275355 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE � COl1I1C11 CANARY - DEPARTMENT C�I TY OF SA I NT PAU L � BLUE - MAYOR File N O. rd • M in�nce ordinance N�. ���(��� � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the St. Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, §462. 357 and �64.210 of the Legislative Code, Capitol Community Services, Inc. dulv petitioned to rezone Lots 14, 15 and 16, Block l, J. F. Eisenmenger 's Addition, located on the northeast corner of Park and Cook, 1066 Park Avenue, from RT-1 to RM-2 for the purpose of rehabilitatina the existing structure to townhouses and construction of additional townhouses, the petition havinQ been certified bv the Department of Finance and Manaqement Services on April 18, 1980 as having been consented to by at least 67� of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further, having been consented to bv at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contictuous descriptions of real estate held by the same owner or anv party purchasina anv such contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The current planning committee on Mav 15. 1980 con- ducted a public hearing for the purpose of considerinq the rezoning petition, and, pursuant to Section 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be qranted; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezonina petition at its meeting held on May 23, 1980 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, Notice of a public hearinq before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official COUNCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt �evine IR Favor Maddox McMahon Showalter A gai ns t BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by it t rne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by M yo fo ubmission to Council By BY WHITE - CITY CLERK � ����� PINK - FINANCE TT COl1IIC11 CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT P�V L F�+ � eL BLUE - MAYOR File N O. Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. ��►Ll�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. newspaper of the City on June 28, 1980 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property soucrht to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, A public hearing before the City Council, having been conducted on July 10, 1980 where all interested persons were heard, and the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 12, as incorporated by reference in Section 60.401 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That property-located on the northeast corner of Park and Cook, 1066 Park Avenue, being more particu- larly described as Lots 14, 15 and 16, Block l, J. F. Eisenmenger's Addition, be and is hereby rezoned frorn RT-1 to RM-2. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days fram and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt � Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon sw.relr�.- �_ Against BY Tedesco �Ison AUG i 4 1980 Fotm Approv d by i Att y Adopted ouncil: Date Cer ' ied Passed o cil tary BY B Approved yo • Dat A 1 g 19�0 Approved ay f Submission to Council gy BY Pl�BUSHfu AU G 2 3 19�?�l � , , � �� `�L.�'� t'��i',�,'��:-�i a+ s a y ����tTTO,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL e�� � a� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT , rii��tinn � � �°.�° "� DIVISION OF PLANNING °n,,,,�, 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR July 1 , 1980 Rose Mix, City Clerk Room 386, City Hall Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File No. 8636 - Capitol Comnunity Services City Council Hearing: July 10, 1980 Dear Madam: This letter is written in response to the petition of Gerald Fowls and Larry Mazzitello of Capitol Community Services to rezone property at 1060 Park from RT-1 (Two Family Residential ) to RM-2 (Medium Density, Low-Rise Multiple Family Residential ) in order to rehabilitate the existing structure to four 3-bedroom townhouses with the possible construction of two additional 3-bedroom townhouses next to the existing structure. On May 15, 1980, the Current Planning and Zoning Corrannittee conducted a public hearing on this case, at which time the appellant requested an RM-2 zoning. One letter was received in opposition and one person testified in opposition ' to the proposed rezoning. The District Six Planning Council submitted a letter in support of the proposed rezoning. The Corrmittee recommended approval of the rezoning to RM-2 on a vote of 6-1 . The Planning Comnission considered the Current �lanning and Zoning Committee's reco�nnendation on May 23, 1980, and approved the rezoning from RT-1 to RM-2 on a vote of 16 to 0. On June 24, 1980, the Board of Zoning Appeals considered Zuber Architects, Inc. the purchasers/developers of 1060 Park St. , request for a height variance of 0.5 feet to allow an elevated walkway to be built along the Cook Avenue side of the building as a part of the rehabilitation of the existing structure. There was no opposition present at the hearing. The Board of Zoning Appeals approved the variance requests on a 5 to 0 vote. The matter of the requested rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on July 10, 1980. Sincerely, . � ��.�.�-X. Marvin R. Bunnell City Planner MRB/cc �O � ` " • , �,'�'°.�..,,e,.� ` f'�� ���^'��� :.. ,y i�;=?��� ±v •�=_"����tlt�,Y : ' �x � � F:� ��.. ���-- ,;�'"� �a � � � -i � �-a. ProP�Y lA.Sleck 1 , �Oa,sY��� ��t�'�'�:��t�t: �.'�!'�I�!11€�ill�sE!0!E" t�M ��& 10:00 0'el�e#A.M.Iu 6rers in t� ��sui�i�;aad at said tlme and rr,�u w!1!bear all persans and all .��,fe� '�tt � �' �`��. .i€?�`�a+t�Y',iJune',lb�IDSb) ` = �. . , � • • . CtTY OF ST. PAUL -=!'�' ' ' UEPARTMENT OF E{NAN�E AND MANAGEMENT SERYICES ASSESSMEfVT DIVISION �' 21'8 CITY HAII ST.PAUL,MtkNE50TA 55102 ���"� � '' * "'� �+ e�.�a m� k.:�,,;,,��.'s� ,Tune 20, 1980 File X 2 518 page Zoning File 8636 The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (third floor) at 10:00 A.M. on , July 10, 1980 on the: Petition of Gerald Fowls, representing Capitol Community Services , to rezone from an RT-1 District to an RM-2 District the property located at 1066 Park Ave. being legally described as: Lots 14, 15, & 16, Block 1, J. F. Eisenmenger's Addition, subject to the rights of the City of St. Paul in the E. 10 ft. of said Lot lbt Rezoning is required in order to rehabilitate the existing structure to tawnhouses with the possible construction of two additional townhouses next to tfie existing structure. If you would like further information abQUt this hearing, contact the Current Planning Section of the Planning Board, Room 1202 City Hall Annex -- 298-4154. While the City Charter requires that we notify you of the hearing, we want to help you to learn fully about any improvement that could affect you or your community. Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hearing, so that you can make your views about it known to the City Council, whether for or against. J. WILLIAM DONOVAN VALUATION AND ASSESSMENT ENGINEER ; � . �. � I ���� �' �� S ��, ��;�� � � R ���� �<,� u �.r s. �.. �;���� �:y, CIl Y C)F SAINT PAUL `�� �� Y� DEf'AK I MEM (�F NLANNING AN[) ECONOMI(� UkVELOPMEN l yo `"y l�fiiriiijii. ,=`� ' UIVISION Ut NLANNIN(; �••• 15 WcSi Fuuitl� SU����i, ��int Nrul, Minnesutd, 551U1 Glt)KGt l A f IMkR 612-29tl-4151 MAY OK July 1 , 19ti0 ftase Mix, City Clerk koQm 3�£36, C i ty Ha 11 Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File No. 8636 - Capitol Coiirnunity Services � City Cou�icil Heaririy: Ju1y 10, 1980 Dear Madam: This letter i$ written in response to the petition of Gerald Fuwls and Larr•y Mazzitello of Capitol Cornmunity Services to rezone property at 1060 Park froin Ft7'-1 (Two Fainily Residential ) ta RM-2 (Medium Density, Low-Rise Multiple Family Residential ) iii order to rehabilitate the existing structure to four 3-bedroom townhouses with the F�ossible construction of two addit7onal 3-�edrooni townhouses nexi: to th� ex i 5ti ny s tr•ucture. Un May 15, 19�30, the Cur�•ent I'1 anni ny and Loni ny Con�ni ttee conducted a publ i c t�cari��g on this ca�e, at which tiine the appellant requested an RM-2 zaning. One letter was received in upposition and one person testified in opposition to the proposed rezoning . Th� District Six Plan�iing Council suk�nitted a letter in support ofi tl�e Nroposed r�ezoning. 1'he Cpirmittee recorur����ded approval pf the rezor�ing �o RM-2 on a vute of 6-l . The Planning Coir�nission considered the Current Planniny anci Zoning Conunittee's , reconunendation on May 23, 19t30, and approved the rezoniny from RT-1 to kM-2 un a vott of 16 to 0. On June 24, 19�3Q, the Qoarcl of Zoning Appeals considered luber Elrchitects , Inc. the purchasers/dev�:lopers of 1060 Park St . , request for a heiyht variance of U.5 feet to allow an eltvated walkway to be built alony the Cook Avenue side of tY�e buildiray as a par� of the rehabilitatior� of the existing structure. There was no oppos i ti or� ��resen t a t the t�ear i r�g . The �oa►�d oY Zon i n9 Appeal s appr�ved : the vari ai�ce re��ues ts on a 5 to 0 vote. The matter of the rec�ues te�l rezor�i ng i s sch�dul ed to be heard bY the Ci ty (:ounci1 on July lU, 19t�U. Sincerely, �7�.�.,,...�-.* �. ��'__��_�� Marvin R. Bunnell City Planner MK[3/cc •�►•`�� � . , _ • . _=±s�"°'��'' CITY OF SAINT PAUL `�irr o�:�� �;� : �;e DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 9r� �IIA1.'I�1 0� ' DtVISiON OF PLANNING ��`����r��,��.�.. �' �; "°T�`�� 25 West fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,SS702 GEORGE LATIMER 612-299-4151 MAYOR June 27, 1980 Larry Mazzitello Gerald Fowls Capitol Community Services 1021 Marion St. Paul , Minnesota 55117 - RE: Zoning File No. 8636 Dear Mr. Mazzitello and Mr. Fowls: The Current Planning and Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission considered your petitian to rezone from RT-1 (Two-Family Residential District) to RM-2 (Medium Density, Low-Rise Multiple-Family Residential District) property at 1060 Fark in order to rehabilitate the existing structure to four 3-bedroom townhouses with the possible construction of two additional 3-bedroom townhouses next to the existing structure. The Committee recommended approval of your petition on a 6 to 1 vote. The Planning Co►r�nission considered the Current Planning and Zoning Comnittee's recorrmendation an May 23, 1980, and approved your petition to rezone from RT-1 to RM-2 on a vote of 16 to 0. The City Counci� has scheduled Jul.y 10, 1980 as the hearing date upon which this petition for rezonir�g will be considered and a final decision will be made. Sincerely, ��Y� � .� A . Marvin R. Bunnell City Planner MRB/cc , cc: Lynn McDaniel , C.O. Dist. 6 . . : �„ '�''� . _ . ;,� _,. . . .;:,, q �;, ; '�' w„.