275374 s WHITE — CITV CLERK � � ����� PINK — FINANCE GITY VF SAINT PAUL Council CANARY — DEPARTMENT � BLUE — MAVOR File NO. cil Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admi.nistrative Resolution establishing the title and class specification for Interpreter/Health in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.M (Special Employment - Ungraded) by inserting, i.n proper alphabetical order, the title of Interpreter/Health; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 32 by inserting the attached class specification for Inte rp rete r/He alth. App roved: Chairman Civil 5ervice Co ission COU[VCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Hunt Nays /! Levine �� [n Favor 1'E O N N E L O F F I C E Maddox � �' _ __ Against BY Showalter Tedesco P Wi�so ��� 3 � �ggp For Approved b Ci rne Ado ted oun il: Date — �- Ce ied Pa- d b o cil Secr ry BY -�_ ' A v d b :Vlavor. D te _ AUG 4 1980 Ap ro d by Mayor for bm� n to Council B By !�►�i�tED AU 6 9 1980 Title of class: '���.��'�� . . � !' �"x . . . INTERPRETER/HEALTH DESCRTPTiON OF WORK General Stateaent of Duties: Performs technical work in translating a designated language or languages into English to assist healtY^. employees in effectively an� efficiently dealing with non-English speaking clients; assists with routine clinic duties normally assigned to health depart- ment technical employees; and perforas related duties as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the close supervision of a unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples ma.y not include all duties gerfarmed by all positions in this class. Transl�tes a foretgn language or languages into English and English into the foreign language in a clinic setting; assists health personnel in com- municating with non-English speaking clients. Takes patient histories, ma.kes appointments and referrals, counsels patients, arranges financial coverage and performs related duties requiring the giving and/or receiving of information in a foreign language. Provides consecutive or simu.ltaneous translation between languages duri.ng lectures and presentations to groups. Translates written ma.terial between English and another language or languag�s using grammar, punctuation and sentence structure appropriate to each language. In the capacity of a learner: Performs routine health screening such as measurements, temperature, blood pressure, etc. Disseminates medical and nutritional information to individual clients and groups. Prepares for clinics and examinations by assembling and cleaning equipment, organizing patient records, assembling supplies, etc. Makes referrals to appropriate community agencies; informs staff of any observed needs of non-English speaking client groups that relate ta health programs. Performs related technical duties included in bringing health care and infozmation to the general public. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable fluency �n English and a foreign langua.ge or languages. The ability to communicate effecti�ely o�ith nan-English speaking individuals and groups. The ability to learn basic concepts of good health promotion. The ability to Iearn routine cleric�l and health screening procedures used in clinics. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIQNS Fluency in a specified foreign language. ��'���p��� - ���y ��' ��.:��T� �'�-�r1�. �s�..:..� _� y, �, �- �� �-� OE'Ii'ZCE O�� Tr'iE GI�F +G�U�'+C3L r ,�, ._� ,`�., �;, . :-. + ;„�, .� , �� �.,c; , ,� . ,=r -_ ;`:. ��..: ' Do t e • July 18, 1980 - 3�� C � � � ��� � � � � � � �� T 0 : , Sain� paul Ci►� Coun ci I ���� � �p��j���� �� FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONnaEL George McMahon , choifman, makes the following ,..._ repo�t �n C. F. � OrdinarTCe (7) � Resolution � � Oth er TITL� � The Finance Gommittee, at its meeting of July 17, 1980, recommended approval of the following: l . Resoiution amending 1980-1981-1982 Co�ilective Bargair�ing Agreement between City or St. Paul and Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employe�s Unian, Local 320, involving 25¢ per hour wage adjustment for Custodian Engineer (Public Safety Building) . (11148-GM) 2. Resolution for transfer of funds from Contingent Reserve-General to Finance & Management Services - Accounting and Auditing, for Clerk-Typist I. (11103-GM) 3. Resolution transferring funds from Contingency Reserve to the Housing Information Office for disbursement to Tenants' Union (�4,683) and LARC ($4,917). (17118-GM) � Resolution establishing title and class specification .for Interqreter/Health in Section 3.M (Special Employment-Ungraded) of Civil Service Rules. (11146-GM) 5. Resolution establishing rate of pay for classification of Interpreter/Health. (11147-GN 6. Resolution authorizing City to enter into lease agreement with Ramsey County for lease of air rights and support rights, Building No. 5, St. Paul-Ramsey Medical Center. (11155-GM) 7. Resolution authorizing proper City officials to enter into a Health �•laintenance Services contract with nonprofit corporation known as SHARE. (11159-GM) ;::'iY N�.L SEVEti"I;-3 FLOO?2 SAINT PACJ�, tiii\�iESI��'� »30'_' F,�n �-,Q� �s �o— ad� Do not detach this memorandu� from the "�'�",����'�}"� resQiut�on so that this information wIN b�e � �i ��� �a � alaitat�k to the City Councii, � V E D EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, �.E C E ,�,, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES ����_ :� �" `'���"- MAYOR'S OFFlCE Date: June 26, 1980 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER � �`.7� ( � ' D FR: Personnel Of f ice �i�� RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURP'OSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This Resolution establishes the title and class specification for Interpreter/Health in Section 3.M {Special Employment - Ungraded) of t�he Civi.l Service Rules. This classi.fication is needed to expedite assistance to non-English- speaki.ng clients at Health Clinics. ATTACHIKENTS: Resolution and copy for the City Clerk.