00-9ORIGINAL Presented by_ Council File # 00 — Green Sheet # 08944 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Referred To Committee Date 1 An Administrative Resolution to 2 establish the rate of pay for a new 3 classification entitled Administrative 4 Assistant-Department of Human Rights 5 RESOLVED, that the rate ofpay for the classification entitled Administrative Assistant-Department 6 of Human Rights be established at the rate set forth in Grade 016, Section ID3, of the Professional 7 Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it, FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. n�._ ✓ ��1 DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.• 08944 Office of Human Resources 12/9/99 ' � O �� CONTACL PERSON & PHONE: A'L IN1TIaLDATE Mazk Robertsoq 266 inrsnnrngKr D la fQ9 a cmcouxcu, Karen SanChez, 266-6483 �(,5 ,�i��a� pyt ZcrrrAi.m�eY �\�sl'�g ��� BOVLING ��� FINANCIAL 52AV D F4YANCIAL SERV/aCCiG MUST BE Olv COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE� 3 auYOS�oxnEr��.�f� ��, TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL IACATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Create the new class of Adnrinistrative Assistant Department of Human Rights (classified} in Grade 16 of the Professionat Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges. RECOMI.gNDA1TONS. Approve (A) orRejec[ (R) PERSONAS. SERViCE CONTRACTS M[7ST ANSR'ER TFIE FOL7AWING QIIESITONS: 1. HazNilspersodfvmerexworkWunderacouhactforthisdepazhvert'/ _PLANNINGCOMIvIISSION Yes No CffiCOMMIiTEE 2 Flasthispeisov/Ermeverbeenacityemployee? CIVILSERVICFiCOMIvIISSION Yes No 3. DoesUvsperson/5rmpossesseskiilnotnortnallypossessedbyanycurmntcityemployeeY Yes No 4. SsUusPe�on/fumafargetedvmdo[? Yes No Esplaio z1i yes answers on separate sh¢e1 and a[f8ch to g[ee.n SheeL dNITL4TING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNTTY (Who, Wbat, When, Where, Why): In lieu of the existing Huivan Rights Prograzu Analyst class in Grade 19 of the Professional Employees Standard Ranges, the Administrative Assistant-Department of Hnman Rights class will be created in Grade 16 of the Professional Employees Standard Ranges. The position in this class wiil perform lughly sidlled administrative assistant duties and will act as liaison with community based organiz.a.tions, district councils, inter-governmental relationships, Hate/Bias Response Network, and other Ciry departments on buman rights programs and assues. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: * Reduce salary costs * Combined duties in one position (administxative and liaison) * With a designated position, the focus will be on working with diverse communities, customers and clients. DISADV.4i�7TAGES IF APPROVED: None. The salary for Uus position has already been placed in the Department of Human Rights budget. �... � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ��°(' � _ ji:C".� >..,.s. .. �...,.a Missed opportunities for cost-effective, efficient and effective operation. ��� - .,� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFOIt1VIATTON• (EXPLAIN) ��'`�� �� ��' u° G\Shazed\Team3�ResoluROns.Ordmances�gs.admiassslluwpd �,j��, � �' � PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: CODE: 280A BU: 06 EFFECTIVE: � O - � ADHINISTBP,TZVE ASSISTANT-DEPARTlIL�NT OF HtRtAT7 BIGHTS DSSCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly skilled professional work assisting the department director in a variety of adninistrative duties including planning, conmunication, progra�ing, co�unity relations, snd governmental relations; and performs other related duties as assigned. Suoervision Received: Worlcs under the general supervision of the departasnt director. Supervision Exercised: Hay exercise technical supervision over assigned ataff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists the department director with a variety of human rights programs and functions. Serves as the department director's liaison with community based organizations and district councils to improve the overall conditions of protected class persons in the City. . Serves as the department's liaison for inter-governmental relationships at the federal, state, and local levels. Serves as the department's lisison with other City departments. Respands to oral and written communications on behalf of the director or department. Serves as lisison for the department with the Hate/Bias Response Network. Assists the director and assistant director in revising the ordinance and rules. Reviews complaints of discrimination or contractor files for campliance, as assigned. KNOWLEDGE, SKILIS, ABILITIES AND Considerable knowledge of theories, principles, and functions of human rights. Considerable lrnowledge of £ederal, state, and local human rights laws. (continued on reverse side) ADMZNISIRATIVE ASSISTANT-DEPARTHENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT-DEPA&TMENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS Page 2 Considerable lmowledge of human rights issues, developments, trends, and fnnovations. Considerable knowledge of human rights programs and functions and of co�unity based organizations and resources. Considerable ability to plan and coordinate work. Considerable ability to work independently and meet deadlinea. Considerable ability to co�unicate effectively both orally and in writing and to t�alce foxaal presentations. Considerable ability to establish and maintain working relationships with diverse individuals, groups, and organizations. Considerable ability to facilitate group process and build consensus. MINIHUH QUALIFICATIONS Iaw degree and three years of experience working with diverse communities; or bachelor's degree and six years of experience in Equal Emp2oytcent Opportunity/Affirmative Action contract compliance and complaint of discrimination im.estigative experience; or bachelor's degree and six years of experience working with diverse communities. Specific language ability may be required for specific vacancies. ADMINISIRATIVE ASSZSTANT-DEPARTHENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS 00 -� DESK AUDTT REPORT Reqnested Class: Administrative Assistant to the Director of Human Rig61x Inwmbent: Vacant Date Studied: September 1,1999 Studied By: Karen Sanchez Persons Contacted: Director of Human Rights APPROVAL OF THE r�S DIREGTOR OF HUMAN RESOIIRCES: DATE: to�8� 99 Backgrouna: In lieu of the Human Rights Program Analyst, the department requested that the position of an administrative assistant to the director be created. This study was therefore conducted to detemvne the appropriate classification and compensation of the requested position. ° Position Description: Assists the director with a variety of human rights programs and functions. Serves as the director's community lisison, particularly with the district councils to improve the overall condi6on of protected ciass persons in the City of St. Paul. Serves as the department's liaison for inter-governmental relationships at the federal, state, and local levels. Serves as the department's liaison with other City departments. Serves as liaison for the department with the HoteUBias Response Network. Responds to orai and written communications on behalf of the director or departmern. Assists the director and deputy director in revising the ordinance and mles. Reviews disc*imination complaints aad conYtsct complist�ce� as assigned. Comparisou: The position was compared with the Human Rights Specialist, Human Rights Program Anatyst, Page 1 of 2 oo-q Management Assistant I-IV, and AdministraYive Assistant classes. Hum� Ibghu Specialist (Clussi, fied) (PEA Grade 12, 337,100 - 348,800) The positions in this class conduct irnake scaeening, referral, and investigation i�o allegations of violations of the Human Righis Ordinance; prepaze case charges regardin8 Poss�le Human Rights violations; condud compliance reviews ofcontract activities w detecmine acceptability of affirmative acdon plans and 'mvesrigate non-compliaace allegations. The position studied will perform the above duties on a casa-by-case basis only. The primary duty ofthe position will be to act as lisison for the director or department and assist the director in various adnunistrative duties. This duty is not within the class specification of the Iiuman Rights Specialist class. Human Rights Program Arwlyst (Class�ed) (PEA Grade 19, $45,700 -$60,000) Tlus is a single-incumbent class. The position in this class pian, develop, and evaluate human rights programs and researches human rights issues. The primary duty of this position is that of program development, research and analysis. Whereas, the primary duty of the position studied will be that of a liaison and administrative assistant to the director. This duty is not within the class specification of the FIuman Rights Program Analyst ciass. ManagementAssistantlll (Class�ed) (PEA Grade 13, $38,200 - 550,300) ManagementAssisfimtlV(Class�ed) (PEAGradel6, 841,800-554,900) Admirusbative Assistant (Classified & Unclarsified) (PFA &Non-Rep. Grade 16, 841,800 -$54,900) The nature of the work of the position studied caa be ccunparabte to that of the Management Assistant and Adminisuative Assistant classes. It is most comparable to the level ofresponsibility of the Administrative Assistant class. However, the Administrative Assistant class specification does not describe the specific duties, knowledge, skills, and abilities and minimum quatifica6ons that will be required of the position studied. Quantitative Evaluation System (QES): The evaluation supports compensating the administrative assistant to the director position in Grade 16 of the Professional Standard Ranges. Recommendation: I ra;ommend that a new class entitled Administrative Assistant-Department of Human Rights be created in Grade 16 of the Professional Standard Ranges. Page 2 of 2 ao -g OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES 7olm Hamilton. Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Caleman, Mayo� r�.�r October 11, 1999 I�ke Wilde, Busines Rep. Professional Employees Association 360 Robert St. No., Suite #424 St. Paul, NIN 55101 Dear NTike: 230CityHaIIAnne 25 WeatFourth Street SaintPmtl,Minnesota 55102-1631 Telephone: 612-26lr6500 TDD/TTY.