` �;���„, �'� . , : . . , . � . .,: ST. PI�UI PLANNING COMMISSION '' ` T0: D�p�rUnent pt Flnance and Management Services D1v151�n pf Assessments and Valuations This is to dnnounce that the St. Paul Planning Commission has acted on the rtlattel^ desCribed below and is prepdred to submit its recommendations to a �it,y Gouncfl publlc hearing. Date : Mla�, 30, 1980 ' Zo�ing F�le number : g,��6 '�, � Applican�'s nam� � Capitol Communtty Services address : �02� Marion , St. Paul , Mlnnesota 55117 Purpos� � Rezone from RT-1 to RM-2 (Rehab existing structure ta townhouses) , , Loca�tlon � 1066 Park (NE corner Park and Cook) Legal descriptlan : Lots 14, 15 and 16, Block 1 � �.F. Eisenmenger's Additlon ; In �;ddit.ion. please include the following lnter�sted parties; � District 6 � REQUEST FOR COUNCIL N�ARING � . . . , , ' • - ROL.L CALL VU(E - PLAPJN I NG COh1MI SS I QN '' UATE _.____ --` � �-�d---- ; , � ...�� �'_ _�-- ---- : `, �, � '�:. --�'��- ------- --- -- --�--_ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ` YES NQ A* YES NO �* YES NO N* YES NO A* YES NO A* YES NO * ,' - --- . � > � , ✓ 'ANi�ER QN _ -- � — ARMSTEAQ �✓ ! �. �� �...�..._ _� _ _ 'k�FtYAN , ��cM�r�� ` �%' ✓ ----�-- .�-..�. _ � * FI7zGI6BON�'- � ' ;""" � � _ j �fz�TS ✓" ��" ,�- � __ ._ � NANCUI ✓ �.� ✓ � : HUEiER � l� HYDUKE �,�I � � � _ �_,. ,KAkNS ' ,,� ✓ � LANFGRAN �. ✓ ✓ LEVY � MGDQN�LL : ✓, ✓ , � P�ELSOM j ; ° , ; , � �����h ' � 1 . PANU�IL ✓ ✓ ; ' � i SCFiMIpT � � � `� i � f SU��IMERS ✓ ✓1� ` � ✓ � � E TAYLOR ,.,�� ✓' ✓ I - ��TOBI.�R I ! ( VAN HQ�� -� `�I � ✓ ��- _.___._.w._ .....,_. � , , � � . � F � � ; � � � � 7�TAL,S � �(n; � �fn - ,L._._..�,�..�.�,.,_.._,�:..,....-r �-�-�----_- . --�....._._. h1otion 1 � un�� .�-�.,� - �� Mation 4 � . Mot�ia�n 2�� _ �n .�� hlOtion 5 .c�a..�.� --�-.�,�..-�-_.,_..- ;.P�oti�n .�.�.' _ Moti Un 6 : .., ,: ..__.—�---------�--.—---- -_._.. ----�---�---- „ '..; r 1 ���;2`�vt.,i,�... � p .fie�..:. . :� '; . ..� . _. .r . ." .,.. � . 1�s... . . . .. ` . . .. . . . '� y . - , � � . �h� .�y ... .. ',� . � , � :. , � . � � � � i .. . .. . . � . � . ... � � . . . . .. . . ... y:.�N �•. � - � .. .. " . . `§ � � ... . . . .. . � � . . . . 5� � . ... .. i . .. . . .. . . � . � .. � . , . . . . . . . . . ' . . . , . ' . . � . ... ,. . . .. .. . . .... � .. . � ' . ..,. ' , � -� :��� .` � � . . . . x. .. .. . . � .., . . , . . . . . . � , .... � . � � l". . .. . . - ' . . .. j. � . � . . � - . . ' _ ..g i�� .. �'�'�h.. . . . . . . r � .. . .. � . .. .y� . _ ::�+. . . . ... ,� .. . . .. . / _. . � , . . '. . . . f:. ' ♦ � . �'t� r��( �! l.3 ,:� . -�. .. � • . . . . � � '°i'' y� . �di�t�i�t �ix plannin counci 5�.�4 � 1 � May 12, 1980 � ' , ( � ."' P�.an�,in� Cat�nis��.on � ,. � � Cur�er�t Plannin�, and Zoning Committee `' ' i c/o ,�oning Q.��ics � � AT�'Di. > Ma�Yin �unn�ll t: ,:�' � � ,=,.� � 25 W. �aurtk� St. , ,��� � St. �aul, M�T 55101 � =:: '�` � � f � � � Deax ,Meutb�r� QF xhe Current Planning and Zoning Committee, i ' Tk�e Di��ri,ct Six Planning Council has reviewed the rezoning petition �� � of �apitol Comwunity Services for the prope�ty;� located at 1060 Park St. � � Th� D:tatrict Council supports the xezuning change from the current 1 �Catu�, RT-1, to ths requested sta[us, RM-2. j The Di�tric� Council understands that Zuber Architect Inc. has ` ` � s�gn�d, an Qa�xnest pioney contract ta renovate the existing structure , � � at 1p60 Park SG. The ;District Council, hosted a neighborhaod meeting ; to ptesent Zub�r�s design concepts and receive neighborhood feedback { conc�rning th� plans. Approximately 20 residents attended the meeting; . � halt of who�q opposeci the rezoning, the preference of the residents j � being s�n.��.e f�m�.ly home development. The District Council Housing E Task �'arce a�d th�e �ull Cauncil, hpwever, do �upport Zuber Archit�ct j � Inc. 's plans Qf townhouse renovation and support the rezonin� requesC � E ? contin�ent that zuber Architect indeed obtain title ta the property � ; and carry throu�h with tlieir desi n plans. j � ��ank you for the op�artunity to comment on this matter. � � � � , S1 ere�,y, � , ; _ _ .; � � G�l'i� � ' ��` Dick Go�be1, Ghair ' { , D�str:�ct Six Plann,ing Council � i � E � � � � 'Q'`,�'�../ � � � _ semary K aun, C ir � i ° l�ousing Task FArce � � , Dis�rict Si� P�.annin� Council , ; �� , ,y' � e � ; J * �� � �� � �a � � � F :.uy x, vmw'a .i . .. . , . .. . .. � � . . ? � ��`�i��. ' .'} � . � .. . .. . '�' ?�� ¢ f( t, t . ..t . . . � �'�. . � �,. . '�.S �. . . . "�� � . � � ,. . � . . .' t' . � � � ' � , � . r� � . -E� .. .,; � .. . .. . . . ' . . ' . .. y,' .S. . .. . - � i y.. . ^:llr � _ , . � . • . . . ' .. � . ' r � . � . . � . . � yx, :�� . . . � . .. % . . . . . � . .� Y .' ��' � * 1.�:- ��.�� . _ . _ l^ . • . i . .�� '�.7 r. � . . , . . y�. 1 J ' k � s n�>. .. _7�y.b ."'> .+r .. . �. . . . .. � . MINUTES QF TH� CURRENT PLANNING AND CONING COMMITTEE MEETING � ' TN CITY GAUNGIL CHAM4ERS, ST. PAUL, MTNNESOTA, ON MAY 15, 1980 pR��SEN,�T�: N�mes. Karns, Surn�ners; Messrs. Armstead, E3ryan, Hangyi , Levy and Pangal Qf the Current Planning and Zoning Comrnittee; P9r. Jerome Segal , Assistant City Attorney; Ms . Lane of the Qivision of Housing and � �uilding Goc1� Enforcement; Ms . Besenian, Mr. Eiunnell and Mr. 7orstenson Qf �h� Planning pivision Staff. A�S�NT: M�ssr.' ��►neqran. Th� �tte���n.� was Gh���'ed by Mr. Bryan, Chairman, : CAPITQL GOMMIJNITY SERVICES (#8636) : An application to rezone fram RT-1 to � Prpp�r'ty Qca �. a ar Stree�. � The �ppl1Cant Wa5 present. There was oppositian present at the hearing. Mr. �;�nn�ll shaWed slides af the site anci reviewed his staff report with a r�Gqt�rrten�a�tion fqr a�proval of �he �^ezoning. The District 6 Council Housing Task fio�^�� an� the �Fu11 Council support luber Architect Inc, 's plans of tQwrlhous� .r�nova�ian and support the 1^ezoning request Contingent that Zuber I�rChi���t qbtair� ti�le to the propert,y and carry through with their d�sign p1�,p�; TWa l�tters were r�ceiYed; one in support and one against. Larr�r I�C1,�z�tella, r�presenting Capitol Conununity Services, stated that when Capi�al mov�d intQ �he North End Multi-Service Center last year, they mad� ,� co�rniitqten� that �h�y would try to recycle the propQrty in as beneficial a wa,y a� pos�ibl� �Q th� neighbprhood. 7h�:y feel that this proposal has probably � tfte be5� chance c�� d4�ng th� most For the n�:igt�bUrhood and the city as a wh41e, Th�y Would b� recycliny property that is somewhat det�riorated into soinethinc� that is q�P good quali�y constuction that will last aver the years , and it will add a numb�r of hQusing units to the housin�,� s�uck of th� city, -fhe sal� is pending r�z4ning or a� l�ast a process that look, e�nii��;►�t tu the �•ezoning. Jerry Zu�er��frQm �uber Architect spoke clarifyiny that a number of pec�ple in his firm ar� actudlly buying the buildin��. zuber Architect is doing the design work an tr�@ pr��ect and it 15 not technically be7ng solci to Zuber Architect 1n �eC�era1 , 'jhe partn�rship is buying the building. 7hey are going tt�rough � �he Ci�y l;o�n P►�o�ram for rehabilitation. Fr�ncPs SGhweller, 41 W. Cook, read a letter from the residents of 45 W. Cook statin� they QppQsed t�►s rezoning becaus� of noise� parking and traffic prQ�lems that it Wo�l� cr�at�. Sh� �l�o stated that Elains Hernnen, 46 W. Caok. was ' in oppasition `�:+� xhis 3nd that �he c�r�d h�►^ husbartd were against it. They felt ' i t W�ul� b� c�Y�3r�rowdt ng the nei qhtaorhood and there woul ci b� no pl ay area �or � th� childr�r�� '' Me�ring np furth�r te�timqny, Mr. �ryan closed the public hearing portion of the � . m�e�G�n�:. Mr. �rn�S�e�d m�d�, � motion to r�:conbnend approval of the rezoning based on staff � findir�g� �, 7, � and 12 through 16. Ms. Su��uners Seconded the motion. The rnotion ` p�Ss�d �n � rpll ��11 vQte qf 6 to 1 w�th Mr. Levy voting against the motion. ,Submi tted k�y; , ,�(�'� APProve���: � Q� ..� _- ` --- rII''���� ' t � F �y � �.r wA�� � �1 l/�/�"'�r"+�.�' .. �" :'i% •� - _. ' j_ � �G�,rV�r} ;�r�,�•j,;.?' � � s � _ �m��:'E�'ydn� Ch�.i-rman , � . . . • e . • .. : -: , � ��� , a,; . �. � 8636 . ZONING STAFF REPORT . APP�,ICANT: GAPITOL COMMUPJITY SERVICES DATE OF HEARING 5/15/8Q ' ° C L A S S I F I C A �t I 0 N � _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CURRENT PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS �tan n� �7 Variance ❑ Spe�1a1 Condj�ion lJse ❑ Administrative Review ❑ [�tsr�i�tation of Similar Use ❑ Other ❑ Chan�� of NQncanforming Use ❑ Q�h� .r _ � . 1.0�ATIQN: 1Q�Q Rark Street (Northeast corner of_ Park and Cook) LEGA�. Q�SCRIPTIpN: Lots 1�, 15 and 16, Block 1 , J.F. Eisenmenser's Addition. PR�SEI�T Z�NING; RT-1 ZONING CODE R�FEREP�CE: Sections 64.210 and 60.451 � . STAFF IN�I�STIG�lTION & REPQRT: QAT� rc#ay 6�, 1980 BY P1�rvin R Bunnell__ - -- _.._�.,,_....___-_ -- ---------- --- -- ���__- ==�_ -��-,;.===;�:_=--==-= '-"• ' =.:,;:: ..����'.+�w'�ws�q,r�r�w.�ww�.�lw����ww.rir...�..rw��^��..��.......... . . w�.+� .. . SUFFIGI�NCY: T�e appli�atiqn was filed on a consent petition declared sufficient bv th� ��nance �. �par�rr�nt 4n April 1$, 1980; and received in the Planning Office an Apr�l 21 , 1980. Twenty p�r�el� �rere eligibl�, fourteen parcels �rere needed, and fifteen parcels wer� obtained. Th� purpos� of the r�zoning from RT-1 (Two-Family Residential District� tQ RM-2 (Medium R��sity# l.ow-Ri$s Multiple-Family Residential District) wa� stated on the peti�ian as: r�habilitate the �xisting structure to four, three-bedrqom townhouses with the pos�ibl� constru��ion a� �wo addi�iQnal three-bedroor� townhouses nex� ta the ��isting structure. . FRONTAGE�`& AR�A: Thi� corner slte is composed of 3 lots, with a 120 fppt frontage on Cook Avenu�ani� a 124.62 foot frontage on Park Street, far a tptal area of 14,9�4 squ�re feet. . SITE1AREA CQNDITIONS; The sit� is occupied by a large two and one-half stary wood fram� structure se�at-grade in the southern portion of lots la and 15 and facin� Park Street. The parcel has a sma�ll �bituminous parking lot with basketb�l� court attached in the northern portion as w��l as a grassy play area immediately 'north and east of th� struG�ure. The structure appears to be deteriorating with some window areas covered by plywaad and has a general run-down app�arance. A small rubbish pile is loc�ted in the northeastern portion of the parcel adjacent �o the chain link fence which separ�t�s ths prop�rty from the adjoining prop�rty. Single family hames and some duplexes abut the si�e. The Rice Street Community Business Di�trict is one block to the west of the �ite and has r��ny retail shopping fac�1ities as well as a major bus 1ine. . FINDINGS: l . The site �as pr�yiausly zoned "B" residence. 