nort�iwest corne�,.ther+eo�:;._ anc� ;�utt�ad°.c�n �the -°' : east side b�� a line fzo�► a p�j:�t on't�h��south liste �f �r� :18,, » r; . 10�.�0 ��e� frc�n �the aau�thweat corcie�c t�eieo£ :�a{ ��"pvfa�i.t� 1�� _�' . `: -narth line�o£::Lot-2U, 1 Y4.50 f:ec:t ,�rom the ni���tt c.r�r�ier a�;:3.oC .. � 20, �Block 21, "S�; Anthony Par�:<Nortfi , . ' _ . � >. . � : ,� , ,�. :. . , . � , . . , _ :, :.. ,. _ . � ' �t., _ „ . . - . . = .-. :�. Wil�ia,m,M and Ja�tet: C I�$�tt � ��7�:27 Y. , „ ._. . , � , „ , � : .,.,. - . . ; ,,, . . . ` $ast 52.�+D. f$��;:�� ,�t�.,18, �.9,: and 2U,-°$1ock'���,: 8t. ��h�t°P�ic I�bxth .' . , . � � �� � � � � , „ _ , . . '` ` � t . Cti�rlee. S ant�`�t'her�e: �`:And:er�vii '," ,$i01.5�i: . , •� :. . Lo�.';21., Blczcl�-�1, $t. Anthon�r Park. North . :, : , . .' . ... . . . . . . .� : '. . . . . . 4;. , Ac�a��-T' �'eeE.ex,; $hi�l:�y. Qlso�.`�Ju�e �ahlag�r _ �. �' . . �$144� 64 ' r ,�'�at part of �the s�r�th ��� of �.ot 23 Iyi:r[� ,swu�hea�� o�"-�:�i �3�� : � fra� the��nuthciest< ca�a�r �rf aaid lc��. .�Go'a pa;Lt�� ;:o� t��:#aa7ctl� �ine of saut'h> tiai� $8 fe�t f�ram the west �ine .of I.ot 23',,a�so all of ' .'., , Lot '�2, =�lflck 2.i;. St. A:ithc�g Park Ai�.rth.': .: - , - _ ,. ,.. . � . . . . . . � � . . .. . , . .. . . . 1�, . , . . . . . . . ' . .. . � -. Guy t?' and I�' Catherine '�o1Ze�ud : . : .. ; " , �..-. , ' �83,�& �: • .. . . , ,. Part �of allep vacatec�.�d,�aeent and;beg#.nnit�g st the-:rcc�����erlq ' �- � : _ ' . ca�ez_ of Lat �.�, ���-c'e �souther7.y.�oi�g .�ses�'�:i� of;Lats 1`:�id 2 �.' �--�: ' ,to a poi.nt �1� �Fe�C northerly. from sQuthves.te�Ygy.t�ar�e� of said`:Lot,' . , . . �, thence :e���:i��'iy, ��ara�lel ..to ths:sot�the�'L�=. linc i.��re�pf 3b;,f�, � , ` "ttience nc�r�tt�x�y to a poin� on, sau�h- line` o��0a�en�i�� 3t�c�e�t $5.:-90 ,��:� .. E. feet'.�vest�rly frpa� ;�i� ea�'st��`Xy,E�sr:iisr-df:, s�id Lot �', ��'het�ce'-:w�es:t , ,.�, p-�:� � � . ' .: �o tiegiri�i�ng, 'g�art� of I.ota '1 gis� �>- �1ack=��T, 'St. Aa�t�ny �'ai�k�Nbr,th - ;; .. � ` , , . .,w� , , . •_, , � ,�, . , . . . . :.� �.G�,y :C� Tollerud ;; ,„ $��}.1�� : r> • '� •` �;Sub.�ee.0 to,_a�t��u�; �art�af: a�le�► vaeated ad�acent end iie� � a�{'tk�e ,: . � � x :.L; A - _ : �. _ �orthe�s#:�xlg: ,c��er.o� Lot 1,:�.:thence �rester�.x alar►ig ,Va��ee���a�~,�a�et���. �'�; ��• �, :., , .,,,_ _ < . 85,SI�Q �ee�, �k.��c� ;s4�it�n?�terly �o•�� pai.nt '1�-f��t nor�I�+er �=�f�o�;_the..� � ° r ; soutt�rl� I,�ae of�.I�t 2, ani�"�0 f�eet`�ssterxy. f�c�tt-:�te$��.+��.i#.Yt� of ' ,`'" � ' s�i:& 1ot,,�t"�e�e�.w�sterly 30 fee� ta' �#sid ti�ec���rly`,ltrae;• th+et�c� south- � �Y x G :."