275299 WMITE - CITV CLERK ' PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council ��5��� -� CANARV - DEPARTMENT Flle NO. BLUE - MAYOR u cil Resolution ` Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution establishing the title and class specification for Clinical Program Manager-Physician and starri.ng (�) the title of Medical Examiner {Aurist), (General), (Oculist), (Orthopedist), (Pediatrist), (Psychiatrist), (Roentgenologist), in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in 5ection 3.M (Special Employment), by inserting the title of Clinical Program Manager- Physician; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 3. J (Professional-Administrative Non-�u.pervisors Group) in Grade 20, by placing a star (�) before the title of Medical Examiner (Aurist), �General), (Oculist), (Orthopedist), �Pediatrist), (Psychiatrist), (Roentgenologist), and by adding at the bottom of the page the following statement: "This title is abolished except as to present i.ncumbents. "; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 32 by inserti.ng the attached class specification for the title of Clinical Program Manager-Physician, and by striking out the class specification for the title of Medical Exami.ner {Aurist), (General), �Oculist), (Orthopedist), (Pediatrist), (Roentgenologist). � Approved: Chairman Ci il Servic ommi ion COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas�_ Nays �evine _� In Favor P E R N N E F F I C E Maddox �� McMahon � __ Against BY — �aLO�``� -9t+ovvatter c Tedesco Wilson ' Form Ap oved by 'ty t n Adopted b � ouncil: Date — �— �, Certi d Pas• y Co cil secre ry BY Ap o by ;Vlayoc Date • ,�L 2 � �g� Ap by Mayor for S b is 'c�h to Council gY - — B ��� J U L 2 6 1980 �N�r��� Title of class: CLINICAL PROGRAM rfANAGER - PHYSICIAN DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs managerial work in planning and directing one or more of the clinical programs of the Division of Public Health, and performs related professional duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and medical direction of the Director of Medical Services. Supervision Exercised: Exercises direct medical and technical supervision over professional, technical and clerical program staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists the Director of Medical Services in planning, organizing and developing the nedical aspects and delivery of one or more clinical programs. Provides medical supervision to nurse practitioners and nurse clinicians working in one or more of th� clinical programs operated by the Division. Develops and nonitors quality assurance standards for the clinical program. Schedules the clinical medical staff. Provides consultation to the Division's administration in program planning and develop�ent. Approves medical protocols and standing orders. Performs aedical evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and recommendations necessary to address the health needs of patients. Makes referrals to other agency programs and outside agencies. Provides r�edical consultation to the Division's administration. Provides education and training to clinical staff. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough icnowledge of the principles and practice of inedicine. Thorough knowledge and skills appropriate for specific clinical duties assigned. Considerable ability to plan, organize and delegate work. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectivelp with the public and with staff. MINIl�NM QUALIFICATIONS Must be licer_sed to practice medicine in the State of Minnesota. Completion of postgraduate specialty or subspecialty training appropriate for the execution of duties assigned and two years of professional experience. A master's degree in Public Health nay be substituted for up to one year of professional experience. F,/n�-P� �#�a-O o5 � ° Do not detach this memorandurr� #rt� �a� � � resotutian so that this information wiil t�e availabte to the City Councii. ����� EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES � � � : ; '�P � D , U�a "1 `� �;on Date: May 13, 1980 IIAAYO_R'S Q�1C� T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER ' FR: Personnel Office RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This Resolution esta.blishes the title of Clinical Program Manager-Physician in 5ection 3.M (Special Employment) of the Civi.l Service Rules, and it establishes in Section 32 a class specification for the title of Clinical � Program Manager-Physician. It abolishes (except as to present i.ncumbents) the titles and class specifications for - MEDICAL EXAMINER (Aurist) (General) (Oculist) (Orthopedist) (Pediatrist) (Psychiatri st) (Roentgenologist) in Section 3. J (Professional-Administrative Non-Supervisors) Grade 20 of the Civil Service Rules. ATTACHI�4ENT S: Resolution and copy for the City Clerk. . �' . . . ���:� �� ����- • Title of group of classes: MEDICAL EXAMINER Titles of typical classes in group: MEDICAL EXAMINER (AURIST) (GENERAL) (OCULIST) (ORTHOPEDIST) 'QPEDIA'TRIST) (PSYCHIATRIST) (ROENTGENOLOGIST) Duties and responsibilities: Under general direction, to perform important professional work in that field or branch of inedicine indicated by the title of the class; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: General-- • In the Civil Service Bureau, to examine applicants for City posi- tion$ or employees in the service, and to assist in the preparation of examinations for positions involving knowledge of inedicine or hygiene. In the Bureau of Health, to diagnose contagious diseases; to perform vaccinations and inoculations, to administer tuberculin tests; to establish and release quarantines; to make inspections; and to examine and treat venereal and tuberculosis patients. As Aurist, to examine children to determine their need for training in hard-of-hearing classes. As Oculist, to examine children to determine their need for training in sight saving. As Orthopedist, to examine and pass upon the eligibility of children for the Crippled Children's School. As Pediatrist, to examine children and advise as to treatment. As Psychiatrist, to examine so-called problem children and advise as to treatment. As Roentgenologist, to read and interpret x-rays for diagnosis and tr eatrnent. Minimum qualifications: Graduation from a recognized medical school and two years' profes- sional experience in that field or branch of inedicine indicated by the title of the class. Must be licensed to practice medicine in the State of Minnesota.. • Effective Janua.ry 5, 1959 -mr � " '� t.'��Y ��' �AINT �%��TI. . y- ,� . . . ,�,'�' �; '�., OFFICE C1F' THE CIT3T COL'i�'CIZ. �����.� f�' ;� s� u���• � �a.�.�G.^a� �� . . . �' ~. �, � . �- Da t e ; July 7, 1980 CO �i � 1T'TiEE � E PQRT T0 : Saint Paul Cify Cvuncii . FR� �111 � Comrni�ttet on FINANCE, PIANAGEMENT & PERSQNNEL � George McMahon , chairman, mdkes the fal towing report an C. F. ❑ Ordinance � (14) (X� Resolution ❑ Other TiTLE : . The Finance Committee, at its meeting of July 3, 1980, recommended approval of the following: 1 . Resolution transferring funds from Contingent Reserve to Mediation Expense Account to provide funding for payments to outside counsel in conflict of ir�terest cases. (11068-GM) 2. Resolution establishing the title of Clinical Program Manager-Physician in Section 3.M (Special Employment) of the Civil Service Rules and establishing in Section 32 a class specification for title, and abolishing .title and specifications for Medical Examiner. (11087-GM) 3. Resolution establishing in Section II B (Special Employments) the rate of pay for new title of Clinical Program Manager-Physician. (11085-GM) 4. Resolution establishing the title of Clinic Physician in Section 3.M (Special Employment) of the Civf1 Service Rules and establishing in Section 32 a class `� specification for title, and abolishing title of Medical Examiner (Clinics Only}. (11088-GM) . 5. Resolution establishing in Section II B (Special Employments) the rate of pay for new title of Clinic Physician and abolishing rate of pay for Medical Examir�er (Clinics Only). (11086-GM) 6. Resolution changing grade for Director of Medical Services in Section 3.K (Professional-Administrative Supervisars Group) from Grade 34 to 39. (11089-GM) 7. Resolution transferring $4,400 from Contingent Reserve to pay for city's share of financing audits of operataons of Corranunity Clinics during 1979. (11090-GM) (--CONTINUED--) ei�'�' ��-L SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, 1�IIN�tESO?A 5510? ��,,;