275316 WHITE - CITV CLERK COl1RC1I ��3�� PINK - FINANGE C I TY O F SA I NT PA U L � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO• \ o ncil Resolution Presented y + Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, there is hereby transferred the following in the 1980 Budget: FROM: General Government Contingent Reserve � General 09060-536.-000 Transfer or Contribution to Budget Fund $4.868 T0: Department of Finance & Mgmt. Services Division of Accounting 01150.-111-000 Full Time Certified $4,868 APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: Appraved: ���- t Direct r, Finance & Mgmt, Servic�� ` Budget Director COUNCILMEIV Yeas Nays /� Requested by Department of: er Hunt ��,� Za �+�e_ In Favor H t Maddox Mcnnanon -�-- Against BY — Ma ox Showalter Sho alter Tedesco Ted o ��� 2 2 1980 Form Approved b C ty tt rn Adopted Eiy cil: ilson Date Certifi asse y Cou cil cre�ary BY �. B� /appro iVlavoc Dat — 11�� � � tno/l App ov� by M or for m' on to Council By — BY ED AU G 2 1980 � 0.�� ���� �� �.���v� �t�u� ✓�•_•-. � � ^j\ . j�� - ����+'ZCE flF TH� CITF COII�CIL �j ��,���.� 1!.�, `,� ,� ,, ,C---- '�,. "+ ��'#�t�''.;ti::",;"•; ;.;i `,i�. ��?t��+cr',•° �-•>�. Da t e : July 18, 1�80 ,�' G �} i�f �' �i�" � � � � �� �� TO : Sdin# Pa�1 Ci�� Cauncil F¢� � � : ����j��Q� p� FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONl�lEL George McMahon , choirman, makes the foi lowing report or� C. F. � Ordinur�ce (7) �]X Resolutian ❑ Uther T17L� : The Finance Committee, at its meeting of July 17, 1980, recommended appr�val of the following: 1 . Resolution amending 1980-1981-1982 Collective Bargai�ing Agreement b�tween City of St. Paul and Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees Union, Local 32Q, involving 25¢ per hour wage adjustment for Custodian Engis�eer (Public Safety Building). (11i48-GM) � Resolution for transfer of funds from Contingent Reserve-General to �inance & Management Serv-ices - Accounting and Auditing, for Clerk-Typist I. (�1103-GM) 3. Resolution transferring funds from Contingency Reserve to the Nousir�� Information Office for disbursement to Tenants' Union ($4,683) and LARC ($4,917�. (11118-GM) 4. Resolution establishing title and class specification for Interpreter/Health in Section 3.M (Special Employment-Ungraded) of Civil Service Rules. (11146-GM) 5. Resolution establishing rate of pay for classification of Interprete�/HeaTth. (1T147-GN 6. Resolution authorizing City to enter into lease agreement with Ramse� County for lease of air rights and support rights, Building No. 5, St. Paul-Rar�ey Medical Center. (11155-GM) 7. Resolution authorizing proper City officials to enter into a Health �1aintenance Services contract with nonprofit corporation known as SHARE. (11159-GM) �-��� ��=-L SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT Pt1U�., �Li�`tiESC3"A »i0? _. t�l'oI: IZ�'T��;6 . � n � �,�.::,,, . � � t� Rev.: � 91at7�� � �, F.