2. In 1975 the site, and the surrounding area, was rezoned RT-1 (Two Fami,l,v Resid�ntia�l � as part Qf the citywide zoning change. 3. The site was not considered RM-2 zoning in 1975 because the currer�t use (private non- profi� ir�sti tuti anal ) was al 1 owabl e i r1 a RT-1 zone. _ . 4. The buitdjng w�s constructed before 1900 and used as � �h�rch; in the mi� 19b0's it w�s � cvnverted -to a two fami1y house and recreation center called P�rk Hall . 5.; In 1971 , Capitol Cor�xnun�ty Services acquired the property and'aperat�d i� aS � human : services community center until Septemb�r 1979 when they moved intp th� North En�d Mu1�i=Serv�ce Center. Since this time, the structure has been vacant. 6. : The parcel to be rezoned meets the minimum lot area requirem�n�s for ar! RM-�' p�s��r'i�� � of 14,QQQ square feet. '� �' 7: The prQposed rezoning and subsequ�nt proposed development iS �pparently in Fpnform�nce to the District 6 Plan which calls for the removal or th� 1^�habilita�tion and reus� of ` deteriorating structures and the provision of adequate housing appvrtunit�es. In addition, the �roposed District F� Land Use Plan calls for the rezaning of pr4per�i�S to bring their zoning in conformance to the District G Flc►n, The propossd Dist►�ic't 6 Land Use (�ian �ndicates the property should be used aS residential . 8. Due to the changing economic conditions , it now appears to be economically feas�ble to rehabilitate the structure for housing units. Cap�tol Corrm►unity Services apparently p1ans to se11 �:he propert,y to Zuber Architects who will appdrently develop it pending the rezoning. . , , • , .,_ , ,rt,,, <;,_: � , ...: a a= ' CAPITOL COMMUNITY SERVICES (#8636) �� PAGE 2 D. FIND�NGS CONT'D. ; ", � 9. Th� DistriGt 6 Housing Task Force has approved the development plans of �Gber Ar�hjt�e��s far this property. The District 6 Community Council will � . ;� dppar�nt1y Yqte on supporting these plans at their May 6th meeting. 10. , Wit,hout a r�Z4ning there apparently would be no reasonable or economic use �fQr the structure. ; 11 . ; P�ralleling this request for rezoning, Capitol Corr�nunity Services is seeking �. �il� d.11ey y�Gation and the transfer of title to them of th� eastern 10 fee� Qf.i�c�� 16 which is Currently owned by the City of St. Paul but which has � n4t been us�� as an alley. This alley vacation and titl� transfer wi11 �nable the dey�lopers to construct two additional toWnhouses an LQt 16 as � p,�rt of th� second constructian phase. . , 12,. The propoSe� rezoning to RM-2 would a11ow a d�nsity of 24 rooms on the ' � ; p�^operty, th� equivalent of six 3-bedroom townhous� units. This would allow �ar= the cqnStruction of four 3-bedroom in the first cpnstruction phase and tw� 3�-be�room`units of comparable size in the second construction phds�. ` 1�. A�G�rding ta� �he Ordinance, a rezoning to a more restrictive zone, such ds ,�, �T�.� or RM,1 , would only allow for the rehabilitatipn and development of thQ ` `; �t��cture far only 3 townhouses or 4 townhouses of Gomparable size. These �: zorl,�� would ��pt allow for townhouse developm�nt on'' Lo� 16. 14,' Al�hough no other RM-2 zones exist in the imnediate area, there are numerous areas in St. Paul of similar residential character which have ��v�ral RM-� z4nes allowing similar types of clustered multi-family residential : d�ve.�opment, Uses permitted under the proposed r�e�oning ar� not substan�i�ll,Y dif��rent frpm t�e nature of the prevailing uses in the surrounding area and � �:f wou�� not result in disharmony, ���..; Th� prelimin�ry site plans shaw provisions for �en off-street parking space�, � �. six existin� parking spaces transferred to the rear of the p�rcel for the reh�bilitate� current structure, and four more pdrking spaces to be prQVi�ed adj�cent to these for two additional townhouse units tq be canstructed irt ; ph��e 2. These parking spaces meet the parking requirements for �h� f, �xisting rehabilitated buildin� of 4 townhous�s �nd far ano�her 2 townhpu�e r :;,: building �o be added later. _ � 1,fAa; R�?�7�1111� �n� rehabi 1 i tati ng th� structure woul d hel p preserve th� ch�r�,cte1^ ' af, the n�ighborhood and is in keeping with the housing policy and ener�y goal� o�' �k� City..� It would be beneficial to the surrpundin� �ormnunity, and no�. , Y �` me4^�ly tc� reli�ve a small tract of restrictions applying generally in th� ' area� as a whol:�. '" E, ' STq�F RECOMMENDAT�4N: Based on findings 6, 7, $ �nd 12 thr�ugh 16 abov�, s��f.� r��o��n: s apprarta; of the rezoning. ;� , _ . ;f' . . > `�,. . ., . . , .� . �rt: . . . �� . .. . � , ¢',- .. �� . .. . ,Y' ��. ,. ., , ,; � ..�; ' .. - . �. � . .� . ;�-- .. � . , � - � � ' � ' .� � . . �d . . .� , �.. . . .. . . � . . . . ... . .. . . .� . � � - � . v . r (. ��: ' .. .. 4' Y . . . � .. .. , . r' ' � ' �v�� . r 4p ' • r r^" . ��� ��Fi� �+Y�r ��>� .. .. ` . ....,, , - • � � . . . �� . '� e. a�,��,�;��a : . . � ' - . -n!: . . CITY OF SAINT PAUL , , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �' �,' ,, � DIVISION OF ASSESSMENTS AND VALUATIONS' ; . + . April �8, 1890 ' - �� " Ta th�► Counc i l ,Ci�y Qf Sk. �'�N�. _ � have �hacked �he attached petition of Gerald Fowls, repxesenting Capitol Cc�u�nity S�etvls�ea filed in the �patLQr of rezonin�, � �t+� l4, IS and lb, Block 1� J. F. Eisenmengex's Additioa, 'su,b���t Ko the righta of the City uf St. Paul i�n th� E. 1Q' , ;, o# Q�I�d �.ot 16� 'fr�yu � �T*1 A�+�tx�ct to a RM-2 District, end find that ssid petition �a : , . �uff�;ci��nt. '� ,. ; ,.::, YAu�r�A 1t��Y t�'u1�►� � ,�,���. ��.