275372 WXITE - CITY CLERK (�}�}��]�� PINK - FINANCE COUIICII � �� � CANARY - DEPARTMENT y O F S A I N T PA LT L �'°� � �� BLUE - MAYOR File N O. ci olution Presented By ISC�uJ:� COI�i�iIT��.{.;i; Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ?�1�iERF,�S; Proper notice has been rece�ved as to a chan�;e of officers and stockholders oi Pub Last, Inc. and i�oren 'rioury anu ��nthony J. Koury, "r., Qn Sale Liquor licensee at 1180 �. Seventh Street, said license expirl.ng Jarivary 31, 1981, therefore, be it �WSOLV�: �l'hat with the resi�nation oi James i��. Denning as Secretary-2�easurer and the sale of his stock, the current officers of Pub Last, Inc. are Lyle �.. Anderson, President- Treasurer, and i•�ary Jo Y:rivanek, tiice President-Secretary, and the stock is now held by 7{yle i�. �:nderson and ilary Jo F�riva.nek, be and the same is hereb,t,r avproved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox � McMahon snoweite� __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson ",` 3 Q 19a0 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date dV Certified Ya s d Council retar BY By App ov d by :Vlavor: Date d11ri t� ` �9�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY � A G 9 1980 �,r'��°`'r�-�'°� �"`., i �.:',, ., _ . _-e�C�T1UO�. , _� ;-,,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� ��= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ',� =i�iuii A�� `�' = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION f�'L���. ���• �m,,,.",,,��°` Room 209,Ciry Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR July 30, 1980 i��r. Presidert and Honorable i•Tembers of tr:e City Council Saint Paul, :iinnesota :�. President and I�onorable ilembers : Pub East, Inc. and 2±orer� Iioury ar�d l-snthony J. ;oury, �r. hold an Un :;ale Liquor License ar.d miscellaneous licenses issued to them at 1180 .'�. �'.eventh Street, doing business as Pu.b ?;ast Tavern. Proper notice has been received as to a chan�e of officers and stockholders of Pub �ast, Inc. >ir. James Ii. �ennin� has res'_�ned as �ecretary-mrea- surer a�:,d r,as c�s��osed of r�is stoc?>. The current o��icers now are Lyle t�. Anderson, Presi- dent-Treasurer and �Lary Jo Krivasiek, �Jice Fres-dent-Secretary. `rr�e stoc�.holders are Lyle i�.. Xnderson and ��:ary Jo Krivane?�. 1^he aprlication has been rev�ewed b�- the License and Pen��it �ivision and the Ci�i;y �ttorney's office. 1he reco���end- ation is i'or approval . `Jery tr y yours, ����� Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector O