275339 V MrNITE — UTV CLERK ��o/�� PINK r_INANCE t CAIJARV —�i£PARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL F1eci1N0. �y1 a� BLUE — MAVOR Cou il,Res u� on Presented � , o ' tee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Com- mittee has before it S. 2827; and WHEREAS, Sec. 238 and 509 have come before the Committee with- ou�t substantive hearings on the issue of cable television deregula- tion; and WHEREAS, It is important that there be an explicit record of legislative intent on such complex legislation; and WHEREAS, The City Council and its citizens are greatly inter- ested in public access and are opposed to any regulation that would preempt that authority; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the United States Senators and Representatives from the State of Minnesota are hereby requested to contact the Chairman and members of said Committee regarding the City of Saint Paul' s request to hold hearinc� on this legislation; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That should this legislation proceed without the benefit: of earings and clarification of legislative intent and that' ection 238 of S. 2827 as it relates to cable com- munications `is deleted in its entirety in the present Session of Congress, that the City Council will withhold further activity in its franchising process; and be it COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza —� [n Favor Hunt Levine �___ Against BY Maddox , Showalter Te Form Ap r ed by Cit rne Ado y Council: Date � ��� �� ertified Pa:- y e retary BY F1pp by :Vlavor: . _ Approved by Mayor for Subm'ssion to Council By _ BY Ru�+.4s� AU G 2 1980 WMITE - C�TV CLERK ������ PINK - - FINANCE COUtICll CAfTARY'-ZyEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO• �� � BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. FINALLY RESOLVED, That if S 2827 proceeds as it is set forth in the Congressional Record, dated June 13, 1980, the City Council will reconsider the alternative of municipal ownership of a cable communications system in the City of Saint Paul. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: tl r Hunt � H z a �evine In Favor H Maddox � e McManon __ Against BY Ma ox Sh lter Showalter Te es desco JUL 2 4 1980 Form Appro d by City ey Adopted ouncil: Ison Date C ified Yas- y un ' Secc�tary By �� �v � t#pp v y Mavor: D t .. �1 A 1Q�O Approv y y�� miss' to Cou cil ���� � B _ — BY -- ��� AU G 2 1980 ������✓ � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � �� ? 9 ��:,, • OFFICE OF THE CITY COUl\TCIL � '� / ��� ��;�..,,:,..:. 7�y�6¢41?:S!� _x�s��r.]�'+,�1 . BILL WILSON July 24, 1980 Councilman Dear : Effective July 24, 1980, the St. Paul City Council unanimously adopted the attached resolution in expression of its protest against an obvious attempt by the National Cable Television Association to usurp municipal authority as relates to rate fixing and community access. This Council feels strongly that, in the interest of good government, freedom of speech and unabridged accessibility, Senate Bill 2827 poses a serious threat to these basic and fundamental rights. It is, therefore, further held by this Council that said bill should be amended to meet the standards of the heretofore referenced resolution. As a member of this Council, I am appalled to find that the National Cable Television Association has worked in support of Senate Bill 2827 while at the sa�e time prospective cable companies, bidaing on the St. Paul franchise� have openly pursued community access. One is, therefore, left to reasonably conclude that the action of the National Cable Television Association is contrary to, and without the consent of these cable companies. In the spirit of efforts toward communitq access, as exemplified by prospec- tive cable companies bidding on the St. Paul franchise, I am calling upon each such cable company to affirmatively reinforce its commitment to community access by immediately notifying the Senate Commerce Committee, the Minnesota Congressional Delegation, and the National Cable Company Association, of its support of the referenced resolution. I would further suggest that copies of said communiques be forwarded to Mrs. .Joanne Showalter, ' Chairperson of the Energy, Utilities and Environment CommitteA. Your cooperation in this matter will be both noted and appreciated. Respectfully� William L. Wilson Councilman WW:ls cc: Members of the City Council Attach. CITY H.ALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNFSOTA 55102 612/298-4646 ��� c�- � ..s�3 � HOWARD W.CAtWON.NEV..GIAIRMAN � � LL��_...� WARROi O.MAONUfON,WASN. bs PACKWOOD,OR60, � RUSSELL 8.LONO.LA. �ARRY GOLDWATER,ARIZ, ERNfiST Ir.NOWNGB,f.C. NARRISON N.SCHMITT,N.MEX. DANIEL K.INOUYE,HAWAtI JOHN C.DANPDRTH,MO. ADLA1 C.STEVENSON,ILL NANCY LANOON KA3SEBAVM,KAN9. WEND[LL fl.FORD,KY. LARRV PRESSLER.8.o�K. ZI Cr�rf eb .�if af e� ,�ier�caf¢ DONALD W.RIEOLE,JR.�MICH, JONN W.WARNER,VA. J.JAM68 lXON.NEBR. NOWELL HEFLIN.wt.�. COMMIITEE ON COMMERCE,SCIENCE. AUBREY L fARVIS,BTAFF DIRECTOR AND CHIEP COUN8EL AND TRANSPORTATION anw�N K.ww�,aensn��couNSe� WqgHINGTON. D.C. 20510 WILLUM M.DI[F6PID6RF6R.MINORITY STAFF DIRiCTOR rCunY �t libUSt��, Zg�U Levine INaddox McMahon Showalte► Tedesco Ms. Rose�VIix r��son 3ureau af Recorc�s � 386 City I�all Sain:Pa�al,P�Iinnes�ta 55107_ I�ear 1�2s. ?V�ix: � i'�ark you f�r ye.�r views�n �, 2�27 an�r;able televisiun acc;ess. Unintenaonaliy, �`� section 23g af that i�iil, as it now stands, ��uld be ir.terpreted to pr�clude state and ` l�c�c�J cable franchising authorities fi•am reyuiring cab1E ccmpan�r francliise recipients t�provide dedscatzd cha.;nnets or channe:I time for_gercral pz2b�ic ase or special municipai servicts(either free of charg�o�at reuuced ra.tes). It;.s n�t the.ir�tent c�f tl,�e hiil's co-spansaz��o.lim.it the aurhority of franchisors in this regard. Further nearir�g�on cable tele��ision and other comrnon carrier matters are �I�.nned, and vcle w�ll offer,at the ap�rop�ia.te ti�ne,la.nguage to cla.�-ify our intent on _ cable access. `Ni4h kind regards, _ . Siuc ly, . • �.1_��:��' . _.__�..._ITaT�'�''T�, . �rrt�a� SuUcom�mittee on Comnnur,ications EFH:,jSd � � ���� r � � '�?J C�rf eb .�if af e� .�ier�af¢ WASMINGTON, D.C. 205f0 September 3, 1980 Ms. Rose Mix, Clerk City of St. Paul Bureau of Records 386 City Hall St . Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Mix: Thank you for contacting me regarding S. 2827, the Communications Act rewrite. I appreciate knowing of your concerns about Section 238 of this measure, and I agree that municipalities should be able to retain control over the cable systems serving their communities. As you may know, it is unlikely that the Senate will act on S. 2827 during the remainder of this Congress. There is a possi- bility that hearings will be held on this measl�re, and I am confi- dent that the concerns of municipalities with respect to the ca- ble provisions of the bill will be addressed during the course of these hearings. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me on this important bill . I look forward to hearing from you again in the future on this and other issues of mutual concern. Sinc ly, a ry Pre er United St es Senator LP/plc