275314 WH17E - CITV CLERK - ����� PINK � FINANCE � 1 r� CANARV - DEPARTMENT �I SAINT PAITL COI1T1C11 BLyE -AgAVOR � �'ille N0. rdin�cnce Ordinance N�. ��Q�(� ( . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code pertaining to Zoning. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That Section 60.302 (h) , defining accessory uses, is amended to read as follows: (h) Uses clearly incidental to a main use such as but not limited to, offices of an industrial or commercial complex located on the site of the commercial or industrial complex; rg een_ houses located on the premises as incidental t� a f orist. Section 2. That Chapter 60 be amended so as to add the following defi- nitions thereto: 60. 396 Florist: Retail business whose princi- � pal activity is t e se in o ants w ic are not grow� on t e site and con ucting usiness wit in an enc ose ui ing. 60.397 Greenhouse: Retail business whose principa activi y is t e se ing o p ants �rown on t e site an aving outsi e storage, growing or display. COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: In Favor — Against BY Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by C' Att ney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � � � v By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Ma�'or for Submission to Council By. BY , i���-� . 2�5��� Page 2. 60. 398 Greenhouse, Indus�trial: taholesale business whose principal activity is the growing and selling of plants within an enclosed building. Section 3. That Section 60.413 (a) be amended to read as follows: ,a. Agriculture on those parcels of land sepa-- rately owned outside the boundaries of a proprietary or Auditor' s Subdivision, having an area of not less than five (5) acres, all subject to the health and sanitation provisions of the City of Saint Paul; provided that no odor or dust praducing substance or use shall be permitted within one hundred (100) feet of any residential property line; and that access be provided to a major thoroughfare. Section 4. That Section 60. 482 (a,) be amended to read as follows: a. Retail businesses which supply commodities on the premises, such as but not limited to; groceries, meats, dairy products, baked goods or other foods, drugs, dry goods, clothing and notions, hardware, books, stationery, ��e��e� plants, or hobby supplies. Section 5. That Sectian 60. 494 (b) is amended to read as follows: . ) ��C�`67 � � ������ Page 3 . b.---Age�-a��-brxs�ness-nses-as-fe��e�a9- f�}--Fer-g�aaaee�-sl�epg��g-eeate�s;-�ete��-sa�es-e� ��aa�s-x�a�e��a�-r�e�-g�e�a�-e�-�l�e-s��e;-e�d ea�es-e€-�a��-ftt�r��t��e;-g�apg�e��e�-ee���p�tten� a�d-ga.�e�e�-st�gg��es-g�e�r�dee�-€t���l�e�-�ka�-e�tek ��es-sl�a��-�e-�eea�e�-a�-a�-e�e�-e�-�ea�-e�-�ke ��t}�d�ag.- b. Open Air Uses Within a Planned Shopping Center as Follows (1) Retail sales of plants not grown on the site; lawn furniture; playg.round e ui ment; and garden supplies provided urther t at such use shall be located at the end or rear of t e ur ing. (2) Recreational space providing children's amuse- ment park and other similar recreation when part of a planned shopping center development; provided further that such use be located at the end or rear of the building but not at the intersection of two major thoroughfares. Such recreation space shall be fenced on all sides with a four (4) foot chain link type fence or similar fence with suitable gate and safety features. (3) No such use shall lessen or impinge upon the off-street parking area or the off-street loading area, nor impair the system of pedestrian access or flow. �"�H17E - CITV CLERK ^����� PINK - FINA.NCE �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL F le ci1N0. p BLWE . r- t�AVOR Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. �"���� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 4. Section 6. Section 60.503 (f) is amended to read as follows: , f. P�a��-x�a�e�}a�-���se��es-€e�-�ke-�e�a��-sa�e-e� ��a��-ata�e��a�s-�e�-g�ew�-e�-�l�e-s��e; Greenhouses for the retail sale of plants grown on the.site, an sa es o awn urniture, p aygroun equipment, and garden supplies subject to the following canditions: (1) The storage or display or any materials or products sh�,ll meet all setback requirements of a structure. (2) Al1 loading and parking shall be provided off- street. (3) The storage of any soil, fertilizer, or other loose, unpackaged materials shall be contained so as to prevent any effects on adjacent uses. Section 7. That Section 60. 532 (p) , pertaining to I-1 Industrial District permitted principal uses, is amended as follows: p. Greenhouse, industrial Section 8 . This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its assa e a roval and ublication. COUIVCILMEN Yeas Hunt Nays Requested by Department of: �evine � In Favor ��� McMahon d Against BY Showalter Tedesco Wi►son Form Approved b�y ney Adopted by Council: Date Ali[: 7 1�QA � � � 4 Certifie e by Cou ' Se tary ' BY �j By ;: ,,. 1980 f ' Approved b or: ate Approved by Mayor � Submission to Council gy By • p'_;isI,iSHF:D A� , � " , i �lst �"�c' �C � 2nd � �' C`>'C �l ) � �� 3rd / Adopted ��� ''� r' j , � , Yeas Nays HUNT LEVINE �� � McMAHON r'`` " �=��'.��'�� SHOWALTER TEDESCO . WILSOPI �,. PRESIDENT (MADDOX) /