�.�, �,� �e�nar�l J. C�a�laon - Director :; Res XZ51� cc s $��ld�ng 1�ep,�rtaent . } -�Q�ing Bo��cd � Fi.l.e "' ; .j11�;� % P�►�cela �ligib].s - 20 �'a.�c�ls Needed' . � 13 �' <C` �% ��,i �t� � ��►x,�e�,� ����ea _ ik �,, ` • , � ;S� c�, ; , , a.,, ��,: �C'� ��! ''+; ' ,��� ' •' ��1=��,� �� � � . ,; � � � � � ; r: y; : � . .. �t.. ... .. . ' _ � . � � . t,;;. .?y� - ' � .. ..� : � i.. tiu . . . . .. . ry� �;. T��:� ho..;. fa,'�, ,/29 -5��1 . ; ' , ,�, R r1� � $ '� 13 Cicy Hall, Saint Paul , Minne��ota S:b'10� <� �- 'A4� W. ��'�� �'V .�:. ��,z ,sx , . . .. ..�y ; re« ..��Y ,,t.."'yt�"1:'M �f ;qY� . .. .. } `� . � 1' y r"�i' , '.�, �.'�" s` . . . . �t �14�� . r�Y ��k >. ye j �f r . � . � a�:.� �� �f ti��E '" � '�,�,4 � . . � +� ' '�' ,!�` . " �1� � �. � t ���i �> >� . .. . . . . .. � .. �•� ' . . � . � . . . ' ' � ��� - . . . :4' � , . . . �7. .. i z: � . R . . ,r 'Y. �}.t i� � �Y ; `'L ' � � a q #, � , - rFM ��,.� .- . . .� .. . .. .,���. ,.. .. � �T +K�� ,.+,5' — �a�,. r, . .. « . . , ' �. --� . � . -�. -. / ; ' . . . -'i:x . � . .. � ..� . � � � , . ay. .s.. . . . . ,. . . ... e .. .. �.y.'?��> `��5�., � ' , . , �} . . , M . � �C� , � . . � � 'i. k 4 . , 1� .i'>t�S tt � � . . � . . '7 y ly pr ' 4 ';'x � . � . � . � . . . . ,.�� .� . . . 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Iarccw,u11 ehe tsa�..nl parul..__eJ ini�d tyiwd and bat�a� i E ba t�i{�o�....._...bAA1t. I � wt'�.Eo-�ati: � . , ...... v �,;a�a 4, ar pi .. eT...____.__. . ana s�ate o .v��. ' ' ��l � l.gta 14 15 and 16. lllock 1 �. !. #�.senme er Addit � ,'� . r nR loA to St. • ° ''' � a�` � i � .3'a�ul. wa3�ct to th. r�.st,ts of thr Citr ot St. Pau�, in th� 8 1Q� • � �; _ •,` '; tt„ of,eaid Lot 16, �ccordl+�8 to th� record�d plat ll;ereaf oai . a .: t11s e�nd of record lo tpe ottic• of the Eegleter eit' A�aeds !i►aad end �� ���y �� ��. !'ar Rsuaa� Ccunta. 1llnaesoLa. � �'�•�` � ', k ' • �"' � ` ,� , ,+ , . .,�. . :��. , � . � .. � . '� .. . ,4; I . ��'. ♦ < r. . . . ' , ; . . . , . �',:: � . � � , . . , . - . . , '�. k � . . 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SAINT PA�'� '-'! i+M�S�i"�!G 34ARD V VACANT ��'" ,' , � _ �� i Cp�`�� �"��yS- ..� ���,��r � '`�� - � CITY OF SAIIVT PAUL, MINPI�SOTA� ��+����.`�� �_ /� �� • ,�SD. oa PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OE' T�IE LEGISLAT�V� (ZONIIVG) COL�� Note: The signer should apprise himself of the us�s �:�rmitted under the new classi�- fi�cation before signing tnis petizian. For furthex� information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 298-4151._ (Please type or print} TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL Date; ��Z.��/ 2� IRBO e%� the City Clerk, Room 386 City .Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code and Minnespta Statute 462.357(5) , we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate hela by the owner of the real estate to b� rezoned or by any party who has purchased oz is purchasing any such contiguous property within one (1� year preceding the date o£ thi� oetition, such property including the property to be rezoned, hereby acquiesc�; ar:d we, the owners of 50$ or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition ,gour Honorable Bcxly to rezone the following described property:� (�egal des jription and street addr=�ss) "LoTs 14,i�, i e Bw�-k � J.F. E�Sar�h��2 hcn rn e (Ir�� P�K : from �T � District to �� L- District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operatin the �ollo�w.�in,���qB 6Xt3t►Nl. 51TttK�Nts � (describe briefly the proposed facility) �������s `� (����� '�°WNN''`uss r�kT 10 Esx�srNC, RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCR ADDITIOi�T Subject Property: f.�. W. coac a �. �er�t�' �. -t c. wNo� 4 .►.�. ��s�n� �as 74 7�e. f+ou/. �NW4tL0 F�• I�q�LSoN f f� I �•f• LlSENM EN E(LS; 81. W. 4tsD�,14 � � �. a 4 �.�.�K�rt�NG6tu, IObb ARK GAPITQIi GOP7�'IVNIT'"( $�Lt/ILffS (/ N . I � l J.F. Ets�h 6 State of .Minnesota) %� � P��S�` ) ss ��W N�t� P�'1''r PoR2 fr:.� �++4) , County of Ramsey ) �ONn► ��1.C� 5(�2.N`[ beinq first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is i:he p�rson who circulated the within petition consisting of 3 pages; that the pa�ties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immedi.ately following each narae; that each of the paxties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant withi.n one {1� year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; fihat none of the parties described, above has purchased or i.s purchasing property f.rom af�Liant'contiguous to the a.bove described property within one (1) year o� the date of �his petition; that this petition was signed hy each of �aid owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above ar the true and correct signatuz-es of each ar.d all of the parties so' described. . , , �' � `��Io zue��,����E i+�� Subscri.bed and sworn to before me Address: 83(� j.cj�. �q,�, 5=�-, . �� Telephone No.t1P(/��I'1lI:+IJ �5�2,t� 88��620�- this day of Appraved as to form 5-27-73 OFfice of the City Attorney i3otary P , Ramsey County, Miiin. �� t�iy commission expires ���� �� �'L� ��.� LAWRENCE R.MAZII7EtL0 Notary Public, Ramsey Coun(y,Minn, My Commission Expires May 25, 1985. � � t �• ! • � , i ' � ' CITY OE 5AINT PAUL, P4INP7�SO�A + PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF TFIE LEGISLATIiI� (ZU?�TING) GOL�E Note: T�e signer should apprisc� himself of the us�s �.ermitted under thR new classi•- fication before signing this petizion. For further infoxmation about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 298-4151. (Please type or print} bate: �1/ �. l`i QJD TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL � c/o� the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code and Minnesota Statute 462.357(5} , we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate held by the owne.r of the real estate to be rezonEd ar by any party who has pu�chased oz is piirchasing any such contiguous property within one (1� year preceding the date o£ this oetition, such property including the property to be rezoned, hereby acquiesc�; ar:d we, tY►e owners of 50$ or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition ,your Honorable Bo3y to rezone the following described property: (legal description and street addrLss) LO'�S I�}� 1�i,I b BLG�.K � J.f • Et$ET�rEW�.cSR hDDIToN(, I ov� PARK� from �T � District to I"� 2 District, for the purpose af installing, constructing and/orooperating the following: �k�tltg ExISTn�4 s'ff�tYNRC (describe briefly the proposed facility) �x���s��,���5�����T04'��'ti'o�b�S p'EkT 'sb RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCR ADDITIOI�T Sau�b�ec�y P�ropert�y: �►�1�, : •I.tZ�e 6Ttt D• B HARASY�+ �• � 2 �l•i. $156rf1Eh�C611. Ro��t'+.TGOP l�beL # • �Qj � J.�. E� EW r��4A�. £ ZABEIH i. t'iU4E4+f� J. �3lr3EAt! � � N��-r a. i B�w� l 9 1 �.f. � E�r16T���a.� JF.fz� (,. JoHNSat� �Z �} J.F. �ISENnF�4g�S q 1 ru�/z *N Sj. oH�Z 24 2 J•� �iS�nEN4�1 -�B W � iN J. Innoos � .� I1 4 �.F•��s�r1�r►4�-S � NoRE�N �tuN45 No�vS �a''Ini�c.t F�R- O6a(.� State of Minnesota) • 1 ss County of Famsey ) <bNN �2tc- StcLM`( bei.ng first duly sworn, deposes and stat�s that he is the psrson who circulated the within petition consisting of � pages; that tMe pa�-ties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each nane; that each of the paxties dascribed above is the owr►er of property which is within 100 f�et from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one tla year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous ta the property above described; i:hat none of tY�e parties described a"�ove has purchased or i.s' purchasing property f.rom af:Piant'contiguous to the above described property within one (1) �ear af the date of this petition; that this petition was signed bp each of saaa. or�ners iri the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above «re e true and correct signatuYes of each ar.d all of the parties so' described. - . � �p �,,,,,,�. �u, t��. . $3� . �a� s�ra.�sr , SuY�scribed and sworn to befoxe me Address: r'llNNffaP�IS� C111�N.' �54�� . �� � Telephone No. g$g'-�'Lec} this d y of Appro�*ed as to form 8-27-73 OFfice of the City Attorney ..��� ��otary Pub ' sey County, Mirin. ������ ��L� g� 3 L l�iy commission expires tAWRE��� Notar p� R• MAZIITECtO r�V� m blic, Ramsey Counry,(V�inn: ° �n'ss�o�Expires Mdy 25, 1985. ^ �` a � I - ► � • � . . . . ��` ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL, fRZNNE30�A � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATZL'� {ZO?�IING) COL�� Note: T�e signer should apprise himself of the us�s ;�ermitted under the new classi•- fication before signing this petiiion. For further informatican about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 298-4151. _ (Please type or print} Date: ��V �� ��W TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COIJNCIL c%� the City Clerk, Room 386 City .Hall City of Saint Paul, P�innesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code and Minnesata Statute 462.35?(5) , we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions o£ real estata situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions af r�al estate held by the owne.r of the real estate to b� rezoned ar by any party who has pu�chase8 0� is purchasing any such contiguous property within one (1� year preceding the date of this oetition, such property including the property to be rezoned, hereby acqui.esc�.; ar:d we, the owners of 50$ or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition ,your F�onora2�le Bc�dy to rezone the following described propert : (leqal description and street address) r-or 1�, �ti� �� �3ux.�c i ��F-E�s�e�HEN�� kourno.���oe� r��uc) from I"T ( District to t-� 2 DisErict, for th� purpose of installinq, constructing and/or operating the following: ��{�,g EXIS'fING STRuCNIt� (describe briefly the proposed facility) To �'Dw�J�cusES w� Z, �u� -rpu�,,t�o�s�s NE.x�. N ExiS1��4 S�,'1,VC�VR� �ossM�J RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCR ADDITION Subject Property: lo$o A(ZIC Z 13 � �:�.EIS�NP�/EN 46n.5 1'I• I.��R �PF 93•4� �`f• Io16 �M 93 4y�la+ �'f. og�.t P• �r�.+E�so.� 4 �. rr� ' 12 I �•F •�se�Nn�4�S 041 1�►RK n��C.� soullt �. r-r�-aruss a. srti ff �� 3 a. F. �se���c�r�.s � � �+►�bft;E F• ST01.TZ1'1AN !�. ,.1 � 3 J.�. E�ScNn6N�,�.-S G,No�iA. Da''�w W. P�tiooY II � �.� EtS�NnsN<�h.S � bGNN16 I�J�tlt6 Iifl�.oS GoNtI�C.T FWI. OQ�D -I4 GCP'f oF Gor►�-T �o,�- State of Minnesota) D�p W�w B� PaRw�a.