275356 WHITE — C�TV CLERK ��a�.
PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council � �/��" ,%J����
uncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLUID, by the Council of the City of St. Paul, upon th�e rec�ndation of
the Mayor and t1� advice of the Long-Range Capital Improven�nt Budget Camnittee
that tY�e 1980 Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted by this Council,
is h�xeby amFnded in the following particulars:
Transfer 1979 Capita.l Improvement Bond Monies Fran To
S�mmit Avenue Lighting funds allocated through
Council Resolution No. 273946 - 7/19/79 23,000
P. 63, S-0404,Forest Street I�ighting 23,000
C�arrent Amended
Appropriation Change Appropriation
S�uYmit Avenue Lighting 154,000 23,�000 131,000
Forest Street Lighting 53,300 +23,000 76,300
f,a St. �'aul Long-Range Capital�mpr��•�:���;:�
'�.��cQt Committee receiv� .
� #his request o�
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'� , --------�__and recommenc:�:�
Sig�ed: �� ' ( , � ( �1
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Date: � , / �:
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COU[VC[LMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas N ays �
ler Hunt � PubliC Wo ks
za �evine , In Favor
H t Maddox `b�
e McManon - __ Against BY �
M d x
S ow ter Showalter
T desc Tedesco Form Approved b ity torney
Adopted by Cou cil!Nilson Date �—
Certified P .sed by Co ' Se retar BY
By .�
t�ppro .Vlavor: Date _�� .� 1 �9HO App o e by May b issi to Council
By _ � By .
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�,/ Jul.y 24, 1980
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To : Sai�� °��� G.ii�= Co�a�cil
F � (� �i� � Cp1�11{7`i6'��Q'� E)Ei FINA'VCE� MANAGEME�VT 3c PERSO�diJEL
George McP1ahon , chnirrn�r�s �nakes tt�r fo� lowing
reporf or� G. F. [� Or�innnc�
�8) � �cesaluti�n
� oth2r
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The Finance Committee, at its meeting of July 24, 1980, recammended approval of
the following:
1 . Resolution authorizing the destruction of cancelled government bonds and coupons.
(11106-GM) -
2. Resolution replacing the title and class specification for Park Foreman with
the title and class specification for Park Maintenance Supervisor. (11012-RH)
3. Resolution transferring $23,000 of approved 1979 CIB funds fram Su►ruriit Avenue
lighting to Forest Street lighting. (11163-GM)
4. Resolution establishing procedural guidelines for referring employees for.
counseling and/or treatment. (11184-GM)
5. Resolution establishing title and class specification for title of Blacksmith
Trainee in Section 3.A.1 . (Building Trades-Ungraded) of Civil Service Rules
and Section 32. (11185-GM)
6. Resolution establishing rate of pay for new title of Blacksmith Trainee. (11181-GM)
7. Resolution establishing title of Blacksmith in Section 3.A (Building Trades-
Ungraded) of Civil Service Rules to replace title of General Blacksmith and
establishing class specification in Section 32. (11183-GM11)
8. Resolution approving the 1980 Labor Agreement between the City of St. Pau1 and
the Electrical Workers Union, Local No. 110. (11180-GM)
:.'iT`_I �-?��LL SEVENI'#� FLOOR SAINT PA.UL, :lti�INcSOT_1 5�102
.a ..� _
. .
� ' QM O1: 12/1975
Rev: 9/8/76
F /11 �- LCr o� � �d - d o`�
� rOLLI'�'IC7�.IS, 1�?1D ORDL?�A1�KTfi
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I�te: June 30, 1980
� i�ECE � �/ E �
�v: r�xo� cm� z�T � • J U L ; - ?98�
FP.: Ja�s W. Stahnk � . MAYOR�S �
F�: 'I'ransfer of CIB funds fran:
SUNMIT AVEN[7E Lighting, V-0455A to:
FORFST STRE�'r Lighting, V-0671
1�.TI�T RF]4UE'S'I`��:
Approve the attached Council Resolution transferrix�g $23,000 of apprav+ed 1979
CIB funds fran S�ut Avenue lighting to Forest 3txeet lighting.
Bi.ds for the Forest Street lighting project were higY�x than anticipated due to
increased work ca.used by the elimination of a portion of the accarnpanying pa.ving _
ProJ�• �
Stumdt Avenue lighting costs are less than expected d�e to fast�er vonstruction
by city forces.
Public t!�orks desires to transfer $23,000 of approved fur�ds fran Si.mcmit Ave, to Forest
Street in order �hat both projects may be ccxnpleted as approved..
� �.
Council Resolution
Reccem�ndation of Contract Award