275357 WHI7E - C�TV CLERK ���C� ��� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT COIIIICI � t �� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Cty Atty/SDM , , ouncil Resolution Presente Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION DIRECTING DESTRUCTION OF SERIES 1980 CIB AND WPA BONDS WHEREAS, The City Council by resolution has authorized the issuance of $6,630, 000 City of Saint Paul General Obligation Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 1980, numbered 1 to 1326, inclusive, and the issuance of $4,080, 000 City of Saint Paul General Obligation Water Pollution Abatement Bonds, Series 1980, numbered 1 to 816, inclusive (the Obligations) ; and WHEREAS, The City Council by resolution has appointed AMFRICAN NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, Saint Paul, to be the paying agent for the Obligations; and WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul, by its proper officers, has entered into an Agreement with American National Bank and Trust Company as specified in MSA � 475. 553 subd. 2; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That American National Bank and Trust Company, Saint Paul, be directed to forthwith upon presentation and payment of Obligations or coupons, cancel the same by perforation or other appropriate means and, within a reasonable time thereafter, destroy said paid and cancelled Obligations. Such destruction is to be accomplished by cremation or shredding, and a certification as to this action shall be sent to the City on a fully completed standard form Consolidated Destruction Certification Report, not less frequently than semi-annually. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Hunt Nays Levine Finan nd Services-Treasur Division In Favor Maddox � - McMahon __ Against B Showalter Tedesco Wi�son ��� 2 9 198� � Form Approve y Adopted by Council: Date � ' . ,��� Certified �s e by Co '1 S ry BY B� llpprov Mavor: Date Appr d y Mayor for S mis ot1`to Council � By — BY V ��� AU G 9 1980 ,.. , +'�i�TY� ��-+' ►,`7.�i.��;� �x's U�a ' '�� r�;�a��w '.: h t ' OFFICE OF TH� �IT�' GO���II, � v �. ',:_»'i.° � ._-.�� �-- -�- • c,`-� ,-� 'rt�i;; _,'; � ,-:�r. � . . .. �-���'.' _�C' �-� ^ . . `" Daie , ��' '�.�'/ Jul.y 24, 1980 GC� �� �`� 1�� � � � �. �' � �� � O � �Q�r�� d���i �E i �� ���r��i� � � R 0 �'$ � Cvf'�Pf�i3'�'�E?� C3C, FINA`VCE, MANArEME"�T 3� PERSO'dNEL George "�cMahon ; chairrr��r�r �nakas the follov�ing report or G. F. � �r�inQn�.e (g) X[� e�esa!ution � C�thQr � �� �� � The Finance Committee, at its meeting of July 24, 1980, reco►r�nended approval of the following: 1 . Resolu�ion authorizing the destruction of cancelled government bonds and coupons. (11106-GM) - 2. Resolution replacing the title and class specification for Park Foreman with the title and class specification for Park Maintenance Supervisor. (11012-RH) 3. Resolution transferring $23,000 of approved 1979 CIB funds_ from Summit Avenue lighting to Forest Street lighting. (11163-GM) 4. Resolution establishing procedural guidelines for referring employees for counseling and/or treatment. (11184-GM) 5. Resolution establishing title and class specification for title of Blacksmith Trainee in Section 3.A.1 . (Building Trades-Ungraded) of Civil Service Rules and Section 32. (11185-GM) 6. Resolution establishing rate of pay for new title of Blacksmith Trainee. (11181 -GM) 7. Resolution establishing title of Blacksmith in Section 3.A (Building Trades- Ungraded) of Civil Service Rules to replace title of General Blacksmith and establishing class specification in Section 32. (11183-GP1) 8. Resolution approving the 1980 Labor Agreement betuieen the City of St. Paul and the Electrical Workers Union, Local No. 110. (11180-GM) :;I i�' "tI:�L S�VC.�(7H FLOOR SAINT PA,UI_, �EI�°\i_1�1� »102 �� .� ' t � - � t�t Ol: ��Y/1`�17� '�: ,. � � g��,4: gtg�7� ` ,� ` . � � �,f�+ /aC.,. � � ��.�f�. 4 � � -� ADMI�IS'�1tAT 8 ���5,{ - .. ����..� '� � `' �.�E O1+IS AND, INANC85 � , = : , �, . ;�� �V�E1� . �'� � ���o � . • Date: .I�me Z0, 1980 � `��,�� �g � ��#�: ,� � �I��i.���� � �; � T0: �4l►7�?R G� �[1T�S .y , �,. �s.. � n � � . FR: Gary R. i��csEr�a, Dept. o� Fi�anae & Mgat. S�rrieea .�? { � - ; , : � �� : RB: `� COU�C�'L RL��U��f ,AtTl'f�O�IZI1�iG ?H� DBS1`�UCTI�t. !� ��SD GO!�1�. � s�s �,�ov�. �� _ '�. . ;. `� �. �� � , � ecrr�cn� a��s���:'. :-.. - , . .. . . . . .I . . . . . . . . � . . , .'`Y,.�� .�.Y � . . � . .. � . � . . . . . . .. �.4.. , . � . , . . .. � . .. �-R . . . . . . . . . � . . . ' � � � . . � :� Ml�neaota Y�w a�caqairas �e gov�rain�sbody to a�rt�zise tbe dest�tian �; o-f� c�►oa� a�l br►ad• Nht� �hav�� bea�a paid by the ��cal $avs-��"`��ri�: � ? aganeT. Tl�e passin� at the attached resolntie�i ft�lfill• :�tt r�b���t��M►..r ; � ": . . �, �; , . . ; . ,, . .� . . . . . � � . . .f� . � �� . . � . � .. � � . � . .. . ;� ` . � � � � � � � �� ' �; �� ,'ts `� � . '�6 . .. . �-., .. .. . : . . . �, ... . , . . ., . . . . . . . �� � . . . .. _ : R PURPQSE AND 'RA�'I��E_FOx �HIS ACTiON: . � , ,_�: . , . . . . . .. � . . . � .. ... k_,,':: �Tntil 198ti, AY�" e�celied ccrv�s a� bonds f+�r,.�Ci�� .d�'b� i�asn�# I��v� ' ' .� be�t ra��+e:d �a: t�e Fina�e De��trtseAt #ar su�iti�g :�� r++��„oo��.�'k�t�oa. - Thfa d��tit�ti� p�?ocess, as a�i�lia+�d, i�► the �tEa+�ad ret�rY��i�int! �tclndiag "' a the certt€i�ca�iani s�aports, �u#11 elf,aat�ia� tlaia�.��3�s ao�eu�3,ag �t��.,aad �' .. � �. prtiwi+d� €or a mr,r�s effietent �+eaas �f admi�tist�i�:tbe G�,t�►'��` ar��t��i�g; � , : dei�.t iasnea, , . . � . . . . . . . � .. � . � . k_�. .. . ' . . . . 'i .�..•. " .:.. ? ,. � . . ' _ . - . =�C . . �...�. .y. � . ' -..:r..� ��., . 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