275324 WHI7E — CITV CLERK PINK — FINANGE G I TY OF SA I NT PAIT L Council ����))}}''��//.{{ .(�J CANARY — DEPARTMENT File NO. � � ��+'�•� BLUE — MAVOR il Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Amendment to a contract with the Minnesota Department of Health whereby the City will administer the Minnesota Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) within Ramsey County for a period of one year commencing October 1, 1979, the City to be paid by the State a sum not to exceed $ 294,630 for said services. COUNCILMEN Yeas Hunt Nays Requested by Department of: `� [n Favor COMMU ITY SERVICES Maddox McMahon C __ Against �^ BY Showalter - Tedesco Wilso �+'� e�� Form Ap oved by ity A e C Adopte - Council: Date �� �+ Ce fied Pas• by Cou cil Secrettfty BY s Ap d by 17avor: te _• :- �ut � rj �1��a App v d by Mayor for Su m s ion to Coun il � B — B �' �ustt� a U G 2 198D � � .. ry ... .. . . ._ . . . . � . .. . � .��tJ, �_� `.v � , - . . . . . . - .. . � �� � � �- 0Z; �.2,�7.��i�� . R�. .. ;,�� � EXg p : M I 0 ����i��� 2� �' 1�1t3 IN ��;I'RAT�VE ER,�,B, ,AND ,(�������� _ `B� � E � � � � �ate: .twie 3t�, �9�ki' : JU1. 1 ��5� ► : : s ]r1A'�OR'� OF�10E . : � ' /� . zo: ru��� �o� z��r�R D� � 7 . �� �._ � . ; FR: Tht�s J�.. �e31e�, l�s�rtm�n,t Director o�,Go�nunity Seri�i�es � R�,,r: ': �tibenE�aemt t� the Womea, ,In��t $nd ChilitYen contract beL�eteu the Mianesota 1)epart�nt of �al� a�d: the City o€ Sa�.nt Pau1 ` - ; < � �,��� �:tii�+�''iJ��iD 2 _ . r - ? ,� ri Executfv+e agpFC>ve�. sad�>:ei�aCure. .i ..�, - . �.`, ..'. ,. ._. .. . � . . , . . . . . . : . . . . . �4 . � . .. . �:'. ... _ .. . �. '' �.: PVRPt7SE A1�D RAT�fl�LE FQR T�iS P�CTION s , , -` �e- addaiaistr�tive funda have been �,�acreased: by $ 75,860 to-�lla� for � , program expads�on. . :,__ ; � „ '; r;�� � , �.��„, 5� ATTAC�.'S: : ' � < . f-� ` �cil Resolut3on � < ' t A�eu� - �wa. . : f r � - • v�' , ' ,_ - a��1, � . ' � � STATE OF MINNESOTA � � OEPARThiENT OF HEALTH , $75,860.00 _ � . ������, • �v9 i+ k�. :4'r•.'� 0 1 rJ�IENDMEtJT TO CONTRACT N0. 1260Q-554U2-01 � WNEREAS, the State of Minnesota, Qepartment of Health has a Contract identified ss Contract Number 12600-55402-01 with the ST. Paul Division of Public Health to administer khe hiinnesota Spucial Supplemental Food Program for 4lomen, Infants, and Children, and I�MEREAS, an increase to the adittiinistrative funding level specified in this � Contract is necessary so the WIC Program may be expancied, and WHEREAS, Paragraph 2(a; pro�ides that: "2. The State Agency agrees t�: � "a. Provide funding in accnrdance with this Agreement in an amount not � to exceed $218,770.OQFor Local Agency �1IC administrative costs subject to the following conditions: "(2) That ti-�e State Agency receives funds from the United States DeRartment of Aga�iculture. "(2) That the local Agency submits a properly c��pleted Cl.aim for ' Reimburse,�nent/Report of Expend�tures form on a timely basis. "(3) That the Local Agency expends funds at a rate conmensurate to the autharized WIC participation and expenditure ievels autlined in the �ppraved "Application for the Administ�ati�n • ' of a Local 11IC Project" and budget. The State Agency reserves the right to reduce the funding provided uncisr this Agreement if such levels are not being accomplishecl." _ NOW, THEREFORE, IT I� AGREE� 8Y AND BETV•JEEN THE PARTIES HERETO THAT: � Paragrapfi 2(a) shall be amended to read: . "2. Th� State Agency' agrees �o: "a. Provide funding in accordance with this Agreemant ir an amount not to exceed $294,630.00 ror Loeal Ag�ncy �lIC administrative - � - co5ts s�bject to ttie follouring conditionss •� , � . ����� r ' • �� ` �P �i..;lF V��� ♦ ♦ "(1) That the State Agency receives funds from the United States Departrnent of Agriculture. '�(2) That the Local Agency submits a properly completed Claim for Reimbursement/Report of Expenditures form on a timely basis. "(3) That the Local Agency expends funds at a rate commensurate ta the authorized WIC participation and expenditure Ievels outlined in the approved "Application for the Administration of a Zocal WIC Project" and budget. The State Agency re- serves the right to reduce the funding provided under this Agreement fi such Ievels are not being accomplished. F[TNDING CODE: 33247 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this contract to be duly amended intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED: As to form and execution by the 1. CCINTRACTOR 3. ATTORNEY GENERAL: (If a corporat'on two corporate ^officers must ute). Bye � Date: By`� ii �� �OR 4. COrIl�iISSIONER OF ADMINISTRATIOiN By: DIRECTOR, COMMUNITY SERVICES By: (authorized signature) By: DIRECTOR, FINANCE AND MANAGE- MENT SERVICES 5. CO�ITSSIONER OF FINANCE: � ENCITI�ERED Date: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � As to Form: � By: ASST. CI A ORNEY Date: 2. STATE AGENCY OR DEPARTMENT: . By: Ti.tle: , , Date: