275381 WHITE - CITV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA LJ L F �e Cll�o. ����Q� CANARV - DEPARTMENT - BLUE - MAVOR ��1 Counci R solu ' n Presented By � Referred To ommittee: Date ^ Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proposed plat entitled "WEST DELOS ESTATES" as recommended and approved by the Director of Pubiic Works be and the same is hereby accepted. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Pubi ic Works Levine In Favor �V Maddox McMahon _ __ A gainst BY Snowa�ter pona 1 d E. Nygaa rd, ect r Tedesco � JE/FJH/1 cp y�iiso �!!L 3 i 19�0 Form Approved by C' ttorney C Q_}�, Adopted b ouncil:' Date v""' Certi ed Passe Co .il SectQtary BY `; } A d by ;Vlayo . D �- ��tG `* _ 19�o Approv Mayor for Submis ' n uncil BY � – — BY Pt�.►SxF.D AUG 9 1980 ' 01�4 �1 : t�I1975 � . R�:v: g/S/76 _. ' � • FXPI_AiJ�T�IC!'� r,r A�Jh1�PJ1',;j�i:!>,71VE b'r�!'�E'"�, . • ~ P��S�Ji_t�E f(J;�lc,, I�ldl� �,;;�`v'I"y�N�f_S� ������ o�te: �uty 16, 1980 T0: MAYOR GEOR.GE LATIMER FR.: po�ald E. Nygaard, DPrector of Publ ic Works RE: The proposed plat e�titled "WEST DELOS ESTATES" �; ACT P Cti P.EQUES'!'C�� qpprovel for submission to Council , PURPOSE AND RATI QPdALE FOR Tt�i t S ACT!Otd: Council approval is necessary prior to the filing of the proposed plat. AT?RGH'•tENTS: 1 Council Resolutfon 1 copy of plat , DJH/1 cp ' d A�`j��c��'� ( Sco%- /inch =20 feet � PAUL R. Mc L AGAN � S • indico>es monument found Reg. Land Surveyors. � indicotes iron sef and marked 3559 NOTE .' THE NORrN L/NE OF THE NE(/4 OFSEC. 7, T.ZBN.,R.22W. WAS ASSU1{/ED TO H/J,VE A BEAR/NG OF N.99°59�58��W O 50 /00 i � SCAL£ lN fEET � r I j'f� ! �� � .:` /�. J'.: / :%f ?r. �.'•.',' . � .. ' i. •.. i •/._ :� .:�i.. . . !•t• ...�• .. I I rI I I I I � N. //t COR.Of SEC. 7, I T 2BN. R.P2 W. (RCAI J I NE COR. Oi � FOUAI�S GRAN/TE MON. N. L/NE OF SEC. 7, T. 28N., R.22W. I T. 2BN.,R.: � ` ' fOUNO C.I S � ,� ,' N.B9°59�55��W —- --� �- -�--- - 2633.55 ` \ � —. _ i , _ --- --- - ------- - _- — —_ _ __. _ � - -_ � � ; ! � 349.45 I � I � I ' � .. �• .• . � >'i'�. 1. ...: _.. . . �.% . . �3 li a� l d, �O I O O�i O _ (D 2 � I i � � I i Easr , , _ _ _ ao.00 �,, 22.0o ie.00 ie.00 22.00r'. - — -- ��'� . ; � � •.;,. •` Y;. � �'1 ( `', � �� I Y f, . p •2 I i'`� i :� .. o � � ` i ., r. 0 0 -., 3 2 2 :3 0 •�. N � ip� � �O� :<`_i�' �O �`i: O O� y� o h �n !� ai 3 ' 2 ° � / O O� O� � '� O h �o:.'. ;.,. i . , i � � �o•.:• _. I , - !\ f 2- � � `�., �.;. � . 1 :� I �''. �i . - - - - - - -.5� - - - -- -� --- - - - - - .L-- - - - --- I � I ' ��'BLOC �!K � / �� i .��;'� � ��-;���� �'��� �� •.�•. ��+ i .,, � _ _ 22.0/ /B.ol /e.o/ 22.0/ .`t'• vn n� — — — COPY h��OL,I A7_L 1'E;KSONS P� T��SF. PRESENTS : That Desigri Consultants, Inc . , a t`linnesota Corporat; a �tinnesota Corporation. mortgagee of the following described property situated in the C� Lots 4 and 5. Dawson' s Rearrangement of Lots 1 to 10 of Block 31 of West St . Paul ProF the office of the C011llty Recorder. Ramsey County. :�ticlnesota . Have caused the same to be surveyed, platted and I:nown as [��EST DELOS ESTATrS as sllown oi1 Design Consultants. Inc . . a �iinnesota Corporation. has c�used these presents to be sig�lec hereunto affixed thiG dayo uf . 1980. S igned : DES IG1�' CONSL �i_alcolm F„ T Eric M. Leir First "Grand Avenue State Barlk of Saint Paul . a I`Ti.nnesota Corporation. has caused these pr seal to be hereunto affixed this day of . 1980. S igned : FIRST GRAi�TI) State of �tinnesota ) C011RtV Of � Tlie foregoing instrument w�s acknowled�ed hefore me tllis day of I_,ein. Vice President of Design Co.lsultants. Inc . , a Tiinnesota Corporation. on behalf of s Notary Publi �Iy Commiss io State of Tlinnesota ) County of ) The fore�oing instrument was acknowledged before me ttzis d�y of bv . Cashier of First Grand Avenue State Bank of Saint Paul, a Ttinnes � � Notary Publ i l�iy Commissio I. Wayne �IcLagan, herebvi certifv that I have surveyed and platted the property described this plat is a correct representation of said survev. that all distances are correctly sh placed in the ground as shown, that the outside ooundary lines are correctly designated o �t-her than as shown thereon. �� � ����� Land Surv or - ;Iin�le�ota lZegistration No. 3559 State of rlinnesota ) Cou�zty of �f}MS�Y ) The Surveyor' s certificate was �uhscribed and sworn to hefore me, a Notary Public, this , L! �� :Votary Publ iti T1v Commissioi Approved and accepted bv the City CoL�ncil �f the Cit�� of S��int Paul. �iinne�ota this Pursuant to Chapter 7, Tiinnes�ta T.aws of 1976, this plat has been approved this Ac1 I�I(1 !�P� i n n i i A n f' }'�v[�c o r�r� r r n n e��o r ����t�,-.�.1 �-l-.: �. ,7_.. ..G � n n i