� 6124666501 Jobline: 672-2666502 Facsimile: 612-292-7656 It has been determined that the title and class specification of Administrative Assistant- Department of Human Rights should be created in Grade 16 of the Professional Non- Supervisory Standard Ranges. I have attached a copy of the class specification for yow review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not heaz from you within that time frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the title and rate ofpay for the Administrative Assistant-DepartmentofHumanRightsinGrade 16, Section 1 D3 oftheProfessionalNon- Superviso Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. ��' Karen Sanchez� Core Consulting Services cc Steve Roy, PEA President I hereby waive the time remaining on this twenty day notice for the purpose of creating this class. _ .� �/�—j?_� Name � �/� � r �' =: Date OD -1 OFFICE OF FIUMAN RE John HamiIIon, Director CITY OF SAII�l'T PAUL 230CiryHall�nnec NormColeman,Mayor 25WestFourthSbeet TTJD/1TP.• SentPm:l,Mi'mesom SSIO2-I631 Jobline: Facrimi7e: TO: Tyrone Terrill, Director DepartmenY of Human Rights �� DATE: � Karen Sanchez �� Core Consulting Services October 11, 1999 Twenty Day Notice Telephone: 612-266-6500 652-266-6501 6i2-266-6502 612-292-7656 It has been determined that the title and class specificarion of Administrative Assistant- Department of Human Rights should be created in Grade 16 of the Professional Non- Supervisory Standazd Ranges. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if yau wish to discuss ttris action. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the title and rate ofpay of the Administrative Assistant-Department of Human Rights in Grade 16, Section I D3 of the Professional Non- Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. I" hereby waive the time remaining on tkus 20-day notice for the purpose of upgrading and changing the b g g umt of this unclassified tide. �� � ' '�5 - � f ` Z,`� _�l'�J' �$ � Date T«`�% EANF.%nyn3:t��y � ti 'fl�. . .. . .... .. . . ; IVlark Ftobertson , Deputy_Director and Assistant to the Director ��� Page 1� oo-q From: Tyrone Terrill To: Robertson, Mark Date: 12/21/99 726PM Subject: Deputy Director and Assistant to the Director The change from Compliance Supervisor to Deputy Director was done to better fit the needs of the Department including supervising both units which has now been combined in to one enforcement unit. Bonnie did not supervise both units until the last three months of her tenure with the Department as I supervised the Enforcement Unit and her contrack compliance tor my first two and half years here. In many ways Bonnie was the Deputy Director of the Department but did not have the official title or other responsibilities as Joel Franklin will have including but not limited to daily supervision of the investigative/compliance teams, budget, community outreach, community circles, Construction Partnership Program, Census 2000, joint enforcement efforts with EEOC, OFCCP, MDHR, MDCR and more. The FTE fro the Assistant to the Director position in trading in one HR Specialist position to create a HR Specialist that wili assist the Director in our outgoing outreach in the Chicano/Latino, Asian, American Indian and African as well as African American communities. This person will have special intake duties and case assignments but will primarily work with me to create more visibility for the Department in the community. The person in this position will all trouble shoot for the Department in many areas including marketing, education and outreach to community based organizations. The cost for the two positions is comparable to what I would have paid for the Compliance Supervisor and HR Specialist. Thanks. CC: Bostrom, Dan ORIGINAL Presented by_ Council File # 00 — Green Sheet # 08944 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Referred To Committee Date 1 An Administrative Resolution to 2 establish the rate of pay for a new 3 classification entitled Administrative 4 Assistant-Department of Human Rights 5 RESOLVED, that the rate ofpay for the classification entitled Administrative Assistant-Department 6 of Human Rights be established at the rate set forth in Grade 016, Section ID3, of the Professional 7 Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it, FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. n�._ ✓ ��1 DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.• 08944 Office of Human Resources 12/9/99 ' � O �� CONTACL PERSON & PHONE: A'L IN1TIaLDATE Mazk Robertsoq 266 inrsnnrngKr D la fQ9 a cmcouxcu, Karen SanChez, 266-6483 �(,5 ,�i��a� pyt ZcrrrAi.m�eY �\�sl'�g ��� BOVLING ��� FINANCIAL 52AV D F4YANCIAL SERV/aCCiG MUST BE Olv COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE� 3 auYOS�oxnEr��.�f� ��, TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL IACATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Create the new class of Adnrinistrative Assistant Department of Human Rights (classified} in Grade 16 of the Professionat Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges. RECOMI.gNDA1TONS. Approve (A) orRejec[ (R) PERSONAS. SERViCE CONTRACTS M[7ST ANSR'ER TFIE FOL7AWING QIIESITONS: 1. HazNilspersodfvmerexworkWunderacouhactforthisdepazhvert'/ _PLANNINGCOMIvIISSION Yes No CffiCOMMIiTEE 2 Flasthispeisov/Ermeverbeenacityemployee? CIVILSERVICFiCOMIvIISSION Yes No 3. DoesUvsperson/5rmpossesseskiilnotnortnallypossessedbyanycurmntcityemployeeY Yes No 4. SsUusPe�on/fumafargetedvmdo[? Yes No Esplaio z1i yes answers on separate sh¢e1 and a[f8ch to g[ee.n SheeL dNITL4TING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNTTY (Who, Wbat, When, Where, Why): In lieu of the existing Huivan Rights Prograzu Analyst class in Grade 19 of the Professional Employees Standard Ranges, the Administrative Assistant-Department of Hnman Rights class will be created in Grade 16 of the Professional Employees Standard Ranges. The position in this class wiil perform lughly sidlled administrative assistant duties and will act as liaison with community based organiz.a.tions, district councils, inter-governmental relationships, Hate/Bias Response Network, and other Ciry departments on buman rights programs and assues. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: * Reduce salary costs * Combined duties in one position (administxative and liaison) * With a designated position, the focus will be on working with diverse communities, customers and clients. DISADV.4i�7TAGES IF APPROVED: None. The salary for Uus position has already been placed in the Department of Human Rights budget. �... � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ��°(' � _ ji:C".� >..,.s. .. �...,.a Missed opportunities for cost-effective, efficient and effective operation. ��� - .,� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFOIt1VIATTON• (EXPLAIN) ��'`�� �� ��' u° G\Shazed\Team3�ResoluROns.Ordmances�gs.admiassslluwpd �,j��, � �' � PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: CODE: 280A BU: 06 EFFECTIVE: � O - � ADHINISTBP,TZVE ASSISTANT-DEPARTlIL�NT OF HtRtAT7 BIGHTS DSSCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly skilled professional work assisting the department director in a variety of adninistrative duties including planning, conmunication, progra�ing, co�unity relations, snd governmental relations; and performs other related duties as assigned. Suoervision Received: Worlcs under the general supervision of the departasnt director. Supervision Exercised: Hay exercise technical supervision over assigned ataff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists the department director with a variety of human rights programs and functions. Serves as the department director's liaison with community based organizations and district councils to improve the overall conditions of protected class persons in the City. . Serves as the department's liaison for inter-governmental relationships at the federal, state, and local levels. Serves as the department's lisison with other City departments. Respands to oral and written communications on behalf of the director or department. Serves as lisison for the department with the Hate/Bias Response Network. Assists the director and assistant director in revising the ordinance and rules. Reviews complaints of discrimination or contractor files for campliance, as assigned. KNOWLEDGE, SKILIS, ABILITIES AND Considerable knowledge of theories, principles, and functions of human rights. Considerable lrnowledge of £ederal, state, and local human rights laws. (continued on reverse side) ADMZNISIRATIVE ASSISTANT-DEPARTHENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT-DEPA&TMENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS Page 2 Considerable lmowledge of human rights issues, developments, trends, and fnnovations. Considerable knowledge of human rights programs and functions and of co�unity based organizations and resources. Considerable ability to plan and coordinate work. Considerable ability to work independently and meet deadlinea. Considerable ability to co�unicate effectively both orally and in writing and to t�alce foxaal presentations. Considerable ability to establish and maintain working relationships with diverse individuals, groups, and organizations. Considerable ability to facilitate group process and build consensus. MINIHUH QUALIFICATIONS Iaw degree and three years of experience working with diverse communities; or bachelor's degree and six years of experience in Equal Emp2oytcent Opportunity/Affirmative Action contract compliance and complaint of discrimination im.estigative experience; or bachelor's degree and six years of experience working with diverse communities. Specific language ability may be required for specific vacancies. ADMINISIRATIVE ASSZSTANT-DEPARTHENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS 00 -� DESK AUDTT REPORT Reqnested Class: Administrative Assistant to the Director of Human Rig61x Inwmbent: Vacant Date Studied: September 1,1999 Studied By: Karen Sanchez Persons Contacted: Director of Human Rights APPROVAL OF THE r�S DIREGTOR OF HUMAN RESOIIRCES: DATE: to�8� 99 Backgrouna: In lieu of the Human Rights Program Analyst, the department requested that the position of an administrative assistant to the director be created. This study was therefore conducted to detemvne the appropriate classification and compensation of the requested position. ° Position Description: Assists the director with a variety of human rights programs and functions. Serves as the director's community lisison, particularly with the district councils to improve the overall condi6on of protected ciass persons in the City of St. Paul. Serves as the department's liaison for inter-governmental relationships at