275297 WHITE - CITV CLERK �j� /K•)ll� PINK - FINANCE Council /"V` Vrmia CANARV - DEPARTM T GITY OF SAINT PALTL BLUE -MAVOR � Flle NO. Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. ��,�p�.f Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending the Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 99C, by deleting the reference to the Advertising and Publicity Fund. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: Section 1. That Section 99C.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be amended to read as follows: Up to ��e�e-�s-�e�e��-es�ab��s�e�-e�s-A�*ae���sgx�g-en�-�t����e�t�-��.��-�a�e-6a�i�e�i 50% of the tax collected annually pursuant to this Chapter shall be paid to the Saint Paul Civic Center Authority, to be expended far advertising and promoting the City of Saint Paul and the Civic Center facilities for entertainment events, concerts, sales meetings, special use of concourse meeting rooms, and conventions. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. Section 3. This ordinance is deemed to be a part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate Chapter and/or Sectiori number at the time of the next revision of the Legislative Code. COUNCILMEN Yeas H��ys Requested by Depar�tment of: u ler �e�ine � T(N�N CG za [n Favor t Maddox � , Le ine McMahon l�gairtst BY R dler Showaiter S ster a T d Wi�sa Form by Ci A orn Adopte Council: ate AUG 5 1980 � . Ce fied Pass y C unc' cretary BY App oved b `yor: Date AUG 14 198 Ap by Mayor for S b i io o Council By ����/'��� BY pu�us�EO AU G 2 3 1����.'� , �r a�. ���,�1� : ,;�., , , tt�v. : �,��. : �(�� � EXPtANAT�4N 0� AI]MINIS Tltf� �ERS, ���� I # , �Rk�'btt1T��"A�'���.� � � _ �, � � � i�8�@: .�uly 7, 1980 ���� � � , �.-� t�EC � IVE � ' � . ; 7fl: MAYOR fEORGE LATIMER .lUL 1 ,�t980 � : Be�nard Carlson, Dire� .:.x � '���� � �, FR: . Departaeut of F�,asnce " M�ag � .' C Service� 'Rf: Ac,cot�t�:ng £or the Hotel-Mot�1 T�.x _ , • ` . ,; _ ,.� : ; _ _ . . _ , ,: : _ : 4 _ -� ' �< _ .,: ACTION t�EQUESTED: -: ; A�pro�val of attached Ordin�c8. ,'� � � fi • _ € . . . in . . . . . . . . .. � : e . . . . . . . . . . � � .tf ti� �i . b .. \.� � . ._ _ _ . . . ' .. .. . ... . p +� � . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . � 1 ' FURPOSE AND RATIQNAL� FQR Tt�I� AC7ION:. � ( `�' ¢ . � This Ordinance amends �Seietion 99C,Q$ of the Sa#.mt Paul Legi�lat3ve Cade by " ° de��tiag the' reference �to the Advertising aad Publisitq Fu�d which ttt�d been � . ,� establiehed pursuant to thfs Sect3on. This 'am�nclment per�it� th� SOX of t� , Hot�l-Motel ta� (which is the current amount-used �or adve;rtisi�g su�td gsvp�ati�m) to be cr�dit�i direetly to the Civic Cet�ter Operat3.ag�Enterpr3ge F�,d= �a�"t�2� � �." , pa�sing throt��h a separate fund. which eiiminates the aeed fQZ ma3,�`tai�fn� � , �eparate Advertising aad Publicity I?und. The Civie Ceater'Authori�y will ��tin� � �; - ta e�pend -these;monies for advertisiag s�:d promotioa aiid wii3'.con�inue to �a�E�tt�iti A �_ an accouut "&etained.Earn3ngs - Received for Advert�sing a�d. 1'romc�tion" td accot�a� : � � fpr these mami,es. : _ :, _ � _; y This a:ction will permit the Accaunti�:g Divfs�.on to s3aa4p13.fp,` �:. t�erefar.e� :�..���ov�.� imp�ove, the accounting an& finamcfal reportiug:of the revenues prz�ideit by t� ` � ' _ Sotel�Mate1' Tax. AT'1'ACF�ITS• - � , � � - � . �.-. .; : �� ; ' , : ; . . . r .. t �r ,: