275319 WHITE - C�7Y CLERK ���� � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL � Council CANARY - DEPARTM - � BLUE - MAVOR FIIe NO. ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a Health Maintenance Services contract with the nonprofit corporation known as "SHARE"; SHARE services being offered in an enrollment plan similar to other HMOs and providing substantially the same benefits as other said organi- zations; a copy of said agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays t , Hunt �+a In Favor Hu Maddox f� M�Mahon _ v__ A gainst BY Mad ox ghowalter Sho lter Tedesco Ted s JUL 2 2 1984 Form A proved by ity A ey Wiison Adopted ou cil Date — / Ce ied Pas- y C ncil Seqyet y BY B � �`� �9�_ App v d Mayor for_Sub ss' �to Council /�1pp e vor: Da e 2_C n BY – — B ��t.►S�tED AU G 2 1980 � � �11� �1', /�1���.yY,i �1`�U� � P ��� a/ �'a:. � ,( ,� O���I+'ZGE OF TH� �Z�Y COU�;�L z, .t.. f'� ��::�j�' �,. ;r'. � �„��.;�.:>.�� ,~ ��:.��;cr:;.:.; : ��'� oatQ . �u�y �s, �9so .�:. _ _ _, , - �:i G �J � � lfi�` � � � �. �' � ��" � O : Soin� PQUi Cit� Counci� F� O � � CCi�"f'!t'P`tl��e�? O�i FINANCE, MANAGEMEPJT & PERSON�JEL George McMahon , choiFinan, makes th� fo{ lowing report on C. F. �� Qrdinur�Ge (7) � Resolution � Ofiher T !�' L� : The Finance Committee, at its meeting of July T7, 1980, recommended approval of the following: l . Resoiution amending 1980-1981-1982 Collective Bargai�ing Agreement between City of St. Paul and Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcer�ent Employees llnion, - Local 320, involving 25� per hour wage adjustment for Custodian Engineer (Public Safety Building) . (11148-GM) 2. Resolution for transfer of funds from Contingent Reserve-General ta Finance & Management Serv�ces - Accounting and Auditing, for Clerfc-Typist I. (11103-GM) 3. Resolution transferring funds from Contingency Reserve to the Housing InformatTOn Office for disbursement to Tenants' Union (�4,683) and LARC ($4,917). (111T8-GM) 4. Resolution establishing title and class specificatian fa r Interpreter/Health in Section 3.M (Special Employment-Ungraded) of Civil Service Ru1es. (11146-GM) 5. Resolution establishing rate of pay for classification of Interpreter/Nealth. (11147-G; 6. Resolution authorizing City to enter into lease agreement with Ramsey County for lease of air rights and support rights, Buildin� No. 5, St. Paul-Ramsey Medical Center. (11155-GM) 7. Resolution authorizing proper City officials to enter into a Health Flaintenance Services contract with nonprofit corporation known as SNARE. (11159-Ghl) '�=i�r�f N'�=-L SEVE�iTH FLOOR SttINT PAUi., l�!i�i�iE5C7�":3 »i0? ,�, . g.,�3�'�c�.+p F:: �� �,�t�_ � ,�` r�j<!��.�}�,�� ,�,�� � � ..,,,.� , : . _;�"�iT' o�:°, CITY OF SAINT PAUL =R� .r, �"'�_, OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY '; _� i; �1'� �.i .1�{�1 f�����.. T� `;� `�"��'' „�' EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR July 3, 1980 Peter xames R C � �' r � �' p Office of Mayor �;;�. ;; - ���� 347 City Hall � BUILDING �X�,� � Dear Peter: After several meetings with Bob Vaupell of SHARE and others, a Health Maintenance Services Contract has been developed that is substantially the same as those the City has entered into with other HMOs. Attached please find five copies of the agreement and an authoriz- ing resolution. Mr. Vaupell has indicated a willingness to appear at such meetings as you feel he would be needed in case further explanations need ta be rendered to the Council, etc. , and his business card is enclosed with this packet. Yours trul , � _c PAUL MC LOSKEY Assistant City At rney PFM:cg enc l. - . cc: Robert Vaupell � SHARE 7920 Cedar Avenue South � Bloomington, MN 55420 (�� i� V 6 � � � � � � �:���,�� „ ��• y ' � 1 '� �`.,.,� . _.,�, .. Form DPT 229 ^^ � �.� r .^- APPLICATION FOR RELIEF—General Form �� (If reduction requested exceeds 5500 make epplication in triplicate, otherwise in duplice:e) To the County Boazd and County Auditor ot Ramaey County, and to the Commissioner of Revenue of tha State oi Mimesota: STATE OF MINNESOTA, . County of Ramsey ss. 02-02310-110-26 City, Village or Town St. Paul Applicant: Robert J. Ellis �(���dc�a�/��.! Ramsey Coun�;y Assessor ,��r�d��t�a(�� As of the �tanuarv 2, 1979 asse�sment the property le�ally described below was er- roneouslY classified, due to a clerical error, as follows: Unpla.tted lands. Subj to Hoyt Ave the W 60 ft of E 280 ft of s 175 �7/�.0o ft of x�-i/4 of ' sec 23, town 29, range 22 �_ 1997 Hoyt Ave. E. � � 1979 U 625 Land RLilcL'in� Total As�essod , Lv $7,�0 $34,018 �1�1,018 $3,78o H 18% b,006 E 30� II�iV 7,000 lt1,899 1�8,899 Applicant requests: that the assessment as of January 2, 1979 be corrected as � follows• 1979 U 625 �d Building Total Assessed _ Lv �7,000 $34�0�.8 �l,l,018 � $i6,1�o8 �c 4� EMV 7,000 l�1,899 48,899 Applicant DATE Ma.y 22, A.D. 19 80 . . . ..- . _ . � , � . > > � � � Qs a �� �g� � � o �a rq ro i5 ^e � ?S`� a� � � ari � • D ` �. �9 O. � � �w� �., � � � w M � � �, � f° a � $ « »A c C,� � rt W � E�' O v { : g�sCi 3 �; " '0 � ,b `� `� � °ap 3 °� � � �' �$$eg�8 � � � � � � � p 3 N r � w „ •� c• B � � $.»� A r' � � � x Yj�j � s o ° s ..� ^�a Q p � � � � cn o , �• n • ao � y34ngw ` �i q : � � � � � m � `� � $ p, �i 3o a'�`� u p�� = Q � N � � � :� C' "' � a... �' r• �, ~ My "° � ~ ' g ` � w ° a � A N ' a » a • s O � 6 B� �r^�+�� � 0 �' ~� Q�r T 1 - � > � '�a'���''E� � h ln QQ � � L�yr � ,��0 � •�w� � e �o "��t' � 0 9 fy �.��� . � \ s � »�a A � r'�� � F� fD � {�o.! 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