the federal, state, and local levels. Serves as the department's liaison with other City departments. Serves as liaison for the department with the HoteUBias Response Network. Responds to orai and written communications on behalf of the director or departmern. Assists the director and deputy director in revising the ordinance and mles. Reviews disc*imination complaints aad conYtsct complist�ce� as assigned. Comparisou: The position was compared with the Human Rights Specialist, Human Rights Program Anatyst, Page 1 of 2 oo-q Management Assistant I-IV, and AdministraYive Assistant classes. Hum� Ibghu Specialist (Clussi, fied) (PEA Grade 12, 337,100 - 348,800) The positions in this class conduct irnake scaeening, referral, and investigation i�o allegations of violations of the Human Righis Ordinance; prepaze case charges regardin8 Poss�le Human Rights violations; condud compliance reviews ofcontract activities w detecmine acceptability of affirmative acdon plans and 'mvesrigate non-compliaace allegations. The position studied will perform the above duties on a casa-by-case basis only. The primary duty ofthe position will be to act as lisison for the director or department and assist the director in various adnunistrative duties. This duty is not within the class specification of the Iiuman Rights Specialist class. Human Rights Program Arwlyst (Class�ed) (PEA Grade 19, $45,700 -$60,000) Tlus is a single-incumbent class. The position in this class pian, develop, and evaluate human rights programs and researches human rights issues. The primary duty of this position is that of program development, research and analysis. Whereas, the primary duty of the position studied will be that of a liaison and administrative assistant to the director. This duty is not within the class specification of the FIuman Rights Program Analyst ciass. ManagementAssistantlll (Class�ed) (PEA Grade 13, $38,200 - 550,300) ManagementAssisfimtlV(Class�ed) (PEAGradel6, 841,800-554,900) Admirusbative Assistant (Classified & Unclarsified) (PFA &Non-Rep. Grade 16, 841,800 -$54,900) The nature of the work of the position studied caa be ccunparabte to that of the Management Assistant and Adminisuative Assistant classes. It is most comparable to the level ofresponsibility of the Administrative Assistant class. However, the Administrative Assistant class specification does not describe the specific duties, knowledge, skills, and abilities and minimum quatifica6ons that will be required of the position studied. Quantitative Evaluation System (QES): The evaluation supports compensating the administrative assistant to the director position in Grade 16 of the Professional Standard Ranges. Recommendation: I ra;ommend that a new class entitled Administrative Assistant-Department of Human Rights be created in Grade 16 of the Professional Standard Ranges. Page 2 of 2 ao -g OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES 7olm Hamilton. Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Caleman, Mayo� r�.�r October 11, 1999 I�ke Wilde, Busines Rep. Professional Employees Association 360 Robert St. No., Suite #424 St. Paul, NIN 55101 Dear NTike: 230CityHaIIAnne 25 WeatFourth Street SaintPmtl,Minnesota 55102-1631 Telephone: 612-26lr6500 TDD/TTY.� 6124666501 Jobline: 672-2666502 Facsimile: 612-292-7656 It has been determined that the title and class specification of Administrative Assistant- Department of Human Rights should be created in Grade 16 of the Professional Non- Supervisory Standard Ranges. I have attached a copy of the class specification for yow review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not heaz from you within that time frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the title and rate ofpay for the Administrative Assistant-DepartmentofHumanRightsinGrade 16, Section 1 D3 oftheProfessionalNon- Superviso Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. ��' Karen Sanchez� Core Consulting Services cc Steve Roy, PEA President I hereby waive the time remaining on this twenty day notice for the purpose of creating this class. _ .� �/�—j?_� Name � �/� � r �' =: Date OD -1 OFFICE OF FIUMAN RE John HamiIIon, Director CITY OF SAII�l'T PAUL 230CiryHall�nnec NormColeman,Mayor 25WestFourthSbeet TTJD/1TP.• SentPm:l,Mi'mesom SSIO2-I631 Jobline: Facrimi7e: TO: Tyrone Terrill, Director DepartmenY of Human Rights �� DATE: � Karen Sanchez �� Core Consulting Services October 11, 1999 Twenty Day Notice Telephone: 612-266-6500 652-266-6501 6i2-266-6502 612-292-7656 It has been determined that the title and class specificarion of Administrative Assistant- Department of Human Rights should be created in Grade 16 of the Professional Non- Supervisory Standazd Ranges. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if yau wish to discuss ttris action. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the title and rate ofpay of the Administrative Assistant-Department of Human Rights in Grade 16, Section I D3 of the Professional Non- Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. I" hereby waive the time remaining on tkus 20-day notice for the purpose of upgrading and changing the b g g umt of this unclassified tide. �� � ' '�5 - � f ` Z,`� _�l'�J' �$ � Date T«`�% EANF.