275302 M�H17E - CITV CLERK PINK � - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL � Council µj� �/�■ � CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. �■ �L °�-� BLUE - MAVOR uncil Resolution Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date , Out of Committee By Date . f An administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Clinical Program Manager-Physician in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Re s olution. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended in Section II B thereof, under the heading "Special Employments", by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, . the following: "Clinical Program Manager-Physician with 0 - 2 years of experience ' $23. 00 an hour with 2 - 4 years of experience 25. 00 an hour with over 4 years of experience 28. 00 an hour" . COUNCILMEN Yeas �_ . Nays Requested by Department of: �evine �[n Favor �'ER ONNEL OFFICE Maddox . M-Mahon _ �__ Against BY — ' � l srmv.eller- • i Tedesco ry Adopted bi�s ouncil: Date ��� � ` ���0 Form prove by 't At rne e Cer ed Passe y Co .il Sec�etary BY y ► A ve by Mayor: I)at �� App o by Mayor for S is to Council i �� By _ BY P�;�.�SHEA J U L 2 6 i98� Do n�t det�ch this memorandum ftom the F ��f- �G� -�8b -o03 r�solUtion so that this information �wit! be avaitable to the City Council. r�-����� �t� � � EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES �tEC � rc�� D �u v 1 ����o Date: Jvne 17, 1980 �Y(�� � � T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: Personnel Office RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the Citg Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This Resolution esta.blishes in Section II B (5pecial Employments) the rate of pay for the new title of Cli.nical Program Manager-Physician which is being established in the Special Employment Section (3.M) of tlze Civil Service Rules. The rate of pay is as follows: "Clinical Program Manager-Physician with 0 - 2 years of experience $23. 00 an hour with 2 - 4 years of experience 25. 00 an hour with over 4 years of experience 28. 00 an hour " . ATTACHMENTS: Resolution and copy for the City Clerk. � � �, . .. �.. _. ,Ci�Y �� �..��z�� P��r.7�., R !) � �? ,� OFI��ICE �F THE CZr3.'�' GOUN�CI3. `�� 'T � :.,y. ��� r� rF'. l.�.''� -� 'r ,..,...�. �a- �+, •.�,.,.�.,..i '-;. y�x»�.'a�''�•n� �� �:z -.� ��� Da t e : July 7, 1980 �� � CO �� � OTT�E �d � Pt� f�� T0 : Sainfi Paut C�ty Cfluncil F R��b� � COt'Y1tT11��'Qt! 011 FINANCE, P�1ANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL ; George Mc�iahon ; choirman, makes the folfowi�g report on C.F ❑ Ordinanee � (14) � ResoEu:tion � � C�tt�er T iT LE : The Finance Committee, at its meeting of July 3, 1980, recarr�nended approval of the following: . 1 . Resolution transferring funds from Contingent Reserve to Mediation Expense Account to provide funding for payments to outside counsel in conflict of i►�terest cases. (11068-GM) 2. Resolution establishing the title of Clinical Program Manager-PhysicTan in Section 3.M (Special Employment) of the Civil Service Rules and establ�ishing in Section 32 a class specification for title, and abolishing title and specifications for Medical Examiner. (11087-GM) 3. Resolution establishing in Section II B (Special Employments) the rate of pay for new title of Clinical Program Manager-Physician. (11085-GM} 4. Resolution establishing the title of Clinic Physician irr Sectian 3.M (Special Employment) of the Civil Service Rules and establishing in Section 32 a class `� specification for title, and abolishing title of Medical Examiner (Clinics On1y1. (11088-GM) 5. Resolution establishing in Section II B (Special Employments) the rate of pay for new title of Clinic Physician and abolishing rate of pay for Medical Examiner (Clinics Only}. (11086-GM) 6. Resolutian changing grade for Director of Medical Services in Section 3.K (Professional-Administrative Supervisors Group) from Grade 34 to 39. (11089-GM) 7. Resolution transferring $4,400 fram Contingent Reserve to pay for city's share of financing audits of operations of Community Clinics during 1979. (1T090-GM} (--CONTINUED--) CITY Xr3LL SEVEi+ITH FLOOR SAINT Pr�UL, 1+fI�":'�E�OTA 55IO2 ...s ' J