275336 WHITE - CITY CLERK ����� PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT � G I F SA I NT PA U L � Council - BLUE - MAYOR File N . il l ion Presented By LIC��i:SE COi��i���.L'�i,� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 1�SOLVr;D: That Application � 157a6 for the transfer of Off Sale Liquor License i:o. 3045, expiring January 31, 1981, A�ull Application � 15787 for the transier of Class D- Origi.nal Container and Cigarette License T+o. C 7.�999, expirin.g January 31, 1981, a11 issued to LO�sO, Inc, at 665 �+. Seventh Street, be and the same are hereby transferred to JAL� Inc. at the same address, doing business as 7th-St. Clair Liquor Store� (John 1�. Lepak, President). COUIVCILME[V /� Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays / h�� ��i Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B Showalter �-- Against Y Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date — .ltll 2 3 �� Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY A Approv by :Mayor: D _ ��l � 5 � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ By ��s..tsHEa f�U G 9 1980 , t ��i��••y�g�� �.,�� �D t !I�v.r'��..:' `..�.����tprytp, _=�:�`'t' °'�;;�.,,, C I TY OF SA I NT PAU L �� �= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;� �uunm ,; 's�� iltl 11111 ^c "�' = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �`"''�m;,������ Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER $aint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR Ju.ey 23, �gso Mn. Pne�s�.dev�t and Hanvnab.2e Membetus a� �he Ci.ty C�unc,i.� Scu,wt Pau,Q., M,i�nne�sa�a Mn. Pne�.�dev�t av�d Han�na62e Membe�us; Laba, Inc. and JAL, Inc. neque�� �ha,t �he U�� Sa,�e Lt,quan Li.cev�e, C.2a�s� �-O�r,i_g�.na,� C�v�a,i,neh and C�.ycur.e,t,te L-t.cev►�e� pne�sev�.y �vs�ued �a LG�JU, Ir�c. a,t GGS w. ��h S�tc.ee.t be �c.a.n�betvr.ed �a JAL, Inc. c�t �he �same addtce�s�s. The a���,ce�c� a� JAL, Inc. cuce, Jal2v� A. Lepafz, Pne�s�.devr,t and TtcecUSUtce�c, Ca.�2een M. Le�aFz, Vtice Pne��.dev� and Seetce.tatcy. They cvice a,P�sv �he �sxacFzhv.�det�s. Mn. Lautcev�ce P. Kane cu,i.�2 mav�age �he bws�i,ne�s�s and ,i,t cv�i.�2 can,ti.v�ue �a be nun a� �he 7�h-S�. C.�a,in Li,quotc S�ane. TGi,i� ap�.P.i.ca�.t,�v� ha�s beev� nev-i.ewed by �he L,i,cevuse and Pe�cm.i� ��.v,us�.an and �Gi.e c,�y at��n�.ey'�s Ub��.ce. The nec�mmendc�i.an .i� ��tc a��nava,�. v�.y �.u,ey ya�, ��� J��eph �. CcvcchecLi. Li.cev►�e Iws�ec,tan J�C/h.?.t O � _,"'��*t�o��:. :=•� •:''�-• C I TY O F SA l NT PA U L : � '�� � '� DEP�RTMENT OF FINANCE AND MRNAGEMENT SERVICES :e : :� �ncow �: :• ur� i• w� ��' =� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERM'IT ADMINISTRATION ,... - '.'"„-..°"`'" Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR Fv�i�"'��•�"�� � 1 John A. and Co.P�.een M. Lepafz � 2183 Fa,v�maun� Av. � Sx. Pau.Q., MN 55105 Your application i or a Th„h�c��4y ��Pn 1.�r�s,nh I license has been received by this o�fice. I �fter review and ir.vesti�ation of this a�plication, this � � � office will reconmend to the License Cor•imittee that such l�cer_se(s) � be �ranted. � A hearin,g on yovr a�plication for saj.d l�cense(s) will be E held before the L�cer,se Con�nittee on . � Date at � • at �c � an C.i,t Ha.2� and jime cation Cowr,t Hou.6 � � �• �ou are hereby required to a�pear at such rearir�. If Sou a..^e unable to appear at said hearin�, please nati� this office i ir.naed:atel;,�. Qur telephone number is 298-5056. ' . JOSEPh F. CARCI�DI License Inspector