%nyn3:t��y � ti 'fl�. . .. . .... .. . . ; IVlark Ftobertson , Deputy_Director and Assistant to the Director ��� Page 1� oo-q From: Tyrone Terrill To: Robertson, Mark Date: 12/21/99 726PM Subject: Deputy Director and Assistant to the Director The change from Compliance Supervisor to Deputy Director was done to better fit the needs of the Department including supervising both units which has now been combined in to one enforcement unit. Bonnie did not supervise both units until the last three months of her tenure with the Department as I supervised the Enforcement Unit and her contrack compliance tor my first two and half years here. In many ways Bonnie was the Deputy Director of the Department but did not have the official title or other responsibilities as Joel Franklin will have including but not limited to daily supervision of the investigative/compliance teams, budget, community outreach, community circles, Construction Partnership Program, Census 2000, joint enforcement efforts with EEOC, OFCCP, MDHR, MDCR and more. The FTE fro the Assistant to the Director position in trading in one HR Specialist position to create a HR Specialist that wili assist the Director in our outgoing outreach in the Chicano/Latino, Asian, American Indian and African as well as African American communities. This person will have special intake duties and case assignments but will primarily work with me to create more visibility for the Department in the community. The person in this position will all trouble shoot for the Department in many areas including marketing, education and outreach to community based organizations. The cost for the two positions is comparable to what I would have paid for the Compliance Supervisor and HR Specialist. Thanks. CC: Bostrom, Dan ORIGINAL Presented by_ Council File # 00 — Green Sheet # 08944 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Referred To Committee Date 1 An Administrative Resolution to 2 establish the rate of pay for a new 3 classification entitled Administrative 4 Assistant-Department of Human Rights 5 RESOLVED, that the rate ofpay for the classification entitled Administrative Assistant-Department 6 of Human Rights be established at the rate set forth in Grade 016, Section ID3, of the Professional 7 Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it, FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. n�._ ✓ ��1 DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.• 08944 Office of Human Resources 12/9/99 ' � O �� CONTACL PERSON & PHONE: A'L IN1TIaLDATE Mazk Robertsoq 266 inrsnnrngKr D la fQ9 a cmcouxcu, Karen SanChez, 266-6483 �(,5 ,�i��a� pyt ZcrrrAi.m�eY �\�sl'�g ��� BOVLING ��� FINANCIAL 52AV D F4YANCIAL SERV/aCCiG MUST BE Olv COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE� 3 auYOS�oxnEr��.�f� ��, TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL IACATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Create the new class of Adnrinistrative Assistant Department of Human Rights (classified} in Grade 16 of the Professionat Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges. RECOMI.gNDA1TONS. Approve (A) orRejec[ (R) PERSONAS. SERViCE CONTRACTS M[7ST ANSR'ER TFIE FOL7AWING QIIESITONS: 1. HazNilspersodfvmerexworkWunderacouhactforthisdepazhvert'/ _PLANNINGCOMIvIISSION Yes No CffiCOMMIiTEE 2 Flasthispeisov/Ermeverbeenacityemployee? CIVILSERVICFiCOMIvIISSION Yes No 3. DoesUvsperson/5rmpossesseskiilnotnortnallypossessedbyanycurmntcityemployeeY Yes No 4. SsUusPe�on/fumafargetedvmdo[? Yes No Esplaio z1i yes answers on separate sh¢e1 and a[f8ch to g[ee.n SheeL dNITL4TING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNTTY (Who, Wbat, When, Where, Why): In lieu of the existing Huivan Rights Prograzu Analyst class in Grade 19 of the Professional Employees Standard Ranges, the Administrative Assistant-Department of Hnman Rights class will be created in Grade 16 of the Professional Employees Standard Ranges. The position in this class wiil perform lughly sidlled administrative assistant duties and will act as liaison with community based organiz.a.tions, district councils, inter-governmental relationships, Hate/Bias Response Network, and other Ciry departments on buman rights programs and assues. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: * Reduce salary costs * Combined duties in one position (administxative and liaison) * With a designated position, the focus will be on working with diverse communities, customers and clients. DISADV.4i�7TAGES IF APPROVED: None. The salary for Uus position has already been placed in the Department of Human Rights budget. �... � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ��°(' � _ ji:C".� >..,.s. .. �...,.a Missed opportunities for cost-effective, efficient and effective operation. ��� - .,� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFOIt1VIATTON• (EXPLAIN) ��'`�� �� ��' u° G\Shazed\Team3�ResoluROns.Ordmances�gs.admiassslluwpd �,j��, � �' � PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: CODE: 280A BU: 06 EFFECTIVE: � O - � ADHINISTBP,TZVE ASSISTANT-DEPARTlIL�NT OF HtRtAT7 BIGHTS DSSCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly skilled professional work assisting the department director in a variety of adninistrative duties including planning, conmunication, progra�ing, co�unity relations, snd governmental relations; and performs other related duties as assigned. Suoervision Received: Worlcs under the general supervision of the departasnt director. Supervision Exercised: Hay exercise technical supervision over assigned ataff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists the department director with a variety of human rights programs and functions. Serves as the department director's liaison with community based organizations and district councils to improve the overall conditions of protected class persons in the City. . Serves as the department's liaison for inter-governmental relationships at the federal, state, and local levels. Serves as the department's lisison with other City departments. Respands to oral and written communications on behalf of the director or department. Serves as lisison for the department with the Hate/Bias Response Network. Assists the director and assistant director in revising the ordinance and rules. Reviews complaints of discrimination or contractor files for campliance, as assigned. KNOWLEDGE, SKILIS, ABILITIES AND Considerable knowledge of theories, principles, and functions of human rights. Considerable lrnowledge of £ederal, state, and local human rights laws. (continued on reverse side) ADMZNISIRATIVE ASSISTANT-DEPARTHENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT-DEPA&TMENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS Page 2 Considerable lmowledge of human rights issues, developments, trends, and fnnovations. Considerable knowledge of human rights programs and functions and of co�unity based organizations and resources. Considerable ability to plan and coordinate work. Considerable ability to work independently and meet deadlinea. Considerable ability to co�unicate effectively both orally and in writing and to t�alce foxaal presentations. Considerable ability to establish and maintain working relationships with diverse individuals, groups, and organizations. Considerable ability to facilitate group process and build consensus. MINIHUH QUALIFICATIONS Iaw degree and three years of experience working with diverse communities; or bachelor's degree and six years of experience in Equal Emp2oytcent Opportunity/Affirmative Action contract compliance and complaint of discrimination im.estigative experience; or bachelor's degree and six years of experience working with diverse communities. Specific language ability may be required for specific vacancies. ADMINISIRATIVE ASSZSTANT-DEPARTHENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS 00 -� DESK AUDTT REPORT Reqnested Class: Administrative Assistant to the Director of Human Rig61x Inwmbent: Vacant Date Studied: September 1,1999 Studied By: Karen Sanchez Persons Contacted: Director of Human Rights APPROVAL OF THE r�S DIREGTOR OF HUMAN RESOIIRCES: DATE: to�8� 99 Backgrouna: In lieu of the Human Rights Program Analyst, the department requested that the position of an administrative assistant to the director be created. This study was therefore conducted to detemvne the appropriate classification and compensation of the requested position. ° Position Description: Assists the director with a variety of human rights programs and functions. Serves as the director's community lisison, particularly with the district councils to improve the overall condi6on of protected ciass persons in the City of St. Paul. Serves as the department's liaison for inter-governmental relationships at the federal, state, and local levels. Serves as the department's liaison with other City departments. Serves as liaison for the department with the HoteUBias Response Network. Responds to orai and written communications on behalf of the director or departmern. Assists the director and deputy director in revising the ordinance and mles. Reviews disc*imination complaints aad conYtsct complist�ce� as assigned. Comparisou: The position was compared with the Human Rights Specialist, Human Rights Program Anatyst, Page 1 of 2 oo-q Management Assistant I-IV, and AdministraYive Assistant classes. Hum� Ibghu Specialist (Clussi, fied) (PEA Grade 12, 337,100 - 348,800) The positions in this class conduct irnake scaeening, referral, and investigation i�o allegations of violations of the Human Righis Ordinance; prepaze case charges regardin8 Poss�le Human Rights violations; condud compliance reviews ofcontract activities w detecmine acceptability of affirmative acdon plans and 'mvesrigate non-compliaace allegations. The position studied will perform the above duties on a casa-by-case basis only. The primary duty ofthe position will be to act as lisison for the director or department and assist the director in various adnunistrative duties. This duty is not within the class specification of the Iiuman Rights Specialist class. Human Rights Program Arwlyst (Class�ed) (PEA Grade 19, $45,700 -$60,000) Tlus is a single-incumbent class. The position in this class pian, develop, and evaluate human rights programs and researches human rights issues. The primary duty of this position is that of program development, research and analysis. Whereas, the primary duty of the position studied will be that of a liaison and administrative assistant to the