275318 WHITE - CITV CLERK �53�� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File N . �� C°� T° T°� o cil Resolution Presented B Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Wf�RF'�AS, the Crn.mty of Rarnsey and the City of Sa.int Paul awn 72 2% and 27 2/a interest respectively in rea.l property situated in Saant Paul ca�aronly referred to as The St. Paul Rarnsey-N�edical Cen.ter, an.d WHF,TtEAS, the Crnmty of Ramsey has requested the City to join. in a Lea.se Agree- men.t which wnuld provide for the lea.sing of air ri.ghts and support ri.ghts at the Third floor lev+el of Builcling No. 5 (Tltie St. Paul Ramsey/Gillette Hospita.l Additian) at the St. Paul-Ra�nsey Medical Cznter; and W�REAS, it is the desire of the Cotm.ty of Ramsey to lea.se the property to the su�ccessful campetitivt bidder as requi.red by the laws of this sta.te; and Wf��ItEAS, the Valuatian and Assessment Engineer, after ha.ving consiclered said request, together with other ba.ckgro�d informa.tian, has rec�zded the City join in such a Lease Agree�nt. NOW �'HEREFORE BE IT RESOLUED, that the Coimcil of the City of Saint Pau1 by this resolution hereby authorizes and directs the proper City officia.ls to execute an behalf of the City of Sain.t Paul a Lea.se Agreemen.t, referenced above, in a foYm and marm.er approved by the City Attorney. COUNCILMEN Yeas Hunt Nays Requested by Department of: --t� Fina and N�, ent Services Maddox [n Favor McMahon �_ Against BY D3sector Showalter - Tedesco Wilso �� Form Approved by City Attorney _ Ado by Council: Date ertified Pass y C ecr�ar g � " �`.:�G-�l� lappro av D _�� p0 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By - BY P�us�� AU G 2 1980 ,} . ., �'�'�''�'' �f+�' ►'�A 3 i�T T �.��.�J� �-; ,�� ., � '.�:•� {��� ;�, OFI+'ICE OF THE �ITY GO�QitiCZL � `' ���"�� , . .j..,,,,� �. �'�::. � ,..,=:� :x — �,,,�.I....�.., .; �;,�; --��,.'� .�3:cr -.-_- ,-'�:. � � oarQ : �u1y �a, ��sa .� ���� _ �,�. ,,�. :� CC3 �# � ��`� � � � �. �' � ��' T0 : Soin� Paul Ci�� ��uncii FRO � � C0�'i'i�'fi!1#��� Ot'i FINANCE, MANAGEME�JT & PERSON�JEL George McMahon , choirmon, makes the fal (owing ;� report an G. F. !� Ordinc�rrce (7) [�X Resolution � Other : T17 �� : The Finance Committee, at its meeting of July 17, 1980, recommended approval of the following: 1 . Resolution amending 1980-1981-1982 Collective Bargaining Agreement between City of St. Paul and Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees Union, Local 320, involving 25¢ per hour wage adjustment for Custodlan Engineer (Public Safety Building). (11i48-GM) 2. Resolution for transfer of funds from Contingent Reserve-General to Finance & Management Servtices - Accounting and Auditing, for Clerk-Typist I. (11103-GM) 3. Resolution transferring funds from Contingency Reserve to the Nousing Fnformation Office for disbursement to Tenants' Union ($4,683) and LARC (�4,917) . (11118-GM) 4. Resolution establishing title and class s�ecification for Interpreter/Health in Section 3.M (Special Employment-Ungraded) of Civil Service Rules. (11146-GM) 5 . Resolution establishing rate of pay for classification of Interpreter/Flealth. (11147-G! 6. Resolution authorizing City to enter into lease agreement with Ra�rsey Gounty for lease of air rights and support rights, Building No. 5, St. Paul-Ramsey Medical Center. (11155-GM} 7. Resolution authorizing proper City officials to enter znto a Health �4aintenance Services contract with nonprofit corporation known as SHARE. (11159-GM} �-i� �'�-L SE�BNTH FLOOR SAINT P�:L,FL, l�±ititiESO"A »I0� OM 01: I2/1975 Rev. : 9/8176 �, I'1'1 -{- PC�. �P�-#$�0-,C1 d5 U ����.� EXPLANATION' OF AflMINiSTRATIVE ORD�RS, _ �. , � R��� .: _ /�Fd _ _ • ...,,, �Fpq�£OF „ g� Date: .Tuly 3, 1980 : '�D�y RTMENT�E D� Alyq�����F/��r0R T S NCF T0: _ MAYOR G£ORGE LATIMfR �FS ER: J'. T�an. Donovan Val. & Assmt. En&i.neer De t. of Finance & � � � P Mgmt. Servic� (Txt. 533-?) RE: I,ease of Air Rights and Support Rights - Build3n.g No. 5 - � St. Paul-Ramsey Medical Center � ACTION REQU_E�TED: � City Cauncil approval of the attached resolution which authorizea the City to enter into a lease agreeznent with the Ramsey County £or the : referenced area. P',lRPflSE Af�D RATIOI�LE FOR THiS ACTION:' The purpose of and rationale behind this action is expl.ained in the attached letter from Ramsey County Attorney, Taam Foley, to Mr. Walter Bowser, City of St. Paul Ass3.stant Attorney. . AiTACHMENTS: l. Proposed Council Resolution ' 2. Letter f'ram Mr. Tom Foley ' +_~ A !