�� '�,£2`�� "�? ��ES� �'G �Ot1��1W�8�6rX"y COX'I.lf� �� 8$�,� �.Oti rL� ��'l@i1C@ 'CS? �011��:�C"' .< ,��x .' :? � ,�'.. �et7:�► corner �.i;erew£,. �.hencp north�ri�+' S+J, ��!�� to ��e����8.. P��*, cf� �t� . �� � ' -:; .r , ��' � �` ���1��`a�d'�?;��Block�;�7, ��$t. At'tt��4�y �Park��Nort�` � =� � � � . " � � ' .. �,: - - . _:, . �. fi , . � . .T � . _ __ Y ____ � - T _ ,. _ v '' � ` �. F � ; . . ,,. ;. ; s . �!. i , �� . -�f � ��•, . - . . ' i ���� ,p�.�+.,.. ` t �� (�. � '9 � �' ' . . .�1!�� 1, r G z, ��'C�i l .it'.��1....�G�� :).7 T,i� i�; �'q s. ' . � �w„; Rt. ,-a,. . � . - . . � � ' .. . ak . . . . .. . ,. . . . ��_", � . . . , . . . . . . . � . � �� � . . � � . . �j.i'3.,Ti ��Yt��G�-.tGCaa��;; . . .. t...: �y' . ., .. :� ,� ;� �A1 �r,"?" �+* N.,, � y �, � ��'�. «. �V ., .. � ��1 a y��'�„�a�S�_'��{ :ii.k5 ��aj �-'y'�.F,�."r..il '}. �"Y"1.!�SG� ..7���� 1"1.'t{.�� � 3..�'R,��j�#,�Ci� �:�4��A�'3�� .'J.� fi .s� ;�, . 2, � f, `v , .. :�.; ry, a.."� � s .,: � ��. .L�S.��i'� � . . . , .. . � . .. "�^�.l�..�Ii'� �3...r;,�"S'?:�.� t �t:+t; :tl;Bi1'x7�"�: - t .$�:3xFY►'V.r. .[.;,`ti�t��; `_'�i) '�Li .i t � _. .. ,�� �i.i:'"� ��a:. �SE�.�C�C� ��' �[t.}..l�7�tPs �s � =. � rcr,.: i��.' •.I ' (� s � i `p �..; , L ;� ' .._�` � _ . 1 `�r . 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'W��.Z��E� �•�21ia1t� ��.��1 �` �ii�C��. a ''r �'' t^' y�►��t.��; a, Lot 18, Blpck.36f� St':� '�thony�°���t:�r��i , " ,.' ,y,.�. i�.,¢� �: . . -�.. ,, ;� � � g x..�ttcr�,r T��nd Is��l�P; �l�,idexsot�.: : ,, ; $:��$'63 �" f° -� k'��s�. 67 f�et" af l.ot�ai: �„ �, ��.::�� B�dC� 37, �St l���,�r �arla�.�� ¢_ � { . .. . , , ,,., , . . ., . , � . { � , . .. .:. � , � : . . .: ,.. .� � . ." ...: � ,. � M '' � .a... . .. . , . .�.. -:- ' . . , . y . , Frederick :T afid Elizab+�tl� � 1�r-lock ,:�` , $�` ��� : ., .., . � :�. 5 3 � .w � ':F.a�sti: �B :feet��t=�t� i,� �; �t�d,3; ���� 37, 8t". �ia�th�,� .Pa����►�cth' , �i �e�s' B Hitom�eistrup , - .$3�6,b�: ; •. r. . ` . East half of•I,o,t.s,�3�, S. �, a�id 7, B��.�rc:k� ��! S� A�it.#�� `Park'�'�o�c3� . . . . . , . . . : ,'.. . . . � s.. , , ..: , ,� ::y a . . . . ",,�.. 18�5.66 ' ` FxanCis G,:. Jr. a�d- Bc�srn�.c� ��,3��i�ceti�ort '' u � , a$ - . 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Henr'y M and xlze lytuell�r `.� • , - ;; - .$52 13 ; ,,, . _ , ` ` ` � We�t helf af Lat 12 .�t�±d �asC � fPee; af Lot 13, �3t�t:ic- 37, �;: . �- - �; {; . , -- �< ; St. Anehony Park .North ` � .. . _ . :_ • , -,,: - , , , ;�, � .� . . I3elen � Wqolery . _ , -.�� ::$91.