director. This duty is not within the class specification of the FIuman Rights Program Analyst ciass. ManagementAssistantlll (Class�ed) (PEA Grade 13, $38,200 - 550,300) ManagementAssisfimtlV(Class�ed) (PEAGradel6, 841,800-554,900) Admirusbative Assistant (Classified & Unclarsified) (PFA &Non-Rep. Grade 16, 841,800 -$54,900) The nature of the work of the position studied caa be ccunparabte to that of the Management Assistant and Adminisuative Assistant classes. It is most comparable to the level ofresponsibility of the Administrative Assistant class. However, the Administrative Assistant class specification does not describe the specific duties, knowledge, skills, and abilities and minimum quatifica6ons that will be required of the position studied. Quantitative Evaluation System (QES): The evaluation supports compensating the administrative assistant to the director position in Grade 16 of the Professional Standard Ranges. Recommendation: I ra;ommend that a new class entitled Administrative Assistant-Department of Human Rights be created in Grade 16 of the Professional Standard Ranges. Page 2 of 2 ao -g OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES 7olm Hamilton. Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Caleman, Mayo� r�.�r October 11, 1999 I�ke Wilde, Busines Rep. Professional Employees Association 360 Robert St. No., Suite #424 St. Paul, NIN 55101 Dear NTike: 230CityHaIIAnne 25 WeatFourth Street SaintPmtl,Minnesota 55102-1631 Telephone: 612-26lr6500 TDD/TTY.� 6124666501 Jobline: 672-2666502 Facsimile: 612-292-7656 It has been determined that the title and class specification of Administrative Assistant- Department of Human Rights should be created in Grade 16 of the Professional Non- Supervisory Standard Ranges. I have attached a copy of the class specification for yow review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not heaz from you within that time frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the title and rate ofpay for the Administrative Assistant-DepartmentofHumanRightsinGrade 16, Section 1 D3 oftheProfessionalNon- Superviso Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. ��' Karen Sanchez� Core Consulting Services cc Steve Roy, PEA President I hereby waive the time remaining on this twenty day notice for the purpose of creating this class. _ .� �/�—j?_� Name � �/� � r �' =: Date OD -1 OFFICE OF FIUMAN RE John HamiIIon, Director CITY OF SAII�l'T PAUL 230CiryHall�nnec NormColeman,Mayor 25WestFourthSbeet TTJD/1TP.• SentPm:l,Mi'mesom SSIO2-I631 Jobline: Facrimi7e: TO: Tyrone Terrill, Director DepartmenY of Human Rights �� DATE: � Karen Sanchez �� Core Consulting Services October 11, 1999 Twenty Day Notice Telephone: 612-266-6500 652-266-6501 6i2-266-6502 612-292-7656 It has been determined that the title and class specificarion of Administrative Assistant- Department of Human Rights should be created in Grade 16 of the Professional Non- Supervisory Standazd Ranges. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if yau wish to discuss ttris action. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the title and rate ofpay of the Administrative Assistant-Department of Human Rights in Grade 16, Section I D3 of the Professional Non- Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. I" hereby waive the time remaining on tkus 20-day notice for the purpose of upgrading and changing the b g g umt of this unclassified tide. �� � ' '�5 - � f ` Z,`� _�l'�J' �$ � Date T«`�% EANF.%nyn3:t��y � ti 'fl�. . .. . .... .. . . ; IVlark Ftobertson , Deputy_Director and Assistant to the Director ��� Page 1� oo-q From: Tyrone Terrill To: Robertson, Mark Date: 12/21/99 726PM Subject: Deputy Director and Assistant to the Director The change from Compliance Supervisor to Deputy Director was done to better fit the needs of the Department including supervising both units which has now been combined in to one enforcement unit. Bonnie did not supervise both units until the last three months of her tenure with the Department as I supervised the Enforcement Unit and her contrack compliance tor my first two and half years here. In many ways Bonnie was the Deputy Director of the Department but did not have the official title or other responsibilities as Joel Franklin will have including but not limited to daily supervision of the investigative/compliance teams, budget, community outreach, community circles, Construction Partnership Program, Census 2000, joint enforcement efforts with EEOC, OFCCP, MDHR, MDCR and more. The FTE fro the Assistant to the Director position in trading in one HR Specialist position to create a HR Specialist that wili assist the Director in our outgoing outreach in the Chicano/Latino, Asian, American Indian and African as well as African American communities. This person will have special intake duties and case assignments but will primarily work with me to create more visibility for the Department in the community. The person in this position will all trouble shoot for the Department in many areas including marketing, education and outreach to community based organizations. The cost for the two positions is comparable to what I would have paid for the Compliance Supervisor and HR Specialist. Thanks. CC: Bostrom, Dan