275340 � WHITE - C�TV CLERK ' � �
. PINK - FINANCE G I TY O A I NT PA LT L Council ������
� " e�plution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
W�S, the ]7ivision of Housing and Bui.lding Code Enforcem�.zt has requested
the City Coi.mcil to hold a public hea.ring to cansider the advisability and
necessity of the correction or wrecking and ramval of the followu�g described
builc�uzg, said stru�cture ha.vir�g been reported to canstitute a public hazaxd:
564 Z�o�na.s Ipt 2, Block 12, Smith's Subd 'It�o car garage
GARAC� ONLY of Block 12, Stinsan's I7ivisian of wnod frarne
WII�REAS, it appears tha.t as of July 1, 1980 the la.s t record otimers an.d other
parties of interest of said buildir� axe as follaws:
Fee Owner: Gerald S. Ra.ssett and Rita. Rassett, 564 Thamas, St. Paul, MM��TT
I�rtgagee: Sheet Metal Work,ers Loca1 ��87 Credit Unian in the airotmt of
Wi�REAS, the Division of Housing an.d Buildin,g Code Enforcezrent, an behalf of
the City Cotmcil did notify by mail th,e above noted parties of interest at their
last �wwn addresses;
W�S, a public hearing was held by and before the Cotmcil of the City of
Saint Paul in the Council Chambers of the Court House in said city at 10:00 a.m.
an Tlwrsda.y, July 24, 1980 to consider tl�ee advisability and necessity of ordering
the correctiocz or wrecking an.d reimval of sa.id structt�e an the abave deseribed
property inasnnich as said structure is reported to constitute a hazaxd to public
health, safety and �lfare;
i�h�S, u� the facts presented at the sa.id hearing cansisting of photographs,
inspectian reports and the recamnen.da.tian of the Building Departmen.t, it is further
cletern�ined that the above builcling constitutes a hazardous building within the
defini.tian of Mitm.esota. Sta.tutes 463.15 for the follawing rea.sans:
1. The sub'ect ro has not been boarded b either the awner or the Ci •
COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Butler CO �t Services
Hozza In Favor
Hunt �
Levine __ Against BY
Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary B � '��-�G
Approved by Mavor: Date Appr ve by Mayor for Su ' si t Council
Bv - - —
� ' �`�����
2 . This building is badly deteriorated;
3. Part of the roof and the walls are missing;
4. The building is structurally weak;
5. The conditions outlined above constitute a public hazard;
6. The owner has made no attempt to satisfactorily repair the
7. The continued vacant and hazardous condition contributes a
blighting influence on the neighborhood;
now, therefore, be it,
RESOLVED, That in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Section
463. 15 through 463.25, and based upon the foregoing findings of the
City Council, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby make
the following Order:
1. The owners of the above described building shall make the
same safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety
and welfare by having the said building razed and the materials
therefrom removed from the premises within thirty (30) days from the
date of the service of this Order;
2. Unless such corrective action is taken to comply with this
Order or an Answer served upon the City of Saint Paul and filed in
the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Ramsey County,
Minnesota within twenty (20) days from the date of the service of this
Order, a Motion for Summary Enforcement of this Order to raze and remove
the said building will be made to the Ramsey County District Court;
3. In the event that the building is to be razed by the City
of Saint Paul pursuant to judgement of the District Court, all personal
property or fixtures of any kind which may unreasonably interfere
with the razing and removal of this building shall be removed within
BI.UEi - MAVOR File NO. �,�� ��
. �
� . Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
ten (10) days from the entry of judgement; and if not so removed, the
City of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of such personal property
and fixtures as provided by law;
4. If the City of 5aint Paul is compelled to take any corrective
action herein, all necess.ary costs expended by the City will be assessed
against the above described real estate and collected as other taxes;
FURTHER RE50LVED, that a certified copy of this resolution and
incorporated Order herein be served upon the last record owners of the above.
described property in the manner provided by law.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Hunt Nays �--�/
} Comm ity Services
�evine r � In Favor
Maddox �
McMahon __ Against BY
Wils Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted ou cil: Date �1�� �_�� —
Cer ied Y .sed Council Secr a y l - ����- �'����'
F1 by :Vlavor: a ��u �t n �non Ap ro d by Mayor for i ' n to Council
�usH� AUG 2 1980
� � ��-��
��b��TY o,,�y, � CITY OF SAINT PAUL
.... .
Ciry Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
George Latimer 6�2_296-4212
July 22, 1980 �
Mr. President and �
Members of the City Coi.mcil
RE: 465 Thomas (GARAGE ONLY)
File #3599
Honora.ble CoLmcil:
The Division of Housing and Building Gode Enfarcement is hereby submitting its
report on the condition of the strwctuxe at the location referred to above.
The owners of record are: Fee owners--Gerald S, � Rita R. Rassett, 564 Thomas Avenue,
St. Paul, M[�ii 55103.
The legal description of the property is: I,ot 2, Block 12, Smith's Subd of Block 12,
Stinson's Division, parcel code 08-�5;9030-OZO-12.
The building� is a, d��.c}�ed two car- ga�^�.ge of wood framQ construction.
The subject property has not been boarded up by either the owner or the City.
This building is badly d�t�riorated. : Part o�� th� roof atid the walls are missing.
The building is structura.11y weak.
Inasmuch as the conditions outlined abc�ve constitute a public hazard and the owner
has made no attempt to satisfactorily repair the damage d�espite our warnings, and
the condinued vacant and hazardous condition contributes a blighting influence on
the neighborhood, it is the recommendation of this Division tha.t this matter be
referred to the City Attorney's office for razing and removal through District
Court proceedings.
Yo truly, �
�enn A. Ericicson
upervisor of Code Enforcement
cc: Messrs. George Latimer, Ma.yor
Walter A. Bowser, Asst. City Attorney
Dan Norrgran, Fire Marshal
F. Staffenson, Housing Code
L. Levine, Coi.mcilman