275373 WHITE - CITY CLERf( . ��'J�� PINK - FINANCE TT COUIICSl N d CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA lJ L BLUE � - MAVOR � Flle NO. v u cil Resolution Presented ; Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admini strative Re solution app roving the te rms and conditions of a 1980 Memorandum of Agreement between the Ci�y of Saint Paul and the Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees Union, Local No. 320. WHEREAS, the Council, pursuant to provisions of Section 12. 09 of the Saint Paul City Charter and the Public Employees Labor Relations Act of 1971, as amended, recognizes the above-mentioned Union as exclusive representative certified by the Bureau of Mediation 5ervices for the purpose of ineeting and negotiating the terms and conditions of employment for all full-time personnel in the classes of positions as set forth in the Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the above-mentioned Union; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Memorandum of Agreement, cited above, dated as of the effective date of this Resolution, between the City of Saint Paul and the above-mentioned Union, on file in the office of the City Clerk, is hereby approved, and the authorized administrative officials of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Agreement on behalf of the City. Approved: Chairman Civil Service Co ssio COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Hunt levine In Favor Maddox / -�o�a+�aa _ � __ A a i n s t gy ���� `� + i.���G��" g Showalter - Tedesco �ry!so JUL 31 Form proved b City t r y Adopted ounci . Date — 19� Cer ied Ya: d by o i Sect tar BY A ved by Mayor: Date _ ` Q�Cj � �QQ�_ A pro ed by Mayor f r S b 'rssio to Council By - B P u�i�D AU G 9 1980 -.� 1980 F�+ �+'' �� �` � �' MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT x y Thi.s Memorandum of Agreement is by and between the City of Saint Paul. and Minnesota TeamsCers Public and Law Enforcement Enployees Union Local ��320. In full settlement of 1980 negotiations the parties hereto have agreed as follows: 1. Fxcept as herein modified, the Agreement between t�e parties, entered into Ma.y 20, 1980, shall be the basis of the forthcoming labor agreement. 2. Article XX - Wage Schedule - of said Agreement shall be amended by striking out the following wage rates for the title of Custodian- Engineer (Public Safety Building) Effective Effective Effective 12-29-79 1-03-81 I-02-82 0 - 6 months $ 9.79 $10.43 $I1.16 After 6 months $10.15 $10.81 $I1.57 and substituting in lieu thereof the following wage rates for the title of Custodian-Engi.neer (Public Safety Building) Effective Effective Effective 7-26-80 1-03-8I 1-02-82 0 - 6 months $10.04 $10.64 $I1.44 After 6 months $10.40 $1I.08 $1I.86 It is understood that the above settlement shall I�e recommendeci by the City Negotiator, but is subject to approval by the City Administration and adoption by the Civil Seryice Commission and the City Council. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures this 30� day of June , 198Q. CITY OF SAI13T PAUL MIATNESQTA TEAMSTERS PUBLIC AN� I.AW ENFORCEMENT EMPLOYEES UNION LOCAL �r320 �/ ��.,� ��- k�y✓ r Rel ons ct B iness Representati ; -�-_ �� ,�� ���'X ��` �:�.i�`�'�` �,=�U�..� :,. �I �"' � 1 Y O��'ICE t��' THr. CIT�' �C;flL��CIL ����� — + �a�;; ..,.� ;p� ',�r. ;]�.�.�:e;cr:� . .f`�... � _ ._•, •-; _ :`�.��, Da t e : July 1$, 1980 �-: , � .i Cfl � � �i�` � � � � �' � ��' T 0 : Sain� P�ul Ci�� �o+�ncil F R � �'I � Carnmi3t�� or� FINANCE, MANAGEMErJT & PERSON�IEL George McMahon , choiFmon, makes the foltowing report �n C. F. f�_� Ordircur2ce (7) � Resolutsa�r ❑ Ofiher TiT �� : The Finance Committee, at its meeting of July 17, 1980, recommended approval of the following: 1 . Resolution amending i980-1981-1982 Collective Bargaining Agreement between City of St. Paul and Minnesota Teamsters Pubiic and Law Enforcement Em�loyees Union, Local 320, involving 25� per hour wage adjustment for Custadian Engineer (Pubiic Safety Building) . (11148-GM) Z. Resolution for transfer of funds from Contingent Reserve-General to Finance & Management Services - Accounting and Auditing, for Clerk-Typist I. (11103-GM) 3. Resolution transferring funds from Contingency Reserve to the Nousing Information Offi�e for disbursement to Tenants' Union {�4,683) and LARC (�4,917). (11118-GM) 4. Resolution estabTishing title and class specificatiorr for Interpreter/Health in Section 3.M (Special Employment-Ungraded) of Civil Service Rules. (11145-GM) 5. Resolution establishing rate of pay for classification of Interpreter/H2aith. (11147-GC 6. Resolution authorizing City to enter into lease agreement with t�amsey County for lease of air rights and support rights, Building No. 5, St. �au1-Ramsey Medicai Center. (11155-GM) 7. Resolution authorizing proper City officials to enter lnto a Health �1aintenance Services contract with nonprofit corporation known as SHARE. (11159-GM) :.;i'I'Y F�L SEVENT':I FLOO'.Z S.a.I�iT PAL�i,, _'Yiiti_`�iESI�'.'A »i0= � ;� /�1 -N R'_', ,�'�� � ���4-03,�L ' > Do not cYeta�h� t�his memorandum lrom the ����� r�soiution so that this inform�tion wifl be a��ai!�bte to the City Council. R E C E I V � D EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES J��. :`� � �;i�1 MAYOR'S O� Date: June 24, 1980 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: Peraonnel qf f ice �K � � �` �� RE: Resolutian for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This Resolution amends the 1980-1981-1982 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of St. Paul and the Minne.sota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employee s Union, Local 320. The amendment i.nvolve s a 25� an hour adjustment in the wage for the title of Custodian-Engineer (Public Safety Buildi.ng). The recomrriendation for this wage adjustment is based on the duties and respnnsibilities of the position. This wi.l.l esta.blish an appropriate differential between this supervisor's rate and the rates of the titles supervised. ATTACHI�4ENTS: Resolution and co�iy for the City Clerk. Also copy of amendment agreement.