�i9�: �r ' Weet" 4� f�t of Lot,.13, Bloc1�.���, ���� .A�.t�ony P�rk:��.fi?� - Glen��-� �tnd Cherilyn N �+Tgls�oti► . ��02.5� , � Lati 14, �l�c'� 3-7,, �t, '�lt�t.�tifl�� gark North ` ';` 4 _ ,� , � �, Tho�ia� E and �'�iA��'.S Rcih�'�.c:#r� � $3�6t3.4� , . 3.c�ts�15,�;uci�d�I6, Bloc1� �37, �t: ��Anthony I►�rk No�t�t _' , . � , . , . .- . , . .. ,.� � . . P- e L}�A R arad �fiyrma .�:��,��:� : _ , . _�, ^: K.. : �107.25-• � _ {�',�c�;ep� �i��r `T `�f�t for wxd�iTt� �coiwi��r, raa�� souttt h�t3,f of �r� 2�- �,$,�"*��� �nd;��;11 af 'Lca:t i7, Htq��,���s St.-�Ant�rnty Par.k. Ho��.h, ' � ` , ' " �. , ,,' ' ;�, `...`: � , . . , . .;S �. • } y�`. j� l l'�,� 'N �.1t7 'r;•..y"1,�'1. �,' �+�:.1��$ �,S�.�'$��1:. , , , • , . . - r � r ' , . . . , . , .- , . „ `�•�: �- , . +�. � �."` �" , �j � f : '�t'+ ; bre,- aw, x .. , .. . . �.�� �,rack. !�cF- � �`t� .w i"�+ . � i . . 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A�,th�riy `�ar��rTo�cr. - , v Charles E a�t� `Sl��ron ��Ba�e�t � $2i2::�� • � Lots..29��..a�e� 3fl,:< �81o�c��7,. St. Ar-�fi;i�ony�I�a�c. North , - : . , :t � ,., Paul P arir� ,Arl� N S�age- s". �Zt53 w 94; ;� -.`. , � � .: � : �.r,�:s 31 ,�nd`32, B�ck 37, St. !�'+tho�g Y'"t�rk l�irtli. ; ' . 4 �:' , � 3;� ,. ; ,., . _ . , . Mt1.Con I�ve�t�ien"t Comp��y. � ,,' . � ...; � .`` . + $735.59. � �. . , � � • � �, - �.�c�►pt av�eaa��; ar�theasti hal,fc:v�.cated a�.l:��r:8d�a�en� �$ I.t�t' 1, • ` � : ; '�,B1flck 38, .SC��.;Anntho�ij► Fa�rk -DTbx�th - � �:� ' > t 5�:� At�t��y� P�fr�C Str�e �3�au�k: � �`� o-� � �,��S.QQ � u � ; �.�S�ih�e�t .C'o:��omo. 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(Lxcept n�rtheast 7 feet) Lot':ti. and siorth �5 feet..:of L�t 7, .Ble�e�. 39. - 5t. :!�nthony Park :i�orth .. . .; � P antcl ��e�lda Hansen ; ,� . / Mar1c.H ,_. . . , . . • _ - . r , , , . , ;. . ;. . . �, , Roger and Bve�yu`�ik ,�` . � ,;�; ' ` $l,l;$�95.. ;. , (�iccept �o�th 25 f�eet). Lot 7' and��ax.i of Lot $, B�,ctck 39,. ' � , �,, St: :An��i�n��.Park �a�th _ _ ; �" :, �� , ; Randol�h� M and Be�trie��`.W<S�eow�n - ° � : .'� �jT7 74�' . �x�ept �ncrrthea���. 5 feet; ,Iat 9, Block�3�, "at. Amt}�tany�-�'��k NortYi� . FrEdi� F ,a;i�-� ,� �4ina l�i GrenCe ' . r , . $lp�, �6�F x � r �` ..1+ior�l�ea��,.�� f_ett af �,aE 9 and s1I of�ALot �.0,. B1ock. 39, ' � ,� • " * < .� - �t. AnCHcn}�;-Park l�airth . ' , �.f: . � , James R���an,.ai�c��tl�ari�t� �txian� , ' � �.�87��.,5�. . � qjY 1,�t' 1�, �.i�aclt ,.��lty 4# AritY�cmp Park. �3oxth _ �' - � '� . � ' . i i �. . . � . . ' � � L�-� l.i. . x � � �.��l'" Carl�cn �3 an� A11ce �i`failey ' *� 4.