275365 M�HITE - CITV CI.ERK � ���� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Counci! �ANqRY - DEPARTMENT File NO. y BLUE - MAVOR � " ouncil Resolution ; Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute lease agreements with Auto Discount Rentals, Inc. , 2599 West Seventh Street; Barnett Chrysler-Plymouth, 3610 Highway 61; Bob Carter Ford, Highway 110 and South Robert Trail; Merit Chevrolet, I 94 and Century Avenue; and Northwest Auto Brokers, 166 University Avenue, whereby each of the car dealers will provide vehicles to the Department of Police, a copy of each agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department onf: ^ Nunt f�L� uZIZ Levir�e � [n Favot � H n Maddox Le ' e McMahon _ Against BY —' � — Ma ox Showalter Sh alter Tedesco Te sCO Wi1so� JUL 2 9 �9� Form A rove by City A Adopted by C uncil: Date . Certifie a. • d by Counc' Secretary BY By w Appr e Ylavor: Date Q A r ved y Mayor Eor u s ouncil t BY -- — BY l�+USN�D AU C 2 19�0 . _ +' �����M O1: 12/1975 EXPLANATI4N OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDEI�S, Rev: 9/8/`lb RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES ����� Date: July 7, fi980 �tEC � � '� ED �u�. � � ��:�o TO: MAYOR GEORGE 1ATIMER ��� � FR: William W. McCutcheon, Chief of Police � RE: Agr+eements between City ancf Various Automobile Dealers ACTION REQUESTED: Council Resolution adopting various agreements by cnd between the City and the follawing Aui+o dealers (permittir�g the leasing of sunieillonce vehicles for our PJarcotics and Law Enforcement Assistance Unitj: Aub Disccwnt Rentols, Inc. Merit Chevrolet 2599 W. 7th Street 1 94 and Century Avenue Barnett Chrysler-Plymouth Northwest Auto Brokers - 3610 Highway 61 166 University �4renue _ Bob Carter Ford ` _ PU RPOSE-A��T�O�rALE"F����A�TI�N: • Continuotion of our highly successful progmm in undercover -'surveillance operatio�. � ATTACHMENTS: Agreemer�ts by and between the City of Saint Pau1 and . . . Aub Discount Renivls, Inc. Merit Chevrolet Barnett Chrysler-Plymouth Northwest Auto Brokers Bob Carter Ford