�v � r`� - � ��'/ m,�„�'' 'b'�u �G Q��,�r�"� a��' o : EXPI.ANATIt�i�l UF AtI�IIN�STRATI1tE Ott�ERS, `: ` �.. � t , , . S ��'��;�j -� . ,. � ` _ . � � , � :;,:�lttE; . 3une 9, 198� ;# : ' � ,L :: � t` �'�► MAYOR GEDRGE LAT�MER � ' ��` � E �' �� � Q ;lUN 2 3'i3r30 � - ;r FR: Sernard J. Carlac>tai - ��,� � . '� :�, � 'RE: Tr��+�r o€'Funds � ' � , . : , . � �._ ; �T�o� :t��s�p: : � � � -, , � `�.'his Couacil'Tr+�nafer from Goat�t�ent Resetve - Genet�i to.;�'i�,an+�e &�I�t$e�1: 16�r�r#��;•� Accoul�ting a�1 Auditing provides fa� a Clerk Typist I� The s*e�ue�t�+d '���a�ie� ��'� ' � � ., ' fcILQwBi '� � � , G1erk �qpist I � 13.1 Psy� F�riod :$4.868 ` . . , � : , � � .: � � : � ; _ . � . , _ ; . - , � RU�2P4S� l� �'��t�1,.E FOR�THIS ACTYON: _ ' � � . , n.: � ,�..� , � : f i '� xhe hai�-�p►sititx� being reqnested �a i�qao�tant tb ��e 1+�`�'� F�3���� ��.b��:`l�.t��. `��'`� � � . b�ea a �il�tia� .p4sitioa ,i:� the p�e� xud i� ari e�#crr� -�o reduce ,�he �t, ��► �t� , �tAts � to a�i�-ds with a p��`t-tiAe gersd�n. We'have-�er b+�.�b�;o �.d� so� :�u�. � � �Aprrt��y we had the uae of funds�u�ur�erl b�eca�use of utr�i3i��;persLtla�. : l�,�� :����0��1. { �r� #�erlr,'�i1��, so v�e hawe no �unds with rah�ch to st�1`��ent �h3;s p�r►s�E�c�t� ar��- fi�,i��t ;.. � � v�Iuse sa� �+bt�;�l ot the Audit Sec�ion is sc��h thaC w�s�� i�t �1���s'itiqin,ao���t���,�` . . � ��a ��� �e t�t1$ �Icp,sri+[�ce g cut-bsck 3.A processing time f��'�trwc�d �c+aw �oig�c+��sivs���'���r ' � , � ?��.����e youx aPProeal, �_ , ; , .: : , ;� ` :., - ; ; � � , - k: : `, ATT�►C1�RENTS s �' � � a � �g„a�#�atfan. Cfiart of V�ndor AudiC S�c�:ton : . , . � �� :�,. , , . , , _ . r � ,�; � . . _ ,� ,�. �``�����.� _ ad `'t' °'a`"> CITY C9� SAii�lT ����a.l�_ . A P'y� y::; >�� �='�'`, �` DEPA2Ti�3E�JT OF Fif�lfl�'�C �1Nl� Mf�('�IiE�EM�NT 5��i;'�'�:�;� >� -,��tit,,,n �: s:l►n;n = �'�� � DIVISION 01= ACCOUNTING �..• : ... z34 City Ha!1 GEO'?.GE LATIMc� Saint Paul, ,1�linnesota 55102 ti1A1'JR ?:i 1::, `,I n ?: '�, i� D i.' .`:i To: Richard Schroeder, Budget Director � " From: Bob Trudeau, C�iief Accountant ��,�.� �"� �,� ;�''���E:�T�,�"?>'"� Y �° ' � D'ate: June 30, :1980 Re_: ].981 Budget - Additional Staff Clerl�_T�p:ist I Bacic�round: This positior�. is a part of the audit section dealing with the payment of bills. In an effox•t to reduce the bttd�et, we attempted to with a Z time person - we have been unable to do so. Kequest - - L FTE: �Ve requ,�st tliat the position be reinstated to a full time position. Accounti��� Clerk I —�ack�i o,.incl-- This is a "pararnedir�' pov:tior.. The Accountir�g Di��ision took over the task af billiz.g iru,ri the Fi�-�� D��;`. and utilized CrTA employees. This is not wor•1Eing well dt�.� to a cons�ar.� t�a_-"o;Ter and training proble.ms. We have a Clerk-Typist I authoriz�:d in the bud�et. Reques± - - 1 FTE. �Ve z-equest an Accour.�;. ` Clerk I to bring the staff for "paramedic" billing to two fu:l titne peop=e. 1979 ac*-,�ai revemae was �3?'l, OQQ; 1980 is estimated at $345,000. Account��,:�t IL B acl:.gi�ou��d: This is an internal audit position. The position tvas a full-time position; again, in an effo�°t to reduce the budget figux•es, �ve attempi,ed to pay Z from the General Fund budget and z from a Special Fund which would be financed from charges to funds au.dited. The fluctuatiz�g amount ol chargeable audit work has created a °bookkeeping" and "coizirol" mess. Rec�uest - - L FTE: �Ve request this position be returnecl to a full time position and that the amot.ints charged for funds auclited be credited to the Gene7-al Fund as rev�ntte. cc: I3.J. Carlson E.L. Atchison R.G. Lar.o �§•� �ia'`���,�� �;i E'�`�w�4+ �.. � c0 O N 0 a s� � u a � � � � a� � �s o r+ .c co t� �+ •,� +� c� +� +� 3 � A O N v� 'G v� O U � C at 'Ll i-i H N w tJ CL� � � � H •n .1-i RS 7-� � b � O � z � °a �° o a �b � � °a �+ � � v� a' •° � o U O m 3a Rf — .0 � 4-I •rl •d t� � q v� � � a�i a�i � u ~ u � 3 � � � H oo a� �n � �n � m � o oi a�i o G o0 •rl .('.� 1J N tA tA C� N � c� bA W ,C W u� y �,' vr � ^ ,-a •�-1 � tJ � C+ U R3 U U] H d-i U N O r� bD'� � U] �C N i-i �0 C W vY �+-i � aa x a aa •� � � �+ � +�i w � �� � ro y, a� u � x � � � � .� E avi k .� ^ F+ � •b0 U i-�i U � � "� O � N 'O +� cn .0 U U N � � � � !-i � N U '� .� � i�+ u] U U LL�� � .�C 3 U z � O m m q C � N y, � U � H O CL W �--� .N O qf .0 F+ t0 U C O� x �-+ � as a •�+ g u a a � ao •� M � U � C •U � N r+ H 'L7 b0 O C� �--� �+ 1� CJ W OA O N H � � .-a .0 � � +� � t� M C!� C'.. v! •�-1 p, H }-� r-I Q, m t0 •r� T1 � N O H �+ C � � H w U O �O. m U � ctt � � � H H •� a, a �, x � � +� �, .� a, •� b +� � E� 'O � O c0 i�+ H Rf � 1� U ..0 O+ v� � v� O � �a � � a a� c� � i a� u o a� �o � �u N � � �+ .-� 3 � 7, .x .c u •� H +� t0 m O U ai �n r/] �-+ U �+ p, uJ v z a, �u m ao a� � a a� a� a� o .x o � � ro � o a � a� �+ �, a-� � �n ,� '-, w u u o .� � c� a� •� r+ cv cv m �n w c.� ca a� .� +-� � rx � � a a+ u� ,x +.� a, a� •� v� .� x +� � o w a� �,v a� ,-� s� •�+ u u u a� u u u � �+ � m �s a �+ a� ,� o b o o a� .c a� �a � +� s� a cv a u cv 3 � �+ s� o, � � .c v� � � a u � a a �n +-� '-+ o � rn rn .o � m b cc a� co cc ca *-� r� � a� � � �+ � � �� � � � a � co c� N � � co u� � a� � A O � v] N .a m � .�u „�C � ,� H � 3�+ vi c� Cn O N m H C� v� ro O+.G � i-i m G1 O clS N +� � S�-i u •.� v� a•� a +-� �+ o 0 m � � � � H w�' 6 f� � rn 3 t� c� � � � �v � .°u' � .x a o '� 'd 6P�'� AxHv�i q Q �^� N .� .�.{ N UI Sa cd i� 'O � d0 � *-a d V � o �a � � a a c�i u '�iv � � � o � C � � co G� Tl 3,+ �' "� � � � � v �' ao H � � � .-� m � aa � H c� W O) ri � Rf •� td •.� •� ro A +-� N W 'L7 r-� m •rl TJ � a�i a�i �+ a o v;�v�i � �.�i .fl .-+ a, o � a �n �a •� � U Sa 4-i w C O c0 ''L� � fA � 'O •O a.J .I.l �'-I � O+ 1-� �'.+ �-1 RS •rl 'C C c0 c� S�+ "Cy +� ni E C � v� Q�, ~ ;� •r1 O �r1 m �.I �F�I bA v� 11 a.l tA � N N � S-I f!I b0•rl pC 'J 3-1 O O •� O cn a C7 z