<, $_92.19 Tc�t f2, :?loc.k 3�', St: A;�4�lit3ny PaYk Nort:z . �W;t�:�.ia�i '�i. ,:,�nd Katt�erifle I. ��.�va.r,a�t�i`�� '� F`���t�$�.£ `� �'� �. .. . ; L�t- .i3, Rloc}�. 3�,{;Ss�:. .A�it�c+n;yr P:�r1c Nc�rth _ � � . , f: ' ' ' ' �; `Rict�ard L and Ga�111 M Jot,qetts��r� ` ,� : � � ' : $,t0'�.9U '� L�t 14, �lock 39, St,. Ar�thc3�g Pttr�, Nor�h , . "�' , . . . , . , � ,: , .. , , •..;:s , ; .;.: . , B''rad'ley P;an� MM�r�a��t Fuhz�rran , , ; . - � ,$��J.�7..25 :- ' . . _ ; Lot 15, Block 39, St. Atx:i:ho�ty �'a�1�� �it�r<�h • _ . � ' „�L� :.- ;; . .'J�rshO�• Wtz at�d,_Grase Wu , � $98 �4 �' Y . : �Lot"=I6, Bla�k �)a �t.: Anthon.y Park North ,'• : < , � •. ;« " � Qlaf A and Ruth,H'$erge : ' � �I20.3:��t:.. . � �"Lot 17 f .Block 39, St. Anthon� 3�a�~k Narth , , :, : . � . ., �:r�� � , .. , �.�� ��-�� . ..- � � � Ek Charlt�tte K r�artinean , . - � ` ` `' ; , � $:�Z.3$ : } Except nortiti`taeste�l� i}uadrangular part, measuring�,6.9 � ;,fi.�e� on . -� northeaster-1y �.ine af-I:ot 1 and 114 £eet on sout��z��:�erly lir:e ' c�f Lot. 2,:. I.ots 1 and;2,�� B�a�c:k.41, St. Anthony P��`k:'1�Torth , , . * , . . , � � � . ., � . � , �� , � . , � . , Marion E Melrose. , �$�5.14 ~. � Northwesterly quadr'ang�lar part, measuring 69.� fe�t on nort''�e�s�c*�1}r � ` line and i l4 feet:vn_;sQuthwF�ster�}�;_Iine of Lots i`�tta� 2, 81.p�:k 41, ` �St. An[hqny Par�c,:�arth ` A; • ��.se P Worcl�i . � � �9�.75 . , ; � Lot 3, $lock 41, St. Anthony :Park l+�orth � . f . " Vernon' W and M�bel ltutz�tt ": $1��'�,�fl., � ° . . ' -Lota /+ a�c�' Sy �#I�Gk �+1, .�t. Anthonq_Park North , __, � . . t. : ,,. - . 1�4 e�:Yi�C; � ,. .� , - � " �9� �5 . �' Y.ot �Z; Bloc� 41, St. ,Atf.ttta�ty Park North ' { . " �l;tctor and IY��a Vik � : .. � � f �;: ��3 '�5� ,, �,.,. Lcst� 7, 7�1ock 41�, �t. �4n�hci�iy ���ic N���h �; ,r�� :° _ � � �� � :l�zctar. ar�-`���:� �r�.� . , : � ,., �� , ����8.�d ' `" �,ot, �, B�ock.$��' St. ��hot�� i'aric North� 4 . �� . ,. ,., ; . _ - : j : • Q , � ', :i ' � . .. � ,> , . :;._ , � , :: . „ . : _.- ._ .,- . , : ;,: . . , ; ,..; f ,:- , , , � , : ,, , , , :�.. .: . . � . { , - - ,�., . _ . . , z. . . , .'�, . x�: '�� .. , .. .. . .,;r Y }. �'..s a�a'. :�. . . . � S _ � .. `+�� y _ �' � s;`�°j+ � F ��' �3 � . � a y �^` t �. �: X ,a r. . e . . .Y�-��: ' <y ,n�'��c �. ;� j�. � r. `' d`' � � t k , yA�.La s.� L - { ;�'J :�rtt3�''?�I�a ,�C , . , r,` '�� M9� . a�• �� 1�F.. i;t� '� q' �y� . . i y,`�. ' .. " � �l�'�4 � � �� t h,i��` Yr'��'��+tY��GC"� . �,tt � .• atn t: �. -k ' �r . r 1: � ' � 1 �y �L �,I� l� � :Vr i�Y .? - .., '•' '.�� ^4 :.` ��' �... 3_' '. . . �. �o-*��,� ����.