275346 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUflCll �53�4� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resol ti Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the �roper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute a lease agreement with the Minnesota State Agriculture Dept. (State Fair) for the lease of the Grandstand area on July 4 , 1980 , for the purpose of presenting a fireworks show; said agreement to be kept on file in the Department of Finance and Management Services . COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays /� Requested by Department of: Hunt t_ u ia '� �' [n Favor � H t Maddox ,�^ Mcnnanon v __ Against Ma ox Showalter Sh lter edesco Te �Sa� JUt 2 4 �ggp Form prove Cit t ey Adopte o nci . Date r tified Y• • d by nc� Secretary BY t# d by IVlavor. e ! ��� � 9 �98� Ap ro e by Mayor for S mi �on to Coun B p�,SH�D AU G 2 198U B � • OM O1 : 12/1975 � Rev. : 9/8/76 - EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, �����5 , � �„ ' � � ' ,..;.. �t �c .. � � a� � � RF�F�� Date : JULY 8, 1980 F�� . J U� 1 ��5�0 �� � � �AAYOR'� ��p�CF�F T 14�� TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER AIVp MqN�FN�Fp�f�TOR �: Thomas J. Kel le M�NT S Rq�� S R E: Lease Agreement with Minnesota State Agriculture Department ACTION REQUESTED: Approval and signature on attached Council Resolution PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Lease of Grandstand area July 4, 1980 ATTACHINENTS: Council Resolution .. ��� . g ����� . - � . . , v I � o�a r�� �Ir , . ��- � � � . �r� , . .....; r. State Fair�rouqds,5aiqt Pa�l,miqqesota 55�08 (6i2) 645�278i p 'i � - ° .. �.=/ ,}. :.,� . Ddte_ Anril ?8 , 19�(l � , . . CONTRACT FOR I.EASE OF MINNESOTA STAT� FAIR FAC�I,ITIES � . ., � � Facilities Leased to: • , , City of St . Paul Department of Parks � Reereation , i9r. Ro er Goski �'` ���''�L�"��� g �.:�_�//%�;�;- /���'�'� 1000 No. Snellin� Avenue � St. Paul , Minnesota 55108 By tFiis contract, MINNESOTA STATE FAIZ, hereinafter "�l.essoi^`' and the City of • St. Paul , Dept. of Parks � RecrE,ation , hereinafter "Lessee�', enter into a lease agreeme►1t, whereby l,essot^ leases to Lessee dnd Lessee hires from Lessor the Minnesota State Fd�r Grandstand Seating Area; S�a�e�, � Infield, as well , as the entire Fair rounds for Lessee' s parking � • • for the publ ic co ct of a Firework Display - during the pe1^iod Friday, July �Fth 1980 , • Thurs. , .Tuly 3 , 1980/Sat. , July 5 , 1980 wlll be a1lowed for Lessee' s • set up/tear down. (Pao animals� equipment, machinery, Vehtcles, etc. , may be moved � onto the Fairgrounds before 9 a.m. , Tliursday, July 3 , 1980 Same must be removed from the Fairgrounds befOre 4 .P.m. , �aturday, July 5 , 1980 • _ . ) This lease agreement is made subject to th� provisions set forth in the "Standard Lease Conditions'� attached hereto, and Lessee agrees to comply with conditlons set forth therein� • Qasic rental fee _for this usage v�ill be $ 1 000. d0�*� ( Grandstand Seating, �tage � Infie�c� = 1 day @ Sl, 000. ��' (;ranrl�tan�l � Plus . 5� of gross parking, gate an�l t.j�pt Gal,,,�s rP�PintG nva�i ����•DO � . It should be clearly understood that this ren,tal �ee is "basjc" and does �not include costs to be incurred by Lessor for electrlca� serV�ce/current, set up, clean up, security, 1oss, damage, fire, vandalism, theft, malicious �destruction, etc. Lessee shall be responsible for any and all costs incurred by Lessor as a result of this usage, including but not limited to all property 1oss, and/or damage to t Lessor' s property c'aused directly or indirectly by Lessee, its agents, employees, guests, participants and/or attendees. 0�6�i1i.