�1 � / � '_ �� � �:/�Ll.s✓�' ! ��` .j,,�p,.�r,0�� 1M.C/� %'/� ,� � , . .. '�- i` .�-_ � Y r ti/ . �� , ,�1 ���� � OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ATTORNEY t' �``'��•' � � RAMSEY COUNTY 200 LOWRY SQUARE ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 TOM FOLEY Ma�T 2 198o TELEPHONE COUNT\'ATTORNEI' `� �� 16121 298-i421 Mr. Walter Bowser Assistant City Attorney 6�7 City Hall St. Paul, NIl�T 55102 Re : Lease of Air Rights and Support Rights - Building No. 5 - St. Paul-Ramsey Medical Center Dear Mr. Bow�er: This letter will serve to confirm our recent conversation con- cerning the proposal by the St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital Medical `` Education and Research Foundation to lease air rights and support rights at the third floor level of Building No. 5 . (the St. Paul- Ramsey/Gillette Hospital Addition) at St. Paul-Ramsey Medical Center. As is indicated by the attached exhibits, the City of St. Paul has a 27 1/2� interest in the underlying fee for the St. Paul- Ramsey Medical Center property and the County of Ramsey has a 72 1/2� interest. Pursuant to the �oint ownership agreement between the County of Ra.msey, the Gillette Hospital Board and the City, in February, 1975, the City waived ar�y claim or in- terest in Building No. 5 since it was not financial�y involved in the building� s construction. There is a possibility that the City of St. Paul would still have air right interests over the building since it has an interest in the land beneath the building. Therefore, the City of St. Paul has been named as a party to the lease. Recent developments at St. Pa.ul-Ramsey have called to attention the need for additional office space for the medical staff at the medical center. The Medical Education and Research Founda- , tion has indicated the desire to lease air rights and support � rights at the third floor level of Building No. 5 for the pur- ' pose of constructing office space for Foundation-related medi- cal staff inembers . It should be emphasized that these offices are not clinical offices and are to be used for the mar�y medi- cal s�'�'aff administrative and teachin� duties. -1- . ,.�,,�, . � �����.� Mr. Walter BowsEr -2- May 23, lg8o Another factor jlhich contributes to this problem i� the fact that �everal medical staff offices located in the z"uture elevator shait area of the main Medical Center building will need to be relocated upon tne utilizat ion of that space by proposed eleva- , tor improvements tiahich the Medical Center Commission ha� recently ; decided to undertake. Pursuant to statutory requirements, it is anticipated that the � Board of Ramsey County Commissioners will soon be advertising for bidw for the lease oi air rights and �upport rights for the pro- posed construction. Therefore, it is proposed that the City of St . Paul as a co-lessor with the County of Ramsey award the lease to the highest bidder as a result of the County' � bidding proce- dures, subject to approval by the St . Paul-Ramsey Medical Center Commission related to relevancy to Medical Center operations. Since it is anticipated that the compensation for these air rights might be nominal, a possible alternative the City might wish to consider would be merely waiving any claim to air rights in this matter to the �uccessful bidder. This might be the simplest of . all. May I request that you review this matter and then take whatever ! steps might be necessary to place this on the agenda for the City ' Council or other appropriate city entities at your earliest con- � venience. � , Thank you for your assistance in this ma.tter. If you have any questions, please contact me or Mr. David W. Gitch, Senior As- so 'ate Director, St. Paul-Ramsey Medical Center. j S i: c re ly, As�ist�l�+County Attorney o St . P ul-Rams ""'�fedical Center Commission GAD- CC: Mr. Harry Moberg, Chairman Mr. John C. Johanneson, St. Paul-RatnLey Medical Medical Education Center Commission Research Foundation LaVand Syverson, Exec. Dtr. Dr. Alexander Cass, St. Paul-Ramsey Medical Cent . St. Paul-Ra.msey Medical Cent . David W. Gitch, Senior Assoc. Rose Mix, City Clerk Director, St. Paul-Ramsey City of St . Paul Medical Center � Rochelle T. �Jright Room 3�7 City Hall