�+�3: ��r��:. 4 �-;ti°�����'`<.��_�� ���tt:�� �+��a°a� ���,� ��,��.��� `r7 ��..� ?�1� ' r: � .« xx � , t :. t� ;� `` ' r �. 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Marlin C,and Opa1 1� Hedber�g . , ' ' � t .. ' $.�{l7 �Q ': 4," . Part of Lots 1• and 2 snd ,�c�t�d` �l�ey ad3�oini�sg descr�,bed as- b�eg�.:niiir�g� �' on .northeeg��rl.y line o� �d 85 feet �iom no�th;:��x`a�r d��'Ti.�tt ,I,-. ��er,c� '. ,� �:; � �R'� sout�easter:��► �tt no�tiheae�e�l� .l:i�e o� B1ock 42•�•'to .poiat t�rer�eeacz snt� `� ' ; ' G x,"'�` �., 165 '�eet .fro� �sL-� ca�ner t��'B�Lick 42:;. tt�ence �out��iesterly..�o:;�t� =� , , .." r' �'�".� . . : , � � , �� tt�a�s n�,rthw�irt�r7;y�'�e�i° southwes��r�q ��t�� �,�".L��;M2 to . ° .Gortlex' of Lo� s � a poi�t 6�.�� fe��;�xc�m west corn�r.aaf..T�t �;, th�nce to; beg#�nni,�'`�tf`�`•. ` , Y x , �iort�i�s�er�.y�-3.iit?e cy°�,�I�ot l; 4��.�c� .42�� St..�nthany Park_ i�orth ' � �Y , ; ,� , .' . � -.� ���£' ' ; �. , :-.. . t . , . hi.chaxc� �J Wa�sh ai;ct G�r�1;� =J'W�:lsh , . ,�r$�.$��' North.��alf o�� vafaated •al1�y,;..�d��i�.'i�3��_ ar�d I�ot 3, 81ac1�" 42, � � �. '�t � `''• , . . �r.. Ari�.tt�on� '�'�r.�C Ptorth j� � �x, �a }. _, Dick M �at�c� �:Carol Trene Sch�en' � ' � ' ��S$�y�� t-l"�,�: _ ,. . . . . I3orCh half of v�cated .a1�:�y a3��o.ini.ng anc, Lotr� .t.� .a�d' �,.r.�"�.�it` 42, , � - � 5t. .Arctho�`y Pa�k North � � � . ; . ` ; yc � . ; � � -. ! �Y a+�(. Wilbert A '�I�sd Del�r�s B �c�midl3,�ri r , .; ° � A ,., � , { " �34.3� ' °} r ` :; s, , : , �, , � SOU��l t'I�s i� ',q�a. V�1�C19'��.�.�.�E}Y c'1��0.�."U`�� h�lit� �:lr�, �� � �:��k - 42�, ,�. � ,: L. t A��-,.ro� �. St. :���2�1�'�$f�C r3.�r�i1 ' � a Dick M and !Carc�l .I Sc:hoa� � $,92.�i+� � ,;� {f ti South.haX£ of vaca��d-.a�J:ey:�d�aini.�Zg �ncl �.oC 7,, �Iccl� �?�;�", St. r'�ith4rly �'ark �North , _ � ;�.�, >. . ' , ; ' . ,. Da�.P W E and :�ean�et:�e P. Johnsan : . •. ,, .; _. ' ' : ;�'92.� ': � :. � Sout�..,ha�;f pf vacdte,d alley a�d�a�ir..i�ig anc� Lc►t 8, BTdcic ��x ,, ?f.'-, ` "' ��� " � ,,���` F � ; � � � St. �'A�ath�on� ��Park���tc��t�i� � - � `, � � ,` `,� ��,:�; .,: . , , - , . . , , . . . �.. . ' .��-�� '.'� , .k ,. . . Byran W and L��e�yif .A Txuen , a , :E , : : ' �92.5� . � . . t� .. r , ��Y K . h z �outh. tialf �o�'� var_,�ed a1��e�` ad�qining.�nd T.ot 9, .��1.rsFk 4��� ��.x� .��» �, ;� �, , ' i �� .. �. a • . .' .. � . St. [�tttho.fty" P.ar1s Nort;�� • � �: � ` ' � , ,,��� ��� � .:, _ , , . . . ... .. , , , , . ,:.. .� e: . x . _ Roy J' and�,DorattYy C� �Ia;gert j . _ : . ,` , � , �4; Q�. �; � , � South half o� vaca�ed a3.1�e.,� adjci��ing.:>ancl �at 10� S3ocrk 42", � �t. =�iiltl'lOTl�,:�p8Y�6._�OI'ttt . - w � � �, ,;�f'sk4"`i _ �'ran� J a�d DoroCh•� ,1�' � , � �, ' � � ' j � `� a� �! �` ;�r��e� c. �. $I42.�� Southwes�e��:q 1C',�:���t a�'.�'.��,lowing `�S�tsr�±ae�ster�3��qustY��tl�r p��r� �f " . ` Lot �; .�.nc� Lcit .1�'3 be°in�, $S .:fe�A�'�a� �tiirtheasterl�,� �,iale p���,���i. ��k,�p : � ,,, t��t .ori soui�h�a��t��l}► ��.ne� of I,o� �3: . 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'� "�. �� , .. � . - , aF . . ��Richar'ri D, and Dorothy M Johnson , > " . . . , :. �.�::5100.00 Pait�of Lnts 12, 13, :°14, 1,. and:2 and vacated >:el�ey ��e�eri deser�.bed �s`� ° begin�i�t$:on �n�rtl�eaAt+erly.line �f� �nd 85 feet f�ain-���s�. ��lrner cf Lot- >., � ° 14; then• southwestex�ly line of and 90 feet from aouth. eorn�,r':_of'.�t 13;� ° . then'north�est�rly �o sax�Ch Corne�. of LoC 2; .���r-;�ear:th�aast�r7.y �o poia�; ' � � .� ..Dn north��st�r.l�t Ii�e�i�f Brock 42. and 80. f�et: ni��th�stex�:y:.#rom b�gin=' ; �,` n3rig; .�th� ta��beginriirig ax�<northeasterly 'Iine Qf',�,ot �4,: Bl,i�ek k�,: St..;Anthoi�3*:P"�r�C,t9or.th >� St'. Anthony PaFk i�ethodist Chu�-ch, Inc.. . . ' ' : � .• � �.- $i3O�if.25 .,_ Lats .I, 2., 3, and k, Block 43, St. Anthcan y Pa�l� �No�et�i. . Carolyn Jean McKay " . _ � , ; $��2.19. Part, of I.Qt 5.ea�t of a 13ne drawm �ra�pa sout2iw�st corner, o€,.�e�$ �:o� , ;` '. to a point; on florthwest 11ne�2f�".£eQt �r.ora"�mpe�t� .we,st ct�rna� of�'�.Lo���, : , , ' �.. ;, , ` `` Block 43, Sr. Anthony 'Park Norrh , . . . . . ,. .� . . w ���., � . - ; � Arthur J a.n.d '�ctdrae R Coury � . . ` $�144.�`� T, . Part af Lo� 5 west of a li.�ie drawn frum scautY�west corner. of .said 1�ot ta`' - � . „ a point on �the northwes�: line 20` feet from fihe�most west ;coi`ner, an� all of Lat 6, $lock 43, 'St". Anthotip Park North, , : ' ., ' : Warren; gcam� . � $�7 5l3 . Lot 7, Bloek �3,. St. 'Anthony.�'ar� North � '* R. Sanderson �t¢C1�r�}:'��d Kathleen M McCTure > '-'` A , '. `$��.69 Lot 8; BTock k3;. St', '[�nithony Park North , ` � , - Val W aric�` C1a�e K �loodw�rd. `_ '' $187.50 - . . , � Noxth�asC 30 �feet:vf.Lot 10; and all. of Lot 9,,'��ack,43..' ; � � � S�:. AxithWx�.�,,:Par1c North . - � , Huber� R a�nd Fatricia.,G Wa��r. . � i:�a . $2�15.+63 ; .� ::...Sputh�ie�ter}�►' 2(�� �e� vf, Lot� 10; �t: 21 and �thg �to�r�b�,s:�. �.�f�et��� � "µ ; Lot '12, Blo�:k 43, St. AnChony Fark Nc�rth • " :` .` `� . . _ � , _`�Jack;K and Judi�y � Joha�on . �s $1fi8.