�.d�G�iia�C e ci�' _n f � v v v ��i t ti' t{,i c .,f�; �r__��.;: - - ��+s�'9�6te- YYVVY . Lessee further agrees to make full payment of outstanding balance within 30 days of invoice date. � . •.. • �� '"� n,�r��� �, , C:it:y of St. Paul - Dept c�f Yarks � Recreation Nir. lZo�;er Goski • Lease Agreement - Page 2 Apri1 28 , 1980 It is agreed that in the event any p�rson on the grounds of the Minnesota State � Fair for the purpose of working at, participating in and/or attending the ' _ 1='i.r. ework Display ` , ,duri ng the peri od of Thursday, July 3 throug}� Saturday, July 5 , 1�86�ho suffers injury to his person or property anywhere on the Fairgrounds as a result of the acts or omissions of the Lessee, Lessee's agents, participants and/or attendees and makes � claim against the Minnesota State Fair for such injury, that the City of St. Paul-Dept. of Parks � Rec . shal 1 hol d harml ess and i ndemni fy the Minneso�ta State Fair for liability incurred on account of any such claim. Lessee is required to provide a policy of general liability insurance in an amount � and forrn satisfactory to Lessor which will protect Lessor from the aforesaid . � third party claims. A certificate of the foregoing insurance must be provided for Lessor' s review and files no later than Wednesday , June 4, 1980 . Failure to provide said certificate as specified shall work an automatic cancellation of this lease. Arrangements for Lessee' s physical needs must by made by contacting Lessor's � Asst. Supt. of Plant Services, Phillip Fisher�612) 642-2214. Lessee agrees to meet with Lessor no later than Friday, June 20 , 1980 to arrange the physical needs for this facility usage. Please have the appropriate individual sign both copies of this lease and return the original as specified to the undersigned before _ Friday, June 27 , 1980 Failure to execute and return as specified shall result in the cancellation of this offer. SPECIAL CONTRACTURAL CONDITIONS: sY dt.k , = . S E E A T T A C H E D C Y OF SAINT �U ' . _ APP OVE 'AS T F M• � ' � ' , . Assistant City Attorney Dr ect r De . Finance & t. Services , irector, r� e o C m ty Servic M1N�JESOTA�ATE FAIR �,/ The undersigned understands and � gy; ���?G'G�LG�-`�(l�� agrees to the terms of thi� lease � agreement, including special con- Its: Speciai ��, n � � ,n r;ntP„�A�+ tractual conditions and standard • lease conditions attached hereto. " � Signed• `%`�-'��`''' • �?,3/S�p - I ts: • � Date: � � . � � . , SPECIAL CONTRACTURAL CONDITIONS : In the event of inclement weather on July 4th, July Sth or July 6th shall be held as alternate "rain" dates. -���`�Gross ticket sales is considered to be after the removal of 4$ State Sales Tax. Lessee must file a promoters outline with Lessor 30 days in advance of event dates , with said outline to include : detailed outline of events , performances , etc. in connection with this event, names oF all performers , performance times, exa�t stage , lighting and sound requirements as well as detailed security, crowd cor.trol , parking, traffic and sanitation provisions . A detailed sea��r,g specification chart , ticket price scale , ticket manifest and ticket reconcilement materials must be provided for Lesscrs inspection and files in connection with the event and all tickets sold hereto. Al1 posted �_�arking and tra�fic restrictions shall be in full yorce and eirect during the period of this rental. Lessee shall be , � responsible for maintaining parking and traffic rules and regulat�cns. Lessor maintains the- right to stipulate the number and placement of all police security of Ficers in connection with this rental . Due to the sche�uiing or other events on the Fairgrounds , Lessee ' s move�ent on the grounds will be resticted during the period of this rental. Or. the .attached map , note the street barricades � that will be posted during this rental. PLEASE TAKE SPECIAL NOTE OF "STANDARD LEASE CONDITONS" �3 , 4 , 5i 6 , 7 , 9, AND 10 ATTACHE� HERETO. _ � � • � . � . . . 4 , . - � � ,._._ .. - �- ._ _._._ .__ __. .�__.____._.-_.-- ---._ -• '� __ -�.--�--; ,. .�.. � ';�1J_ � , . . . • �, �; . i �, �� � , , , .j1 ��� �I I . . , . , , � .. � � i �� i� July 4 , 1980 �� �� � I -.�,�,::..::l � Firework Display �• ,,I'� l..... ... .... ; �i� : � (� � ' , ,�� , ,;,�j ; , � � � ,a.�... .�L. � ..�9.... !; U�` e U � �I�I�'� V�`lt f I ��)��I '� � � I i ��(i I � �3��1�,..url I �\N.,�.,y ... � r... ��I � s.'�.. � � .��... ..°Ili:�:�.: IU ; .n.� n'r:-� ["t.,,,'"'—��'�'��i,l. 1,'.�`�, 1.._ ..� ., . . ::�II Ilr°=���_�1� ;' ..... i�"`�� � �'� �; �!ci i;'�` 4 .. :.0�4._' �'1�=+ - �-#I• , 16 7, . �^I�� ; �� . � , �� �7(3� .. � ,i ',`:f, . 4 . .. � . ,����; ,Af!'J.: ... �D,. : i�.. ..�� � . � � � :� . ' =:� . � • .. L6 ,'L�1 - i9 ` iµ � i.f'�1 ! . • ::�� . ... ' � •� ' �)i+,. 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