�o } ss County of Ramsey ) JDL�N EtttC- 5112N`( beinq first duly sworn, deposes and stafies that he is the psrson who circulated the within petition consisting of ��_pages; tha:t the pa�:ties descri.bed above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each narae; that each of the parties descri.bed above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (.la year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above descri.beci; �:hat none of the parties described above has purchasecl or i.s purchasing property f.rom afLiant"cantiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the dat� of this petition; that this petition was signed �y each of said as,�n�rs in. the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above ar e true and correct • si.gnatures of each ar.d all of the parties so' described. �. ' O Z U�r~AA�u�t r'i c-1 � �-t�,t . g3� i�l�. 1q �'h ST�T Subscribed and sworn to before me Address: . f' Pb1.i5A.�{AEN• .,�'.e��2�p . /��,�,,. Telephone No. 8�4,�`� this ay of ���1� �Z=- Appro�•ed as to form 8-2'7-73 O�fice of the City Attorney �3otary Public sey County,� Minn. `��F— riy commission expires tAwRErvCE R. Ma2ZiTELLO ���� �C� F I L E � M�� Notary Public, Ramsey County, MPnn, --- M'�Comm��sion Expires May 25, 1985. ���J �' v . � �. .. � • • . ��, . . ��LED � �.:i��� E ' � 3 � .�, G: , �i ;'1 G t'+ � . n .� i �1 :`�?v��• 1.��„_. fa � �T f=�, t --yriC�, -�L'i s�`'i74iF�. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) CITY 0�' SAINT PAUL � � ����!�!;%�,�L�i.,2� `/ G � ��i�✓�� being first � � duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the owner of the property to be rezoned, or has authority to lawfully bind the owner of the property to be rezoned, which is described as follows: 71" StzLY �o �f aF �I'I�r� W�1"�.Y �i o f�r oF � 14 �r� I 5 b�r'r� I b,,8�1, c�.�. �ISENYI�I�'lnE��s I�cDDI�tc1`� �D ,b,ru. DF� wrS I�[-�.r� 15 �a�ID I b,�l.,J.f. �isE N rl6r►G,�� �rntlon� 1b t'k�� �r� of sT•pA���,pr�►o ,�u.oRo�NG, To 'Tl�t� Pt.�,��' TN�IZI:oF ot� ��1,� ,a,N� oF RCcoRf� iN rI� o���r.� oF � CLEGtsT�- oF r�EOs � 1t1112�1�a b.N� tofL P..�rn��`f �Nf-( . � that affiant does not have any legal or equitable interest in, is not in the act of purchasing, nor has he purchased or sold within one (1) year preceding the date of the attached petition any land contiguous to the property sought to be rezoned as described above, except (NONE) (SEE ATTACHED) ; that affiant understands the word �contiguous" as used herein to mean parcels of property sharing a cocrnnon boundary at any point without regard to the presence of public thoroughfares. ( NOTARY P I C �A�t r�vC�k. M�zz�ElLO Notary Pu61ic,Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission Expires May 25, 1985. ����� � F�LE �'.�.�. .: � r ���� . , r ��,���� � ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL, P4IATPI�SO�A �'` `' �""�-�•-"�� � . PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (�UNING) COL�� Note: T�e signex should �pprise himself of the us�s �ermitted under the new classi•- fication before signing this petiiion. For fnrther informatian about tne rezoning of property", call the Board of Zoning Office at 298-4151. (Please type or print} Date:����/ �� ��� TO �'.�HE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o� the City Clerk, Room 386 City ,Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code and Minnesota Statute 462.357(5) , we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions af r�al es�kate held by the owne.r of the real estate to b� rezonEd or by any party who has purchased oz is purchasing any such contiguous property within one (l� year preceding the date of. this oetition, such property including the property to be rezoned, hereby acqufesc'�; ar:d we, tY►e owners of 50$ or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition ,your �'onara.ble Bc�dy to rezone the following described property: (le deseription and street address) �I.q� 14, ig 1�, Ocrouc � REN�i4?�o�c��XisslNti �TR��' Irro 4- TowNrio�s w�Z aonnl��, fibwl�Ncusats �� TNts �uTv(LG � CI bo �EfsK from � � District to �h 2 District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) RECORA OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCIC ADDIT�ON Subject Property: . C�cd � � Z b.P.6��'M8h'4�- State of Minnesota) ) ss County of Ramsey ) JDF}N $ . S I tZN"� beinq first duly sworn, depos�s and states that he is the psrson who circulated the within petition cansisting of � pages; that the pa�rties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each naiae; that each of the paxties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affian� withi.n one (1) year preceding thg date of this petition which is contiguous ta the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or i_s purchasing property £rom afiiant'contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of �his petition; that this petition was signed �hy each of said owners in the presence of_ this affiant, and that the signatures above are e true and correct signatu�-es O� P�3CI7 ax:d all of the parties so described. � �r� knpmor� � 3 Pr��3 P�s �. b rf�ts, IN�. f33�T �9 � str�T Subscribed and sworn to before me Address: t'tl�t�E�4Pou�,th�,�r' S5 4'� • Telephone No. gg�""�204, thi� d y of� Approred as ta form 8-27-73 OFfice of the City Attorney .3o�ary Pub i , sey County, Miiin. Niy commission expires LAWRENCE R. MAZZ�TELCO ^ No!ary Public, Ramsey County, Minn, �����( ' ���� ��L/�-+!`— trfy Ccmmi��ion Ezpires May 25, 1985. �� i� ��