�5 � Lot; 13 aad �he��i�aiii��ewest 1S feet of Lot }.2 ancl� no�theast �alf` af Lot. 14, � Black �+3,; �t. Anthony Paxk.'North ;�-` � _ . . , - , . , , . . .. . . , . j, -. . : . .; _ .. ..... . ,.:. . .. ''.. . -.. , ' . ,"...� t. .. • 'q,. L��hart C Sandbe� '_ : .. . � 524�:.�i3 : 3outhw�st hal� of .Lot �4 a�t} a�.l o�. Lot .15, Biock. ?43, ,; , � � �St. Anthony Pa"rk l�arth . �`� . . .., - .,.: • . >::. ,, : Vilmar K and Jsrxe � Boas. ° $tkQ �i3 .� Nortuti he1.f of. Lot 1P and �11 of, I.ot .16, Bloc}: �C3,�`�i:;: A��hc�nyr .P'ark Nox�h J�mes M ars3 Susati Barker ' - �$140.~63. ' . � . . South half of ,Lot 17 and all of Lo� ��$,. Block 43, 3t'. q��`h,p�y' .�ark°l�ort�r` Ha�ry �;3 and �unic��K;Pete�son . -i� ' . . $93.75 Lot :19, Blacl� 43f_St. Anthony Park"�Nortfi , . . � ; . ..� ' '� . ' - . �4 .. � . �'.� .. Wa�ter A and �1ady� � Sartdgren � � ' $���•�r� ' Lat 20, �31ock 43; S�. Anthony Park Nor�h � ,; - , � - �.o i's J` Pog 3n � a a -� . �- ', �_' _ u $93.75 : Lot 21, B�a�ek 43, St. -Anthor�y,Pa1rk No�th. , , . , : - . , �x ' , .� r n c�;: , j, � i��ta�ie � .and Rd�er�,�D Gal�agh�r � , . �93,,75 J� ; �. . ,Lot.e22,, Block ����St. Azitl�ett�y`�-Park North � � ;�� , � , �'. 'Y . � . ' � . • . . .Z.� � + `�' . ., . ,. ' . . , . . • . . � � . y .. ' . {' . ,r�C. '^ . . ., ' . . � � .. . . � � . a � ��1�� ; .... r , ., � ..; : . .� ..;` . .. ' ' •i.. E . ,�...X � ,y 4 4 - .�. . ., . . .r. . 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Gr.et�t���? .I�euter $8$�.f3��y � LQt 22, B�.o�tc '44,� 3t: Anthony Pa�k:Narr�i.:�' . _ , : � _ � ', f _ . , . . , . . . ,. .: � .rt , z ' , ., ' • , �: , : , , . __: - �,:,- ' . w'° Paul G`attd Elizabeth A Q�ie f� $12$�.St�; �. : . : .. -- � .- Lot 23,, Block 4�+, St. Anthony Park `N�rsxth � � , . . , , . ,. , .. . . � � � ,� � � . _ , . . ,� � � , Joseph and- Dorothy �,Perry . " ^ ' ,: �°�' � �' ���i.0�r� :r , (Exce�� vest l� feet) south 53:73 �eet�.=�.ft�s .1, 2, nnd 3:,� 810�� �.�y . St. A�ti�c�ny p�r3�. North _ ,:; , � . ,, � Ri+char& -R and� I�axy Helen Mareh �:. , , ' � ' "' , ' $1{��?.��. �' ATorth 53��1,5 F�et of Lo.ts 1, .2, aed^3,� B].oek �i�; Sx,. .Ant'hor�y park ��.h � " ; ,. . . . _ , . . �., , � . .. . , � . , _ . .., _ �� . ,. . ,� 'Wi�lia� y:,�ncl��r,y�e iI. �1�.:]:liams ° � �I�2���t ,,h��` ; . _ ;; .• . , , , � -'. , �, S4u�h' S7.�0 f$et� pf ir�s�rth, l i,�:25 �feat of Lots `i,. 2:� 3;�. also wea� 1U f�t . , � of:so�th 53.75 feet. ef I.vt`3. �itd �oitth 4� feet �af'�s��,.,�5�feet of I.ot 4.�. _ .°' .- , � .. $lock +��', St. Ai►t��ny Fsrk 14orth=� ". : , , � . ;. . �-9� s� . Will iaan ,�J �ad :Lp�,s M'`Baron . .+: � : � , _ (Exeap`t �auth 44 feet of�e�srt. 1� feet3, Lc�t 4�S.Bi�ck 45,' S�: ',�tCthpziy �aric �?ol;t� . - . , � v Wallace-W,:and .:�►v��r A Bx�at�tna; 51��.�k�` � �. ..-_ : . a .- I�tit 5,: �lock ��:� `�t. A�tl�o��+ Pa�k ��i � . . . ,. - , . . . . . . . . . , .. � � , ; : � . , ,. , _;.� • , Donal:d �M"and Mary �aici t�i'�ll��.�s � � ���0.78 �. • Inat 6, Siock s�4.5;. S�.:�Ari�Chon� Pa��c. �it.h . . ,.� � ... . .. . • - . , . ::, ,. , .,. ,.. Mabe1 E �v�tk�' ` � �96.04' I.ot: 7; $�ock 4S� �.��nthvny Park North ,� , Goran IE N ,anc���;� nt�idf� ;Stocl���"trom , , , ,�1{13��3 ,� � . , 3 '` , Lot 8, �1��k '4�; $�•.:".Ant�ioYiy`:P�x'�;North. . . ��� ,, . _. .,. . . ... _ ,. � . . . . ' . , . . _ r,. . . ` . . . . .� .. . . . .v�.. .. .. . .. . '. •��. .- Esther �-..Schroe�'er `. , . ',, +. " ^ . . :; . -__` $1a3;�.i9. Lot 9,..�l�i�k 45, 5��.�.Aa�tl��n}t•,°�►��cit Nvrth ' , .. ' . . .. . .. ' . ik��V.34�..�_�:. 7�. �ft Waltex L .$nad 'F,��he�: �� �chratet3er. ` . � �Lot 147�. �31uc�.45, St.� Aitf�i7c�i}i�,�8tr.k Nortfi t y' � ' p �'e.d W a�ad;,���wat'���;.1� �ciwu�n _ . -,:� ��Z3.�5 � : �st' 1�3 fe+�t 6� i.at ''12, ���IbCI�: 45, �`t: ���cr�►y�,:�a��.°d+��r.�� -.a 1.�.�' °l:l .avs3: � � � . 12ober�C M �a�d �u.�i- C'P�bttsac�C�r . - f; ;�� .��8�0{� �� (E�.ce.gt',�ie's�t .lU'.feet�.'ari�.:,��c��.�:.e���. 10 fea�: �o� nurth 50- f�eti� I.ot i2 :: ...,, aixd "e'�cep't:`•.aorth i���ee.r.; IAt� ��;� and 34, 731�ck.GS, . ; , . St:�,�thdny Park Noi�'t�x h =r _ � . � . -. - :•�'` .- . . , ,,:Y .. ° .. .. .�: John J�and Deborah .J,i�cte� " �. .. ..; , =,.$6�..,7�!� �;F ., . , , . , � . Er��t 1�.-�e.�t ��'`�i�a'r'C�'ti ��fl F�et.,Of Lot 12,;�acL�,nb�.th-� fee�,c��:Tm�s 1� . . , ., :and•:=:14��. ���:�ick�'4�, �t: Anthattp P'ark North , . - . . • {; � ._ � , `� �. . .John A and;:�eOra •& �ial�tead , _ - e ' � , -, ..,. �'-� ° :' ' . 5 .�f7�,. .... _ ,1,ot 1.,-��t�ck 46:, 8�.:.AnthQt�y �a�k rio�'�� , . . . x:�:- .. � �� :, ,� F �., M8s't�..C �FOt�d` � f �u A` $�3:75.2 �: ,, ._ � .. �� �� �: . . _ ; . , �IA� '�y, B�OGIC �YG'� Sr�: Ax���±ou �2''�r1� tyfoxth 'i� . � ' `�q'' a,F '' r' t�'�+�!` .; . . .�.. , „ . . � .. - . � � � - ' ' . i . . ' . . . �." 1 A7:�7�ed F �:�r��i'�h�i�ia� C�1�11 ; ;� ,_ � �.9�.75" '' �5 �i.ot� ��;°�$].a�,k"kfi, 5�� Ant�q �ark ri�art� ��k `� '� a ; . � : s t . r , ,�, a, ''� � t �. 3a . ,'� : 'y . . :%r. "' �. ,� ,;i i � �' i?. � .Quentin Elliott � . . �'�1�.'8$� Except soutli '1 foor;;,�u t 4, ,B7.ac�t :h6, ��`, .�it'�o�y �`�rk :�qx.xh . �; r . � < : � . � �. :: , '.�o�#�n P �anu�:Lit�da �i�xtgert� - � �"�.�3.� ', �; � . 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